Fate of Overstory Trees and Patterns of Regeneration 12 Years After Clearcutting with Reserve Trees in Southwest Washington Karl R. Buermeyer and Constance A. Harrington, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 362593rd Ave SW, Olympia, WA 98512-9193. ABSTRACT: Changes in management objectives for some forestlands in the Pacific Northwest have spurred interest in the creation of multistoried stands and the use of natural regeneration systems, but data on such systems are lacking. We assessed the status of the overstory trees and the regeneration 12 yr after a clearcut harvest with reserve trees in an even-aged, 145-yr-old Douglas fir stand on a moderately productive site (site class 3) in southwest Washington. The 15 ha harvest unit was superimposed over two areas differentially thinned 15 and 34 yr before clearcutting. The clearcut harvest retained 18 trees/ha with a mean diameter of 63 cm. The reserved overstory trees had a 93% survival rate after 12 yr; most dead trees had been windthrown. Diameter growth for the reserved trees averaged 3.3 cm and was greatest during the most recent 3 yr period, which also had the highest growing-season precipitation. In a 1 ha mapped area, there were 5,854 seedlings/ ha, and more than 99% of the regeneration was Douglas fir. Most seedlings were less than 2 m tall. Seedling density was somewhat clumped (value of 2.1 for Pielou’s index of nonrandomness), but 79% of randomly located 4.04 m2 (mil-acre) plots and 98% of 5 x 5 m grid cells had at least one conifer seedling. There was no obvious pattern of regeneration based on direction from the reserved trees, but both seedling density and seedling size within the drip lines of reserved tree crowns were less than in the rest of the area. The number of seedlings was similar on the two halves of the plot corresponding to the original thinning blocks, but seedling size and age differed. In the half of the study plot that had been twice lightly thinned, only 14% of the seedlings were >0.5 m tall; however, 41% of the seedlings were >0.5 m in the block that had been thinned more heavily. There was no difference between the thinning blocks in the ages of seedlings ≤0.5 m tall (mean age of 5 yr). This example of clearcutting with reserve trees resulted in reasonable survival of the overstory trees and adequate stocking but slow growth rates in the naturally regenerated Douglas fir. Heavier thinning before harvest was associated with more advance regeneration, more shrub cover, and less windthrow of the reserved trees than in the more lightly thinned block. If an abundance of tree species other than Douglas fir was desired on this site, interplanting would be required. West. J. Appl. For.17(2):78–85. Key Words: Thinning, Douglas-fir, tree growth and survival. For some forestlands in the Pacific Northwest, changes in management objectives to emphasize values other than wood production (Franklin et al. 1997, Curtis et al. 1998) have spurred interest in the use of new silvicultural prescriptions. Information is limited, however, on the long-term effects of silvicultural systems other than clearcutting (Rose and Muir 1997, Curtis et al. 1998). Although some Pacific Northwest investigators studied natural reseeding after clearcutting (Bever 1954, Lavender et al. 1956, Franklin 1963) or use of shelterwood systems (Minore and Carkin 1978, Seidel 1979, Williamson 1983), most forest stand management in the Note: Constance Harrington can be reached at (360) 753-7670; Fax: (360) 956-2346;E-mail:charrington@fs.fed.us.Thisarticlewaswrittenby U.S. Government employees and is therefore in the public domain. 78 latter half of the 20th century involved clearcutting and replanting, so most literature addresses these methods. The shelterwood regeneration method (the retention of overstory trees at harvest and their later removal once the seedlings are established) has traditionally been used on harsh sites to modify the microenvironment by providing partial shading or thermal cover for young seedlings. Similar harvest prescriptions can be used to create two-story stands if the reserved trees are not removed (Williamson and Ruth 1976, Smith 1986, DeBell et al. 1997, Curtis et al. 1998). This concept has been referred to as green tree retention (Franklin 1992), irregular shelterwood (Smith 1986), or clearcutting with reserve trees (Curtis et al. 1998). The term green tree retention has been widely used in this region to describe an alternative harvest treatment; however, at this point in time it Reprinted from Wester Journal of Applied Forestry, Vol. 17 No. 2, April 2002. Not for further reproduction. is not a silvicultural system that implies “a planned program of silvicultural treatment during the whole life of a stand....” (Smith 1962 p. 353). Thus, retaining green trees at harvest is probably best considered as one of the objectives of a silvicultural treatment or harvest prescription, while clearcutting and shelterwood are terms reserved for silvicultural systems. Clearcutting with reserves differs from an