Nsurura @ TlmScnppsRnsanncn 10666 North TonE PinesRoad LaJolh, CA 92037 Telcphone6 I 9.4 55.9I 00 Embargo by The Lancetz Friday, July 1, 1994,7:00p.m. EasternDaylightTime For information: Robin B. Goldsmith (619)554-8134 Media Advisory #o70194 Scientists at The Scripps ResearchInstitute Demonstrate that Powerful Anti-Lymphocyte Drug Favorably Influences the Course of Chronic ProgressiveMS Cladribine showspromise as a therapy for the disorder. What: A teamof researchers led by ErnestBeutler, M.D., has reportedin this week's issueof rhe Lancetthat cladribine, or 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CdA), a powerful anti-lymphocytedrug developedand testedat The ScrippsResearchInstitute (TSRI), has been shown to favorably influence the courseof chronicprogressivemultiple sclerosis(MS) and showspromiseas a therapyfor the disease. The useof the dnrg for MS was consideredby scientistsafter extensive experiencewith the dnrg in the successfultreaunentof lymphoid leukemias, particularlyhairy cell leukemia. Who: Dr. Beutler is Chairmanof the Deparunentof Molecular and Experimental Medicineat TSRI and a memberof the National Academyof Sciences. Additionalauthorsof the study, entitled "Effectivenessof Cladribinein the Treatmentof ChronicProgressiveMultiple Sclerosis,"are Jack C. Sipe, M.D., Divisionof Neurology,ScrippsClinic; JohnS. Romine,M.D., MORE Page2 - CLADRIBII\E Divisionof Neurology,ScrippsClinic; JamesA. Koziol, Ph.D., biostatistician,Deparftnentof Molecular and ExperimentalMedicine, TSRI; RobertMcMillan, M.D., Departmentof Molecular and Experimental Medicine,TSRI; and JackZyroff, M.D., Division of Neuroradiology, ScrippsClinic. Background: Multiple sclerosisaffectsapproximately300,000peoplein the U.S. Of these,upwardsof one-halfsuffer from chronic progressivemultiple sclerosis,a severelydisablingdiseaseof the centralnervoussystemthat involvesthe destructionof the insulatingsheath,or myelin, that coversthe nervefibers. Muscle coordination,visual sensationand other signalsare slowedor blocked.Patientswith the diseasesuffer from fatigue, difficulty walking, spasticity,muscleweakness,tremor and impairedthinking and reasoning.Somepatientsdevelopcompleteparalysis. While the causeof MS is unknown, many researchers believethat autoimmunemechanismsplay an importantrole, theorizingthat white blood cells of the immune systemattack the myelin sheaththat insulatesthe nerves. Cladribine was testedin this study to determinewhether selective lymphocytedepletioncould slow or halt clinical diseaseprogressionand allow patientsto improve. The Study: Forty-eightchronicprogressiveMS patientsparticipatedin a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effectivenessof 2-CdA administeredby centralvenouscatheter.Patientswere pairedby age, sex, durationand severity of the disease.Twenty-four patientswere randomizedto four MORE Page3 - CLADRIBIIYE monthly infusions of the drug, while the other 24 were given saline solution. Becauseof the positiveresultsat one year, the formal study was terminated and the placebogroup wastreatedwith one-halfthe doseof 2-CdA given to patientsduring the first year of the study. At monthly examinations,the patients'levelsof neurologicdisability were measuredby standardrating scales.In addition,the spinalfluid was testedto measureimmune activity and the volume of brain lesionswas determinedby magneticresonanceimaginginitially and at six, 12, 18 and 24 months. Cladribineuse was associated with a highly significantdifferencein neurologic rating scores.The neurologic statusof patientsgiven Cladribine was slightly improvedor stabilized;patientsgiven the placebocontinuedto manifesta declineof neurologicstatus.Further, the total volume of MS brain lesionsdecreased in patientstreatedwith Cladribine.In addition, there was a signficant differencein the spinal fluid findings of patientsreceiving Cladribineand thosereceivin! the placebo,suggestingdecreased autoimmuneactivity in responseto Cladribine. A multi-center trial will be implementedsoonunder the leadershipof the Scrippsgroup. This trial will make the experimentaltreafinentavailable to eligible patientsin variouspartsof the country. ###