Perception & Psychophysics 2000,62 (7), 1367-1382 A central-peripheral asymmetryin maskedpriming FRIEDERIKE SCHI,AGHECKENANdMARTIN EIMER Birkbeck College, London, England, Masked primes presented prior to a target result in behavioral benefits on incompatible trials (in which the prime and the target ile mapped onto opposite responses) when they appear at fixation, but in behavioral benefits on compatible trials (in which the prime and the taxget are mapped onto the same response) when appearing peripherally. In Experiment 1, the time course of this centra'Iperipherat asymmetry (CPA) was investigated. For central primes, compatible-trial benefits at short stimulus onset asynchronies(SOAs) turned into incompatible-trial benefits at longer SOAs.For peripheral primes, compatible-trial benefits at short SOAs increased in size with longer SOAs. Experiment 2 showed that these effects also occur when primes and targets are physically dissimilar, ruling out an interpretation in terms of the perceptual properties of the stimulus material. In Experiments 3 and 4, the question was investigated as to whether the CPA is related to visual-spatial attention and./or retinal eccentricity per se. The results indicate that the CPA is independent of attentional factors but strongly related to the physiological inhomogeneity of the retina. It is argued that central and peripheral primes trigger an initial motor activation, which is inhibited only if primes are presented at retinal locations ofsufficiently high perceptual sensitivity.The results are discussedin terms ofan activation threshold model. In the last decade,the role of inhibition in cognitive processeshas receivedconsiderableattention. On the basis of evidence from different experimentalparadigms,the concept of inhibitory control of information processing is gaining increasing support. Possibleexamples of inhibitory control currently under discussioninclude inhibitory processingin the perceptionand/or encodingofrepeated items (repetition blindness; Kanwisher, 1987); an inhibitory bias in spatial attention (inhibition ofreturn; Mayloq 1985),the inhibition of visual processingas a result of target identification (attentional blink, Raymond, Shapiro,& Arnell, 1992),theinhibition of irrelevantobjects during target selection (negativepriming; Tipper, 1985;seeFox, 1995,and May, Kane, & Hasher,1995,for reviews), and the selectiveinhibition of ongoing motor activity (inhibitory motor control; De Jong, Coles, & Logan, 1995; Kopp, Rist, & Mattler, 1996).Although the specific mechanismsunderlying these phenomenamay differ, they are likely to reflect the operation ofadaptively significant inhibitory control processes,rather than just basic capacity limitations ofthe cognitive system (seeArbuthnott, 1995,and Houghton& Tipper, 1996,for further discussions). An area in which inhibitory effects generally have not beenfound is the field of perceptionwithout subjective awareness,or near-thresholdperception (for a notable exThe present research was supported by grants from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences ResearchCouncil and from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The authors thank Arno von Buxhoeveden and Jutta Braune for their help in running the experiments. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressedto F. Schlaghecken, Department of Experimental Psychology, Birkbeck College, Malet Street,London WClE, 7HX, England (e-mail: t'.schlaghecken@bbk. ception,seeDagenbach,Carr, & Wilhelmsen, 1989).For example, inhibiting the attentional shift toward the location of a highly invalid peripheral cue is possible with suprathresholdcues,but impossibleifcues are presented near detectionthreshold (McCormick, 1997). Similarly, inhibiting one of two meaningsof a polysemousword is possible for suprathreshold words, but not for nearthreshold words (Marcel, 1980). Finally, negativepriming effects have been found to turn into positive priming effects when probe-trial distractors were successfully masked(Allport, Tipper, & Chmiel, 1985; seealso Neill, Valdes,& Terry, 1995). Recently, however, evidence has been reported that even under conditions of near-threshold stimulus presentation,inhibitory processescan be observed(Eimer, 1999; Eimer & Schlaghecken,1998; Schlaghecken& Eimer, 1997). In the maskedprime paradigm,participants had to perform a choice reaction time (RT) task in responseto simple visual stimuli, such as arrows or geometric figures, that were precededby maskedprimes.l In compatible trials, the prime and the target were identical; in incompatible trials, they were mapped to different responses;in neutral trials, the prime was task irrelevant. Surprisingly, performance benefits (fast responses,low error rates) were obtained in lncompatible trials, whereas performancecostswere presentin compatibletrials. First insights into the basis of this unexpectednegative compatibility effect were obtained by inspecting the lateralizedreadinesspotential (LRP), an electrophysiological measureof unimanual responseactivation (Eimer, 1999; Eimer & Schlaghecken,1998): Around 200 msec after prime onset, the LRP showed a partial activation of the responseassignedto the prime stimulus. However, about 100 msec later, in the time range in which responses 1367 Copyright 2000 PsychonomicSociety,Inc. 1368 SCHLAGHECKENAND EIMER to the target stimulus were selectedand activated,this initial responseactivation was replaced by an activation ofthe oppositeresponse.It was arguedthat the early partial activation of the responseassignedto the prime is a consequenceof direct perceptuomotor links, whereasthe subsequentreversalphasereflects an active inhibition of this initial responsetendency.The negative compatibility effect on behavioral performance would thus reflect an inhibition of a responsetendencytriggered by the masked primes. This activation-followed-by-inhibition hypothesis can also account for the fact that performance benefits for compatible trials (positive compatibitity effects) were observed in experiments in which the masking stimulus itself servedas the target(Klotz & Wolff, 1995; Neumann & Klotz, 1994): When the target immediately follows the prime instead of being separatedfrom thL prime by a masking stimulus, prime-target stimulus onset asynchronies(SOAs) are shorteE so that the activation of the responseto the target is more likely to overlap with the initial, prime-relatedpartial responseactivation.This w.ouldresult in performancebenefits in compatible trials, owing to the partial activation ofthe correci response, and in costs in incompatible trials, owing to the partial activation of the incorrect response. In accordancewith the activation-followed-by-inhibition account,experimentsthat varied the SOA betweenmask and target(Eimer, 1999,Experiment 3; Schlaghecken& Eimer, 1997) found positive compatibility effects for a mask*targetSOA of 0 msec,but theseeffectsdecreased with longer SOAs and eventually turned into negative compatibility effects. Moreover, negativecompatibility effects were also obtained when responseswith two fingers of the same hand were required and even when only a single overt responsewas to be executedin a go/no-go experiment(Eimer & Schlaghecken,1998,Experiment 3): When go stimuli were deliveredas primes, responsesto go targets were delayed and false alarms to no-go stimuli were less frequent, relative to trials in which a no-so stimulus servedas the prime, suggestingthat the responie assignedto the go prime was actively inhibited. In the studies described above, behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for activation-followed-byinhibition was found when maskedprimes were presented at fixation. However. with masked primes preiented in the periphery, a very different pattern of results emerged. Schlagheckenand Eimer (1997) compared the behavioral effectsof foveally and peripherally presentedmasked primes and found that with a 96-msecmask-targetSOA, central primes elicited negative compatibility effects, w-hereasperipheral primes elicitedpositive compatibility effects(i.e., performancebenefits for compatibletrialsj. How does this central-peripheral asymmetry (CpA) fit into the activation-followed-by-inhibition framework? A comparablesituation, in which the influence of (unmasked)distractor stimuli on responsesto targetsvaries with the spatial separationoftarget and distractors,can be found intheflanker compatibilityparadigm(e.g.,B. A. Eriksen & C. W. Eriksen, 1974): Similar to the masked prime paradigm,psychophysiologicalevidenceindicates that this interference is due to the fact that distractors that are potential target stimuli are likely to trigger a partial activation of their corresponding motor response (Gratton, Coles, Sirevaag,Eriksen, & Donchin, 1988; Smid, Mulder, & Mulder, 1990). In addition. similar to the masked prime paradigm, the interference effect changes with changing retinal eccentricity of the distractors (e.g., C. W. Eriksen & Hoffrnann, 1973; C. W. Eriksen,Pan,& Botella, 1993;Goolkasian,1997;Miller, 1991). However, in the masked prime paradigm, increasedretinal eccentricity ofthe distractorsresultedin a reversal of the negative compatibility effect, whereas in the