- 154 - APPENDIX C – CLAIMS DATA SPECIFICATIONS ASTHMA Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 02_03: Patients with the diagnosis of moderate-to-severe asthma should have been prescribed a beta2-agonist inhaler for symptomatic relief of exacerbations to use as needed. Emergency room contact for asthma ERASMA* Hopitalizations for asthma Prescriptions for asthma medications IPASMA* ASMARX* Date All dates on which there was an emergency room visit for the primary diagnosis of asthma (all FROMDATE where DIAG1 = 493 and SITE_CDE=7,8,10) Date All dates on which there was a hospitalization for the primary diagnosis of asthma (all FROMDATE where DIAG1 = 493 and SITE_CDE=4) Date All dates on which there is a prescription for asthma medications (all FILLDATE where NDCCODE = see ASMARX list following specifications for asthma measures) ASMARX NDC codes are from NCQA's list of medications that indicate treatment of asthma - 155 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Outpatient visits for asthma OPASMA* Evidence of moderate to severe asthma during first year of study MODSEVAS Claims Data Algorithm Date All dates on which there was an outpatient visit for asthma (all FROMDATE where any DIAG* = 493 and SITE_CDE=1) 1=yes;0=no Evidence of moderate to severe asthma if any of the following are true:(1) at least 4 asthma medication dispensing events (4 unique dates for ASMARX*) in first year of study (ELIGBEG to ELIGBEG + 12 months)OR(2) at least 1 ER visit for asthma in first year of study (ERASMA* < ELIGBEG + 12 months)OR(3) at least 1 hospitalization for asthma in first year of study (IPASMA* < ELIGBEG + 12 months)OR(4) at least 4 asthma visits in first year of study (4 unique dates for OPASMA* that are between ELIGBEG to ELIGBEG + 12 months) AND at least 2 asthma medication dispensing events (2 unique dates for ASMARX* that are between ELIGBEG to ELIGBEG + 12 months) NOTES - 156 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Eligible for 02_03 (diagnosis of moderate to severe asthma) E02_03 Prescription for beta2-agonist inhaler ordered BETAINH Pass 02_03 (beta2agonist inhaler prescribed) S02_03 Claims Data Algorithm NOTES 1=yes;0=no Eligible if MODSEVAS = 1 Using HEDIS algorithm and 1st year of data to identify asthma severity, therefore only scoring on care delivered during the 2nd year of the study. 1=yes;0=no Beta2-agonist list derived from the multum ndc_denorm table, medications were selected if route=inhaled and active ingredients = Albuterol, Bitolterol, Any prescription during 2nd year Epinephrine, Isoetharine, of study for beta2-agonist (any Isoproterenol, FILLDATE where FILLDATE >= Metaproterenol, 1/1/1999 and NDC = see BETAINH list at the end of specifications Pirbuterol, Racepinepine for asthma measures) 1=yes;0=no Pass if BETAINH = 1 - 157 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm INDICATOR 02_05: Patients with moderate-to-severe asthma should not receive beta-blocker medications (e.g., atenolol, propranolol). Eligible for 02_05 (diagnosis of moderate to severe asthma, where severity can be estimated with encounter and medication information) E02_05 Prescription for betablocker medication ordered BETABLK Pass 02_05 (NO prescription for a beta-blocker) S02_05 NOTES Using 1st year of data to identify asthma severity, therefore only scoring on care delivered during the 2nd year of the study. 1=yes;0=no Eligible if MODSEVAS = 1 1=yes;0=no Beta blocker list derived from the multum ndc_denorm table, medications were selected if route=oral and active ingredients = Acebutolol, Atenolol, Any prescription for betaBetaxolol, Bisoprolol, blockers during the second year Carteolol, Metoprolol, of the study (any FILLDATE > ELIGBEG + 12 months where NDCCODE Nadolol, Penbutolol, = corresponds to code on BETABLK Pindolol, Propranolol, Sotalol, Timolol worksheet) 1=yes;0=no Pass if BETABLK=0 - 158 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 02_06: Patients requiring chronic treatment with systemic corticosteroids during any 12 month period should have been prescribed inhaled corticosteroids during that same 12 month period. Oral corticosteroid prescriptions POCORT* Date Oral corticosteroid list derived from the multum ndc_denorm table, medications were selected if route=oral and active ingredients = aminoglutethimide, betamethasone, cortisone acetate, dexamethasone, fludrocortisone acetate, fluphenazine, hydrocortisone, All prescription dates for oral methylprednisolone, coritcosteroids (all FILLDATE where NDCCODE corresponds to code prednisolonse, in the POCORT file listed at the presnisolone sodium phosphate, prednisone, end of the claims data triamcinolon specifications) - 159 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Chronic treatment with systemic corticosteroids CHRNCORT Eligible for 02_06 (chronic treatment with systemic corticosteroids) E02_06 Prescription for inhaled corticosteroids ordered INHCORT Claims Data Algorithm NOTES 1=yes;0=no At least 1 prescription for oral corticosteroids during the study that was for at least 28 days (any POCORT* where DAY_SPLY>=28) OR at least 2 tapers within 12 months (2 or more POCORT* within 12 months where DAY_SPLY < 28 days) 1=yes;0=no Eligible if CHRNCORT=1 and MODSEVAS=1 1=yes;0=no Inhaled corticosteroid list derived from the multum ndc_denorm table, medications were selected if route=inhaled and active ingredients = beclomethasone dipropionate, Any prescription for inhaled budesonide, coritcosteroids (any FILLDATE where NDCCODE corresponds code on flunisolide, INHCORT file listed at the end of flucticasone proprionate, the specifications for asthma triamcinolone acetonide measures) - 160 - Item Definition Pass 02_06 (prescription for inhaled corticosteroids) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm S02_06 Pass if INHCORT = 1 1=yes;0=no NOTES INDICATOR 02_07: Patients on chronic theophylline (dose > 600 mg/day for at least 6 months) should have at least one serum theophylline level determination per year. Dates of prescriptions for theophylline THEO* Daily dose of theophylline DDTHEO* Earliest date where theophylline was > 600 mg/day GT600 Date Theophylline list derived from the multum ndc_denorm table, medications were All dates (FILLDATE) where a prescription for theophylline was selected if route=oral and active ingredients filled (NDCCODE = see THEO file = listed at the end of the asthma theophylline specifications) Continuous The daily dose for each theophylline prescription (for each FILLDATE that equals THEO*, daily dose = ((DRUG_STR * QTY_DRUG)/DAY_SPLY) Date Earliest date where theophylline was > 600 mg/day (Min(THEO* where DDTEHO* >600)) - 161 - Item Definition Eligible for 02_07 (Daily dose of theophylline) Theophllyine level checked Pass 02_07 (theophylline level checked) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm E02_07 1=yes;0=no Eligible if high theophllyine dose in first year of study (GT600 <= (ELIGBEG + 12 months)) AND MODSEVAS=1 Date All dates on which the patient's theophylline level was checked (all CPTDATE where CPTCODE = 80198 and all FROMDATE where PROC1-6=80198) 1=yes;0=no Pass if theophllyine level checked within 1 year of high dose (GT600 < any THELVL* <= (GT600+12 months)) THELVL* S02_07 INDICATOR 02_17: Patients admitted to the hospital for asthma exacerbation should have oxygen saturation measured. Hopitalizations for asthma Eligible for 02_17 (admitted to the hospital for asthma exacerbation) IPASMA* Date All dates on which there was a hospitalization for the primary diagnosis of asthma (all FROMDATE where DIAG1 = 493 and SITE_CDE=4) E02_17* 1=yes;0=no Eligible if IPASMA*<>NA NOTES - 162 - Item Definition Oxygen saturation measured Pass 02_17 (oxygen saturation measured during the hospitalization) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm O2SAT* Date Oxygen saturation measured during asthma hospitalization (PROC*=82805-82810) S02_17* 1=yes;0=no Pass if any O2SAT* = IPASMA* INDICATOR 02_24: Patients with a hospitalization for asthma exacerbation should receive outpatient follow-up contact within 14 days. Hopitalizations for asthma IPASMA* Discharge date for asthma ASMADC* Eligible for 02_24 (patient hospitalized for asthma) E02_24* Date All dates on which there was a hospitalization for the primary diagnosis of asthma (all FROMDATE where DIAG1 = 493 and SITE_CDE=4) Date Discharge date for asthma hospitalizations (the THRUDATE corresponding to each IPASMA*) 1=yes;0=no Eligible if IPASMA*<>NA NOTES - 163 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Outpatient visits for asthma OPASMA* Pass 02_24 (asthma follow-up within 14 days of discharge) S02_24 Claims Data Algorithm Date All dates on which there was an outpatient visit for asthma (all FROMDATE where any DIAG* = 493 and SITE_CDE=1) 1=yes;0=no Pass if outpatient visit for asthma within 14 days of discharge (ASMADC* < any OPASMA* <= (ASMADC* + 14 days)) NOTES - 164 - CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm Diagnosis codes for CAD CADDX DIAG*: 410xx-414xx REVCODE: 49x, 50x, 51x, 52x, 53x, 76x, 82x, 83x, 84x, 85x, 88x, 92x, 94x, 96x, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977, 978, 979, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 988, 989 Encounter codes (outpatient/non-acute inpatient) OUTPT CPT: 99201-99205, 99211-99215, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 9927199275, 99354-99355, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 99401-99404, 9941199412, 99499 REVCODE: 45x, 981 Encounter codes (ER) Encounter codes (acute inpatient) ER IP CPT: 99281-99288 REVCODE: 10x-16x, 20x-22x, 72x, 80x, 987 CPT: 99221-99223, 99231-99233, 99238-99239, 99251-99255, 9926199263, 99291-99292, NOTES ICD9 codes are under the ischemic heart disease section - 165 - Item Definition Variable Name Format New diagnosis of CAD (flag) NEWCAD 1=yes;0=no New diagnosis of CAD (date) NEWCADDT DATE Prior CAD (flag) CADPREV 1=yes;0=no First CAD visit date FSTCADVS DATE Claims Data Algorithm At least 2 outpatient or inpatient encounters (codes above) where there was a diagnosis for CAD (DIAG*=410-414) and the earliest FROMDATE with the diagnosis code is during the 2nd year of the study (on or after 1/1/1999). If NEWCAD=1, then NEWCADDT is the earliest FROMDATE where there is a diagnosis of CAD and one of the above encounter codes. At least 2 outpatient or inpatient encounters (codes above) where there was a diagnosis for CAD (DIAG*=410-414) and the earliest FROMDATE with the diagnosis code is during the 1st year of the study (on or before 12/31/1998). If CADPREV=1 (& NEWCAD=0), then FSTCADVS is the earliest from date where there is a diagnosis