· About This File: . . .. .. . ted publication. d by scanning the prin / This file was create n corrected'" the software have bee Misscans identified by . es may remain. however, some mistak \ \ Experimental Thinnings in Young Dottglas-Pir NORMAN P. WORTHINGTON AND LEO A. ISAAC Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Reprinted from NORTIiWEST SCIENCE, Volume XXVI, No.1, February 1952 ) Experimental Thinnings in Y O1tng Dottglas-Fir NORMAN P. WORTHINGTON AND L EO A. ISAAC Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station D OUGLAS-FIR OCCURS over a wide range in western United States, but reaches its maximum development in those parts of Washington and Ore­ gon west of the summit: of the Cascade Range. This region is regarded as one of the finest timber-growing areas in America. Most of the land is recognized as chiefly valuable· for. forest purposes. When white settlement started, this region was clothed with dense coniferous stands, mostly virgin Douglas-fir. Here and there were patches of young growth that had sprung up in openings caused by fires or severe winds. Timber harvesting and land clearing were accelerated as the settlements grew. The acreage of virgin forests rapidly dimin­ ished and for the most part was replaced by young-growth stands. By 194 5 the forest survey showed a tOtal area of 9 million acres of virgin saw timber and 11 million acres of young growth; another 5 million acres was nonstocked or in various stages of restocking. The acreage of old growth is still diminish­ ing, and the acreage of young growth increasing. Almost without our realizing it, cutting operations in Douglas-fir have shifted from old Limber to young. Each year about half of the tOtal acreage cut is in young-growth stands that should provide the forests of tomorrow. State reports for Washington in 1949 show that 52 per cent of the acreage cut was in young growth and the percentage for Oregon is probably almost as great. Early-day cutting in these young stands was, for the most part, made on private holdings easily accessible to markets. Most cuts were made on a liquidation basis, taking out all material that was merchantable and leaving behind the smaller unmerchantable trees. Usually the cuts were so heavy that only scattered and broken stems were . left. These soon fell like jackstraws inco a tangled mass, and the stand was completely destroyed. The destructiveness of such cutting is recognized by public and industrial foresters alike. As a result, studies are under way to determine methods of cutting the young forests that thrifty reserve stand of high quality for future growth. Young-growth forests of the Douglas-fir region have certain silvical char­ will preserve acteristics that mote or less determine the manner in which they should be cut. Regeneration, usually established as an even-aged stand, makes its most vigor­ [1] 2 EXPERIMENTAL THINNINGS IN YOUNG DOUGLAS-FIR ous growth in full top light. There are many more stems per acre than will be maintained until harvest time, but this is necessary in order that the lower limbs may be shaded off to provide clean boles and clear lumber. Fast-growing individuals in the stand assert their dominance early and crowd Out the weaker trees. If a stand is allowed to groyv to ,maturity before harvest, a vast number , of these stems 'are crowded out and thus a portion of the growth power of the acre is wasted. These characteristics favor intermediate harvest cuttings, or thin­ nings, and our problem is to learn how to remove the surplus for marketing, yet preserve the remainder of the stand for future growth and later harvest. Intermediate cuttings in young Douglas-fir, while practiced for almost a . century in the plantations of Western Europe, are a new practice in the natural stands of the Pacific Northwest. Many stands have now had their first thinning on both private and public lanc;ls, but to .our knowledge no young stands have had two thinnings on a commercial scale in which careful records were kept of the growth rate per acre before cutting and between cuts. Two experimental cuttings, however, do provide such records. They were made in young stands in the Olympic National Forest of Washington, one at Mt. Walker, the other at Kugel Creek. The cuttings were planned by E. J. Hanzlik and established by the National Forest personnel in 1934 