news For Information: Sue Pondrom News Bureau Manaqer (619) s54-8133 II{MEDIATE #oB309 0-3 FULCHER, PH.D., A I { A R D E D T H E INTERNATIONAL OF THE FRENCH ASSOCIATION O F HEI.IOPHILTA CAROTJ A. LA JOLLA, CA Aug. 30, L990 -JoIla, presented was the International of Hemophilia during Association Carol A. Fulcher, PRIZE Ph.D., of the the 19th fnternational of Hernophilia the World Federation Prj,ze in Washington, RELEASE of La French Congress of D.C., on August l-o. Fulcher and Biology contributions about therapy is one in (the VIII hemophilia) using discovery, and Research those who have for of the a genetically Study of Foundation. made significant A pathophysiology, in henophilia Molecul-ar determined and the genetics disease that average cost of $60,000 per year. coll-aborated deveJ-op a Department l-0r000 male infants, $10,000 to Fulcher Factor recognizes the Committee the Clinic HemophiJ-ia A is affects to and Scripps to research or therapy. M.D. , at prize The member in Medicine Experimental Vascular this an assistant is with the purif ication blood late process coagulation monoclonal which resulted antibodies. in Theodore f or protein blood Zimmerman, coaguJ-ation used to treat Ful-cher was honored for the production l.10RE S. of the first PAGE 2 -- DR. CAROL A. FULCHER AWARD commercially available, which hemophiliacs of all-ows AIDS, honored VIII hepatitis for her molecule inhibitor options and work and to be treated other on the the purified viral structure concentrate with a greatly j-nfections. and immunochemistry of VIII, reduced Fulcher function of Factor of human was the Factor risk also Factor VIIf antibodies. Fulcher VIII, highly which in is currently could both Iead hemophilia researching to improved the diagnostic A and thrombosis. JI4JI ttf biochemistry and of Factor therapeutic