of CAD (DIAG*=410xx-414xx) and one of the above encounter codes (for any setting) NOTES - 166 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 11_01: Patients newly diagnosed with CAD should receive aspirin (at a dose of at least 81 mg/day continued indefinitely) within one week of the diagnosis of CAD unless they have a contraindication to aspirin. ICD9 codes 578 are for gastrointestinal bleeding; CPT 36430 and ICD9 Proc 990x are for transfusions Bleeding or transfusion (CI to aspirin) BLDASA* Date(s) Eligible for 08_01 (new CAD diagnosis and aspirin not contraindicated) E11_01 1=yes;0=no All FROMDATE/CPTDATE where any of the following are true: DIAG*=578xx PROC* or CPTCODE=36430, 990X Eligible if new CAD diagnosis (NEWCADDT<>NA) and No bleeding or transfusions on or within 4 weeks prior to new CAD diagnosis (no BLDASA* between NEWCADDT-4 weeks and NEWCADDT) Date(s) The NDC codes for aspirin came from the dnorm_ndc table in the multum database; all oral meds with "aspirin" as active ingredient were selected; the list All dates (FILLDATE) on which a prescription (NDCCODE) for aspirin includes combination medications that would was dispensed (see aspirin file list at the end of the CAD measure not typically be prescribed for CAD. specifications) Aspirin prescribed ASARX* - 167 - Item Definition Pass 11_01 (patient offered aspirin within 1 week of CAD diagnosis) Variable Name Format S11_01 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Pass if any ASARX* is on or within 1 week after NEWCADDT (NEWCADDT<=ASARX*<=(NEWCADDT+7days )) INDICATOR 11_02: Patients with a prior diagnosis of CAD who are not on aspirin and do not have contraindications to aspirin should receive aspirin (at a dose of at least 81 mg/day continued indefinitely) within one week of any visit to a provider in which CAD was addressed. Aspirin prescription filled ASARX* DATE(s) Bleeding or transfusion (CI to aspirin) BLDASA* Date(s) The NDC codes for aspirin came from the dnorm_ndc table in the multum database; all oral meds with "aspirin" as active ingredient were selected; the list All dates (FILLDATE) on which a prescription (NDCCODE) for aspirin includes combination medications that would was dispensed (see aspirin file list at the end of the CAD measure not typically be prescribed for CAD. specifications) ICD9 codes 578 are for gastrointestinal All FROMDATE where any of the bleeding; CPT 36430 following are true: and ICD9 Proc 990x are DIAG*=578xx for transfusions PROC*=36430, 990X - 168 - Item Definition Eligible for 1_02 (prior diagnosis of CAD and not on aspirin and no contraindications to aspirin) Aspirin prescribed Pass 11_02 (patient offered aspirin within one week of CAD visit) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm Eligible year, no prior to bleeding prior to 11_02 1=yes;0=no ASARX* DATE(s) 11_02 1=pass;0=fail NOTES if visit for CAD in 1st aspirin prescription the CAD visit and no within 4 weeks on or the CAD visit: FSTCADVS<>NA and (ASARX*=NA or ASARX* >= FSTCADVS) and (No BLDASA* on or between FSTCADVS-4 weeks and FSTCADVS) The NDC codes for aspirin came from the dnorm_ndc table in the multum database; all oral meds with "aspirin" as active ingredient were selected; the list All dates (FILLDATE) on which a prescription (NDCCODE) for aspirin includes combination medications that would was dispensed (see aspirin file list at the end of the CAD measure not typically be prescribed for CAD. specifications) Pass if any aspirin prescribed within a week of CAD visit (FSTCADVS <= ASARX*<= FSTCADVS+7 days) - 169 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 14: Patients discharged after an acute myocardial infarction who do not have contraindications to aspirin should be discharged on aspirin at a dose of at least 81 mg/day. Discharge date for AMI hospitalization AMIDSCH Bleeding or transfusion (CI to aspirin) BLDASA* Eligible for 08_14 (discharged for AMI and aspirin not contraindicated) E11_14 Aspirin prescribed Pass 08_14 (patient offered aspirin at DATE Discharge date (THRUDATE) where there was a diagnosis of AMI (any DIAG*=410xx) and SITE_CDE=4 and Reveune/CPT codes for inpatient stay (codes listed prior to indicators) **FACILITY FILE ONLY** All FROMDATE/CPTDATE where any of the following are true: DIAG*=578xx PROC*/CPTCODE=36430, 990X Date(s) Eligible if discharged for an AMI (AMIDSCH<>NA) and no bleeding/transfusion in past for weeks (No BLDASA* on or between 1=eligible; 0=not eligible AMIDSCH- 4 weeks and AMIDSCH) ASARX* DATE(s) S11_14 1=pass;0=fail ICD9 codes 578 are for gastrointestinal bleeding; CPT 36430 and ICD9 Proc 990x are for transfusions The NDC codes for aspirin came from the dnorm_ndc table in the multum database; all All dates (FILLDATE) on which a prescription (NDCCODE) for aspirin oral meds with "aspirin" as active was dispensed (see aspirin file list at the end of the CAD measure ingredient were selected specifications) Pass if any ASARX* is within 1 week on or after AMIDSCH - 170 - Item Definition discharge) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 15: Patients discharged after an acute myocardial infarction should be discharged on a beta-blocker (unless they have contraindications to beta-blockers). Discharge date for AMI hospitalization Diagnostic contraindications to beta blocker AMIDSCH CONDXBET DATE Discharge date (THRUDATE) where there was a diagnosis of AMI (any DIAG1=410xx) and SITE_CDE=4 and REVCODE or PROC* for inpatient stay (codes listed above prior to indicators) **FACILITY FILE ONLY** 1=yes;0=no Any FROMDATE on or prior to the AMI discharge (AMIDSCH) where any DIAG*= 250.x1, 250.x3, 493, 426.0, 426.12, 426.13, 426.2, 426.3, 426.4, 426.51, 426.52, 426.53, 426.54, 426.7, 427.81, 427.89, 398.91, 402.01, 402.11, 402.91, 404.01, 404.11, 404.13, 404.91, 404.03, 404.93, 428.0, 428.1, 491.20, 491.21, 492.0, 492.8, 496, 518.2, 506.4 CI to beta blockers from HEDIS. ICD9 codes are for insulin dependent diabetes, ashtma, heart block > 1 degree, sinus braycardia, heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction, COPD - 171 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Precription for a medication that treats a condition that contraindicates beta blockers CONRXBB Eligible for 1_15 (discharged for AMI and beta blockers not contraindicated) E11_15 Beta blocker prescription dates BBRX* Pass 11_15 (patient offered beta blocker at discharge) S11_15 Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Medications that treat diagnoses that Any prescription (FILLDATE) within contraindicate beta blockers are: asthma 7 days after or anytime on or meds (inhaled prior to the AMI discharge corticosteroids and (AMIDSCH) for a medication that would contraindicate beta blockers leukotriene antagonists) and (see list at the end of insulin specifications of CAD measures) 1=yes;0=no Eligible if discharged for an AMI at least 60 days into study and at least 7 days prior to the end (ELIGBEG + 60 <= AMIDSCH <= ELIGEND - 7 days) and there are no contraindications to beta blockers 1=eligible; 0=not eligible (CONDXBET=0 and CONRXBB=0) NDC codes are from Multum's ndc_dnorm table and includes all oral meds where active ingredient was: acebutolol, atenolol, betaxolol, bisoprolon, carteaolol, labetalol, All prescription dates (FILLDATE) metoprolol, nadolol, penbutolol, pindolol, where NDCCODE for a beta-blocker (see beta-blocker list at the end propranolol, satalol, timolol of the CAD specifications) DATE(s) Pass if any beta-blocker prescription (BBRX*) within 60 days prior to or 7 days after the 1=pass; 0=fail AMI discharge (AMIDSCH) - 172 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 11d_03: Patients with newly diagnosed CAD should have a 12-lead ECG at the time of diagnosis Eligible for 11d_03 Eligible if first diagnosis of CAD (new diagnosis of 1=eligible; is in 2nd year of study CAD) E11d_03 0=not eligible (NEWCADDT<>NA) All FROMDATE/CPTDATE where any 12-lead ECG performed ECGDT* DATE(s) PROC*/CPTCODE = 93000-93010, 8952 Pass if any ECG was performed Pass 11d_03 (12-lead (ECGDT*) on or within 2 days prior ECG offered within 2 days before or after to or 2 days after the initial CAD new CAD diagnosis) S11d_03 1=pass;0=fail visit (NEWCADDT) INDICATOR 11d_04A: Patients newly diagnosed with any of the conditions listed below should have a hemoglobin and/or hematocrit measured at the time of diagnosis: a. Stable Angina; New diagnosis of stable angina Eligible for 11_04A (new diagnosis of angina) NEWANG E11d_04A As an attempt to New diagnosis of stable angina if isolate new diagnoses of angina, I have only the first diagnosis occurs in accepted cases where months 13-23 of the study the 1st diagnosis is in the 2nd year of the Min FROMDATE where DIAG1=413.xx and (1/1/1999<=FROMDATE<12/1/1999) study. DATE Eligible if new diagnosis of 1=eligible;0=n stable angina (NEWANG<>NA) and ot eligible diagnosis was made during an - 173 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Hemoglobin/hematocrit tested HEMTST* Pass 11d_04A (hemoglobin and/or hematocrit measured within 2 days before or after new diagnosis of angina) S11d_04A Claims Data Algorithm office visit (SITE_CDE=1) DATE(s) All CPTDATE where CPTCODE and all FROMDATE where PROC* = 85013, 85018-85031 1=pass;0=fail Pass if any HEMTST* is on or within 3 months prior to or 1 month after new angina dx (NEWANG) NOTES INDICATOR 11d_04B: Patients newly diagnosed with any of the conditions listed below should have a hemoglobin and/or hematocrit measured at the time of diagnosis: unstable angina OR MI Hospitalization for unstable angina or MI IPANGMI DATE For angina, I have only include 411.1, which provides unstable in its list From hospital file: Earliest date patient admitted to of diagnoses, should look to see if people hospital with unstable angina or are admitted for MI as primary dx (FROMDATE where angina pectoris SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=410xx or (413.xx) and if those 411.1 and REVCODE/PROC* for codes should be inpatient stay) **FACILITY FILE included. ONLY** - 174 - Item Definition Eligible for 11d_04B (new diagnosis of unstable angina) Variable Name Format E11d_04B Hemoglobin/hematocrit tested HEMTST* Pass 11d_04B (hemoglobin and/or hematocrit measured within 1 day before or after new diagnosis of unstable angina) S11d_04B Claims Data Algorithm 1=Eligible; Eligible if patient hospitalized 0=not eligible for MI or angina (IPANGMI<>NA) All CPTDATE where CPTCODE and all FROMDATE where PROC* = 85013, Could not ID a ICD-9 DATE(s) 85018-85031 proc code 1=pass;0=fail Pass if any HEMTST* is on or between 1 day prior to and 1 day after the hospitalization INDICATOR 11d_5E: Patients being evaluated for "unstable angina" or "rule out unstable angina" should have an examination at the time of evaluation documenting all of the following: a 12lead ECG. Presenting with unstable angina Eligible for 11d_05E (presenting with unstable angina) USANG E11d_05E 12-lead ECG performed ECGDT* NOTES DATE Earliest date where primary diagnosis was unstable angina (FROMDATE where DIAG1=411.1) **any encounter type OK, look in FACILITY and DOCTOR files) 1=eligible;0=n o eligible Eligible if USANG<>NA All FROMDATE/CPTDATE where any DATE(s) PROC*/CPTCODE = 93000-93010, 8952 The date associated with the blood work will probably be the admission date (FROMDATE) and equal to IPANGMI - 175 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Pass 11d_05E (12-lead ECG performed at presentation with unstable angina) S11d_05E 1=pass;0=fail Claims Data Algorithm Pass if any ECG done on the day patient presented with unstable angina (ECGST* = USANG) INDICATOR 11d_06: Patients admitted with unstable angina should be placed on cardiac monitoring (i.e., telemetry). Date of unstable angina admission Eligible for 11d_06 (admitted for unstable angina) Patient placed on cardiac monitoring Pass 11d_06 (patient placed on cardiac monitoring) IPUSDT DATE Earliest date where patient was admitted for unstable angina FROMDATE where SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=411.1 and REVCODE/PROC* for inpatient stay) **FACILITY FILE ONLY** TELEM 1=eligible;0=n ot eligible Eligible if IPUSDT<>NA Date (FROMDATE) where patient was admitted to the coronary care unit (REVCODE=21x) on or between admission and discharge for unstable angina DATE S11d_06 1=pass;0=fail E11d_06 INDICATOR 11d_08: Patients admitted with unstable angina should have a repeat ECG 12-36 hours after admission. Pass if TELEM <> NA NOTES - 176 - Item Definition Date of unstable angina admission Eligible for 11d_08 (admitted for unstable angina) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Earliest date where patient was admitted for unstable angina FROMDATE where SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=411.1 and REVCODE/PROC* for inpatient stay) **FACILITY FILE ONLY** IPUSDT DATE 11d_08 1=eligible;0=n ot eligible Eligible if IPUSDT<>NA 12-lead ECG performed ECGHOSP Pass 11d_08 (12-lead ECG repeated 12 -36 hours after admission) 11d_08 1=yes;0=no 1=pass;0=fail INDICATOR 11d_09A: Patients admitted with unstable angina who have any one of the conditions below should have a measurement of LVEF by echocardiogram, radionuclide scan, or ventriculogram during their hospitalization or within 10 days of discharge unless a prior LVEF is documented in the past year: a history of prior MI; 2 or more codes for an ECG during unstable angina hospitalization (PROC*/CPTCODE = 93000-93010, 8952) Pass if ECGHOSP=1 NOTE - cannot specify date/time that ECG occurred during the hospitalization - 177 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Date of unstable angina admission IPUSDT* DATE History of prior MI MIHX* 1=yes;0=no LVEF measured Eligible for 11d_09A (admitted for unstable angina and has history of AMI) Pass 11d_09A (LVEF measured during or within 10 days after admission for unstable angina) Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Earliest date where patient was admitted for unstable angina FROMDATE where SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=411.1 and REVCODE/PROC* for inpatient stay) **FACILITY FILE ONLY** History of MI if any MI diagnosis prior to unstable angina admission any FROMDATE < IPUSDT* where any DIAG*=410xx All CPTCODE or PROC* where: CPT codes are: 78414, 78459-78472, 78478-78481, 78491-78496, 93303-93325, 9350193572 ICD9 codes will only ICD-9 procedure codes: be in the PROC* field 8872, 8850-8854 (not CPTCODE field) Eligible if unstable angina visit in 2nd year of study, a prior history of MI and no LVEF measurement in prior 12 months LVEF* DATE(s) E11d_09A (IPUSDT*>ELIGBEG+ 12 months) and 1=eligible;0=n MIHX*=1 and (no LVEF* between IPUSDT*-12months and IPUSDT*-1day) ot eligible S11d_09A 1=pass;0=fail Pass if any LVEF* is on or within 10 days after IPUSDT - 178 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 11d_9C: Patients admitted with unstable angina who have any one of the conditions below should have a measurement of LVEF by echocardiogram, radionuclide scan, or ventriculogram during their hospitalization or within 10 days of discharge unless a prior LVEF is documented in the past year: cardiomegaly Date of unstable angina admission cardiomegaly LVEF measured IPUSDT* CRDMEG* LVEF* DATE 1=yes;0=no DATE(s) Earliest date where patient was admitted for unstable angina FROMDATE where SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=411.1 and REVCODE/PROC* for inpatient stay) **FACILITY FILE ONLY** Diagnosis of cardiomegaly during unstable angina admission (Any DIAG*=429.3 on IPUSDT*) All CPTCODE or PROC* where: CPT codes are: 78414, 78459-78472, 78478-78481, 78491-78496, 93303-93325, 9350193572 ICD-9 procedure codes: There are other ICD-9 codes that include cardiomegaly, but they have other diagnoses in them as well: 746.80-congenital 271.0- glycogen 402.90 - hypertensive ICD9 codes will only be in the PROC* field (not CPTCODE field) - 179 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm 8872, 8850-8854 Eligible if unstable angina visit in 2nd year of study, cardiomegaly presentI and no LVEF measurement in prior 12 months Eligible for 11d_09C (admitted for unstable angina and has cardiomegaly) Pass 11d_09C (LVEF measured within during the hospitalization or within 10 days after discharge for unstable angina) E11d_09C S11d_09C (IPUSDT*>ELIGBEG+ 12 months) and 1=eligible;0=n CRDMEG*=1 and (no LVEF* between IPUSDT*-12months and IPUSDT*-1day) ot eligible 1=pass;0=fail Pass if any LVEF* is during the hospitalization or within 10 days after discharge (IPUSDT<= any LVEF*<= THRUDATE+10days) NOTES - 180 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR11d_9d: Patients admitted with unstable angina who have any one of the conditions below should have a measurement of LVEF by echocardiogram, radionuclide scan, or ventriculogram during their hospitalization or within 10 days of discharge unless a prior LVEF is documented in the past year: a diagnosis of heart failure. Date of unstable angina admission Heart failure diagnosis LVEF measured IPUSDT* HFHOSP* LVEF* DATE(s) 1=yes;0=no DATE(s) Earliest date where patient was admitted for unstable angina FROMDATE where SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=411.1 and REVCODE/PROC* for inpatient stay) **FACILITY FILE ONLY** Diagnosis of heart failure during unstable angina admission any DIAG*= 428.xx, 398.91, 402.x1, 404.x1, 404.x3, 425.4x, 425.5x where FROMDATE=IPUSDT* All CPTCODE or PROC* where: CPT codes are: 78414, 78459-78472, 78478-78481, 78491-78496, 93303-93325, 9350193572 ICD-9 procedure codes: 8872, 8850-8854 ICD9 codes will only be in the PROC* field (not CPTCODE field) - 181 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Eligible for 11d_09d (admitted for unstable angina and diagnosis of heart failure) E11d_09D Pass 11d_09D (LVEF measured within 1 year prior or 10 days after admission for unstable angina) S11d_09D Claims Data Algorithm Eligible if unstable angina hospitalization in 2nd year of study, diagnosis of heart failure during hospitalization and no LVEF measurement in prior 12 months (IPUSDT*>ELIGBEG+ 12 months) and 1=eligible;0=n HFHOSP*=1 and (no LVEF* between IPUSDT*-12months and IPUSDT*-1day) ot eligible 1=pass;0=fail Pass if any LVEF* is during the hospitalization or within 10 days after discharge (IPUSDT<= any LVEF*<= THRUDATE+10days) INDICATOR 11d_12: Patients hospitalized with an MI should have an assessment of LVEF prior to discharge if they have any risk factors for low LVEF (unless it is noted during hospitalization that prior to admission LVEF was <=40%). Admitted for AMI AMIIP* DATE(s) All dates where patient was admitted for AMI FROMDATE where SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=410xx and REVCODE/PORC* for inpatient stay NOTES - 182 - Item Definition Heart failure diagnosis Cardiomegaly diagnosis Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm HFAMI* Diagnosis of heart failure during AMI admission any DIAG*= 428.xx, 398.91, 402.x1, 404.x1, 404.x3, 425.4x, 425.5x where FROMDATE=AMIIP** CARAMI* Pulmonary congestion or edema diagnosis LUNG* Eligible for 11d_12 (admitted for AMI and has risk for low LVEF -- HF, cardiomegally, pulmonary congestion or edema) E11d_12 LVEF measured LVEF* 1=yes;0=no 1=yes;0=no 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of cardiomegaly during AMI admission any DIAG*=429.3 where FROMDATE=AMIIP* Diagnosis of pulmonary congestion or edema during AMI admission: any other DIAG*=486, 506.1, 514, 518.4, 518.5 NOTES There are other ICD-9 codes that include cardiomegaly, but they have other diagnoses in them as well: 746.80-congenital 271.0- glycogen 402.90 - hypertensive Eligible if admitted for AMI and has a risk factor for low LVEF 1=eligible;0=f AMIIP*<>NA and (HFAMI*=1 or CARAMI*=1 or LUNG*=1) ail All CPTCODE or PROC* where: CPT codes are: 78414, 78459-78472, 78478-78481, 78491-78496, 93303-93325, 9350193572 DATE(s) ICD-9 procedure codes: 8872, 8850-8854 ICD9 codes will only be in the PROC* field (not CPTCODE field) - 183 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Pass 11d_12 (LVEF measured prior to discharge or noted to be <= 40%) S11d_12 1=pass;0=Fail Claims Data Algorithm Pass if LVEF measured during hospitalization any LVEF*=on ore between AMIIP* and corresponding discharge data INDICATOR 11_13: Patients hospitalized with an MI who have a history of prior MI, but no risk factors for low LVEF, should have an assessment of LVEF during the hospitalization or within 2 weeks of discharge (unless it is noted during hospitalization that prior to admission LVEF was <=40%). All dates where patient was admitted for AMI FROMDATE where SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=410xx and REVCODE/PORC* for inpatient stay Diagnosis of AMI prior to AMI admission Admitted for AMI AMIIP* DATE(s) History of AMI AMIHX* 1=yes;0=no any DIAG*=410xx where FROMDATE < AMIIP* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of heart failure during AMI admission any DIAG*= 428.xx, 398.91, 402.x1, 404.x1, 404.x3, 425.4x, 425.5x where FROMDATE=AMIIP** Heart failure diagnosis HFAMI* NOTES - 184 - Item Definition Cardiomegaly diagnosis Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm CARAMI* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of cardiomegaly during AMI admission any other DIAG*=429.3 