irregular shelterwood or shelterwood with reserves in that clearcutting does not have microsite moderation as one of its objectives (Helms 1998). Reserved or retained overstory trees may provide one or more additional canopy layers, various sizes and conditions of trees, as well as a continuous source of future snags and down wood, all necessary structural features in meeting some forest management objectives (Franklin et al. 1997). Long-term data on the effects of overstory retention have come primarily from retrospective studies of regeneration resulting from natural disturbances (Rose and Muir 1997, Zenner et al. 1998) although Isaac (1940) followed the fate of seed trees after harvest. A harvest unit in the Wind River Experimental Forest provided an opportunity to study in detail the survival and growth of retained trees and the species composition, age, size, and spatial distribution of natural regeneration 12 yr after clearcutting with reserve trees. Methods Description of Study Site and Cutting History The study was conducted in a 15 ha harvest unit in the Panther Creek Division of the Wind River Experimental Forest in southwestern Washington (latitude 45°50’N, longitude 121°50’W). The unit was part of the Spearfish timber sale. It is on a west slope of generally less than 25%; elevation is between 670 and 730 m. Mean annual precipitation averages 2,820 mm. Douglas-fir 50 yr site index is 26.1 m (King 1966). The unit is at the lower elevational end of the Pacific silver fir–salal plant association (transitional with the western hemlock– salal association), which is moderately productive for tree growth and is characterized by warm site shrubs (Brockway et al. 1983). Predominant shrubs present at our site are vine maple (Acer circinatum), Douglas maple (A. glabrum var. douglasii), hazel (Corylus cornuta var. californica), salal (Gaultheria shallon), and red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium). Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) was the most common broadleaved species at the site. The soil is mapped as Zygore (loamyskeletal, isotic, frigid Andic Dystrudepts), which is a very deep, well drained soil that formed in colluvium and outwash weathered from andesite and basalt and mixed with ash. The even-aged, predominantly Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stand originated after a wildfire around 1840; the low level of residual woody material present in the area suggests that one or more additional fires may have preceded the 1840 event. Our study area included two of the nine blocks from a study begun in 1952 to study responses to various densities of commercial thinning (Williamson 1966, 1982). The block assigned to light thinning in the 1952 study had 22% of the basal area removed (thinned from 67 to 52 m2/ha) and the heavy thinning block had 35% of the basal area removed (thinned from 55 to 36 m2/ha). Williamson (1982) mentions a second thinning in 1971; no details are given, other than it “was instigated by mortality from [bark beetles (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae) and root rot (Phellinus weirii)].” The intention in 1971 was to lightly rethin the light thinning block from 1952 and to more heavily rethin the heavy thinning block. Based on differences in tree density between these two blocks that were visible in 1979 aerial photographs, we assume that intention was met. Trees sampled in a preharvest 1985 stand examination were entirely Douglas-fir except for three small western redcedars (Thuja plicata) and one western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). The prescription for the 1986 harvest called for retaining dominant, undamaged trees with healthy crowns and selecting against limby trees (Franklin 1984b). The intent at the time was to leave the overstory trees through the following rotation to produce high quality timber, create a naturally regenerated stand, and study the effects of the retained overstory trees on the regeneration (Franklin 1984a). Because site modification was not a stated objective, this harvest would best be characterized in current terminology as a “clearcut with reserves” (Helms 1998). Before clearcutting, basal area was 33.7 m2/ha; after harvest, it was 6.1 m2/ha (Table 1). The 18 reserve trees/ha (all Douglas-fir) averaged 65 cm in diameter and 41 m in height and were spaced about 24 m apart. Size of reserved trees in the two thinning blocks was similar. Measurements and Analyses Heights and diameters of all 268 residual overstory trees in the 15 ha harvest unit were measured in August 1989. All surviving overstory trees were remeasured in fall 1998, 12 yr after harvest. Diameter and tree condition were recorded for all overstory trees, and height and height-to-live-crown were measured with a sonar hypsometer on a subset of 60 trees. Height to diameter ratios and proportion of tree height in live crown were calculated from these data. We used 1989 data to compare characteristics of dead trees with those of surviving trees. Concurrent with the