THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE I0666 NORTH TORREY PINES ROAD FoR RELEAsE AUc. 24, Lss2'o'o"l;iiilll,XT"""' For rnformation: #o82492-og sue pondrom (619) 5s4-s29ooffice (619) 4s0-0s20 home sAN DTEGOCtrEUISTS EONOREDBY AITERICAII CEEITICAIJSOCIETY LA JOLLA, cALrF. Aug. society 24, L9g2 -- (Acs) announced today at its washington, D.c. prestigious awards. that The American chemicar national meeting in two san Diegans are recipients of chi-Huey wong, ph.D., the Ernest w. Hahn professor of . chemistry at The scripps Research rnstitute (TsRr), has been chosen a 1993 Arthur K . c. chernistry p h .D ., N i co ra o u , the Dar r ene shiley and Department of chemistry as a professor Diego, C. Cope Scholar. of chemistry is the 1993 recipient in synthetic organic pr ofessor chairman at TsRrr ds werr at the.University of California, of the ACS Award for chemistry, of which is Creative San Work sponsored by Aldrich Chemical Cornpany, Inc According to ACS awards administrator rrDr. wong was selected creative organic a cope scholar for John M. Marin, his pioneering work on the development of enzymes as catalysts synthesis the best tradition and on enzyme inhibition. His selection ph.D., and for is in of the award, which is designed to recognize and encourage excellence in organic chemistry. ff PAGE 2 -- Wong will from in of Institute TSRI, the A. and Richard up to For his Chemistry, Iecture the Japan. Award in faculty Boger, Lerner, Award Nicolaou work at past Sharpless, Ph.D., in both at Texas A&M addition In to his Research Program a past recipient he is Sciences in on and the Chemistry. of recipients Ph.D., in the Cope 19861 Nicolaou, Each year, Lggz. Ph.D. the ACS age groups. different Work in 205th at 1988; and Donald Hilvert, from receive the in fellow chemistry Frontier And, who are Creative will from Massachusetts 1989. Award M.D., for of Biomedical 10 Cope Scholars on his chemistry TSRI in head of award are K. Barry L987; Dale L. selects in Young Investigator TSRI chemistry in 2O5th ACS national the Wong was a postdoctoral Rj-ken in Scholar Presidential Scholar Ph.D. joining Wong is at Searle at He was a pofessor to Glycotechnology of his Technology, prior at a lecture grant research $25r000 1993, University. University duties August, AIVARDS an unrestricted deliver receiving After Harvard receive ACS and wiII the ureeting CHEITIICAL SOCIETY NIERICAII Synthetic $grOOO and will ACS National Organic deliver Meeting a in March, 1993. to According rrprincipally anticancer, for Malin, his antibiotic Nicolaou creative was selected and original molecules called for synthesis enediynes.rl the of ACS award PAGE 3 -- AIIIERICAII a recent In Nicolaou cancer "D,r. Nicolaou selecting emerging biological University of at Columbia of the cells Fellowship, leaving cerrs whire and important rr Malin targets of rn of Ph.D. from Pennsylvania addition a Japan Society intact. and vision chemicar in and College, associate and served L976 until a past sloan for University from to von Hunboldt for research Universities, an A.P. ability in said. He has held and an Alexander healthy has shown extraordinary and Harvard Science, selectivity London. recipient journal the show remarkable his 1989. AWARDS in received university and ucsD in was the enediynes exploration, ,. Nicolaou published article that noted destroying CIIEUTCAIJ SOCIETY the Promotion Foundati-on on the U.S. a J.s. of faculty joining cope scholar Ferlowship, positions award, he Guggenheim Science Senior TsRr Award, Scientist Award. In organic of the 1983, the chemistry ACS Award for was given TSRI Department of to Creative K. Barry Chenistry. ## Work in sharpress, Synthetic now a rnember