where FROMDATE=AMIIP* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of pulmonary congestion or edema during AMI admission: any other DIAG*=486, 506.1, 514, 518.4, 518.5 Pulmonary congestion or edema diagnosis LUNG* Eligible for 11d_13 (admitted for AMI and has a history of AMI and no risk factors for low LVEF -- HF, cardiomegally, pulmonary congestion or edema) E11d_13 LVEF measured LVEF* NOTES There are other ICD-9 codes that include cardiomegaly, but they have other diagnoses in them as well: 746.80-congenital 271.0- glycogen 402.90 - hypertensive Eligible if admitted for AMI during 2nd year of study, have a history of AMI and no risk factors for low LVEF AMIIP*>=(ELIGBEG + 12 months) and 1=eligible;0=n AMIHX*=1 and HFAMI*=0 and ot eligible CARAMI*=0 and LUNG*=0 All CPTCODE or PROC* where: CPT codes are: 78414, 78459-78472, 78478-78481, 78491-78496, 93303-93325, 9350193572 DATE(s) ICD-9 procedure codes: 8872, 8850-8854 ICD9 codes will only be in the PROC* field (not CPTCODE field) - 185 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Pass 11d_13 (LVEF measured prior to discharge or within 2 weeks of discharge or LVEF noted to be <= 40%) S11d_13 Claims Data Algorithm Pass if LVEF measured during hospitalization or within 2 weeks of discharge 1=pass;0=fail (AMIIP*<=LVEF*<=THRUDATE of hospitalization + 2 weeks) INDICATOR 11d_14: Patients < 75 years old with an MI should be offered symptom-limited stress testing or coronary angiography within 8 weeks of the MI (unless they have contraindications to revascularization). Admitted for AMI AMIIP* DATE(s) Discharged for AMI AMIDCH* DATE(s) All dates where patient was admitted for AMI: FROMDATE where SITE_CDE=4 and DIAG1=410xx and REVCODE/PORC* for inpatient stay Discharge date from AMI hospitalization THRUDATE where FROMDATE=AMIIP* age at MI hospitalization Age MIAGE* continuous Diagnosis of a malignancy (CI to revascularization) AMIMAL* 1=yes;0=no AMIIP*-DOB (from enrollment file) Any diagnosis of malignancy during or prior to AMI hospitalization any DIAG*=140-208 where FROMDATE<=AMIIP* NOTES - 186 - Item Definition Diagnosis of severe COPD (CI to revascularization) Variable Name Format AMICOP* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of AIDS (CI to revascularization) AMIAID* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis (CI to revascularization) AMICIR* 1=yes;0=no Stroke within month prior to reduced LVEF (CI to revascularization) AMISTK* 1=yes;0=no Digitalis intoxication (CI to revascularization) AMIDIG* 1=yes;0=no Progressive renal insufficiency (CI to revascularization) AMIREN* 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm Any diagnosis of COPD during AMI hospitalization any DIAG*=4912x, 492xx, 4932x, 494xx, 495xx, 496xx where FROMDATE=AMIIP* Any diagnosis of AIDS during or prior to the AMI hospitalization any DIAG*=042 where FROMDATE<=AMIIP* Any diagnosis of cirrhosis of liver during AMI hospitalization any DIAG*=571.2, 571.5, 571.6=AMIDT* Any strike/acute CVD during or within 1 month prior to AMI hospitalization any DIAG*=430-436 where ((AMIIP*-1 month) <=FROMDATE <=AMIIP*) Digitalis intoxication diagnosed during the AMI hospitalization any DIAG*=972.1 where FROMDATE=AMIIP* Any diagnosis of renal insufficiency during the hospitalization any DIAG*=593.9 where FROMDATE=AMIIP* NOTES - 187 - Item Definition Active gastrointestinal bleeding (CI to revascularization) Active infection, sepsis or fever due to infection (CI to revascularization) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm AMIGI* GI bleeding during AMI admission any other DIAG*=578xx where FROMDATE=AMIIP* AMIINF* Two or more prior CABS operations (CI to revascularization) PRICAB* Eligible for 11d_14 (admitted for AMI, less than 75 years and no contraindications to revascularization) E11d_14* 1=yes;0=no 1=yes;0=no NOTES I have included ICD9 codes for everything under the "Other Bacterial Diseases" Any bacterial infection during the heading -- probably overly inclusive and AMI hospitalization any other may exclude people DIAG*=030-041 where from eligibility FROMDATE=AMIIP* Two or more CABS PRIOR to AMI hospitalization 2 or more FROMDATE<AMIDI* where PROC*=33510-33514, 33516-33519, 33521-33523, 33533-33536, 361x, 362x 1=yes;0=no Eligible if less than 75 discharged from AMI hospitalization at least 8 weeks prior to ELIGEND and have no CI to revascualrization: AMIDCH*<(ELIGEND - 8 weeks) and AMIAGE<75 and AMIMAL*=0 and AMICOP*=0 and AMIAID*=0 and AMICIR*=0 and AMISTK*=0 and 1=eligible;0=f AMIDIG*=0 and AMIREN*=0 and AMIGI* and AMIINF*=0 and PRICAB*=0 ail - 188 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Coronary angiography performed ANGIOG* 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Coronary catheterization performed during AMI hospitalization or within 8 weeks after discharge from doctor or facility: any PROC* or CPTCODE=93501-93561 where (AMIDT*<= FROMDATE<=AMIDCH*+8weeks) OR from facility file: any PROC* =3721-3723 where (AMIDT*<= FROMDATE<=AMIDCH*+8weeks) Stress test performed during AMI hospitalization or within 8 weeks after discharge from doctor or facility: any PROC* or CPTCODE=93015-93018, 93024 where (AMIDT*<= FROMDATE<=AMIDCH*+8weeks) OR from facility file: any PROC* = 8941-8944 where (AMIDT*<= FROMDATE<=AMIDCH*+8weeks) Pass if coronary angiography or stress test performed during AMI hospitalization or within 8 weeks post discharge Stress test performed STRTST* 1=yes;0=no Pass 11d 14 (coronary angiography or stress test offered within 8 weeks for MI) S11d_14* 1=pass; 0=fail ANGIOG*=1 or STRTST*=1 - 189 - DIABETES Item Definition Variable Name Format Identifying Diabetics Claims Data Algorithm Diagnosis and encounter/revenue codes are listed in the 3 rows below to define a flag for diabetics. Flag for diagnosis of diabetes DIABFL Diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes 1=yes; 0=no Set flag to 1 if: (1) diagnosis of diabetes coded on at least 2 DIFFERENT dates of service in an ambulatory setting or non-acute inpatient setting OR (2) diagnosis of diabetes on at least 1 face-to-face encounter in an acute inpatient or emergency room setting Any of the following ICD-9 diagnosis codes - DIAG*: 250.xx= diabetes mellitus 357.2x= neuropathy in diabetes 362.0x= diabetic retinopathy 366.41= diabetic cataract Exclude if : 648.8x= gestational diabetes NOTES - 190 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Encounter in an ambulatory setting or non-acute inpatient setting Acute inpatient/ER encounter INDICATOR 13_02A: Patients with the diagnosis of Type 1/Type 2 diabetes should have all of the following: a. Glycosylated hemoglobin or fructosamine every 6 months. Claims Data Algorithm Revenue codes (REVCODE) on date where diagnosis (see above codes) was for diabetes: 49X-53X, 55X-59X, 65X, 66X, 76X, 82X-85X, 88X, 92X, 94X, 96X, 972979, 982-986, 988, 989 OR CPT codes: 92002-92014, 9920199205, 99211-99215, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99271-99275, 9930199303, 99311-99333, 99341-99355, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 9940199404, 99411, 99412, 99420-99429, 99499 Revenue codes (REVCODE): 10X-16X, 20X-22X, 45X, 72X, 80X, 981, 987 OR CPT codes: 99221-99223, 9923199233, 99238-99239, 99251-99255, 99261-99263, 99281-99288, 9929199292, 99356-99357 NOTES - 191 - Item Definition Eligible for 13_02A (diagnosis of Type 1/Type 2 diabetes) Dates of glycosylated hemoglobin or fructosamine tests Pass 13_02A (Glycosylated hemoglobin or fructosamine tested every 6 months) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm E13_02A 1=yes;0=no DIABFL =1 DIABBLD DATE All FROMDATE where CPTCODE or PROC* =83036 S13_02A 1=yes;0=no At least 3 HbA1c tests (DIABBLD) 90 days apart INDICATOR 13_02B: Patients with the diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes should have all of the following: b. Eye and visual exam (annual). Eligible for 13_02B (diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes) E13_02B 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if DIABFL=1 NOTES - 192 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Dates of eye exam DIAEYE Pass 13_02B (2 eye exams during 2 year study period at least 180 days apart) S13_02B DATE Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Using physician claims, dates where: provider type is optometrist or ophthalmologist (PRV_TYP = 08 or 22) AND (one of the following CPT codes for an eye exam: 67101, 67105, 67107-67110, 67112, 67141, 67145, 67208,67210,67218,67227,67228,9200 2,92004,92012,92014,92018,92019,92 225,92226,92230, 92235,92240,92250,92260,92287, 99204, 99205, 99214, 99215, 9924299245 OR one of the following ICD proc codes: 14.1x-14.5x, 14.9x, 95.02-95.04, 95.11, 95.12, 95.16) 1=yes; 0=no Yes if at least 2 eye exams (DIAEYE) 180 days apart INDICATOR 13_02C: Patients with the diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes should have all of the following: c. Total serum cholesterol and HDL cholesterol tests documented. - 193 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Eligible for 13_02C (diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes) E13_02C 1=yes; 0=no Any serum cholesterol test performed SERCHODT 1=yes; 0=no HDL cholesterol test HDLCHODT Pass 13_02C (Total serum cholesterol and HDL cholesterol tests documented) S13_02C 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if DIABFL=1 Yes if any CPTCODE or PROC* = 80061, 82465 Yes if any CPTCODE or PROC* = 80061, 83716, 83718 1=yes; 0=no Yes if at least 1 total (SERCHODT=1) and HDL cholesterol test (HDLCHODT=1) INDICATOR 13_02D: Patients with the diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes should have all of the following: d. Measurement of urine protein (annual) documented. Eligible for 13_02D (diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes) E13_02D 1=yes;0=no Dates of urine protein test Pass 13_02D (annual measurement of urine protein) Claims Data Algorithm Eligible if DIABFL=1 URNPROT DATE FROMDATE where CPTCODE or PROC* = 81000-81003, 82042, 82043, 82044 S13_02D 1=yes;0=no Pass if 2 or more urine protein tests at least 180 days apart NOTES - 194 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 13_08: Diabetics with proteinuria should be offered an ACE inhibitor within 3 months of the notation of proteinuria unless contraindicated. Diagnosis of Earliest FROMDATE where any proteinuria PROTEIN DATE DIAG*=791.0 Eligible for 13_08 Eligible if any proteinuria (diabetic with diagnosis (PROTEIN<>NA) AND DIABFL proteinuria) E13_08 1=yes;0=no =1 Prescription for ACE inhibitor ordered within 3 months on or after diagnosis of proteinuria ACERX Pass 13_08 (ACE inhibitor offered within 