overstory tree measurement in 1998, a 100 x 100 m (1 ha) plot was established to monitor the size and distribution of the regeneration. It was positioned midslope, halfway between the access road on the west side of the unit and the eastern edge of the stand (minimum distance to the stand edge was about 60 m). The plot was bisected by the boundary of the two former thinning treatment blocks to represent the two thinning densities equally 79 WJAF 17(2) 2002 and have both portions of the plot occupy similar slope positions. The 1 ha block was made into a 10 x 10 m square grid to facilitate mapping. The approximate location of all conifer regeneration, overstory trees, skid roads, down trees, and significant shrub clumps (defined as clumps of apparent size and density to exclude conifer regeneration) was mapped. As the regeneration was mapped, each seedling was coded as to species and height class. The height classes used were ≤0.5 m, >0.5 to 2 m, >2 to 4 m, and >4 m. For readability, and because the distinction between the terms “seedling” and “sapling” is vague (Ford-Robertson 1971), individuals in the regeneration layer will be referred to as “seedlings” here, regardless of size. All visible seedlings were recorded; the smallest were about 3 cm tall and the tallest about 6 m. All 19 surviving overstory trees inside the 1 ha study plot were measured for height and height to live crown. Increment cores were taken from 18 of these trees; growth increment was recorded for 10 yr before the 1986 harvest and at 3 yr intervals from 1987 through 1998. Growing season (May 1–October 31) precipitation data for the Carson National Fish Hatchery (the nearest recording site, about 12 km WNW of the study site, at an elevation of 350 m) were obtained from a Web site maintained by the Western Regional Climate Center, at the Desert Research Institute (http:// www.wrcc.dri.edu). Data at this site were available for 1977 through 1998. Missing or incomplete monthly data were estimated by regression with data from the same Web site for the next nearest recording station, Peterson’s Ranch, 29 km to the NW and at 200 m elevation. The R2 values for these monthly regression formulas ranged from 0.78 to 0.95. In the office, the field mapping sheets were used to create a point layer and a polygon layer for use in ArcView (a geographic information system program). The point layer included all tree locations, and the polygon layer included shrub clumps and skid roads. Crown diameters for the overstory trees in or adjacent to the 1 ha mapped area were estimated by measuring shadow widths on a 1988 aerial photograph (scale estimated to be 1:6250) and were added to the database. Examination of the spatial data indicated that ground mapping had missed portions of skid trails that had partially overgrown; thus, the locations of the skid trails were redigitized based on the 1988 aerial photograph. After reviewing the initial data, we found an obvious difference in height distribution of the seedlings between the two halves of the plot corresponding to the two thinning treatments. To better interpret the height–class information, we felt we needed to know seedling ages. Thus, the following spring, we counted bud scars on the stems to determine the ages of ten Douglas-fir seedlings from each of the four height classes in both of the thinning treatments (except that there were only six Douglas-fir seedlings taller than 4 m in the heavily thinned portion and none in the lightly thinned portion). Destructive sampling and counting rings from similarly sized individuals immediately outside the study plot verified seedling ages determined by this method. Seedling numbers were summarized by species and height class for the entire 1 ha study plot and for the portions of the plot representingthetwoearlierthinningtreatments.Pielou’s(1959) WJAF 17(2) 2202 80 nonrandomness index was calculated to test the pattern of seedling distribution in the 1 ha study plot. Distance to the nearest seedling from each of 72 interior grid points (the intersection of the 10 m squares) was measured in ArcView and used to calculate the nonrandomness index. To approximate the USDA Forest Service standard stocking surveys, we also used these 72 grid points as the center of simulated 4.05 m2 (mil-acre) plots to test for seedling stocking percentage. In addition, to provide another measure of stocking, all 400 of the 5 x 5 m grids in the 1 ha plot were examined in ArcView to determine conifer seedling presence. Seedling densities were calculated for (1) seedlings in skid trails versus the number on the rest of the area. and (2) seedlings within versus those outside the drip lines of the overstory trees (as approximated by the crown diameters). Diameter growth of the reserved trees (in 3 yr increments) was predicted via linear regression from time since harvest and from 3 yr mean growing-season precipitation. The correlation between time since harvest and growing season precipitation was also calculated. Results and Discussion Overstory Tree Survival Of