For Information: Sue Pondrom News Bureau Manager (51-e) 554-8133 IMMEDIATE RELEASE #O2LL9L-L PROIIINENT PROTETN CHE!,TsT JOINS RESEARCHINSTITUTE OF SCRIPPS CLINIC LA JOLLA, CALIF. Feb. 11, L99L -internationally-recognized Department Clinic, of Cell Ca1if. unique expertise chemicar synthesis Kent is synthesis of He'rl the the continue the with goal the that the work application of for This an the new of Scripps is of ph.D., the total designing and properties. preparation the HrV protease. of group pre-determined for joined has research enzymes essential a component on his with known one of ArDS virus, research of chemist, the Research Institute proteins, of best of structure within new proteins constructing protein Biology La Jolla, The the protein Stephen B.H. Kent, led to by total the replication the chemical first of crystar AIDS virus. at scripps mass crinic, spectrometry arong techniques with to chemistry. Prior associate to joining dean of the scripps clinic, Graduate School Bond university, Queensland, Research (AIDS Drug Development) Program Austraria, University. !{ORE Kent of was a professor Science and and Technology, and director at Burroughs of the Joint Wellcome-Bond PAGE 2 -- DR. KENT From 1983 to Division l-989, he was a senior of Biology, california rnstitute Calif., where he was responsible aspects of lymphokines, was at the Rockeferler laboratory of as a research Kent R.B. received the University his in chemistry in New Zealand bachelor research New york as assistant doctorate and received notable Prior from in organic Berke1ey. of science prior ### the pasadena, in molecular L974-gL in Kent in the Chernistry), professor. chemistry in 1975 from He was born in New Zealand and masters of science to corning to the United L970. in to that, (1984 Nobel Laureate then of California, associate of Technology, B and AIDS. university, Merrifield his for hepatitis associate, research degrees States in