flanker compatibility paradigm, only a gradual decreasein interference effects has been observed, without evidencefor "a different kind of processing" (Goolkasian, 1997) of central and peripheral information. The present experimentswere conducted to investigate whether the CPA in prime-target compatibility effects reflects qualitatively different types of processing for central and peripheral stimuli. If it could be established that there are systematic differences in the way that foveal information and peripheral information affect motor processes,this may have implications for our understandingof the mechanismsmediating betweenperceptionand action and ofthe role ofinhibitory processes in perceptuomotorlinks. Experiment I was conductedto confirm that the CPA is a reliable effect in maskedpriming situations and to investigatethe time course of the effects of central and peripheral primes on behavioral performance. Experiment 2 was conductedto rule out the idea that the CPA is primarily basedon perceptualproperties of the stimuli employedpreviously,ratherthan reflecting different patternsofresponse activationand inhibition. Experiments3 and4 studiedthe relation between spatial attention and the CPA, as well as the role of physiological propertiesof the visual systemcorrelatedwith retinal eccentricity. EXPERIMENT I Experiment I was conductedto test whether primetarget compatibility effects elicited by central and peripheral masked primes reflect the same underlying piocesses,which vary only in their latencies, or whether they reflect qualitatively different processes.The onset of the partial responseactivation triggered by the prime may simply be delayed for peripheral relative to foveally presentedprimes-for example, becauseperceptual analysis takes longer for peripherally presentedinformation than for centrally presentedinformation (seeCoyle, 1994).If this were the case,then with peripheralprimes, the activation ofthe responserequired by the targetwould be more likely to overlap with the initial, prime-related activation, insteadofoccurring during the subsequentresponseinhibition phase.In Experiment lA, prime-target compatibility effects for central and peripheral primes were investigatedwith short to intermediate mask-tarset CENTRAL-PERIPHERALASYMMETRYIN MASKED PRIMING SOAs (G-96 msec). If the CPA is due to a delayed response activation triggered by peripheral primes, then with a 0-msec SOA, no compatibility effects should be elicited by peripheral primes while central primes should give rise to a positive compatibility effect. Increasing the SOA should result in gradually emerging positive compatibility effects for peripheral primes and in a reversal from positive to negative compatibility effects with central primes.2 Alternatively, the onset of the inhibition phase may be delayed with peripheral primes, causing prime-target compatibility effects to reverse polarity later for peripherally than for centrally presented primes. In Experiment lB, prime-target compatibility effects were investigated with intermediate to long SOAs (9G-192 msec) in order to test whether peripherally presented primes would give rise to negative compatibility effects at longer SOAs. Moreover, the possibility that the negative compatibility effect elicited by central primes would remain stable with longer mask-target SOAs was tested. If, however, positive compatibility effects were observed for peripheral primes at all SOAs, this would indicate that inhibitory processes may be entirely restricted to response tendencies elicited by foveally presented information, whereas response activations triggered by peripheral information may not be actively inhibited at all. Method Participants. Twelvepaid volunteers(5 males),21 37 yearsof age (mean age,29.l years),participatedin Experiment lA, and l2 paid volunteers(6 males),l8-38 yearsof age (mean age, 28.7 years),participatedin Experiment lB. All the participants were right-handedand had normal or corrected-to-normalvision. Stimuli and Apparatus. Left- andright-pointing doublearrows (<< and >>) servedasprime stimuli. The maskwas constructedby superimposingthesestimuli uponone another.The targetconsisted of two left- or right-pointingdoublearrows(<< << and >> >>), spacedappropriatelyto allow the prime and the mask to fit exactly into the central gap. All the stimuli were presentedin black on a white backgroundon a l7-in. computerscreen.Prime and mask stimulisubtended a visualangleof approximatelyl. l5' X 0.4o;target stimuli subtendeda visual angleof approximately3.45' X 0.4". Procedure. The participantswere seatedin a dimly lit, soundattenuatedchamber,with responsebuttonsundertheir left andright index fingers. A computerscreenwasplaced 100cm in front ofthe participants' eyesso that the screencenterwas in the centerofthe participants'horizontalstraightaheadline of sight.The participants wereinstructedto maintaincentraleyefixation andto respondasfast and accuratelyas possiblewith a left buttonpressto a left-pointing targetarrow and with a right buttonpressto a right-pointing target Experimentalblocks consistedof80 trials, eachstartingwith the presentationof a prime stimulus(16-msecduration),followed by a mask (100-msecduration)and a targetstimulus(100-msecduration). In the central condition,maskedprimes appearedat fixation. lnthe peripheral condition, maskedprimesappearedrandomlyand with equalprobability either2.8oaboveor 2.8obelow fixation. Target stimuli appearedalways to the left and right of fixation (see above).Trials were termed compatiblewhen prime and target arrows were pointing in the samedirection, and incompatible otherwise. Both conditionswere equiprobableand randomizedwithin a givenblock. 1369 The maskalwaysfollowedthe prime immediately,whereasmasktargetSOA was blockedand was 0,32, 64, or 96 msec (Experiment lA) or 96, 128, 160,or 192 msec(Experiment1B). The intertrial interval was I sec. Different prime locations (central and peripheral) were also blocked. Since each ofthe four SOAs was combinedwith eachof the two prime locations,therewas a total of eight differentlocation/SOAcombinationsin eachexperiment.Each location/SOAcombinationwas deliveredin four blocks, resulting in a total of 32 experimentalblocks per experiment.The experiments were divided into four parts, each containing one block of eachlocation/SOAcombination.Within eachpart,the orderin which theseblocks were deliveredwas randomized.3 Data analysis. Repeatedmeasuresanalysesofvariance (ANOVAs) were performed on RTs and error ratesin the experimentalblocks for the factorsofprime position (centralor peripheral),SOA (0, 32, 64, or 96 msecin Experiment 1A and 96, 128, 160,or 192msecin Experiment1B),compatibility(compatibleor incompatible),andresponseside(left or right). Whereappropriate,Greenhouse-Geisser adjustmentsto the degreesoffreedom wereperformed(indicatedin the Resultssectionby e). Results In both experiments,main effects of prime position were obtained for RTs and error rat;s [all ,F's(I , I I ) > 8.7, all ps < .013], since RTs were shorter and fewer errors were made in the peripheralprime condition (372 msec, L9oloerrors in Experiment 1A, and 358 msec, I .9o%in Experiment lB) than in the centralprime condition (396 msec, 2.7oh,and 377 msec, 2.9o/o,respectively). Experiment 1A. Overall, RTs were shorter and fewer errors were made in compatible trials than in incompatibletrials[377msec,1.8%vs. 391msec,2.9%;F(l,ll) : 63.04 and 31.59,bothps < .001,for RT and error rates, respectively]. For RT, this effect was larger for peripheral p r i m e s t h a n f o r c e n t r a lp r i m e s [ F ( 1 , 1 1 ) : l l . 9 8 , p < .005], and for both RTs and error ratespositive compatibility effects were more pronounced with short SOAs thanwith long SOAs[RT: F(3,33) : 19.20,p<.001,e : .694; error rates:F(3,33): ll.27,p < .001, e: .8271. As can be seem from Figure 1, the positive compatibility effect not only becamesmaller with increasingSOA for central primes, but turned into a negative compatibility effect with the 96-msecSOA. In contrast,positive compatibility effects became larger with increasing SOAs for peripheral primes. This pattern was reflected inprimeposition x SOA x compatibility interactionsfor RTs and error rates[F(3,33) : 3 5.07 and I 8.5, bothps < .001,e: .590 and.669,respectivelyl. Pairwisecomparisonsof RTs for compatibleand incompatible trials, conducted with two-tailed I tests for individual SOAs and prime positions, confirmed that for peripheral primes, RT for compatible trials was sigaificantly shorter than RT for incompatible trials in all SOA conditions [all rs(l l) > 5.9, allps < .001]. For centralprimes, RT for compatible trials was significantly shorter than RT for incompatible trials in the 0-msec SOA condition and in the 32-msecSOA condition [both rs(ll) > 6.4, bothps < .0011,whereas it was significantly longer in the 96-msecSOA condition[r(1 l) : 4.06,p < .002].No l 370 SCHLAGHECKEN AND EIMER comp. {F fl- incomp. a E F tr -r-t -r--t L--J---1 E-n-il 1 o Mask-Target SOA(ms) Figure l. Experiment 1: Reaction times (RTs; line graphs) and error rates (bar graphs) in compatible trials(gray) and incompatible trials (white) for the four stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) condiiions in Experiment lA (0,32, 64,and,96 msec) and Experiment lB (96, 128, 160, and 192 msec), displayed separately for central primes (left) and peripheral primes (right). significant compatibility effect was present for central primesin the 64-msecSOA condition. Experiment lB. No main effect of compatibility was present,but highly significant compatibility X prime position interactionsfor RTs and error rates [F( l,l I ) : 31.82and 19.66,respectively;bothps < .0011indicated the presenceof prime-target compatibility effectsof opposite directions for the two prime positions (see Figure 1). With peripheralprimes, a stablepositive compatibility effect was found, whereaswith central Drimes.a stablenegativecompatibility effect was observed.Additional ANOVAs, conducted separatelyfor central trials and peripheral trials, confirmed that these effecrs were significantfor peripheralprimes [RT: F(1,11) :73.20, p < . 