and 1937. Since then the Pacific North­ west Forest and Range Experiment Station has continued the experiment. A second thinning was made on these areas in 1949. During the 12 year period between thinnings, three measurements of growth have been completed. The records for these experiments show the value of intermediate cuttings. For the purpose of comparison, similar records are given for a 56-year-old plantation in Denmark, except that thinnings started very much earlier in that instance. lWt . Walker Area A series of four plots covering 3.1 acres was established during 1934-1937 in a 60-year-old, well stocked stand at the base of Mt. Walker, near Quilcene. They consisted of two small plots in a IS-acre area to be thinned, and two unthinned check plots, all in a stand with a site index of 110 feet. The soil was a shallow, loamy sand underlain by gravel and larger fragments from the older bas ltic rocks: Slope varied from 1 5-50 per cent; drainage was excessive. A medium to heavy thinning was made in 1937. The trees cut were chiefly intermediate and suppressed ones, but some of the rougher dominants and co­ dominants were removed when this would release trees of better' form. The intensity of these cuts ranged from 29 to 3 5 per cent of the cubic-foot volume. An average of 27 cords per acre was removed (Table 1). When cut four years after establishment, the original stand on plots to be thinned was less dense than the stand on the check plots. This lower density would produce the effect' of an earlier thinning on growth. NORTHWEST SCIENCE _____________ --'--_.-.J _____________________ _______ NORivIAN P. lVORTHINGTON and LEO A. ISAAC 3 • ,'. During the spring of 1949, the thinned plots were cut for the second time, removing 8 per cent or 6 cords per acre. This time a few intermediate trees, but chiefly codominants, were taken out to give greater release to trees of better form and vigor. In the 12 years, net annual periodic increment, expressed in square feet of basal area for all trees 2 inches diameter breast height and larger, was 3.3 square feet on the thinned plots. 'This was 22 per cent greater than on the checks, although average growing stock on the thinned plots was 27 per cent less. Net annual periodic increment by cubic-foot volume for all trees 6 inches d.b.h. and larger, was 144 or 9 cubic feet greater on the thinned plots, and their increment rate per unit of growing stock was more than a third greater than on the unthinned checks. Board-foot periodic increment on all trees 12 inches d.b.h. and larger was much alike on all plots, averaging 1002 board feet on the thinned as against 1009 on the checks. The rate of increment in' board feet per unit of reserved volume on the thinned stands, however, was one-fourth higher since the growth occurred on less growing stock. Part of the difference in net growth rate is caused by mortality in the check plots but there was a greater increase in the net growth of individual trees on the thinned plots. Diameter growth adjusted to a 10-year interval (Fig. 1) further illus­ trates the substantial increase in growth of the individual trees on the thinned plots. Through a reduction in the number of stems per acre (436 trees on the unthinned plots as against 2 52 on the thinned), the growth energy of the site has been utilized by fewer and larger stems. Of greater importance than the increase in growth is the fact th,at growth was of better quality and was ob­ tained in spite of the fact that part of the stand was harvested. Kugel Creek Area At Kugel Creek, 40 miles west of POrt Angeles, Washington, 3 thinned plots in a 10-acre thinned area, and 1 unthinned check, covering in all 3.5 acres, were installed during 1937. This area was in a 38-year-old, even-aged, well stocked stand, with a site index of 146 feet. The soil was a deep sandy loam on a level situation with moderate drainage. Here again (as on Mt. Walker) the stand was more dense on the check area than on the area to be thinned; this gives the effect of an earlier thinning. The thinning treatment was substantially the same as at Mt. Walker, except that one plot was CUt lightly, favoring well-formed dominants and codominants. From 16 to 39 per g cent of the cubic volume was removed, amounting to an avera e of 25 cords per acre. A second thinning in 1949 removed 14 to 19 per cent; this cut was ' similar to the second at Mt. Walker except that more rough dominants were t ken. These Kugel Creek plots, of a younger age class and with a better site, . VOLUME XXVI, FEBRUARY 1952 4 EXPERIlHENTAL THINNINGS IN YOUNG DOUGLAS-FIR ;o " ---r, m�------' ---, ..