the 268 overstory trees retained in the 15 ha harvest unit, 93% were surviving 12 yr after harvest; this reduced live tree density from 18 to 17 trees/ha. Of those that died, 3 were standing dead, 1 snapped off below live crown, and 15 were uprooted dead (uprooted trees exhibit symptoms of laminated root rot). Twice as many trees blew down in the light thinning block as in the heavy thinning block. The standing dead and broken trees (4 total) were split evenly between the two treatments and had average to below-average diameters. Epicormic branching along the mid- and upper stem (above 10 m) was observed on most of the overstory trees, and several trees appeared to have sustained minor top damage. Douglas-fir seed trees left after logging in the 1920s were monitored at eight locations for 11 to 15 yr (Isaac 1940); windthrow at these locations ranged from 2.8 to 50%. No information on stand age or history was provided, but given the time period we would assume the stands were all fairly old and had not been previously thinned. The stand with the lowest loss to windthrow (2.8%) was on the Willamette National Forest in Oregon; it was described as “a somewhat open stand where the trees were naturally rather wind-firm....” The high losses to the seed trees at some locations in Isaac’s study (four of the eight locations lost >40% of the trees to windthrow) were greater than we would expect from residual trees left after harvest of most managed stands where stand density prior to harvest would generally be much lower and trees would be younger and with less defect than in the unmanaged, presumably old-growth stands of natural origin sampled in Isaac’s study. Stands on some sites, however, particularly those on poorly drained soils where root systems are shallow, will be more susceptible to windthrow than those on better drained soils regardless of stand history. Isaac (1940) also noted that trees on ridgetops and dry slopes were the most windfirm. Overstory Tree Growth Mean diameter of the surviving trees in 1998 was 68 cm, height was 44 m (Table 1), the height-to-diameter ratio was 65 cm/cm, and the proportion of live crown was 43%. Diameter growth of the overstory trees during the 12 yr since harvest averaged 3.3 cm; tree core data from the 18 tree subsample and diameter measurements of all the trees yielded similar results. Periodic diameter growth was lowest in the first growth period after harvest and increased in each of the successive growth periods (Figure 1). The initial decline could have been related to a release shock effect or to the concurrent decline in growing-season precipitation. Given the previous thinning history in this stand, the 40% live crown on the reserved trees, and the fact the reserve trees were selected for their future growth potential, we would not have expected much of a shock effect to be visible in the growth rates of these trees; however, the presence of epicormic branches indicates that clearcutting resulted in a major change in the light environment and physiological balance of the reserved trees (Kramer and Kozlowski 1960, p. 387). Growing season precipitation was 31 to 61% less than the 22 yr average (from 1977 to 1998) in 6 of the 7 yr after clearcutting. Postharvest growth was positively related with both time since harvest ( R 2 = 0.66, for regression P = 0.12) and growing season precipitation (R2 = 0.80, for regression P = 0.07). A visual examination of the data provided some indication of curvilinearity; however, given the small sample size (n = 4) and no clear theoretical basis for a curvilinear relationship, we are only reporting the results from linear models. Because growing season precipitation and time since harvest were correlated with each other (R2= 0.96, P = 0.01), we cannot separate the two factors. However, because both growth rate and precipitation were at lower levels after harvest than before harvest (both increased incrementally after harvest), postharvest precipitation rates were quite low, and the P value associated with the regression between growth rate and precipitation was smaller than the P value for the regression with time since harvest, we suspect that precipitation was the more important factor influencing growth of the residual trees. Because response to thinning in older stands can occur following a time lag (c.f., Tappeiner and Latham 1999), however, we cannot rule out future increases in growth rates that are independent of growing season precipitation. Stocking and Distribution of Regeneration In 1998, there were 5,854 seedlings on the 1 ha study plot (Figure 2). Based on Pielou’s nonrandomness index of 2.10, the seedling distribution would be considered clumped (values <1 are considered to be random, a value of 1 is uniform, and values >1 are considered to be clumped). A study of spatial patterns in seeded loblolly pine stands reported nonrandomness indices ranging from 0.66 to 9.93 (Daniels 1978); thus, our index value of 2.10 is well below what can occur. Daniels (1978) concluded that microsite and other site