0 0 1 ;e r r o rr a t e :f ( l , l l ) : l 5 . l 0 , p < . 0 0 3 1a, s w e l l a s f o r c e n t r a lp r i m e s [ R T : F ( 1 , 1 l ) : 1 4 . 1 3 p , < .003; error rate:f'(l,l l) : 8.42,p < .0l4l.Importantly, there was no compatibility X SOA interactionon either RT or error rates for either central or peripheral primes, indicating that the respectivepriming effects were of equivalentsizeacrossall SOAs. Discussion of Experiment I The effect of maskedprime stimuli on performanceto subsequentlypresentedtargetsdependscrucially on the location of these primes. With mask-target SOAs of 96 msec, negative compatibility effects were observed with centrally presentedprimes, but positive compatibility effects were present for peripheral primes (Schlaghecken& Eimer, 1997).Experiment I was conductedto test whether this CPA was due to latency differencesin the responseactivation and/or inhibition processestriggeredby central and peripheralprimes. To this purpose, the time course of priming effects was investigatedfor central and peripheralmaskedprimes by varying masktarget SOA between0 and 192 msec. The results confirmed that the CPA is a reliable phenomenonthat can be obtainedunder a number of different SOA conditions.None of theseconditions,however, revealedany evidencethat the CPA is due to latency differences:In Experiment lA, peripheralprimes produced a substantialpositive compatibility effect in the O-msec SOA condition, indicating that the onsetofresponseten- CENTRAL-PERIPHERALASYMMETRYIN MASKED PRIMING dencies triggered by peripheral primes was not (or not substantially)delayed,as comparedwith responsetendencies triggeredby centralprimes. In Experiment lB, both positive compatibility effects obtained with peripheral primes and negative compatibility effects obtained with central primes remained constant acrossthe whole range of SOAs employed in this study. This suggeststhat response inhibition elicited in the central prime condition is not a transient phenomenon that is subject to rapid decay,whereasresponseinhibition is entirely absentin the peripheral prime condition. Although responseinhibition with peripheral primes may have been obtained at even longer SOAs, the fact that the positive compatibility effects showed no sign of decreasewith increasing SOA makes this assumption unlikely. However, it has to be noted that the positive compatibility effect obtained for the 0-msec SOA was significantly smaller for peripheralthan for central primes [12 vs. 33 msec;(l l) : 4.47,p<.0011. This differencemay indicate that during the responseactivation for a O-msec SOA target, the responsetendency triggered by central primes was already fully activated, whereas it was only just beginning to build up for peripheral primes. If this were the case,positive compatibility effects in response to peripheralprimes in the 0-msecSOA condition should be restrictedto relatively slow responses,becausefaster responseswould be selectedand activatedprior to the onset of the prime-related responseactivation. This was tested by comparing RT effects for peripheral primes in the O-msecSOA condition for the fastest l0% of all responses(mean RT of about 300 msec) with the effects obtained for the slowest l0% of all responses(mean RT of about 415 msec), obtained on the basis of individual RT distributions. Positivecompatibility effectswere obtainedfor slow responses[( I 1) : 2.97,p < .0I 3], aswell as for fast responses[/(l l) : 4.62, p < .0011,and these effectsdid not differ in size [r(l l) < 1.3,n.s.]. Assuming that the selection and activation of the responseto the target precedesexecutionby at least 100 msec, the fact that positive compatibility effects were present for the fastestresponsesin the 0-msecSOA condition indicates that peripheral primes affected motor activation around 200 msec after their onset.This estimatecorrespondswell with LRP evidenceobtainedwith central primes (Eimer & Schlaghecken,1998), demonstratingthat the partial activation of the primed responsestartsabout 200 msec after prime onset,and suggeststhat the onsetof the primed responseactivation is not systematicallydelayedfor peripheral relative to central primes. Taken together, the results of Experiment I support the idea that there are qualitative differences in response activation processestriggered by central and peripheral primes: Whereas central primes give rise to an activationfollowed-by-inhibition process,peripheral primes seem to elicit a processofactivation-only. Since this conclusion may have important implications for our understanding of how visual information affects performance, alternative interpretationsand possibleconfounding factors have to be carefully considered.In Experiment2,the question 1371 ofwhether the CPA is based on perceptual differences that are due to stimulus presentation was investigated: Perhapsthe rapid successionofcentral primes and targetshas resulted in specific emergent features that did not occur with peripheral primes. Experiments 3 and 4 addressed the question of attentional differences: Because all the targets were presented at fixation, central primes were processedwithin the focus of attention, whereas peripheral primes, presentedat unattended locations, were not. EXPERIMENT 2 In Experiment I, prime and target arrows were identical in compatible trials, while pointing in opposite directions in incompatibletrials. The successivepresentation ofprimes and targets at adjacent locations in the central presentation condition may have resulted in qualitatively different emergent visual features in compatible and incompatible trials, resulting in an advantage for incompatible trials in the central presentationcondition. Owing to the spatial separation between primes and targets, no such emergent features would be elicited in the peripheral presentation condition. In addition, the presentation of two identical stimuli in rapid successionand close spatial proximity may impair the detection of the second stimulus. relative to a situation in which these stimuli are not identical or appear at different locations Qterceptual repetition blindness; seeHochhaus & Johnston, 1996). If this phenomenon was responsible for the negative compatibility effects obtained with central primes and longer SOAs in Experiment l, this may fully explain the presence of a CPA. To investigatetheseissues,physically similar, as well as physically dissimilar, prime and target stimuli were employed in Experiment 2. If the CPA was basedon perceptual properties of the stimuli employed in Experiment I, it should be obtained inthe similar condition but should disappear inthe dissimilar condition. Method (7 female),l9-39 yearsof Participants.Eightpaidvolunteers All the in theexperiment. age(meanage,26.5years),participated andhadnormalor corrected-toparticipantswereright-handed normalvision. Stimuli, Apparatus,and Procedure.The stimuli,apparatus, SOAconditions wereidenticalto the0- and128-msec andprocedure exceptthatdifferenttarget I A andI B, respectively, ofExperiments In 50%ofall thetrials,centralarrowtargets stimuliwereemployed. whereas in theotherhalf,lateraltargetstimuliwere werepresented, oftwo left-pointingor rightdelivered.Centraltargetsconsisted pointingdoublearrows,appearing bilaterallyl.5oaboveandbelow appropriately fromcenterto center)andspaced fixationa(measured asto to allowcentralprimesandmasksto fit exactlyinto thecena tral gap.Lateraltargetsweresingleplus signs(+), subtending unilaterally 0.3oX 0.3othatappeared visualangleof approximately of 2.4"to theleft or rightof fixation.Cenat a horizontaldistance order.5 in randomized tral andlateraltargetswerepresented to respondwith a left keypress wereinstructed Theparticipants to left-pointingcentraltargetarrowsandto lateraltargetsappearcento right-pointing ing at theleft sideandwith a rightkeypress at theright side. tral targetarrowsandto lateraltargetsappearing Triafsweretermedcompatiblewhenprimeandtargetarrowswere appeared atthe pointingin thesamedirectionor whena plus-target 1372 SCHLAGHECKEN AND EIMER sideindicatedby the prime and incompatibleotherwise.Twentyexperimentalblocksconsistingof 80 trials eachwere run. prime location(centralvs. peripheral)andmask targetSOA (0 vs. I 28 msec) wereblocked,with five successive blocksfor eachofthe four combinationsoftheseconditions.At the beginningofeachofthesefour experimentalsegments, a briefpracticeblock was delivered. Data analysis. RepeatedmeasuresANOVAs wereperformedon meanRTsand errorrates,separately for centraland literal targets, for the factorsofprime position(centralor peripheral),SOA (0 or 128msec),compatibility(compatible or incompatible), andresponse side(left or right). Follow-upanalyseswereincludedto investigate interactionsbetweenthesefactors. .016and .024,for centraland lateraltargets,respectively; error rates; Fs(|,7) : 16.45 and 19.44,ps < .006 and .003]. However,theseeffectswere accompaniedby prime position X compatibilityinteractions[RT: Fs( I ,7) : 39.4 and 13.52,ps < .00I and .008; error rates,centraltargets: F ( I , 7 ) : 2 6 . 