3 months of proteinuria) S13_08 1=yes;0=no List of NDCs for Ace Inhibitors was derived from the Multum d_norm table, taking all oral medications where active ingredient = benazepril, captopril, enalapril, fosinopril, Any FILLDATE within 3 months on or irbesartan, lisinopril, after PROTEIN with NDCCODE= code losartan, moexipril, from ACE Inhibitors file & listed quinapril, ramipril, after the diabetes claims telmisartan, specifications trandolapril, valsartan 1=yes;0=no Pass if ACERX=1 INDICATOR 13_09: All patients with diabetes should have a follow-up visit at least every 6 months. - 195 - Item Definition Eligible for 13_09 (diabetic) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm E13_09 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if DIABFL=1 At least 2 outpatient visits per year (1998 and 1999) >= 90+ days apart: FROMDATE where CPTCODE = 9920299215, 99241-99245 1=yes; 0=no Pass if DIABETFU=1 Follow-up visit for diabetes DIABETFU Pass 13_09 (follow-up visit for diabetes every 6 months) S13_09 1=yes; 0=no NOTES - 196 - HEART FAILURE Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Earliest FROMDATE with a diagnosis for heart failure where encounter was outpatient, er or inpatient. (1) any DIAG* = 428.xx, 398.91, 402.x1, 404.x1, 404.x3, 425.4x, 425.5x AND (2)REVCODE: 49x, 50x, 51x, 52x, 53x, 55x, 56x, 57x, 58x, 59x, 65x, 66x, 76x, 82x, 83x, 84x, 85x, 88x, 92x, 94x, 96x, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977, 978, 979, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 988, 989, 10x, 11x, 12x, 13x, 14x, 15x, 16x, 20x, 21x, 22x, 45x, 72x, 80x, 981, 987 First heart failure contact FSTCHFDX DATE Heart failure diagnosis codes (DIAG*): 428.xx - heart failure 398.91 - rheumatic heart failure 402.x1 - hypertensive heart renal disease w/ CHF CPT: 99201-99205, 99211-99215, 404.x1 - hypertensive 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99271- heart and renal disease 99275, 99354-99355, 99381-99387, w/ CHF 99391-99397, 99401-99404, 99411- 404.x3 - hypertensive 99412, 99420-99429, 99341-99343, heart and renal disease 99351-99353, 99499, 92002-92014, w/ CHF and renal 99301-99303, 99311-99313, 99321- failure 99323, 99331-99333, 99221-99223, 425.4x - other primary 99231-99233, 99238-99239, 99251- cardiomyopathies 99255, 99261-99263, 99291-99292, 425.5x - alcoholic 99281-99288, 99356-99357 cardiomopathy - 197 - Variable Name Item Definition New diagnosis of heart failure (used for multiple indicators) NEWCHFDX Hospital admission for heart failure (used for multiple indicators) HFHOSP* INDICATOR 17_01: heart failure who should receive an fraction within 1 Format DATE DATE(s) Array Patients newly diagnosed with are beginning medical treatment evaluation of their ejection month of the start of treatment. Claims Data Algorithm New CHF diagnosis is the fist CHF contact in the study, if the first contact is in the 2nd year of the study (if patient has contact in 1st year for heart failure, consdiered to be a prevalent,not incident, case of heart failure) NEWCHFDX=FSTCHFDX if FSTCHFDX>ELIGBEG+12 months, else NEWCHFDX=NA All hosptializations with a primary diagnosis of heart failure: All FROMDATE where: (a) DIAG1 = 428.xx, 398.91, 402.x1, 404.x1, 404.x1, 404.x3, 425.4x, 425.5x AND (b) SITE_CDE=4 NOTES There are no specific ICD-9 codes to identify new diagnoses, will therefore proxy "new" diagnosis by identifying patients with a heart failure code in the 1999, but no heart failure code in 1998. - 198 - Item Definition Variable Name Prescription for heart failure medications (diuretics, ace inhibitors, hydralazine, nitrates, digoxin) CHFRX Format DATE Claims Data Algorithm NOTES The medication was derived using the Multum d_norm table selecting oral medications with the following active ingredients: DIURETICS: amiloride, bendroflumethiazide, benzthiazide, bumetanide, cholorothiazide, chlorthalidone, dichlorphenamide, ethacrynic acid, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, hydroflumethiazide, methyclothiazide, Earliest FILLDATE after the metolazone, diagnosis of heart failure polythiazide, (NEWCHFDX) where the NDCCODE=entry on CHFRX list found spironolactone, torsemide, triamterene, at the end of the heart failure trichlormethiazide specifications - 199 - Item Definition Variable Name Eligible for 17_01 (new diagnosis of heart failure and started on medication) E17_01 Format 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm Eligible if new diagnosis of heart failure in 1999 (NEWCHFDX<>NA) and treatment initiated within 6 months after diagnosis but at least 1 month prior to the end of the study[ (CHFRX <= (NEWCHFDX + 6 months)) and (CHFRX <= 12/1/1999)] NOTES CHFRX meds continued. Hydralazine, Digitoxin, Digoxin NITRATES (all routes): amyl nitrate, isosorbide, nitroglycerin ACE INHIBITORS: benazepril, captopril, enalapril, fosinopril, irbesartan, lisinopril, losartan, moexipril, quinapril, ramipril, telmisartan, trandolapril, valsartan - 200 - Item Definition Variable Name Measurement of ejection fraction by echocardiogram, radionuclide test or coronary angiogram EFMEAS Pass 17_01 (Measurement of ejection fraction within one month prior to initiation of medication) S17_01 Format Claims Data Algorithm Any CPTCODE or PROC* for measurement of echocardiogram between 3 months prior to and 1 month after the initiation of treatment (CHFRX). CPT codes are: 78414, 78459-78472, 78478-78481, 78491-78496, 93303-93325, 9350193572 1=yes;0=no ICD-9 procedure codes: 8872, 8850-8854 1=yes;0=no Pass if EFMEAS=1 INDICATOR 17_04A: Patients with a new diagnosis of heart failure should be offered all of the following studies within 1 month of the diagnosis (unless performed within the prior 3 months): Chest x-ray; Eligible for 17 04A (new diagnosis of heart failure) E17_04A 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if new diagnosis of heart failure is 1 month prior to the end of the study period (NEWCHFDX<= 12/1/1999) NOTES - 201 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Any CPTCODE or PROC* for chest xray between 3 months prior to and 1 month after diagnosis of heart failure (NEWCHFDX). CPT codes are: 71010-71035 Chest x-ray performed CHSTPERF 1=yes; 0=no Pass 17_04A (patient offered chest x-ray within 1 month prior to or 3 months after diagnosis of heart failure) S17_04A 1=yes; 0=no ICD-9 procedure codes are: 8744, 8749 Pass if CHSTPERF=1 INDICATOR 17_04B: Patients with a new diagnosis of heart failure should be offered all of the following studies within 1 month of the diagnosis (unless performed within the prior 3 months): EKG; Eligible for 17 04B (new diagnosis of heart failure) E17_04B 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if new diagnosis of heart failure is 1 month prior to the end of the study period (NEWCHFDX<= 12/1/1999) - 202 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm Any CPTCODE or PROC* for EKG between 3 months prior to and 1 month after the diagnosis of heart failure (NEWCHFDX). CPT codes are: 93000-93024, 93224-93237 EKG performed Pass 17_04B (patient offered EKG within 1 month prior to or 3 months after diagnosis of heart failure) EKGPERF 1=yes; 0=no ICD-9 procedure codes are: 8951-8954 S17_04B 1=yes; 0=no Pass if EKGPERF=1 INDICATOR 17_04C: Patients with a new diagnosis of heart failure should be offered all of the following studies within 1 month of the diagnosis (unless performed within the prior 3 months): Complete blood count; Eligible for 17 04C (new diagnosis of heart failure) E17_04C 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if new diagnosis of heart failure is 1 month prior to the end of the study period (NEWCHFDX<= 12/1/1999) NOTES - 203 - Item Definition Complete blood count performed Pass 17_04C (patient offered CBC within 1 month prior to or 3 months after diagnosis of heart failure) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Any CPTCODE or PROC* for complete blood count between 3 months prior to and 1 month after diagnosis of heart failure (NEWCHFDX). CBCPERF 1=yes; 0=no CPT codes are: 85022-85025 S17_04C 1=yes; 0=no Pass if CBCPERF=1 INDICATOR 17_04D: Patients with a new diagnosis of heart failure should be offered all of the following studies within 1 month of the diagnosis (unless performed within the prior 3 months): Serum sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate; Eligible for 17 04D (new diagnosis of heart failure) E17_04D 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if new diagnosis of heart failure is 1 month prior to the end of the study period (NEWCHFDX<= 12/1/1999) - 204 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Serum sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate performed ELCTPERF 1=yes; 0=no Pass 17_04D (patient offered measurement of serum sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate within 1 month prior to or 3 months after diagnosis of heart failure) S17_04D 1=yes; 0=no Claims Data Algorithm Any CPTCODE or PROC* for electrolyte panel or individual chemistries for sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate between 3 months prior to and 1 month after diagnosis of heart failure (NEWCHFDX) CPT codes are: 80048 or 80050 or 80051 or 80053 or 80069 or (84295 & 84132 & 82374) or G0096 or G0097 or G0098 Pass if ELCTPERF=1 INDICATOR 17_04E: Patients with a new diagnosis of heart failure should be offered all of the following studies within 1 month of the diagnosis (unless performed within the prior 3 months): Serum creatinine. Eligible for 17 04E (new diagnosis of heart failure) E17_04E 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if new diagnosis of heart failure is 1 month prior to the end of the study period (NEWCHFDX<= 12/1/1999) NOTES - 205 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Serum creatinine tested CRETPERF 1=yes; 0=no Pass 17_04E (patient offered measurement of serum creatinine within 1 month prior to or 3 months after diagnosis of heart failure) S17_04E 1=yes; 0=no INDICATOR 17_07A: Patients who are hospitalized for heart failure should have the following performed within one day of hospitalization: Serum electrolytes; and Eligible for 17_07A (admission for symptoms 1=yes;0=no of heart failure) E17_07A* array Serum electrolytes measured ELECIP* 1=yes;0=no array Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Any CPTCODE or PROC* for serum creatinine between 3 months prior to and 1 month after diagnosis of heart failure (NEWCHFDX). CPT codes are: 80048, 80050, 80083, 80069, G0096, G0098 Pass if CRETPERF=1 Eligible if HFHOSP*<>NA Any CPTCODE or PROC* for serum electrolytes during hospitalization for heart failure (HFHOSP*) CPT codes are: 80048, 80050, 80051, 80053, 80069, G0096, G0097, G0098 - 206 - Item Definition Pass 17_07A (serum electrolytes measured within one day of hospitalization) Variable Name Format 1=yes;0=no S17_07A* array Claims Data Algorithm Pass if ELECTRO=1 INDICATOR 17_07B: Patients who are hospitalized for heart failure should have the following performed within one day of hospitalization: Serum creatinine. Eligible for 17_07B (admission for symptoms 1=yes;0=no of heart failure) E17_07B* array Eligible if HFHOSP*<>NA Any CPTCODE or PROC* for serum creatinine during hospitalization for heart failure (HFHOSP). 