-----,---r- ; A. TOTAL STAND Mt WALKER I 'JI-----'-----'----- -I- ------"I , :001----1..-.--1>1--; - THINNED r:zz::z::::J Ne1' Increment MO;'tQllly nllnnlnqs ;: -- lool---tl-. .... -t---l ;: 1}:1r:: v�======�==� ,J.V I KUGEL I __-THINNED ... __ __ ( fCK REEK , " ,,--+I -----i ---'-------/- - --r--// /// IOf-- /: rI -- --- J .,. 08 H - INCHES a DISTRIBUTION OF TREES IN DIAMETER CLASSES ! : I THINNED IO r------;:;r:r---, ,I - ;0 Fig. i.-Comparison of diameter growth by d.b.h. classes, adjusted to a lO-year basis. eM. 6 TH. CH I 1H CH " rn ,,/1 TH. IS" 14 44 INCH OIAMeTeR CLAsSeS " ;1-4 2Z' TM Fig. 2.-Growth in basal area on Kugel Creek, thinned and check plots, lO-year basis. had responded more rapidly to the first release and were in greater need of a second cut. Here again, net periodic annual increment over the period of record was greater on the thinned plots. Basal-area increment was 5.3 square feet per acre (Table 1), or 1. 5 square feet more than on the check plot. Because the thinned plots had far less growing stock, their increment rate per unit of growing stock was more than twice that of the check. Net periodic annual cubic foot growth on the thinned plots averaged 274 cubic feet, or 2 cubic feet greater per acre than that on the check; increment rate percentage per unit of growing stock was about two-fifths more for the thinned plots. Net periodic annual board­ foot increment per acre per year was 1917 feet, or 276 more than the check, and an increment rate of about double that of t.l;1e check. Although some dif­ ference in growth rate arises from mortality on the check plot, a comparison of diameter growth as shown in Figure 1 emphasizes the much larger average increment per tree made by the thinnd stems over the unthinned. This effect is substantially greater than at Mt. Walker because the Kugel Creek stand is younger and on a better site. The effect that thinning has had on growing stock, increment, distribution by diameter classes, and mortality, expressed in basal area, is illustrated in Fig­ ure 2. This chart makes more obvious the relation between net increment, mortality, and total growing stock. The gross increment-that is, net incre­ ment plus mortality-was somewhat similar for both the thinned and checkNORTHWEST SCIENCE NORMAN P. WORTHINGTON and LEO A. ISAAC 5 plots. The greater net increment of the thinned plots was obtained through I reduction of natural mortality and through the greater growth per tree in the residual stand. Figure 2A emphasizes that the greater increment in thinned stands was obtained on substantially less growing stock. Figure 2B shows the distribution by 4-inch diameter classes of the thinnings removed, also for both thinned and check plots, the. net increment, and mortality. Table I.-History of two thinning experiments in Douglas-fir region (all dara per acre) '* A verage Item Age 1r!. Trees flO. d.b.h. in. Ave. Basal hr. area. It . Jq. ft. Volume cu. ft. board It. Mr. Walker-Site Index 110 Average for check plots (2) Original stand Stand at ____ _______ 60 522 8.7 74 210 6,124 17,798 65 492 9.1 82 220 6,880 22,685 Stand at ______ 70 456 9.7 85 233 7,348 27,459 Stand at _____ 75 436 10.3 87 250 8,148 32,934 0.11 Periodic annual increment 0.9 2.7 135 1,009' 229 6,946 21,085 80 2,218 Average for thinned p loes ( 2 ) Original stand ____ First __ thi ning at 9.7 183 8.9 10.2 so 149 4,728 15,293 5,792 64 265 ___________ 70 253 11.0 86 168 5,674 21,097 75 252 11.6 89 186 6,310 26,305 __ 30 9.7 16 496 657 __ 222 11.9 170 5,814 25,648 144 1,002 Before thinning Second 80 448 ___ After thinning Stand 64 ____ thinning After thinning 0.18 Periodic annual increment 89 0.8 3.3 Kugel Creek-Site Index 146 Check Plot (1) Original stand 38 603 8.3 73 228 6,225 13,859 Stand at' _____ 45 482 9.9 85 255 8,315 24.538 Stand at ____ 50 440 10.7 93 9,489 33,556 272 1,641 211 6,071 12,963 75 2,059 4,429 0.20 Periodic annual increment 1.8 3.8 Average for thinned plots (3) I Original stand __ First thinning __ After thinning __ ______ Stand at Before thinning _ Second thinning After thinning 464 9.1 197 8.3 38 267 9.7 75 136 4,012 