2 7 , p< . 0 0 1 ;l a t e r a lt a r g e t sF: ( 1 , 7 ) : 2 . 3 3 , n.s.], since positive compatibility effects were much larger on peripheral prime trials than on central prime trials. Most important, they were accompaniedby threeway prime position X SOA X compatibility interactions [ R T :F s ( 1 , 7 ): l l l . 6 7 a n d I l . 0 5 , p s < . 0 0 1 a n d . 0 l 3 , f o r central and lateral targets, respectively; error rates: Results Fs( I,7) : 7 .65 and 7.30,ps < .028 and .03I l: For peFigure 2 showsthe mean RTs and error ratesobtained ripheral primes, positive compatibility effects increased in compatibleand incompatibletrials in the 0- and 128- in size with increasingSOA, whereasfor central primes, msec mask-target SOA conditions with central and pe- positive compatibility effectsturned into negativecomripheral primes and central and lateral targets,respectively. patibility effects. Overall, responseswere faster to lateraltargetsthan to cenFollow-up analysesrevealedthat the main effects of tral targetsand, similar to Experiment l, fasteron periph- compatibility at the 0-msec SOA were significant for eral prime trials than on central prime trials. c e n t r atl a r g e t s[ R T :F ( 1 , 7 ) : 2 9 . 8 3 , p < . 0 0 1 ; e r r o r r a t e s : For both target types, responseswere generally faster F(|,7) : 12.92,p < .0091and approachedsignificance and fewer errors were made on compatibletrials than on f o r l a t e r a lt a r g e t s[ R T : F ( 1 , 7 ) : 5 . 2 8 , p < . 0 5 5 ; e r r o r incompatibletrials [RT: Fs(1,7) : 10.09and 8.29,ps < r a t e s :F ( 1 , 7 ) : 5 . 2 5 ,p < . 0 5 6 1 .T h e p r i m e p o s i t i o nX centralprimes 400 centraltargets peripheral primes lateraltargets centraltargets lateraltargets 380 --ft incomp 360 a g n\ F E \ TI \ 340 lf n 320 300 20 1 0 q rfl t-h _--l 0 28 0 o 0 0 128 Mask-Target SOA(ms) 128 s 128 Figure 2. Experiment 2: Reaction times (RTs; line graphs) and error rates (bar graphs) in compatible trials (gray) and incompatible trials (white) in response to central and lateral targets for the O-msec mask-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) and the 128-msec mask-target SOA, displayed separately for central primes (left) and peripheral primes (right). CENTRAL-PERIPHERALASYMMETRY IN MASKED PRIMING 1373 sponseswere selectedand activated during the initial facilitatory phaseand that only slower responseswere subject to responseinhibition. This was testedby an analysisof RT distributions (20th, 40th, 60th, and 80th percentiles), computed for eachparticipant individually, for the central-prime/128-msecSOA condition for lateral targets. A responselatency x compatibility interactionwas obtained lF(3,21) : 6.75,p < 2 Discussion of Experiment Experiment 2 testedwhether the CPA is causedby per- .013; e : .5711,and further analysesshowedsignificant ceptual properties of the stimulus material (e.g., emer- negative compatibility effects for the 60th and 80th percentiles [both ts(7) > 2.67, bothps < .032], whereasthe gent visual features and/or perceptual repetition blindtoward a positive compatibility effect for the 20th primes trend and central ness effects, occurring with central targets, but not with peripheral primes and central tar- percentile was not significant. This confirms the hypothgets), rather than reflecting systematic differences in re- esis that the absenceof a negative compatibility effect for sponse activation and inhibition triggered by foveal and responsesto lateral targetswas due to the short latency of peripheral primes. Prime-target compatibility effects many responsesand that this effect is present for slower elicited by central and peripheral arrow primes at short responses. Overall, the results obtained in Experiment 2 demon(0-msec)and long (128-msec)mask-target SOAs on responsesto central arrow targets were compared with ef- strate that the presenceof prime-target compatibility effects on responsesto lateral targets that were physically fects and the CPA do not critically depend on visual feadissimilar and.spatiallyseparatedfrom the primes. The tures of the target stimuli but, rather, reflect processes results obtained in this experiment rule out the hypothe- involved in response selection and activation: Whereas sis that the CPA is based on the different spatial separa- masked primes presentedcentrally trigger an activationtions of physically similar primes and targetsin central followed-by-inhibition process,maskedprimes presented prime trials and peripheral prime trials: For both types of peripherally trigger an activation-only process. targets,positive compatibility effects were obtained with EXPERIMENT3 peripheraland centralprimes in the 0-msecSOA condition, and a CPA was observedin the 128-msecSOA condition. With an explanation in terms of emergent visual feaHowever, some aspectsof these results require further consideration.First, the size of the positive compatibil- tures or perceptual repetition blindness ruled out, it is ity effects obtained in the 0-msec SOA condition was still unclear why the spatial location of a masked prime considerably smaller than that in Experiment lA. This should determine whether or not an inhibition process is may have been caused by the fact that primes appeared elicited. An alternative explanation is that attentional facas targets on only 50% of all the trials. Further studies tors are responsible for the CPA. Note that in both previous experiments,targetswere presentedclose to fixation. will have to investigate whether the strength of the initial responseactivationdependson the probability of primes Since attention is likely to be directed to the expected lobeing presentedas targets.Second,althoughprime posi- cation of target stimuli, centrally presentedprimes were tion X compatibility interactionswere present for both located within the attentional focus, whereas peripheral target types in the 128-msecSOA condition, indicating primes were presentedat unattended positions. It is conthe existence of a CPA for central as well as for lateral ceivable that the presenceor absenceofresponse inhibitargets,inspection of Figure 2 suggests-and subsequent tion is directly related to the position of the prime rela/ tests confirmed-that negative compatibility effects tive to the current focus ofattention. In the present experiment, the role of visual-spatial atelicited by central primes were significant only for central targets.This could indicatethat the physical similar- tention was studied by combining the masked prime parity between primes and targets is, in fact, crucial for the adigm with an exogenous spatial cuing paradigm. Spapresbnceofan inhibitory process,as is suggestedby the tially uninformative peripheral stimuli were presented perceptual repetition blindne^t^t account.There is, however, prior to each prime-mask-target sequence.These cues an alternative explanation: As can be seenfrom Figure 2, were assumedto involuntarily summon visual-spatial atresponsesto lateral targets were considerably faster than tention to their location (Miiller & Rabbitt, 1989; Remresponsesto central targets. Mean RT to lateral targets ington, Johnston,& Yantis, 1992;Riggio & Kirsner, 1997). was about 340 msec-that is, responsesstarted, on aver- Masked primes and targets were presented with equal probability at cued and uncued locations. Primes preage, about 470 msec after prime offset. This primeresponse interval corresponds almost exactly to the in- sented at cued positions should be located within the terval measured in the 64-msec SOA condition in Ex- focus of attention, whereas primes presented at uncued periment lA, where mean RT to central targetswas about positionsshouldbe locatedoutsidethis focus. If the CPA 400 msec and no prime-target compatibility effects were dependedon the current locus oftransient visual-spatial attention, in that response inhibition was elicited for obtained at all (seeFigure l, left). Afacilitation-followedby-inhibition account would assume that the fastest re- primes at attended locations but not for primes at unat- compatibility interactionsat the 128-msecSOA, indicating the existence of a CPA, were significant for central as well as for lateral targets [RT: Fs(I,7) : 69.22 and 20.29,ps < .001 and .003, for central and lateral targets, respectively;error rates:.Fs(1,7): 23.02 and7.29,ps < . 0 0 2a n d . 0 3 l l . 