1=yes;0=no array Serum creatinine tested CRETIP* Pass 17_07B (serum electrolytes measured within one day of 1=yes;0=no hospitalization) S17_07B* array INDICATOR 17_09A: Patients with the diagnosis of heart failure who are on an ACE inhibitor should have the following checked every year: Serum potassium; CPT codes are: 80048, 80050, 80083, 80069, G0096, G0098 Pass if CRETIP*=1 NOTES - 207 - Item Definition Variable Name Patient on ACEI ACEIRX 1=yes;0=no Eligible for 17_09A (diagnosis of heart failure and on ACEI) E17_08A 1=yes;0=no Serum potassium measured during first 13 months of study POTAS Pass 17_09A (Serum potassium measured at least once a year) S17_08A Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES List of NDCs for Ace Inhibitors was derived from the Multum d_norm table, taking all oral medications where active ingredient = benazepril, captopril, 2 or more filled prescriptions enalapril, fosinopril, for ACE Inhibitors during 1998 (2+ FILLDATE where NDCCODE is for irbesartan, lisinopril, ACEI) losartan, moexipril, quinapril, ramipril, List of ACE Inhibitors at end of telmisartan, heart failure specifications trandolapril, valsartan Eligible if contact for CHF in 1st year of study (FSTCHFDX <= ELIGBEG+12 months) and at least 2 ACEI prescription during 1st year of study (ACEIRX=1) Any CPTCODE or PROC* for serum potassium between 1/1/1998 and 1/31/1999. 1=yes;0=no CPT codes are: 80048 or 80050 or 80051 or 80053 or 80069 or (84295 & 84132 & 82374) or G0096 or G0097 or G0098 1=yes;0=no Pass if POTAS=1 - 208 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 17_09B: Patients with the diagnosis of heart failure who are on an ACE inhibitor should have the following checked every year: Serum creatinine Prescription for ACEI filled ACEIRX 1=yes;0=no Eligible for 17_08B (diagnosis of heart failure and on ACEI) E17_09B 1=yes;0=no Serum creatinine tested CRETPERF 1=yes;0=no Pass 17_08B (Serum creatinine measured at S17_09B 1=yes;0=no List of NDCs for Ace Inhibitors was derived from the Multum d_norm table, taking all oral medications where active ingredient = 2 or more filled prescriptions benazepril, captopril, for ACE Inhibitors during 1998 (2+ FILLDATE where NDCCODE is for enalapril, fosinopril, irbesartan, lisinopril, ACEI) losartan, moexipril, See separate SAS file for list of quinapril, ramipril, ACE Inhibitors (same list as used telmisartan, for the diabetes measure) trandolapril, valsartan Eligible if contact for CHF in 1st year of study (FSTCHFDX <= ELIGBEG+12 months) and at least 2 ACEI prescription during 1st year of study (ACEIRX=1) Any CPTCODE or PROC* for serum creatinine between 1/1/1998 and 1/31/1999 CPT codes are: 80048, 80050, 80083, 80069, G0096, G0098 Pass if CRETPERF=1 - 209 - Item Definition least once a year) Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 17_12: Patients who have been hospitalized for heart failure should have followup contact within 4 weeks of discharge. Discharge date for heart DATE(s) Maximum THRUDATE associated with failure admission HFDSCH* array heart failure hospitalization Eligible if hospitalized for heart failure and discharged Eligible for 17_12 prior to 12/1/1999. (HFHOSP*<>NA (admitted for heart 1=yes;0=no AND HFDSCH*<12/1/1999) failure) E17_11* array An outpatient visit within 4 weeks of discharge. FROMDATE where CPTCODE= 99205, 99211-99215, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99271-99275, 99354-99355, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 99401-99404, 99411-99412, 99420-99429 Follow-up for heart failure CHFFU* 1=yes;0=no array 99201- and (HFDSCH* < FROMDATE <= HFDSCH* + 4 weeks) - 210 - Variable Item Definition Name Format Pass 17_12 (follow-up visit for heart failure within 1 month of 1=yes;0=no discharge) S17_12 array Claims Data Algorithm Pass if CHFFU*=1 NOTES - 211 - PNEUMONIA Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES - 212 - Item Definition Variable Name Format INDICATOR 09_05: Patients over 65 years of age or with coexisting illness, and a diagnosis of pneumonia should receive the following blood tests on the day of presentation: a. WBC b. BUN or Creatinine New diagnosis of pneumonia in outpatient setting (community acquired) PNEUDX* Date Face-to-face encounter in an ambulatory setting or ER setting Age at time of pnemonia diagnosis PNEUAGE* countinous Claims Data Algorithm All dates on which the patient presented to the office or ER with a primary diagnosis of pneumonia (all FROMDATE where any DIAG*= 480-486, 487.0 and SITE CDE <> 4) Revenue codes (REVCODE): 45X, 49X-53X, 55X-59X, 65X, 66X, 76X, 82X-85X, 88X, 92X, 94X, 96X, 972-979, 981, 982-986, 988, 989 OR CPT codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99205, 99211-99215, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99271-99275, 99301-99303, 99311-99333, 99341-99355, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 99401-99404, 99411, 99412, 99420-99429, 99499 Age at time of pnemonia diagnosis (PNEUDX* - DOB) NOTES Did not include hospitalizations b/c may be hard to distinguish community acquired versus nosocomial infection - 213 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Dx of lung problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis LUNGDX* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of heart problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis HEARTDX* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of renal problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis RENALDX* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of diabetes on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis 1=yes;0=no DIABETDX* Claims Data Algorithm Dx of lung problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <= PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 490496, 500-508, 510-519) Diagnosis of heart problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <= PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 410414.9, 415-417.9, 420429.9) Diagnosis of renal problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis ((any FROMDATE <=PNEUDX* where (DIAG* = 580-589.9, 590-593.9 or PROC* = 90918-90937)) OR (any CPTDATE,=PNEUDX* where CPTCODE = 9091890937)) Diagnosis of diabetes on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <=PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 250,357.2,362.0,366.41,648. 0) NOTES - 214 - Item Definition Immune dysfunction on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis Variable Name IMMUNEDX* Eligible for 09 05 (new diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia and over 65 years or with coexisting disease) E09_05 Format 1=yes;0=no 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Code Key: · AIDS - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome - 042 · Asplenia, Anatomic or functional Asplenia 759.0, 746.87 · DiGeorge's syndrome (thymic hypoplasia) 279.11 · Congenital immunodeficiency 279 · Sickle cell anemia 282.6 Cancer 140-208 · Organ or bone marrow Immune dysfunction on or transplantation 38240-38241, prior to pneumonia 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, diagnosis (any FROMDATE 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, <=PNEUDX* where (DIAG* = 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, 042, 759.0, 746.87, 50380 279.11, 279, 282.6, 140208) OR (PROC*=38240-38241, · Immunosuppressive therapy 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, · Current therapy with 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, alkylating agents, 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, antimetabolites, and radiation 77520-77523, 50380,77520-77523, 7740277406, 77401, 77412-77416, 77402-77406, 77401, 7741277416, 77407-77411, 77427 77407-77411, 77427) Eligible if a diagnosis of pneumonia without a diagnosis of pneumonia in the previous 4 months (PNEUVS* <> NA) AND the patient is over 65 (PNEUAGE* >65) OR the - 215 - Item Definition WBC performed Variable Name PNEUWBC* BUN or creatinine performed PNEUBUN* Pass 09_05A (WBC performed on day of pneumonia presentation) S09_05A Pass 09_05B (BUN or creatinine lab performed on day of pneumonia presentation) S09_05B Format Claims Data Algorithm patient has a coexisting illness (LUNGDX*=1 or HEARTDX*=1 or RENALDX*=1 or DIABETDX*=1 or IMMUNEDX*=1) 1=yes;0=no WBC performed ((all FROMDATE where PROC*= 85007, 85009, 85021, 85022, 85023, 85024, 85025, 85031, 85048) and (all CPTDATE where CPTCODE = 85007, 85009, 85021, 85022, 85023, 85024, 85025, 85031, 85048) BUN or creatinine performed ((all FROMDATE where PROC*=84520-84525, 82565) and (all CPTDATE where CPTCODE = 84520-84525, 82565)) Pass if (any PNEUWBC* = PNEUVS*) AND (any PNEUBUN*=PNEUVS*) 1=yes;0=no Pass if (any PNEUWBC* = PNEUVS*) AND (any PNEUBUN*=PNEUVS*) Date Date NOTES - 216 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 09_08: Non-hospitalized persons <= 65 years of age diagnosed with pneumonia without a known bacteriologic etiology and without coexisting illness should be offered an oral empiric macrolide, unless allergic. New diagnosis of pneumonia in outpatient setting (community acquired) PNEUDX* Face-to-face encounter in an ambulatory setting or ER setting Date All dates on which the patient presented to the office or ER with a primary diagnosis of pneumonia (all FROMDATE where any DIAG*= 480-486, 487.0 and SITE CDE <> 4) Revenue codes (REVCODE): 45X, 49X-54X, 55X-59X, 65X, 66X, 76X, 82X-85X, 88X, 92X, 94X, 96X, 972-979, 981, 982-986, 988, 989 OR CPT codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99205, 99211-99215, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99271-99275, 99301-99303, 99311-99333, 99341-99355, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 99401-99404, 99411, 99412, Did not include hospitalizations b/c may be hard to distinguish community acquired versus nosocomial - 217 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Pneumonia without a known bacteriologic etiology PNEUBA* 1=yes;0=no Hospitalized for pneumonia IPPNEU* Date Age at time of pnemonia diagnosis PNEUAGE* countinous Dx of lung problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis LUNGDX* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of heart problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis HEARTDX* 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm 99420-99429, 99499 Yes if DIAG1 on PNEUDX* = 480, 481, 485, 486, 487.1 All dates on which the patient was hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia (all FROMDATE where DIAG*= 480-486 and SITE_CDE = 4) Age at time of pnemonia diagnosis (PNEUDX* - DOB) Dx of lung problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <= PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 490496, 500-508, 510-519) Diagnosis of heart problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <= PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 410414.9, 415-417.9, 420- NOTES - 218 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Diagnosis of renal problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis RENALDX* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of diabetes on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis 1=yes;0=no DIABETDX* Claims Data Algorithm 429.9) Diagnosis of renal problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis ((any FROMDATE <=PNEUDX* where (DIAG* = 580-589.9, 590-593.9 or PROC* = 90918-90937)) OR (any CPTDATE,=PNEUDX* where CPTCODE = 9091890937)) Diagnosis of diabetes on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <=PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 250,357.2,362.0,366.41,648. 