factors are the major factors influencing spatial distribution of seedlings; thus, the clumped nature of the regeneration in our study probably reflects the clumped nature of favorable microsites. Seventy-nine percent of the simulated 4.05 m2 (mil-acre) plots were stocked with at least one conifer seedling and 98% of the 5 x 5 m grid cells used to map the study plot contained at least one established seedling. Thus, from the standpoint of a statistical test, the regeneration would be considered clumped; however, from a practical standpoint, because the nonstocked areas were small, the area would be considered adequately stocked. There was no apparent pattern of regeneration based on direction from the reserved trees. The lack of regeneration patterns attributable to seed dispersal was expected as Douglas-fir seed can travel over 400 m from either a stand edge or a point seed source (Isaac 1943, 1949; Lavender et al. 1956), and at least half of it will travel more than 60 m (Isaac 1943, 1949). Because trees in this study plot averaged only 23 m apart, seeding patterns from individual trees would more than sufficiently overlap to obscure any patterns due to individual trees. The nearest stand edges were about 60 m to the east and 250 m to the southwest from the edges of the study plot; based on prevailing wind direction and distance, these would not be expected to add large numbers of seeds compared to the reserved trees. Well-distributed Douglas-fir seed trees, such as those present in this study, are considered to be more effective in regenerating a unit because of their overlapping seed distribution patterns than are timber edges (Bever 1954, Franklin 1963) or blocks of trees within a unit (Bever 1954). Seedling density was slightly lower within the overstory tree drip lines (4,801 seedlings/ha) than outside the drip lines (5,919 seedlings/ha), and no seedlings >2 m tall were found within the drip lines. Inhibitory effects of residual trees on establishment and growth of western conifer seedlings have been previously reported (Emmingham pers. comm., McDonald 1976, Tesch and Mann 1991). Negative effects of overstory trees also are documented for 50- to 120-yr-old trees growing under or with oldgrowth remnant trees (Rose and Muir 1997, Zenner et al. 1998). Negative effects could be due to allelopathy, shading, interception of precipitation, or belowground competition for moisture or nutrients. Our data on seedling size (by height class) are not sensitive enough to test for differences in seedling growth due to location of 81 WJAF 17(2) 2002 reserve trees. Given the dryness of the study site, however, we would expect the positive effects from reserved trees (such as partial day shading and mycorrhizal inoculation) to be less important over time than the negative effects (such as water and nutrient uptake and interception of precipitation). Regeneration was more common on skid roads (8,693 seedlings/ha) than on the rest of the area (5,197 seedlings/ha outside these areas; see also Figure 2). This relation was expected as it is generally accepted that exposed mineral soil provides the best environment for Douglas-fir seedling establishment (Isaac 1943, Williamson 1973, Stewart 1978). Of 1,198 seedlings growing in the skid trails, however, only 9 WJAF 17(2) 2202 82 were taller than 2 m, and 1 was taller than 4 m. The low number of seedlings in the larger height classes on the skid trails may reflect poorer growing conditions, such as compacted soil, on the trails. Alternatively, seedlings may have become established on the skid trails after the thinning but were destroyed or damaged when the trails were reused. Shrub cover was not high in the area, but it was noticeable that tree seedlings were rarely found within the shrub clumps. It was somewhat surprising to observe the slow successional development of the area as evidenced by the relatively low shrub cover and presence of exposed mineral soil 12 yr postharvest activities. The low growing season precipitation in the years immediately following clearcutting and browsing by elk and deer are likely the main factors preventing more rapid vegetation development. Seedling Size, Age, and Species Composition Seedling size ranged from about 3 cm to 6 m with most seedlings less than 2 m tall. There are many very small seedlings on the site, which indicates that seedling establishment is still occurring. Seedlings were distributed by height class as follows: ≤0.5 m, 72%; >0.5 to 2 m, 26%; >2 to 4 m, 2%; and >4 m, <0.1%. Seedling ages on the 66 sampled trees ranged from 3 to 35 yr old (Figure 3). Seedlings ≤0.5 m tall averaged 5.5 yr old. The distribution of seedlings <12 yr indicates that regeneration established during most of the postharvest years. Seedlings ≥12 yr became established in the understory of the previous stand; these account for 41% of the aged seedlings. Equal numbers of seedlings from each height class were aged; hence after taking into account the total number of seedlings in each height class (Figure 4), we estimated that 