1374 SCHLAGHECKENAND EIMER tended locations, a negative compatibility effect similar to the effects obtained previously with central primes should be found for trials in which peripheral masked primes appeared at cued locations, wheieas a positive compatibility effect should be obtained at uncued (unattended) locations. Note that a failure to find this pattern of results could be due to the fact that the peripheral cues were not effective in attracting visual-spatial attention. Thus, in order to have an independent estimate of the effectiveness of the exogenous attentional cuing procedure, occasional probe trials were delivered together with the usual prime trials. In probe trials, participants had to respona tb tettpointing or right-pointing arrows, which appeared instead of the prime but were neither masked nor followed by an additional arrow. Ifthe attentional cuing procedure was effective, responses to probe targets at cued locations should be faster than responses to probe targets at uncued locations. If such exogenous cuing effects were obtained on probe trials without any modulatory influence of attentional cuing on prime-target compatibility effects, this would demonstrate that visual-spatial attention is not a critical factor for the presence of the CpA. In the practiceblock aswell as in the baselineblock, prime trials and probe trials were presentedwithout a prior cuing stimulus. In the attentionalcuing block, eachtrial startedwith the presentation ofa peripheralcue,appearingrandomlyandwith equaiprobability either 3.2'above or 3.2obelow fixation and remaining visible for I l0 msec. Either a prime trial or a probe trial (seeabove)was delivered 55 msec after the offset of the cue. Masked primes and targets appearedwith equalprobability at cued and uncuedlocations. Data analysis. For prime trials in the baselineblock, two-tailed I testswere computedon RTs and error ratesfor compatibleversus incompatibletrials. For prime trials in the attentionalcuing block, repeatedmeasuresANOVAs wereperformedon RTs and error rates for the within-subjectsfactorsofcue validity (cued vs. uncuedlocation), prime/targetcompatibility (compatible or incompatible), and responseside (left or right) For probe trials in the attentional cuing block, two-tailedttests werecomputedon RTs anderror rates for targetsat cuedversusuncuedlocations. Results Cue validity effects. Probe trials in the attentional cuing block showed a main effect of cue validity on RT and error rates, indicating that the cues were efficient in attracting visual-spatial attention. RTs were 441 and 471 msecto targetsat cued and uncuedlocations lt(j) : 3 .43,p < .01I ], and the respectiveerror rates were | .3Vo and3.9o/ott(1): 4.24,p<.0041.Cue validiryalsoaffected Method RT (but not error rate) on prime trials, since responseson Participants. Eight paid volunteers(4 male), 23-39 yearsofage validly cued prime trials were about 12 msec faster than . (meanage,26.6 years),participatedin the experiment.Al1 the par- responses on invalidly cued prime trials [F'(I,7) : 6.9j , ticipantswereright-handedand had normal or corrected-to-normal p < .033; seeFigure 31. vision. Prime-target compatibility effects. In the baseline Stimuli and Apparatus. Left- and right-pointing doublearrows block, in which no cues were presented,performance (<< and >>), subtendinga visual angleofapproximately1.15.x 0.4o,servedas prime and targetstimuli. The mask was constructed was better on compatibletrials than on incompatibletrivia superimposingthese stimuli upon one another.The cue con- als [RT: 424 msecvs. 445 msec; t(7) : 3.91,p < .006; sistedof a rectangularframe of approximately1.4. X 0.8.. In addi- error rates:5.3% vs. 92%: t(7) : 3 .15,p < .0161.Analtion, a fixation crosswaspresented,subtendinga visual angleofapogous effects were found in the attentional cuing block proximately0.3oX 0.3o.All the stimuli werepresented in blackon (see Figure 3), since compatible trials produced faster a white backgroundon a | 7-in. computerscreen. RTs and fewer errors than did incompatible trials [RT: Procedure. The generalexperimentalset-upwas similar to ExperimentsI and2. To supportcentral eye fixation, a fixation cross F(|,7) : 35.87,p < .00I ; error rate:F(|,7) : 30.33,p < was continuouslypresentat the center of the screen.The experi- .001]. Moreover,the positive compatibility effect observed ment startedwith a practiceblock of 160 trials. The data from this in the attentionalcuing block showed a tendency to be block werenot stored.After the practiceblock, a baselineblock was larger on valid trials than on invalid trials, confirmed by delivered(240 trials), in which no cueswere presented.Finally, an a validity x compatibility interaction that was significant attentional cuingblock was delivered (960 trials). In each block. therewasa breakafterevery80 trials.The participantsinitiatedthe for error rate lF(|,7) : 32.42,p < .001I and approached significancefor RT lF(|,7) : 4.63,p < .0691. next seriesof 80 trials when they felt ready to do so. In all the blocks, 80% of all the trials were prime trials and20Vo of all the trials wereprobetrials.Primetrials consistedof a prime arrow (16-msecduration),pointing randomly and with equalprobability to the right or to the left. The prime was immediately followed by a mask (100-msecduration), which in turn was immediately followed by a targetstimulus(100-msecduration).Trials were terrned,compatibleif prime and target arrows pointed in the same direction and incompatibleotherwise.Both conditionswere equiprobableand randomizedwithin eachblock. probe trials consisied ofone doublearrow only (probearrow), which was neithermasked nor followedby an additionalarrow andwaspresentedfor 100 msec. The intertrial interval was I sec.The participantshad to respondto the probe arrows in the sameway that they had to respondto the prime trial targets.For any given trial, all the stimuli (prime, mask, and target in the prime trials and probe arrows in the probe trials) appearedeither3.2oaboveor 3.2obelow fixation, both positions being equiprobableand randomizedwithin eachblock. Discussion of Experiment 3 If the responsetendenciestriggered by stimuli within the attentional focus are subject to inhibition, whereas no inhibition is elicited when suchtendenciesare caused by unattended stimuli, presenting masked primes and targetsat previously cued or uncuedperipherallocations should affect the direction of prime-target compatibility effects. In Experiment 3, uninformative peripheral cues were presentedeither aboveor below fixation, and all subsequentstimuli (prime, mask, and target on prime trials and probe arrows on probe trials) appearedrandomly and with equal probability at the cued location or at the uncued location. If the CPA was determinedby the current focus of attention, a negative compatibility effect similar CENTRAL-PERIPHERALASYMMETRYIN MASKEDPRIMING 1375 RT (ms) 450 440 I u 430 420 410 400 390 380 15 o 370 1 0 q 360 5 350 0 compatible compatible d d 3 incompatible Figure 3. Experiment 3: Performance in compatible and incompatible prime trials in the experimental block. Lines depict reaction times (RTs), bars depict error rates. Invalidly cued trials are indicated by white circles and white bars; validly cued trials are indicated by black squares and black bars. to the effects observedwith centralprimes should be found for maskedprimes and targetsat cued locations,whereas a positive compatibilityeffect should be presentat uncued locations. The results of the presentexperiment do nor supporr this assumption.Although exogenouscuing effectson RT and error rates on probe trials showedthat attention was summonedto cued locations,therewas no indication that a negativecompatibility effect was elicited for prime trials at these locations.On the contrary,the interaction betweencue validity and compatibility (only marginally significant for R! but highly significant for error rate) reflected the opposite direction of effects; If anything, the positive compatibility effect was largeron valid triais than on invalid trials.6Thus, one is led to assumethat attentional factors play no major role for the occurrenceof the CPA. Howeveq it has to be notedthat in the Dresenttrial-bvtrial cuing experiment,only the roleof transient attentioial shifts was investigated.In the previousexperiments,targets usually appearedat fixation, thus presumably resulting in a sustainedfocusing ofattention at the screen center.Since there is some evidencethat effects oftransient attention are different from effectsofsustained attention (e.g.,Eimer, 1996;Nakayama& Mackeben,1989; Posner,Snyder,& Davidson, 1980),the possibility remains that the location of prime stimuli, relative to a sustained focus of spatial attention,plays a role for the CpA. Alternatively,the CPA might be directly relatedto the retinal eccentricity of the maskedprimes. In Experiment 4, theseissueswere investisated. EXPERIMENT 4 In this experiment,the influence of sustainedvisualspatial attention,as well as the relationshipbetweenthe CPA and the retinal eccentricity of the masked primes, was investigated.Since the CPA was found to be unaffected by transient attentional orienting in the previous experiment,it was testedwhethersustainedattentionhas an effect on the CPA. To investigatethis iSsue,the possibility of maintaininga narrow