0) NOTES - 219 - Item Definition Immune dysfunction on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis Variable Name IMMUNEDX* Format 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Code Key: · AIDS - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome - 042 · Asplenia, Anatomic or functional Asplenia 759.0, 746.87 · DiGeorge's syndrome (thymic hypoplasia) 279.11 · Congenital immunodeficiency 279 · Sickle cell anemia 282.6 Cancer 140-208 · Organ or bone marrow Immune dysfunction on or transplantation 38240-38241, prior to pneumonia 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, diagnosis (any FROMDATE 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, <=PNEUDX* where (DIAG* = 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, 042, 759.0, 746.87, 50380 279.11, 279, 282.6, 140208) OR (PROC*=38240-38241, · Immunosuppressive therapy 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, · Current therapy with 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, alkylating agents, 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, antimetabolites, and radiation 77520-77523, 50380,77520-77523, 7740277406, 77401, 77412-77416, 77402-77406, 77401, 7741277416, 77407-77411, 77427 77407-77411, 77427) - 220 - Item Definition Variable Name Eligible for 09 08 (new diagnosis of pneumonia and 65 years or younger without a known bacteriologic etiology and without coexisting illness treated in an outpatient setting) E09_08 Empiric oral macrolide ordered RXMACRO Format 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm Eligible if a diagnosis of pneumonia of unknown bacteriologic etiology in outpatient setting (PNEUVS* <> NA and PNEUBA*=1) without a diagnosis of pneumonia in the previous 4 months and without a hospitalization of pneumonia within the month prior to or after the outpatient diagnosis of pneumonia (no IPPNEU* within =/- 1 omnth of PNEUVS*) AND the patient is 65 or younger (PNEUAGE* <= 65) AND the patient does not have a coexisting illness (LUNGDX*=0 or HEARTDX*=0 or RENALDX*=0 or DIABETDX*=0 or IMMUNEDX*=0) NOTES Date The list of macrolides was derived from the Multum ndc_dnorm table; The list was limited to route=oral; All FILLDATE where NDCCODE took all with active ingredients of : = code from MACROLIDE worksheet (see list of NDCs amoxicillin, azithromycin, at the end of the pneumonia clarithromycin, clindamycin, data specifications) dirithromycin, erythromycin, - 221 - Item Definition Variable Name Pass 09_08 ( offered oral empiric macrolide) S09_08 Format 1=yes;0=no INDICATOR 09_09: Non-hospitalized persons > 65 years of age diagnosed with pneumonia without a known bacteriologic etiology and with coexisting illnesses should be offered one of the following oral empiric antibiotic regimens: - a second generation cephalosporin; - trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; or - a beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor combination Claims Data Algorithm Pass if any RXMACRO* within 2 days on or after PNEUVS* NOTES lincomycin, troleandomycin - 222 - Item Definition Variable Name Format New diagnosis of pneumonia in outpatient setting (community acquired) PNEUDX* Date Face-to-face encounter in an ambulatory setting or ER setting Pneumonia without a known bacteriologic etiology PNEUBA* 1=yes;0=no Hospitalized for pneumonia Date IPPNEU* Claims Data Algorithm All dates on which the patient presented to the office or ER with a primary diagnosis of pneumonia (all FROMDATE where any DIAG*= 480-486, 487.0 and SITE CDE <> 4) Revenue codes (REVCODE): 45X, 49X-54X, 55X-59X, 65X, 66X, 76X, 82X-85X, 88X, 92X, 94X, 96X, 972-979, 981, 982-986, 988, 989 OR CPT codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99205, 99211-99215, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99271-99275, 99301-99303, 99311-99333, 99341-99355, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 99401-99404, 99411, 99412, 99420-99429, 99499 Yes if DIAG1 on PNEUDX* = 480, 481, 485, 486, 487.1 All dates on which the patient was hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia (all FROMDATE where DIAG*= 480-486 and SITE_CDE = 4) NOTES Did not include hospitalizations b/c may be hard to distinguish community acquired versus nosocomial - 223 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Age at time of pnemonia diagnosis PNEUAGE* countinous Dx of lung problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis LUNGDX* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of heart problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis HEARTDX* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of renal problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis RENALDX* 1=yes;0=no Diagnosis of diabetes on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis 1=yes;0=no DIABETDX* Claims Data Algorithm Age at time of pnemonia diagnosis (PNEUDX* - DOB) Dx of lung problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <= PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 490496, 500-508, 510-519) Diagnosis of heart problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <= PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 410414.9, 415-417.9, 420429.9) Diagnosis of renal problems on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis ((any FROMDATE <=PNEUDX* where (DIAG* = 580-589.9, 590-593.9 or PROC* = 90918-90937)) OR (any CPTDATE,=PNEUDX* where CPTCODE = 9091890937)) Diagnosis of diabetes on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis (any FROMDATE <=PNEUDX* where DIAG* = 250,357.2,362.0,366.41,648. 0) NOTES - 224 - Item Definition Immune dysfunction on or prior to pneumonia diagnosis Variable Name IMMUNEDX* Format 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Code Key: · AIDS - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome - 042 · Asplenia, Anatomic or functional Asplenia 759.0, 746.87 · DiGeorge's syndrome (thymic hypoplasia) 279.11 · Congenital immunodeficiency 279 · Sickle cell anemia 282.6 Cancer 140-208 · Organ or bone marrow Immune dysfunction on or transplantation 38240-38241, prior to pneumonia 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, diagnosis (any FROMDATE 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, <=PNEUDX* where (DIAG* = 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, 042, 759.0, 746.87, 50380 279.11, 279, 282.6, 140208) OR (PROC*=38240-38241, · Immunosuppressive therapy 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, · Current therapy with 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, alkylating agents, 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, antimetabolites, and radiation 77520-77523, 50380,77520-77523, 7740277406, 77401, 77412-77416, 77402-77406, 77401, 7741277416, 77407-77411, 77427 77407-77411, 77427) - 225 - Item Definition Variable Name Eligible for 09_09 (new diagnosis of pneumonia without a known bacteriologic etiology and older than 65 with a coexisting illness) E09_09 Format 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm Eligible if a diagnosis of pneumonia of unknown bacteriologic etiology in outpatient setting (PNEUVS* <> NA and PNEUBA*=1) without a diagnosis of pneumonia in the previous 4 months and without a hospitalization of pneumonia within the month prior to or after the outpatient diagnosis of pneumonia (no IPPNEU* within =/- 1 omnth of PNEUVS*) AND the patient is older than 65 (PNEUAGE* > 65) AND the patient has a coexisting illness (LUNGDX*=1 or HEARTDX*=1 or RENALDX*=1 or DIABETDX*=1 or IMMUNEDX*=1) NOTES - 226 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Prescription for oral empiric antibiotic treatment filled EMPABX* Date Pass 09_09 (oral empiric antibiotic dispensed) S09_09* 1=yes;0=no INDICATOR 09_12: Persons treated for pneumonia should have follow-up contact with a provider within 6 weeks after discharge or diagnosis. Claims Data Algorithm NOTES The list of oral empiric antibiotics was derived from the Multum ndc_dnorm table; The list was limited to route=oral; took all with active ingredients of : amoxicillin, ampicillin, cefaclor, cefadroxil, cefdinir, cefixime, cefpodoxime, cefprozil, ceftibuten, cefuroxime, cephalexin, cephradine, loracarbef, sulfadiazine, sulfadoxine, sulfamethizole, sulfamethoxazole, All FILLDATE where NDCCODE= sulfasalazine, sulfinpryazone, code on "Empiric antibiotic" worksheet list sulfisoxazole, trimethoprim Pass if EMPABX is on or within 2 days after PNEUDX* (see NDC list at the end of the Pneumonia specifications) - 227 - Item Definition Variable Name New diagnosis of pneumonia in outpatient setting (community acquired) PNEUDX* Format Date Claims Data Algorithm All dates on which the patient presented to the office or ER with a primary diagnosis of pneumonia (all FROMDATE where any DIAG*= 480-486, 487.0 and SITE CDE <> 4) Revenue codes (REVCODE): 45X, 49X-54X, 55X-59X, 65X, 66X, 76X, 82X-85X, 88X, 92X, 94X, 96X, 972-979, 981, 982-986, 988, 989 OR CPT codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99205, 99211-99215, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99271-99275, 99301-99303, 99311-99333, 