For Information: Sue Pondrom News Bureau Manager (61e) s54-8133 FOR RELEASE OCT. L2 #roL29o-4 SCRIPPS CLINIC RECEIVES 91{ T,IIIJIJION TO STUDY AIDS DEUENTIA L2, 1990 -- LA JOLLA, CALfF. Oct. Foundation has received a National Institutes Dementia Complex Research of In announcing executive the offj-cer largest single Scripps Clinic. Floyd grant Bloom, of of be the central only M.D., Bloom is He added that symptorns, but inability Scripps grant from establish biomedical research head of Scripps of the that everyone said, president Clinic Edwards, M.D., in with said the an AIDS and chief that it's the ever to be awarded to CLinic,s Department new center, focuses systern dernentia dementia, rr how it C. NIMH center virtually (NII[H) to and Research Center. and director nervous Clinic nillion $r+ Health funding, for I'Although determine Mental Charles Neuropharmacology will five-year Scripps GRANT on the noted biologi-caI a comprehensive AIDS will rrresearchers have that of this basis way. express been some forrn unable to have a variety of caused.rl patients generally to do simple with AIDS dementia complaj-n of mathematic lack of functions, checkbooks. MORE concentration and the such as keeping their PAGE 2 -- GRANT FOR AIDS rrSince the HIV virus the virus a to way central which attack survival the the medications HIV virus role participate rrA Iot necessary for may be that causingr or can depress He a well the in tied measurement of to central may be some degree, the that included sensory stages the in the disease, system infection may itself. a healthy system the nervous system infection way in is which is rrlt actuaJ-Iy the virus irnmune systen. rl studies of events have shown in AfDS patients that brain who thernselves dementia. computer that development imrnune systemrrr Bloom said. the recent the systern early changing, of in on the way in which nervous nervous any signs sleep focus nervous have been monitored noticed to of AIDS. wiII functioning that These studies activity spread believe function to the able the brain aid immunodeficiency central added yet the some fashion the abnormalities had not people are infecting may eventually the later ttbeing continued, improve, for rl research which the of and the central to in course prevent involves and the that research At the new center, system may be a repository cells individual. to RESEARCH AIDS, rr Bloom in those He added that of nervous causes prolong of DE}IENTIA analysis such as indicated function. UORE of brain cricks and abnormalities electrical tones, in and sleep PAGE 3 -- GRANT FOR AIDS rrlt may be that decline in mental general way to indicative The DE!,TENTIA RESEARCE people ability, hearth AfDS decrine, Dementia within the Research Institute investigators of Center will director, define the of the brain, infections, neuronal scientific the AIDS Dementia light like will be may be additional based at the collaborating Departments of of Psychiatry the molecular Cornplex. fn and of persistent of the the signals effects center addition incruding BLoom whose studies virus these include chemistry, to infections activated of will cellular by these signals on a number of physiology, anatomy genetics. Bloom noted that of Center clinicrs of celI-ceIl Work at disciplines, it some San Diego. actions nature in that wil-I be 23 co-investigators biological or knowing and the Department investigate there fatigue Neuropharmacology with AIDS Dementia function. and molecular Biology, the profiles and of scripps California, will to Research CIinic, within mechanisms underlying as center without Department based that some degree of Bloom said. of Scripps University The but Complex Imrnunology and Molecular the AIDS are tolerating attributing of AIDS denentiarrr prinarily at with to their Cornplex, studies on the mental schizophrenia. ttin addition disfunctions at that rl ### the relevance new center occur in people to the nature may also with shed diseases