focus of attentionin order to selectivelyfilter out peripherally presentedirrelevant information was manipulatedby varying the conditions of prime presentation.In previous experimentsemploying peripheralprimes, prime location was constantthroughout an experimentalblock. It should be more difficult to maintain a narrow focus of sustainedattention when irrelevantstimuli are presentedat unpredictablelocations than when their location is constantand, therefore, en- 1316 SCHLAGHECKENAND EIMER tirely predictable(seeAllport, 1989,for the idea that the attentional filtering of irrelevant stimuli can depend on the availability and reliability ofadditional spatialinformation about thesestimuli). The participantswere assignedto one ofthree groups. For Group A, primes were presented either centrally or unilaterally displaced from fixation, with each of l3 possible prime locations (see below) randomized within eachblock. This group was expectedto have the greatest difficulties in maintaining a narrow focus of attention. For Group B, masked primes were presentedbilaterally, thus reducing the number of possibleprime locations in any given block to 7. It was assumedthat becauseof the greater uniformity of stimulus presentation, maintaining a narrow attentional focus would be less disrupted in this condition. For Group C, primes were presentedbilaterally and prime eccentricity was held constant throughout a given block. The participants in this group were expected to have the least difficulty selectively filtering out irrelevantperipheralinformation. If this between-subjectsmanipulation has the predicted effect on sustainedattention, the participants in Group A (most diffuse spatial attention) should show the longest RTs in responseto targets,whereasthe participants in Group C (most focused spatial attention) should show the shortestRTs. If the CPA is sensitiveto the possibility of selectively filtering out peripheral masked primes,Group A should show the smallestCPA, because with diffuse spatial attention, the difference between attended (central) and unattended (peripheral) prime locations should be relatively small. Group C, on the other hand, should show the largestCPA, becausewith highly focused attention, the attentional difference between central and peripheral locations should be most pronounced.In contrast, ifthe CPA is not affected by sustained attention, no CPA differences should be found between groups. Rather than being due to attentional factors, the CPA may primarily reflect physiological characteristicsof the visual system.Since the perceptualsensitivity of the visual system declines with retinal eccentricity (Anstis, 1974;DeValois& DeValois, 1988;Lie, 1980;Rijsdijk, Kroon, & van der Wildt, 1980),a stimulus presentedperipherally has a different-probably lower-representational quality than does a stimulus presentedat fixation. It seems possible that the strength of perceptual representationsof prime stimuli is reflected in the strength of the primed responseactivation and that only motor activations exceedinga certain thresholdare subjectto inhibition. If this were the case,it would be more likely that stimuli presentedwithin regions of high perceptualsensitivity would eventually give rise to an inhibition process. Negative compatibility effects may thus occur with central primes becausethey are presented foveally, whereas positive compatibility effects may occur for peripheral primes becausethey are presented extrafoveally. Following this line of argument,one may expectto find direct relationships between variations of the retinal position of the primes and the magnitude and direction of priming effects:With increasingretinal eccentricity ofthe prime, a decreasingnegativecompatibility effect should be obtained, which should turn into a positive compatibility effect beyond some critical distancefrom the fovea. Sincethe perceptualsensitivity ofthe retina declinesfaster along the vertical axis than along the horizontal axis (i.e., the area of maximal sensitivity has an elliptical shape,with the horizontal meridian determining its major axis; see,e.g.,Rijsdijk et al., 1980),this critical distance should be reachedat smaller eccentricities with vertically displacedprimes than with horizontally displacedprimes. To test this issue,maskedprimes either were presented at fixation or were horizontally or vertically displaced by 0 . 5 5 ' , 1 . 1 " ,1 . 6 5 " , 2 . 2 " , 2 . 7 5 o , o3r. 3 oo f v i s u a la n g l e . Note that in contrast to the hypothesis that the CPA depends on physiological inhomogeneities of the retina, the idea that the CPA is due to attentional factors would not predict any difference betweenhorizontally and vertically displacedprimes in the decreaseand reversalof priming effects with increasing retinal eccentricity. Although attentional selectivity generally increaseswith increasing retinal eccentricity of irrelevant information, this effect is generally found to be equivalent for horizontally and vertically displaced distractors, and the attentional field therefore is assumedto be circular in shape(e.g., Henderson& MacQuistan,1993;Hughes&Zimba,1987; Pan & Eriksen,1993). Method (13 male),20-32 paidvolunteers Participants.Twenty-four in theexperiment. yearsofage(meanage,23.7years),participated vision,and hadnormalor corrected-to-normal All theparticipants to wereassigned The participants all but onewereright-handed. oneof threegroups(GroupA, GroupB, andGroupC) in orderof in eachgroup. Therewere8 participants theirappearance. wereidentiStimuliand Apparatus.Thestimuliandapparatus ofa fixation 3, exceptfor the absence cal to thosein Experiment crossanda cue. set-upwasidenticalto those Procedure.Thegeneralexperimental I to 3, exceptthat the targetstimuliwerealways in Experiments at presented at fixation,whereasmaskedprimeseitherappeared by 0.55',1.1",1.65',2.2",2.75', or 3.3" fixationor weredisplaced waseitherhorizontalor vertical,and ofvisualangle.Displacement wasalwaysblocked. thedirectionof displacement uniprimesandmaskswerepresented ForGroupA, peripheral blocks,theycouldappearatfixationandalong laterally.In separate the verticalmeridianaboveor belowfixation or at fixation and alongthe horizontalmeridianto the left or right of fixation.For biprimesandmaskswerepresented GroupsB andC, peripheral laterally-thatis, eitheraboveandbelowfixationor to theleft and from fixation.Moreover,for right of fixation,andequidistant (0'-3.3") wererandomized GroupsA andB, primeeccentricities in bothgroupsreceived within eachblock.Halfofthe participants five horizontalblocksfollowedby five verticalblocks(eachblock was for theotherhalf,thissequence 336trials),whereas containing wereblocked,andthe ForGroupC, primeeccentricities reversed. 240trials)wasrandomized sequence of l4 blocks(eachcontaining CENTRAL-PERIPHERALASYMMETRYIN MASKED PRIMING 1377 Primes horizontally displaced 410 (tt 5 F TT 390 370 o 2 0 d ln ds 2.2 2.75 1.65. 2.2" 2.75. 3.3. 0 Primesverticallydisplaced 410 aon o -E -(r 370 o 2 0 d r v s o" 0.55" 1.1' 1.6s' 3.3 0. 0.55" 1.1. 1.65"2.2 2.75" 3.3. O" 0.5s" 1.1" 1.65"2.2 2.75" 3.3. 0 Figure 4. Experiment 4: Reaction times (RTs; lines) and error rates (bars) for compatible trials (gray) and incompatible trials (white), plotted separatelyfor the three experimental groups. Upper panel: Blocks with horizontally displacedprimes. Lower panel: Blocks with vertically displacedprimes. for eachparticipant.Therewasa total of 120trials for eachofthe 28 conditions(direction ofdisplacementX eccentricity x compatibility) throughout the experiment.A rest period was included in the middle of each block, and the participantsinitiated the second halfofthe block whenthey felt readyto do so. Data analysis. RepeatedmeasuresANOVAs wereperformedon RTs and error rates for the between-subjectsfactor of group (Groups A, B, and C) and for the within-subjectsfactors of prime position(0',0.55", 1.1",1.65',2.2',2.75",and 3.3'),directionof displacement(horizontalor vertical),andcompatibility (compatible or incompatible).Where appropriate,Greenhouse-Geisser adjustments to the degreesof freedomwere performed (indicated in the resultsectionby e). e: .549, respectively].Second,RTs were faster and fewer errors were made with vertically displaced primes than with horizontally displaced primes IF(|,21) : 10.35, p < .004, andF(1,21) : 4.47,p < .0471.Theseeffects interacted for both RTs and error rates lF(6,126) : 2 . 9 6 ,p < . 0 3 2 ,e : . 5 7 1 ,a n dF ( 6 , 1 2 6 ): 5 . 0 0 , p < . 0 0 1 , e : .679, respectively], since the performance increment with increasing eccentricities of the masked primes was more pronounced for vertically displaced primes than for horizontally displacedprimes. Interactionsof these effects with the factor of group are reported below. Prime-target compatibility. Generally, RTs were faster and fewer errors were made on incompatible than Results on compatible t r i a l s[ R T : F ( 1 , 2 1 ) : l l l . 9 5 , p < . 0 0 1 ; Prime position. Figure 4 shows RTs and error rates errorrate: F(\,21) : 61.25,p <.001, respectively].Howobtained in compatible and incompatible trials for dif- ever, theseeffects becamesmaller with increasing retinal ferent prime eccentricitiesand directions of displacement, eccentricitiesof the masked primes [RT: .F(6,126): displayed separately for the three experimental groups. 