99341-99355, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 99401-99404, 99411, 99412, 99420-99429, 99499 Eligible if a diagnosis of pneumonia without a diagnosis of pneumonia in the previous 4 months (PNEUVS* <> NA) All office visit dates (All FROMDATE where SITE_CDE = 1) 1=yes;0=no Pass if any FUPNEU* within 6 weeks after PNEUDX* Date Face-to-face encounter in an ambulatory setting or ER setting Eligible for 09_12 (diagnosis of pneumonia) E09_12* Follow-up contact for pneumonia FUPNEU* Pass 09_12 (follow-up for pneumonia within 6 weeks of diagnosis) S09_12* 1=yes;0=no NOTES Did not include hospitalizations b/c may be hard to distinguish community acquired versus nosocomial - 228 - PREVENTIVE CARE Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES - 229 - Item Definition Variable Name Format INDICATOR 27_01: For patients under age 50, notation of the date that a patient received a tetanus/diphtheria booster within the last ten years should be included in the medical record. Age ELIGAGE integer Eligible for 27_01 (patient less than 50) E27_01 1=yes;0=no Tetanus immunization administered Pass 27_01 (tetanus status known) Claims Data Algorithm age (in years) on 1/1/1998 TETGIVN 1=yes;0=no eligible if ELIGAGE < 50 Any of these codes at any time: CPT=90700-90703, 9071890721 HCPC = J1670 ICD9 Proc = 9938, 9939 ICD9 V codes: V03.7, V06.1, V06.2, V06.3, V06.5 S27_01 1=yes;0=no Pass if TETGIVN=1 INDICATOR 27_02: There should be documentation in the medical record that patients over the age of 50 were offered a tetanus/diphtheria booster after their 50th birthday or in the last 10 years. Age ELIGAGE integer age (in years) on 1/1/1998 Eligible for 27_01 (patient 50 years or older) E27_02 1=yes;0=no eligible if ELIGAGE>= 50 NOTES - 230 - Item Definition Tetanus immunization administered Pass 27_02 (tetanus status known) Variable Name Format TETGIVN 1=yes;0=no Claims Data Algorithm Any of these codes at any time: CPT=90700-90703, 9071890721 HCPC = J1670 ICD9 Proc = 9938, 9939 ICD9 V codes: V03.7, V06.1, V06.2, V06.3, V06.5 S27_02 1=yes;0=no Pass if TETGIVN=1 INDICATOR 27_04: All patients aged 65 and over should have been offered influenza vaccine annually or have documentation that they received it elsewhere. Age ELIGAGE integer Eligible for 27_04 (patient 65 years or older) E27_04 1=yes;0=no Influenza vaccine given (during study period) FLUGIVN Pass 27_04 (patient offered/received flu vaccine) S27_04 age (in years) on 1/1/1998 Eligible if ELIGAGE>=65 Any of the codes during the study period: CPT=90657-90660, 90724 HCPC=Q0034, G0008 ICD9 Proc=9952 1=yes; 0=no ICD9 Vcode=V04.8 1=yes; 0=no Pass if FLUGIVN=1 NOTES - 231 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES INDICATOR 27_05: All patients under age 65 with any of the following conditions should have been offered influenza vaccination annually: a. Living in a nursing home; b. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; d. Chronic cardiovascular disorders; e. Renal failure; f. Immunosuppression; g. Diabetes mellitus; h. Hemoglobinopathies (e.g. sickle cell). Age ELIGAGE integer age (in years) on 1/1/1998 Living in a nursing home Diagnosis of COPD CPT codes from the following headings: Comprehensive nursing facility assessments; Subsequent nursing facility care; Domiciliary, rest home or custodial care services NURSHOME Any of the following CPT encounter codes: CPT=99301-99303, 9931199313, 99321-99323, 993311=yes; 0=no 99333 COPDDX ICD9 codes are for all conditions under the heading "Chronic obstructive Any of the following DIAG*: pulmonary disease and allied conditions" 1=yes; 0=no 490xx-496xx - 232 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES Diagnosis of CVD CVDDX ICD9 codes are for all Any of the following DIAG*: conditions under the heading "Cerebrovascular disease" 1=yes; 0=no 430xx-438xx Diagnosis of renal failure RENFAIL Any of the following DIAG*: 1=yes; 0=no 584xx-588xx - 233 - Item Definition Immunosupressed Variable Name IMMUNSUP Format Claims Data Algorithm Any of the following DIAG*= 042, 759.0, 746.87, 279.11, 279, 282.6, 140-208 OR Any PROC*=38240-38241, 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, 50380,77520-77523, 7740277406, 77401, 77412-77416, 1=yes; 0=no 77407-77411, 77427 NOTES Code Key: · AIDS - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome - 042 · Asplenia, Anatomic or functional Asplenia 759.0, 746.87 · DiGeorge's syndrome (thymic hypoplasia) 279.11 · Congenital immunodeficiency 279 · Sickle cell anemia 282.6 Cancer 140-208 · Organ or bone marrow transplantation 38240-38241, 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, 50380 · Immunosuppressive therapy · Current therapy with alkylating agents, antimetabolites, and radiation 77520-77523, 77402-77406, 77401, 7741277416, 77407-77411, 77427 - 234 - Item Definition Diagnosis of diabetes Eligible for 27_05 (less than 65 and at risk for flu complications) Variable Name DIABETDX E27_05 Influenza vaccine given (once in a 1 year time period) FLUGIVN Pass 27_05 (patient offered/received flu vaccine) S27_05 Format Claims Data Algorithm Any DIAG* = 1=yes; 0=no 250,357.2,362.0,366.41 Eligible if ELIGAGE < 65 and (NURSHOME, COPDDX, CVDDX, RENFAIL, IMMUNSUP or 1=yes; 0=no DIABETDX = 1) Any of the codes during the study period: CPT=90657-90660, 90724 HCPC=Q0034, G0008 ICD9 Proc=9952 1=yes; 0=no ICD9 Vcode=V04.8 1=yes; 0=no Pass if FLUGIVN=1 INDICATOR 27_06A: There should be documentation that all patients in the following groups and otherwise presenting for care were offered pneumococcal vaccine at least once: Patients aged 65 and older Age ELIGAGE integer age (in years) on 1/1/1998 Eligible for 27_06A (patient 65 years or older) E27_06A 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if ELIGAGE >= 65 NOTES - 235 - Item Definition Variable Name Pneumococcal vaccine administered ADMINPNE Pass 27_06A (pneumococcal vaccine offered at least once) S27_06A Format Claims Data Algorithm Any of the codes at any time: CPT=90669, 90732 HCPC=G0009 ICD9 Proc= . 1=yes; 0=no ICD9 Vcode=V03.82, V06.6 1=yes; 0=no Pass if ADMNPNE=1 INDICATOR 27_06B: There should be documentation that all patients in the following groups and otherwise presenting for care were offered pneumococcal vaccine at least once: at least one risk condition, less than 65 and not institutionalized Age ELIGAGE integer Diagnosis of COPD COPDDX Diagnosis of CVD CVDDX Diagnosis of diabetes DIABETDX NOTES age (in years) on 1/1/1998 ICD9 codes are for all conditions under the heading "Chronic obstructive Any of the following DIAG*: pulmonary disease and allied conditions" 1=yes; 0=no 490xx-496xx ICD9 codes are for all Any of the following DIAG*: conditions under the heading "Cerebrovascular disease" 1=yes; 0=no 430xx-438xx Any DIAG* = 1=yes; 0=no 250,357.2,362.0,366.41 - 236 - Item Definition Immunosupressed Variable Name IMMUNSUP Format Claims Data Algorithm Any of the following DIAG*= 042, 759.0, 746.87, 279.11, 279, 282.6, 140-208 OR Any PROC*=38240-38241, 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, 50380,77520-77523, 7740277406, 77401, 77412-77416, 1=yes; 0=no 77407-77411, 77427 NOTES Code Key: · AIDS - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome - 042 · Asplenia, Anatomic or functional Asplenia 759.0, 746.87 · DiGeorge's syndrome (thymic hypoplasia) 279.11 · Congenital immunodeficiency 279 · Sickle cell anemia 282.6 Cancer 140-208 · Organ or bone marrow transplantation 38240-38241, 33945, 33935, 47135, 47136, 32850-32852, 48160, 48550, 48554, 48556, 50360, 50365, 50380 · Immunosuppressive therapy · Current therapy with alkylating agents, antimetabolites, and radiation 77520-77523, 77402-77406, 77401, 7741277416, 77407-77411, 77427 - 237 - Item Definition Living in a nursing home Eligible for 27_06B (diagnosis of chronic heart or pulmonary condition) Pneumococcal vaccine administered Pass 27_06B (pneumococcal vaccine administered at least once) Variable Name NURSHOME E27_06B ADMINPNE S27_06B Format Claims Data Algorithm Any of the following CPT encounter codes: CPT=99301-99303, 9931199313, 99321-99323, 993311=yes; 0=no 99333 Eligible if ELIGAGE <65 and (COPDDX, CVDDX, DIABETDX, or IMMUNSUP =1) and 1=yes; 0=no NURSEHOME=0 Any of the codes at any time: CPT=90669, 90732 HCPC=G0009 ICD9 Proc= . 1=yes; 0=no ICD9 Vcode=V03.82, V06.6 1=yes;0=no Pass if pneumococcal vaccine administered at least once (ADMINPNE=1) INDICATOR 27_11: Mantoux tests should be read by a health professional or other trained personnel within 48-72 hours. Earliest date where: CPT= 86580-86585 PPD test performed PPDDT Date Eligible for 27_11 (PPD/Mantoux test administered) E27_11 1=yes; 0=no Eligible if PPDDT<>NA NOTES CPT codes from the following headings: Comprehensive nursing facility assessments; Subsequent nursing facility care; Domiciliary, rest home or custodial care services - 238 - Item Definition Variable Name Format Claims Data Algorithm Any FROMDATE 2 or 3 days after PPDDT where REVCOE = 49x, 50x, 51x, 52x, 53x, 55x, 56x, 57x, 58x, 59x, 65x, 66x, 76x, 82x, 83x, 84x, 85x, 88x, 92x, 94x, 96x, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977, 978, 979, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 988, 989 Office visit (2-3 days after Mantoux test) RDPPD Pass 27_11 (Mantoux test read by health professional 58-72 hours after administration) S27_11 CPT codes: 99201-99205, 99211-99215, 99217-99220, 99241-99245, 99271-99275, 99354-99355, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 99401-99404, 1=yes; 0=no 99411-99412, 99420-99429 Pass if office visit 2-3 days after Mantoux text 1=yes; 0=no (RDPPD=1) INDICATOR 27_25A: Women who have not had a Pap smear within the last 3 years should have one performed (unless never sexually active with men or have had a hysterectomy for benign indications). Gender GENDER Yes if GENDER (from 1=yes; 0=no enrollment file) = F NOTES - 239 - Item Definition Variable Name History of hysterectomy HXHYSTER Eligible for 27_25A (female patient over age 18 who is sexually active and has not had a hysterectomy) E27_25A Format Claims Data Algorithm NOTES CPT codes: 51925, 56308, 58150, 58152, 58200, 58210, 58240, 58260, 58262, 58263, 58267, 58270, 58275, 58280, 58285, 58550, 58551, 58951, 59135, 59525 Hysterectomy codes are from HEDIS cervical cancer screening measure 1=yes; 0=no ICD9 Proc = 68.4-68.8 Eligible if GENDER=female 1=yes; 0=no and HXHYSTER=0 CPT codes: 88141-88145, 88147, 88148, 88150-88158, 88164-88167 ICD9 Proc: 91.46 ICD9 dx: V76.2 Dates of pap smears Pass 27CC_02 (most recent pap smear was within the past 3 years) PAPDATE 1=yes; 0=no Revenue code: 923 S27CC_02 Pass if pap smear performed 1=yes; 0=no (PAPDATE=1)