8,534 45 256 ILl 89 173 5,774 19,750 50 252 12.1 98 199 7,296 31,536 46 11.6 34 1,211 4,840 206 12.1 164 6,085 26,696 274 1 ,917 38 _ __ 50 Periodic annual increment 025 75 98 1.9 5.3 • B sal uea for ill crees 2 in. diameter breast height and larger. Cubic volume for aU crees 6 in. d.b.h. and larger [0 a 4-in. minimum top. Board-fooe volume for crees l2 in. d.b.h. and larger co an 8-in. minimum tOP • International Y<t-in. kerf. which approximaees lumber recovery value for reasonably efficient milling units. VOLUME XXVI, FEBRUARY 1952 6 EXPERIMENTAL THINNINGS IN YOUNG DOUGLAS-FIR Discussion of Mt. Walker and Kugel Creek Cuttings The results of these experiments in young-growth Douglas-fir have shown 'that except for board-foot growth at Mt. Walker, net periodic annual incre­ ment per acre on a basal-area, cubic-foot, and board-foot basis has, been in­ creased by th.innings; also growth has been of better quality, and material has been harvested that otherwise would be lost. The tests extended over a 12-year period for stands which were 38 and 60 years old at time of first thinning. The original cut was too severe on probably all but one plot and the period between cutS too long, as Danish experimentS that follow will show. Even so, volume growth has been greater and of better quality as a result of the cut: The practical justification for thinning in these two cases is that mortality was salvaged in merchantable form; furthermore, the removal of 37 per cent of the growing stock actually increased the net growth of the stand and put this growth on large stems. The optimum growing stock and the upper limit of what can be safely removed have yet to be deter­ mined accurately for Douglas-fir of different age classes. Further experimenta­ tion is needed to determine these points. A 56-Year-Old Douglas-Fir Plantation in Denmark Plantations in Denmark show the possibilities of light and frequent thin­ nings. The life history of one such Douglas-fir plantation is shown in Table 2. More than 4000 trees per acre were planted in 1884. When the first regular thinning was made 24 years later, there were more than 1500 trees to che acre. A third of these stems were removed in che first cutting, taking out trees in che smaller diameter classes that were dying. From 1908 on, thinnings or improvement cuttings 'were made at 2- to 6-year intervals. During a 30-year · period, a total of more chan 9000 cubic feet was removed from this stand. It was then 56 years old, had a total of 86 trees to the acre, with an average diam­ eter of nearly 17 inches, an average height of 95 feet, a basal area of 13 1 square feet, and a volume of more than 5000 cubic feet to the acre, This makes a total growth of over 248 square feet of basal area and 14,000 cubic feet per acre in a 56-year period. Mean annual increment was 7.8 square feet of basal area and 250 cubic feet per acre, which is far above the volume recovery in 56-year-old natural stands of equal s te'class in the Pacific Northwest. Besides providing. an early income, this Danish stand has put more growth and growth of a better quality on larger stems than occur in our .natural site III stands. It constitutes living evidence of what can be accomplished wich young-growth Douglas-fir stands under careful management, provided topogNORTHWEST SCIENCE Table 2.-Cutring hisrory of Douglas-fir planrarion in Denmark; '*' si ce inJex 130 fet:c (all data per acre) Srand age, 24 yrs. spring 1908 8canJ scaciscics 28 yes. aucumn 1910 30 yrs. au Cllll1n 1912 33 yrs. autumn 1915 season, and year 37 yrs. autumn 1919 of measurtmenc 41 yrs. spring 1924 44 yrs. spring 1927 47 yrs. autumn 1929 50 yrs. aurumn 1932 56 yes. autumn 1939 -------------- _ . . Before thinning No. of stems D.h.h. (in.) Height (ft.) Basal are-J. (sq. fr.) Volume (cu. fr.) Removed __.. ___. ___ ._______. __. 1,556 4.6 4-1.3 179.6 4,4ii7.5 1,027 5.5 50.8 167.5 4,487.5 772 6.1 54.:1 159.0 4,644.6 571 7.2 60.7 160.2 4,987.7 389 8.9 69.2 167.'1 5,716.6 267 10.5 76.8 160.0 5,645.0 207 11.7 81.7 15·i.l 5,67.3.7 164 12.8 86.3 149.9 5,673.7 134 14.3 90.9 150.9 5,816.6 116 16.4 96.1 170.6 6,888.4 529 3.7 39.0 39.5 828.9 255 4.7 45.6 30.7 643.1 20t 5.0 48.9 27.