lMl NlAl D NEW5s:';';frc National Institute ofAllergy . National andInfectious Disease Institutes of Health EMBARGOEDFOR RELEASE Monday,Feb.14, 1994 6 p.m.,EasternTime MAID: MarionE. Glick at (301) 402-1663 TSRI: RobinGoldsmithat (619) 554-8134 Antibody FragmentOffers PossibleNew Therapy for SeriousViral Respiratorylllnesses Antibody fragmentsintroduceddirectly to the lungshavecleareda seriousviral respiratory infectionin mice,suggesting that a similartherapymay proveusefulfor suchdiseases in humans, reportscientistsfrom the NationalInstituteof Allergy andInfectiousDiseases (NIAID) andThe ScrippsResearch Insdnrte(TSRI)in the Feb.15 Proceedings of theNationalAcademyof Sciences. "The therapy'ssuccess may signalthe beginningof an era of immunotherapy for infectionsby virusesthat anackandgrow in the liningsof airwaysandlungs,suchas respiratory syncytialvirus (RSV) aswell asinfluenzaandparainlluenza viruses,"saysJamesE. Crowe,Jr., M.D., leadauthorof the studyanda fellow in the NIAID Laboratoryof InfectiousDiseases. In the study,the scientistscuredRSV infectionin miceusingtailor-madepiecesof human antibody,knownas antibodybindingfragments(Fabs),derivedandproducedusingrecombinant DNA technologyin bacteria.The investigators deliveredthe Fabsdirectlyinto the lower respiratorytractsof the RSV-infectedmice. "This is the first time that a studyhasdemonstrated the successful useof recombinant Fabsin a therapyfor a viral infectionin an animal,"sayscoauthorDennisR. Burton,Ph.D., professorat TRSI's Departrnents of MolecularBiology andof Immunology."This is particularly importantbecause Fabsareinexpensive andeasyto producein bacteria." "Our studysuggests that Fabsmay proveeffectivefor treatingseriousRSV diseasein the lower respiratorytractsof normalinfants or the elderly as well as individualsof any ageat high risk" addsDr. Crowe. (more) 2 RSVis theleadingcauseof earlychildhood viralpneumonia andbronchiolitis--wheezy bronchitis--inthe UnitedStates.Moreover,RSV-related illnessesare responsible for 90,000U.S. hospitalizations annually. Worldwideeachyear,RSV causesaboutI million deathsamong infantsandyoungchildren,primarilyin developingcountries. At greatestrisk for deathor long-termillnessassociated with RSV and similarrespiratory viral infectionsareinfantswith congenitatheartdiseaseor bronchopulmonary dysplasi4a chronic diseasefrequentlyseenin prematureinfantswho requiresupportfrom a ventilatorto breatheat the time of binh. In addition,olderchildrenand adultswith respiratoryor cardiacanomalieshavea high risk of developingseriousRSV disease.Individualswith suppressed immunesystemsresulting from HIV infectionor from receivingtherapyfor canceror organtransplantation areat greatrisk as well. The mostrecentlydevelopedexperimental therapyfor RSV diseaserelieson intravenous deliveryof onetype of wholeantibody,a proteinknownas immunoglobulinG (IgG). This type of therapycontainsonly a smallproportionof RSV-specificantibodies.However,the arnountof IgG neededin the therapycanbe reducedby a substantial amountby usinghumanmonoclonal IgG antibodiesthat aredirectedsolelyat RSV. Furthermore, IgG therapycanbe made80 to 160 timesmoreeffective,previousstudieshaveshown,whendeliveredby aerosol,which carriesthe antibodiesdirectlyto the lung tissuethat RSV infects. However,onty limited amountsof IgG canbe safelyandefficientlyintroducedinto the lungsby an aerosol.By substitutingthe humanmonoclonalFabs,fragmentsof IgG, the NIAID and TSRI scientistshavereducedthe quantityof proteinneededto fight RSV by 2,000to 8,000fold. "The successof the Fabsin micehasshownthat RSV therapycanbe improvedusing thesefragments,"saysDr. Burton. "If provensafeandeffectivefor usein humans,Fabtherapy couldbecomeimportantin the clinic in the management of respiratoryviral infectionsin general." (more) 3 Fabtherapyfor RSV offersseveraladvantages overusingwholeIgG, notesDr. Crowe. Fabscanbe madecheaplyandeasilyin largeamountsusingbacteria,suchu Escherichiacoli, whereasIgG mustbe madeby morecomplicated'methods usinganimalcells. In addition,Fabslack structures commonto IgG. IgG is shapedlike a Y, with a Fab occupyingthe tip of eacharm of the fork. An individualFabhasonly onebindingsitethatjoins to RSV. In contrast,IgGs havetwo bindingsites,permittingthe antibodiesto tink up with severalvirusesinto a chainlike immunecomplex. Suchcomplexescan accumulateand cause damaginginflammation.Also, individualFabslack the IgG's tail that is capableof triggeringa cascadeof harmfulinflammatoryreactions. "Becauseof their simplicity,Fabsmay be saferto usethanwholeIgG antibodieswhen treatingRSV infections,"sayscoauthorRobertM. Chanock,M.D., chief of MAID's Laboratory of InfectiousDiseases."Theuseof Fabsprecludesa numberof adverseeffectswholeantibody moleculescancause." For the study,scientistsscreened manyFabsand foundthat in tissueculturesFab 19 could neutralizeRSV very efficientlyby bindingto a regionof the virus. The investigators placed dropletscontainingFab 19 into the lungsof anesthetized micethreeor four daysaftertheir infectionwith RSV, a time whenthe virus replicatesmostactively. In four separate experiments, the investigalorsfoundthat very smalldoses,up to 50 microgramsper mouse,could reducethe amountof RSV in the lungs5,000to 12,000fold. Moreover,the researchers couldsustainthe'reductionandclearRSV if they gavethe mice a daily doseof Fab 19 for threedays. In contrast,the scientistscoulddetectactiveRSV from untreatedmice infectedfor the samelengthof time. Fab-resistant strainsof RSV couldnot be detectedin the treatedmice. However,to preventresistance to RSV Fabtherapyfrom developingin humans,the investigarors suggest therapyshouldinclude one or moreadditionalFabsthat can bind to otherpartsof the virus distinctfrom the regiontargetedby Fab 19. (more) 4 Othercoauthorson the studyincludeBrian R. Murphy,M.D., at MAID, R. Anthony Williarnson,Ph.D.,researchfellow in TSRI's Department of Immunology,andCarlosF. Barbas m, Ph.D.,assistantprofessorin TSRI's Department of MolecularBiology. NIAID, a componentof the NationalInstitutesof Health,supportsinvestigators and scientificstudiesat universities,medicalschools,hospitalsandresearch institutionsin the United Stuesand abroadaimedat preventing,diagnosingandtreatingsuchillnessesas AIDS, tuberculosisand asthmaas well as allergies. NIH is an agencyof the U.S. Departmentof Health andHumanServices. r TSRI is the nation'slargestnon-profitbiomedicalresearchfacility not affiliatedwith a university. Sinceits establishment in 1961,the Institutehasbecomeinternationallyrenownedfor its basicresearchinto immunology,autoimmune diseases, neurosciences, molecularbiology, chemistryandsyntheticvaccinedevelopment.TSRI is dividedinto eight departments:cell biology,chemistry,immunology,molecularbiology,molecularandexperimental medicine, neurobiology,neuropharmacology andvascularbiology. ttttt