88.95,p < .001,e : .390;error rate:F(6,126) : 44.45, RTs became generally faster and fewer errors were made p <.001, e : .383]. Furthermore,the negativecompatiwith increasing eccentricity of the prime [F(6,126) : bility effect was generally smaller for vertically displaced 24.47,p < .00l, e : .565,andF(6,126): 33.83,p < .00l, primes than for horizontally displaced primes [RT: I378 SCHLAGHECKENAND EIMER F(\,21) : 27.28,p < .001; error rate:F(I,21) : 12.96, tion, Group C profited from increasingthe distancebep < .002l.Inspection of Figure 4 revealsthat this inter- tween the target and the peripheral masked primes, preaction was due to the fact that with horizontally displaced whereas Group A did not, which also indicates that to selecability the affected prime location of primes, the negativecompatibility effect decreasedslowly dictability Howand vanishedat the largest eccentricity, whereaswith ver- tively filter out irrelevant peripheral information. groups with these between no difference was there ever, and rapidly more primes, it decreased tically displaced indicates turned into a positive compatibility effect at2.2" [three- respectto the pattern of priming effects. This efattentional by differential not caused is way compatibility x eccentricity X direction of displace- thai the CPA primes peripheral and ofcentral processing < . 0 0 1 , the fects on e : ; T: F(6,126): l0.3l,p m e n t i n t e r a c t i o nR a nar.542',error rates:F(6,126) : 4.52,p < .004, e : .5701. under conditions in which it is possible to maintain exAdditional / tests,conductedfor each prime position row central focus ofvisual attention throughout an separately,revealedthe following pattern of effects. Hor- perimentalblock. The main result of the present experiment, however, is izontally displaced primes causeda significant negative finding of a strong dependency between the magnithe between retinal eccentricities compatibility effect at all < tude and direction of the priming effect and the retinal n o > A t 3 . 3 " , . 0 1 2 ] . a l l p s 2 . 7 5 , r s ( 2 3 ) 2 . 7 5 o 0'and [all primes, the priming effect was present.Vertically displacedprimes position of the maskedprimes: With central since observed, was effect compatibility negative usual causeda significant negative compatibility effect at retiincomon made were fewer errors > and faster RTs were 6.01' /s(23) 1.1" between0" and nal eccentricities [all was all ps < .0011.At 1.65', only a nonsignificant negative patible trials than on compatible trials. This effect eccentriciretinal : increasing with | -'/5,p < .0941. continuously reduced compatibility effect was obtained [t(23) on At retinal eccentricitiesbetween2.2o and3.3", vertically ties. Moreover, the slope of this reduction depended that 5 shows Figure prime displacement' of the direction positive compatidisplacedprimes causeda significant with horizontally displacedprimes, negativecompatibilbility effect [all rs(23)> 2;77, allps < .012]. and Sustained attention. None of the effects that included ity effects on RTs and error rates decreasedslowly (3.3' visual of eccentricity largest the at only compatibility as a factor showed any interaction with the vinished of the factor of group (all Fs < 2.2). This is especiallyimpor- angle). With vertically displacedprimes, the slopes retinal a zero at reaching steeper, were functions reduction group on of effect main a significant tant since there was increasRT [F(2,21) : 4.18,p < .030],with Group A producing eccentricity of approximately2o and becoming efcompatibility negative (i.e., initial the negative the longest RTs and Group C the shortest (mean RTs ingly larger with effect) positive compatibility into a turned feit reC, A, B, and were 375, 358, and 345 msec for Groups spectively),indicating that the manipulation of prime lo- eccentricities. The fact that the critical eccentricity where the negacition predictability successfully influenced attentional tive compatibility effect turned into a positive compatifocusing. bility effect was reachedearlier with vertically displaced of disMoreover,effects of eccentricity and direction primes than with horizontally displaced primes can be increperformance group: The placementinteractedwith is priment with increasingretinal eccentricity of the masked iaken as strong evidence for the idea that the CPA the visual of properties physiological primes was largest for Group C, smaller for Group B' marily based on the and absentfor Group A [RT: F(12j26) : 5-98,p < .001, system rather than on attentional factors. Although along faster changes retina ofthe < sensitivity perceptual p e : . 0 0 2 , 3 . 8 9 , e : . 5 6 5 ;e r r o r r a t e s :F ( 1 2 , 1 2 6 ) : (Rijsdijk .549]. Second,there was a group X direction of dis- ihe vertical axis than along the horizontal axis depensuch no shows : selectivity < et al., I 980), attentional 12.08,P placement interaction on RTs lF(2,21) &Zimba, Hughes 1993; MacQuistan, (Henderson & dency .001], since the RT advantagefor vertically displaced primes,as comparedwith horizontally displacedprimes' 1987;Pan & Eriksen,1993). was present only for Group B and Group C, but not for GENERAL DISCUSSION Group A. Finally, there was a three-way interaction of group x eccentricity X direction of displacementinterThe nature and role of inhibitory mechanisms in the i c t i o n o n R T s [ F ( 1 2 , 1 2 6 ): 2 . 2 0 ,p < . 0 4 6 ,e : . 5 7 1 ] . adaptivecontrol ofcognitive processesand behavior have been studied intensively in a variety of paradigms, leadDiscussion of Experiment 4 The present results provide additional evidence that ing to the concept of inhibitory control of information this concepthas the CPA does not depend on attentional factors. The ob- processing.Usually, evidencesupporting stimuli suprathreshold employing in studies found groups Leen the three between servedperformance differences et al', Raymond 1985; Maylor, showed that the manipulation of sustainedattention was (e.g., Kanwisher, 1987; near presented are stimuli When l9S5). 1992;Tipper, successful:Group A (completely randomized prime preprocesses, facilitatory for evidence threshold, least detection the (indicating sentation)producedthe longestRTs generally been found focused spatial attention), whereas Group C (completely but not for inhibitory processes,has McCormick, blocked prime presentation) produced the shortest RTs (e.g., Allport et al., 1985; Marcel, 1980; in of experiments, series in a recent However, (indicating strongly focused spatial attention). In addi- lgtT. CENTRAL-PERIPHERALASYMMETRYIN MASKED PRIMING PrimeDisplacement * 1379 15 horizontal + o o o- 10# o f o o c) o 3 t r E s g ) d. o o I ^V 0 =' o o 3 E g) =. o o -10 s -20 -5 0 0.55 1.1 1.65 2.2 Eccentricity 2.75 3.3 Figure 5. Experiment 4: Mean compatible-incompatible differences in response time (RT; thick lines with square marks) and error rates (thin lines with circular marks), plotted separately for vertically displaced primes (white) and horizontally displaced primes (black). RT differences and error differences are collapsed across groups. which target stimuli were precededby centrally presentedmasked primes, evidencefor the existenceof inhibitory control processesunder near-thresholdconditions has been reported. Positive compatibility effects (betterperformancein compatibletrials, in which primes and targetswere identical,than in incompatibletrials, in which they were mappedto oppositeresponses),occurring when the interval betweenprime and target presentation was short, were found to turn into nesative compatibility effects (better performancein in-compatible trials) when this interval was longer. It was argued that this pattern of resultsreflectsan initial facilitation of the responseassignedto the prime that is subsequentlyinhibited. The puzzling fact that no evidencefor response inhibition was found when the maskedprimes were presentedperipherally (CPA) suggestedqualitativelydifferent types of perceptuomotorprocessingfor foveal and peripheral stimuli. The aim of the present seriesof experimentswas to investigatethis idea and to test alternative accountsof the CPA. Experiment I tested three explanationsfor the presenceof a CPA (delayedactivation,delayedinhibition, or absentinhibition ofresponsetendenciestriggeredby peripheral primes) by varying mask-targetSOA between0 and 192msec for centraland for peripheralprimes. With short prime-target SOAs (0 and 32 msec),positive compatibility effects were obtained for central and for peripheral primes. This is inconsistentwith the idea that the CpA is causedby a delayedactivationofthe responsetendency triggeredby peripheralprimes.With long SOAs(96 msec and longer), negativecompatibility effects were observed for centralprimes,whereaspositivecompatibility effects remained present for peripheral primes. This CpA remained stablewithin the SOA range investigatedin Experiment l. The absenceof a negativecompatibility effect for peripheral primes at long SOAs contradictsthe hypothesisthat responseinhibition is simply delayedfor peripheralprimes.In terms of responseactivationand inhibition, this pattern ofresults