15% of the seedlings were residuals from the preharvest stand. Conifer regeneration was >99% Douglas-fir; other species present were western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), western white pine (Pinus monticola), grand fir (Abies grandis), Pacific silver fir (A. amabilis), and noble fir (A. procera). Western hemlock, normally a prolific seeder (Packee 1990), was present at the site at harvest but only as a few small trees. Larger hemlocks, the best seed producers, probably would have been discriminated against in the previous thinnings. The management guidelines for this plant association suggest the most suitable species for planting are Douglas-fir and noble fir, whereas western hemlock may be planted, or may seed in naturally, in moister plant associations in the Pacific silver fir type (Brockway et al. 1983). Douglas-fir is more heat tolerant and slightly more frost tolerant than western hemlock or western redcedar (Minore 1979). More shade-tolerant trees will probably not become established in greater numbers until the shade from the developing stand moderates the high light and low soil-moisture environment; this could take many years for this plant association. Interplanting the area with species other than Douglas-fir could have supplemented the mix of species, but the survival of species other than noble fir or western white pine might not have been high. The currently established individuals of species other than Douglas-fir could be favored in future thinning entries. If all 50 non-Douglas-fir seedlings in the 1 ha study plot survived, at a hypothetical future stand density of 250 trees/ha, 20% of the stems would be species other than Douglas-fir. Effects of Past Thinning Regimes The 1952 and 1971 thinning regimes apparently influenced the conifer regeneration present. Total stocking of seedlings in the portions of the plot that correspond to the two different thinning treatments are similar: 5,678 trees/ ha in the lighter thinning vs. 6,030 trees/ha in the more heavily thinned area. The size distribution of the resulting regeneration, however, is markedly different (Figure 4). In the portion thinned lightly, only 14% of the seedlings were taller than 0.5 m, and in the heavily thinned area, 41% of the seedlings were taller than 0.5 m. The heavier thinning regime may have opened the stand sufficiently to promote more seedfall and germination (Reukema 1961, Williamson 1983) or, more likely, to favor the survival and growth of advance regeneration up to the time of the reserve-tree harvest. The age data support our contention that advanced regeneration was a factor because the taller seedlings from the heavily thinned block were generally older than those from the lightly thinned portion of the unit. There was no difference in the ages of seedlings 0.5 m tall; they averaged 5.5 yr old with no difference between thinning blocks. However, seedlings >0.5 m tall were consistently older in the heavily thinned area (Figure 5). Mean age of the seedlings in the 0.5 to 2 m height class was greater in the heavily thinned block (15 yr) than the lightly thinned block (9 yr). The 2 to 4 m height class averaged 17 and 12 yr old in the heavily and lightly thinned blocks, respectively. Other than three broken-topped remnants of the previous stand, there were no understory trees greater than 4 m tall in the light thinning treatment. Of the 20 seedlings taller than 0.5 m sampled in the lightly thinned portion, 7 (35%) originated before the 1986 harvest (≥12 yr), compared with 24 out of 27 (89%) in the heavily thinned area. The heavily thinned portion had fewer seedlings less than 0.5 m tall, possibly 83 WJAF 17(2) 2002 released. Thus, although the heavier thinning before harvest apparently increased shrub cover, the overall effect on seedling stocking was quite small. Management Implications because more growing sites were already occupied by advanced regeneration at the time of the 1986 harvest. Worthington and Heebner (1964) also report that a light thinning regime in Douglas-fir (they left 78–84% of the existing basal area) did not significantly stimulate regeneration. It is interesting that only four of the aged trees in our study predated the second thinning entry (1971). If regeneration established following the 1952 thinning entry, it may have been shaded out by crown closure before the 1971 entry. Douglas-fir is less tolerant of shade as it matures (Hermann and Lavender 1990); this may have limited its age in the understory. Other possible explanations for the lack of older seedlings are that they were killed by mechanical damage in the 1971 thinning operation, or older, less flexible seedlings may have been preferentially damaged in the 1986 harvest. There were more shrub clumps present in the 1 ha study plot under the heavily thinned regime (13 clumps covering 89 m2 or 1.8% of the area) than under the lightly thinned regime (two clumps totaling 9 m2 or 0.2% of the area). Although the shrub clumps precluded regeneration, they covered too small an area to