news r:r-.Rll.''PS i-t-lNlC . , , i . , . , i . \ i . : , .' i ) r ) l j r . . i r , \ l l i ' i f r For Information: Sue Pondrom Manager, News Bureau (619) s54-8133 F . O RR E L E A S EO C T . 2 7 # L 0 2 3 89 - 4 NOITEDCELL BIOLOGIST WILL RECErVE SCRIPPS CLINIC WATERFORDAY{ARD LA JOLLA, October professor City, of biology Scripps 27 at the La Valencia Earlier Biomedical Scripps He received in the University, New York by the Research Insitute of the award at a ceremony and dinner, Hotel, Ld Jol1a. duy, Blobel- delivered Award Lecture, !1.D., Ph.D., of the 13th annual Waterford Science Award administered Clinic. B1obeI, at Rockefeller was named the recipient Biomedical Oct. cell 23, I9B9--Gunter "Protein the Waterford Traf f ic A c r o s s l v l e m b r a n e s", a t Clinic. "We are recogniz ing research contributions involved in ce11sr" said targeting in the Dr. Bl-obel- f or the determining synthesis Richard Lerner, M.D., (More) si gni f icance of his the mechanisims that and transport are of molecules R€search Institute director. in page 2 October 23, 1989 Ig23B9-4 From this been able proteins to to determine proper research identify finar synthesis, the that interactions for cells digestion, with the targeting that of will process ensures the This and transport serve as cell of cor-leagues have upon synthesis destination. processing and his mechanism for locations such as enzymes required and molecules Blobel a "signal" appropriate their effort, of important proteins hormones such as insulin, surface receptors hormones, viruses for regulating and other agents. waterford award--a Glass, crystal fundamental biomedicine Scripps Tubingen in university science is that eligible. select rreland, and $15r000--in leads to Officials I976 to practical who has made significant Clinic Blobelr trophy research Any scientist Ltd. r of Dublin, at medical awards. advances. to the Research Institute medical- degree from the University Madison, has received He has been at Rockefeller 1967. (More) of each year. Germany and a Ph.D. degree in oncology of wisconsin, the encourage contributions the award recipient who earned his estabrished from the numerous other University since of Page 3 October 23, 1989 Ig23B9-4 rn 1986, he also Institute accepted a post investigator whiLe retaining Rockefel-1er University. Academy of sciences, Blobel of professorship his has been etected to the American Academy of Arts the American Philosophical president-elect as Howard Hughes t{edical soci€Ly, and is the American society the the National and sciences, currently for at the cel-l- Biology. ### Note: l,lembers of the Dr. on trProtein Blobel Fri., press oct, . 27 in the Sue Pondrom or Stacie attend. are welcome to Traffic the lecture Across I'lembranesnat Amphitheater Mayle, attend at scripps 554-8133, if by 4 p.m.1 crinic. you plan to call