suggeststhat both central and peripheralprimes initially trigger a partial response activation,presumablymediatedby direct perceptuomotor links. With central primes, this initial activation is subsequentlyinhibited,andthis inhibitory phasedoesnot dissipaterapidly but remainspresentfor at least 100 msec. No such inhibition is elicited for peripheral primes, for which the initial responsetendencytriggered by the prime affectsperformancefor at least200 msec.In other words, activation-followed-by-inhibition is restrictedto centrally I38O SCHLAGHECKENAND EIMER presentedprimes, whereasactivation-only is elicited by peripheralprimes. Experiment 2 ruled out the idea that these effects are due primarily to perceptual properties of the stimuli (resulting in specific emergent features and/or repetition blindnesseffects),rather than reflecting responsefacilitation and inhibition: Positive compatibility effects for central and peripheral primes with a O-msecmask*target SOA, as well as a CPA with a 128-msecSOA. were obtained not only for responsesto central targetsthat were physically similar to the prime stimuli, but also for responsesto lateral targetsthat were physically dissimilar from the masked arrow primes. Note that the fact that prime-target compatibility effects were elicited independentof the visual similarity betweenprimes and targetsdistinguishes them from other inhibitory effects, such as repetition blindness and the attentional blink, where such similarities apparently play an important role (see Kanwisher & Potter, 1990; Raymond, Shapiro, & Arnell, 1995). Together with LRP data obtained in previous studies (Eimer, 1999; Eimer & Schlaghecken,1998), these experimentsprovide convergingevidencethat briefly presentedand subsequentlymasked stimuli trigger apartial responseactivation and that this initial response tendency is later reversedin the caseofcentrally presented primes. Second,and most important, the CPA cannotbe explained simply by differencesin the timing of effects ofcentral and peripheralstimuli on responsestages(delayed activation or delayed inhibition) but seemsto reflect qualitative differences in perceptuomotor links, with inhibition restrictedto responseactivationby foveal events. The results from Experiments I and 2 thus suggestthat with respectto responseactivationand inhibition, foveal eventsare "special," but they do not provide information about what makes them special. Experiments 3 and 4 investigatedthe role of visual-spatial attention for the CpA: Responseinhibition may have been restricted to foveal primes becauseattentionwas focusedat fixation and responseinhibition processesare elicited only by stimuli presentedinside the focus of visual-spatialattention.We tested this by manipulating the focus of transient (Experiment 3) and sustained(Experiment 4) attention. Converging evidencewas found that the CPA is not modulated by attentional factors. Neither transient shifts of focal attention triggered by exogenous trial-by-trial cuing nor differencesin the focus ofsustained attentionrelated to the predictability of prime locations had an effect on the direction and size of the CPA. Alternatively, responseinhibition may be restricted to foveal primes becauseresponseinhibition processesare elicited only by stimuli presentedat retinal locations of high perceptualsensitivity.Experiment 4 revealeda strong dependencybetween the perceptual sensitivity ofthe retinal region ofprime presentationand the size and direction of priming effects. Generally, there was a gradual decreasein the size of negativecompatibility effects with increasing retinal eccentricity of the prime, parallel to the gradual decreaseofperceptual sensitivity at more peripheral retinal positions (Anstis, 1974:DeYalois & DeValois, 1988; Lie, 1980).Most important, this decrease was steeperwith vertically displaced primes than with horizontally displacedprimes, parallel to the faster decreaseof perceptualsensitivity along the vertical meridian than along the horizontalmeridian (Rijsdijk et al., 1980). This pattern of results suggeststhat the CPA is closely linked to variationsin perceptualsensitivity: An inhibition of a responsetendencytriggeredby a maskedprime is elicited only if the prime stimulus is presentedat retinal locationsofhigh perceptualsensitivity,regardlessof whether or not this location is attended. Howeveq these findings still leave open the question of why the retinal location of a masked prime should determine the presenceor absenceof responseinhibition. One tentative explanation is that responseinhibition processeswill be initiated only when the primed response has reachedan activationthreshold: Given the existence of direct perceptuomotor links, strong perceptual representationsmay elicit strongcr motor activations,which will be inhibited if they reach above-thresholdvalues, whereas weak perceptual representationswill elicit weaker motor activations, which remain below inhibition threshold. Presumably,the representationalquality of sensorytraces elicited by prime stimuli decreaseswith increasing retinal eccentricity. Consequently,motor tendencies triggered by foveal primes are more likely to be actively inhibited than motor tendenciestriggered by peripheral primes. Similar ideas of a threshold determining whether gradual-accumulation-of-activationor activationfollowed-by-inhibition will take place were proposed by Hagenziekerand van der Heijden (1990; seealso Hagenzieker, van der Heijden, & Hagenaar,1990). Several questions are raised by this tentative idea. For example,although a strong link betweenCPA and physiological properties of the visual systemhasbeen demonstrated, it is unclear whether the relevant property really is perceptual sensitivity, rather than some other factor that varies with retinal eccentricity, such as, for example, temporal integration. Moreover, the threshold idea assumesthat there are no qualitative differences in the processing of central and peripheral information-that is, that in either case, the processing is performed by the samevisuomotor pathways.This view is not necessarily correct. For example, there is some evidence that the amount of retinal ganglion cells projecting to the superior colliculus increaseswith increasingretinal eccentricity (Bunt, Hendrickson,Lund, Lund, & Fuchs, 1975; perry & Cowey, 1984). One could therefore assumethat different visual processing streamscontribute differentially to the processing of central and peripheral stimuli. 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In this study, positive compatibility effects obtained with peripheral primes were substantially smaller than the corresponding negative compatibility effects obtained with central primes, and 4 out of l0 participants even showed a tendency for negative compatibility effects with peripheral primes in one or the other SOA condition. Since the experiment was very demanding for the participants (consisting of40 RT blocks and 20 different experimental conditions), we assumethat this reflected lessthan-perfect eye movement control (note that for primes presentedat or near fixation, negative compatibility effects are to be expected). Therefore, we felt it necessaryto confirm with a less demanding set-up that the CPA is a reliable phenomenon. 3. Additional forced choice detection blocks for central and peripheral primes were delivered at the end ofboth experiments, including masked primes l6 msec in duration, as well as primes of longer durations, to prevent participants from switching to random guessing because of their perceived inability to perform as instructed. Detection performance for central and peripheral l6-msec primes was at chance level, showing that the masking procedure successfully prevented conscious awarenessofthe primes. 4. The bilateral central targets were arranged vertically, rather than horizontally (as in Experiment l), in order to counteract an increased tendencyto move the eyesto the left or the right, revealedin a pilot study, which is most likely related to the inclusion of unilateral targets in the left or the right visual field. 5. One ofthe four conditions ofExperiment 2 (central primes, long mask-targct SOAs) is similar to a previous experiment reported by Eimer (1999, Experiment l). A negative compatibility effect was obtained for both target t1pes, providing initial evidence that perceptual repetition blindness is not responsible for this effect. Since no peripheral primes were used in this experiment and SOA was not varied, this experiment did not provide any direct evidence about the relationship between the physical similarity of the primes and targets and the CPA. 6. Note that this result cannot be explained as an artifact ofeye movement: Ifparticipants had moved their eyes to the cued location, one should expect a negative compatibility effect for cued prime trials, because masked primes would be at or close to fixation and foveal primes are known to elicit a negativecompatibility effect at the prime-target interstimulus interval employed in the present experiment (Eimer, 1999; Eimer & Schlaghecken,1998; Schlaghecken& Eimer, 1991. (Manuscript received February 9, 1999; revision accepted for publication December I 5, I 999.)