have a major influence on the amount of regeneration present in each block. The age distribution of the conifer seedlings also suggests that many seedlings were established in the heavily thinned block before the shrub layer was WJAF 17(2) 2202 84 The clearcut-with-reserve-tree harvest system met the original objectives of creating a two-layered stand with adequate natural regeneration. Survival of the reserved trees was 93% after 12 yr; if this level of attrition were not acceptable, more trees could be retained when designing future harvests. Based on personal observations of other areas where green trees were retained in the last decade, as well as the eight areas reported on by Isaac (1940), it appears that losses of reserved trees can vary substantially among stands. The higher windthrow experienced in the lightly thinned block reinforces previous recommendations (Cremer et al. 1982, Somerville 1989) that increasing growing space per tree will improve future windfirmness. In addition, losses to windthrow will be less on sites with deep well-drained soils or on ridge tops where long-term exposure to wind has resulted in windfirm trees. On our study area, we would expect annual losses to windthrow in the next few decades to be smaller than the losses since harvest because currently standing trees have proven to be windfirm. Diameter growth in our study only averaged 3.3 cm in 12 yr. We suspect that 12 yr growth rates will be greater in future periods if growing season precipitation is closer to the long-term historical average. Current stand growth models do not have data on growth of reserve trees following clearcutting, so growth projections should be conservative until more information is available. Although the regeneration was somewhat clumped, most portions of the 1 ha plot were covered with Douglasfir seedlings and would be considered adequately stocked. Spatial patterns can be evaluated at different scales depending on the interest of the scientist or forester. For example, the locations of the seedlings in Figure 2 are clearly not distributed uniformly, and that is reflected in Pielou’s nonrandomness index, which is based on point samples. Many managers, however, would be more interested in knowing how many regeneration plots or 5 m x 5 m blocks were not stocked, and that is reflected in the statistics about those larger sampling units (21 and 2% respectively). Thus, the clumping of the regeneration becomes less important as the size or spatial scale of interest increases from points to 4.05 m2 plots to 25 m2 blocks. The growth rates of both the advance regeneration and the postharvest regeneration have been slow. As a comparison, 9-yr-old Douglas-fir planted across the road from the study site average 2.8 m tall, while most of the advance regeneration in our study plot is 0.5 to 2 m tall and much of the postharvest seeded regeneration is <0.5 m tall. Thus, it will take the natural regeneration several years longer than planted stock to reach a target height (such as 1.5 m, which is required in some areas before an adjacent stand can be harvested). The presence of advance regeneration provides a height advantage; however, the advance regeneration will not respond quickly to release if it has been suppressed for many years. If managers are interested in maintaining or increasing tree-species diversity, they should consider the potential long-term effects of favoring species during intermediate or final harvest, reserving no-cut or no-entry spots within stands, and designing unit size and shape to favor regeneration of desired species. Although not always practical, removing the overstory immediately following a major seed crop for desired tree species should also help in increasing tree-species diversity. The combination of almost no diversity in the overstory at time of harvest and several years of below-average growing-season precipitation resulted in a naturally regenerated stand with very little tree-species diversity 12 yr after harvest. If higher tree-species diversity were desired, interplanting could have been used to increase the mix of species; however, some species will probably not do well until temperature extremes are moderated by shade and thermal protection from a more closed canopy. Thus, our results should serve as a reminder to forest managers not to assume that naturally regenerated stands will be more diverse in tree species than plantations. Literature Cited BEVER, D.N. 1954. Evaluation of factors affecting natural reproduction of forest trees in central western Oregon. Res. Bull. 3, Oregon State Board of Forestry, Salem. 49 p. BROCKWAY, D.G., C. TOPIK, M.A. HEMSTROM, AND W.H. EMMINGHAM. 1983. Plant association and management guide for the Pacific silver fir zone: Gifford Pinchot National Forest. USDA For. Serv. R6-Ecol-130a. 122 p. CREMER, K.W., C.J. BOROUGH, F.H. MCKINNELL, AND P.R. CARTER. 1982. Effects of stocking and thinning on wind damage in plantations. N.Z. J. For. Sci. 12(2):244– 268. 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