-1 757.4 U:>2 5.6 53.8 31.1 857.5 122 7.4 65.9 1,229.1 60 9.3 73.8 2H.3 928.9 43 10.8 80.7 27A 971.8 30 10.7 84.6 IB.7 700.3 18 13.5 90.9 17.9 714.6 30 15.6 98.4 39.H 1,700.7 1,027 5.0 45.9 140.1 3,658.6 772 5.7 , 52.5 136.8 3,844.4 571 6.5 57.1 131.6 3,887.2 389' 7.8 63.0 129.1 4,130.2 267 9.5 70.9 131.4 4,487.5 207 10.8 77.7 131.7 4,716.1 164 11.9 82.3 126.7 4,701.8 134 13.4 86.3 131.2 4,973.4 116 14.5 90.2 133.0 5,102.0 in rhinning No. of Cems D.b.h. (in.) Height (fr.) .. Basal area (sq. fr.) Volume (cu. ft.) . __. __._ ._ ......_ ....__. 36.-1 () ?;j () ?;j I-i E5 4\ I-i () Afrer rhinning No. of stems D.h.h. (in.) Height (ft;) Basal area (sq. ft.) Volume (cu. fc.) _._._. __________....___. 8 5 __...____._. ...... D.b.h. (ill.) Height · (ft.) Basal area (sq. fc) Volume (cu. fc.) Mean annual yield ...... \D VI N l t-< h1 () Periodic annual incremenc X X <: >-<: _________. ___. 86 16.7 95.1 130.8 5,187.7· __ . .... _ . . ___. (cu. h.) ___._ 0.17 1.6 9.1 276.3 241.2 0.20 0.9 ILl 400.1 245.0 0.13 1.2 9.2 366.8 255.3 0.27 1.6 9.6 396.6 265.5 J:l 0.25 1.5 9.5 289.4 279.6 • From u!lj>ubli hed yield. ables for Douglas·fir plan( cions in enmark. asic data supplied _ la",<1 CO English unlls by PacifIC NOHhwes( Fuct.:s( and Range Experunent Sta(lOn . 0.30 1.3 7.5 319.2 280.6 by O. 0.30 1.3 7.7 324.0 283.2 0.30 1.5 6.2 2B1.1 285.B 0.32 1.0 6.3 297.7 285.5 Cl 286.B 1Jars(rand Jorgensen, Langespe, Denmark, (rans· -..J 8 EXPERIMENTAL THINNINGS IN YOUNG DOUGLAS-FIR raphy is such that partial cuts can be made and that a market exists for the material that can be removed. The Kugel Creek stands were 38 years old when first cut, and hence may be compared with the Danish plantation from 19 19 to 1932. Differences in treatment were that the Danish stand had received 4 thinnings before 19 19, and received 4 thinnings instead of 2 during the 13-year period. The periodic net annual increment obtained was 7.2 square feet of basal area for the Danish plots as against 5.3 square feet at Kugel Creek. The Danish plots made an annual periodic increment in volume of 302 cubic feet as against 274 cubic feet at Kugel Creek. The basal area and the cubic-foot volume of the growing stock at Kugel Creek, however, were 17 per cent and 8 per cent higher, respectively, than in Denmark. Therefore, we may conclude that the greater yields obtained by the Danes, both in increment and increment rate, occurred because of earlier, lighter, and more frequent thinnings that made better use of the inherent growth potential of the site. It is interesting to note that the site index at Kugel Creek is 17 feet higher than in Denmark. It is believed that if the same thinning practices had been used here as in Denmark somewhat larger yields would have resulted. Conclusions The foregoing case studies are examples of how young Douglas-fir stands, in their native habitat and in Europe, react to thinning. Naturally, possibilities will vary with stands and localities and markers, but thinnings do offer prom­ ise. Because of improved transportation facilities, the depletion of old-growth stands, and greatly improved markets for small-sized material, the possibility of making early improvement cuttings is rapidly developing in the Douglas-fir region. Where topography and markers are favorable, thinnings may now begin when the stand reaches 30 years of age, instead of waiting for a final harvest at 75 to 100 years. The intermediate cuts should be light and frequent to over­ come any tendency toward windthrow, which might result from opening the crown canopy too rapidly. It seems likely that a considerable portion of the volurne of these young­ growth stands can be harvested in such a way that full growth 'wiU be realized on the area and a high quality forest be maintained for the final cut. The gains that can be made from successive light cuts are largely by: a) Salvaging much of the volume now lost through mortality and decay in natural stands b) Prolonging the rotation, i.e., the time until finiJ harvest, through the period when growth is most rapid and the highest quality material is produced NORTHWEST SCIENCE NORlvIAN P. l'V'ORTHINGTON and LEO A. ISAAC 9 c) Increasing the toral net volume growth per acre and putting more of it on fewer, larger, and cleaner stems d) Providing early returns from the stand for the purpose of retiring early initial COStS and carrying charges These findings show that better forest practice can be good business in young Douglas-fir on both public and private forest land. ,VOLUME XXVI, FEBRUARY 1952