w w om .c For examination from 2015 s er Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English 0522 ap eP m e tr .X w Scheme of work Cambridge IGCSE® [Subject] ([syllabus code]) Scheme of –work Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Contents Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Unit 1: Developing reading skills ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Unit 2: Developing writing skills ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Unit 3: Writing summaries ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Unit 4: Responding to reading ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Unit 5: Selecting, analysing and using information ............................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Unit 6: Directed writing ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Unit 7: Composition writing .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Unit 8: Writing for coursework ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Unit 9: Speaking and listening ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55 Unit 10: Planning, drafting, editing and checking ................................................................................................................................................................................ 61 V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 2 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Overview This scheme of work provides ideas about how to construct and deliver a course. The syllabus has been broken down into teaching units with suggested teaching activities and learning resources to use in the classroom. Recommended prior knowledge Learners are likely to have experience of developing skills in reading, writing and speaking and listening prior to their Cambridge IGCSE studies. They are likely to have read and written a wide range of text types. Outline The units within this scheme of work are: Unit 1: Developing reading skills Unit 2: Developing writing skills Unit 3: Writing summaries Unit 4: Responding to reading Read for gist (skim) Communicate with the audience Summarise by removal Levels of response Read for detail (scan) Choose the right word Summarise by selection Developing ideas Read for new vocabulary Structure and sequence Paraphrase and use own words Respond to description Read for purpose Write in different genres and registers Re-order material Respond to narrative Read for voice Write in different voices and viewpoints Concision and focus Respond to character Read for style Improve style and accuracy Fluency and clarity Respond to argument V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 3 Unit 5: Selecting, analysing and using information Unit 6: Directed writing Unit 7: Composition writing Unit 8: Writing for coursework Select and organise relevant information Voice, audience, register and purpose Persona, viewpoint and character Assignment 1 Writing to inform, analyse and argue Part 1 Expand and link notes Writing an interview Whole-text and sentence structures Assignment 1 Part 2 Explain and analyse stylistic effects Writing a letter Descriptive writing Assignment 2 Writing to describe and/or narrate Part 1 Make a persuasive case Writing an article Narrative writing Assignment 2 Part 2 Give an account or report Writing a speech Openings Assignment 3 Writing in response to opinion and argument Part 1 Evaluate and review Writing a journal Endings Assignment 3 Part 2 Unit 9: Speaking and listening Unit 10: Planning, drafting, editing and checking Giving a talk Annotate stimulus material Talking in pairs Create a plan Group discussion Write a draft Role play and simulation Revise and edit a draft Dramatisation Check and correct Debating and challenging Improve the expression Units are free standing, though relate to each other and might be completed following a number of routes. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 4 For example, initial units developing skills for Reading (Unit 1) and Writing (Unit 2) might be used as the basis of an introduction to the course and/or the reading Unit 1 might be followed by any of the related units (Units 3, 4 and 5) and likewise for those focused mainly on writing Unit 2 followed by Units 6, 7 or 8. Unit 9 (Speaking and listening) and Unit 10 (Planning, drafting, editing and checking), may be considered separately and/or activity sections from them integrated at various points through the course of study. Teachers will develop and adapt the units of this scheme of work according to the needs of their learners, the choice of components and the particular circumstances within which the course is to be delivered. Consequently, the following teaching time guide is intended to be sufficiently flexible to allow for a variety of models: • Units 1–5 would account for 40–50% of time allocated • Units 6–8 would account for 20–30% of time allocated • Units 9–10 up to 20% of time allocated Cambridge IGCSE First Language English has three assessment objectives (AO1–AO3). AO1: Reading Candidates will be assessed on their ability to: R1 demonstrate understanding of explicit meanings R2 demonstrate understanding of implicit meanings and attitudes R3 analyse, evaluate and develop facts, ideas and opinions R4 demonstrate understanding of how writers achieve effects R5 select for specific purposes AO2: Writing Candidates will be assessed on their ability to: W1 articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined W2 sequence facts, ideas and opinions W3 use a range of appropriate vocabulary W4 use register appropriate to audience and context W5 make accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar AO3: Speaking and listening Candidates will be assessed on their ability to: SL1 articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined SL2 present facts, ideas and opinions in a sustained, cohesive order SL3 communicate clearly, fluently and purposefully as an individual and in dialogue with other speakers SL4 use register appropriate to audience and context SL5 listen to and respond appropriately to the contributions of others The main focus in terms of the assessment objectives will be identified in the first column of the scheme of work. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 5 Rationale for content and structure of the scheme of work All the suggested learning activities for Cambridge IGCSE First Language English are skills based. There is no requirement for specific knowledge to be tested in the examination. Each unit has six sub-sections, which cover different aspects of each type of question/task set in First Language English components. Since most questions test a selection of specified skills, this allows each to be considered and practised separately as well as opportunities for cross curricular/thematic approaches explored. Related activities offered in the units often suggest connections to other skills and/or areas of study. References to the syllabus are given as follows: (i) (ii) Assessment objectives: R1–R5 (Reading); W1–W5 (Writing); SL1–SL5 (Speaking and Listening); Components and questions in the examination: for example, 2:3 (Component 2, Question 3); 3:2 (Component 3: Section 2); 4:3 (Coursework assignment 3) Activities are at Core level with extension activities moving to Extended level activities indicated by (E). The Core Reading tier of First Language English (Paper 1) and the Extended Reading tier (Paper 2) address the same skills. Opportunities for differentiation are specifically suggested in places; there is the potential for differentiation by resource, length, grouping, expected level of outcome, and degree of support by teacher, throughout the scheme of work. Timings for activities and feedback are left to the judgment of the teacher, according to the level of the learners and size of the class. Length of time allocated to a task is another possible area for differentiation. Suggestions for formative assessment opportunities are indicated by (F). It is expected that most of the activities for the classroom (rather than for homework), will be interactively completed in pairs or small groups, provoking discussion and leading to consensus. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 6 Teacher support Teacher Support is a secure online resource bank and community forum for Cambridge teachers. Go to http://teachers.cie.org.uk for access to specimen and past question papers, mark schemes, examiner reports and other resources. We also offer online and face-to-face training; details of forthcoming training opportunities are posted online. A community discussion forum moderated by a senior examiner for 0522 answers queries and enables teachers worldwide to exchange ideas. An editable version of this scheme of work is available on Teacher Support. Go to http://teachers.cie.org.uk. The scheme of work is in Word doc format and will open in most word processors in most operating systems. If your word processor or operating system cannot open it, you can download Open Office for free at www.openoffice.org Resources An up-to-date resource list for the Cambridge IGCSE First Language English can be found at www.cie.org.uk Textbooks: Textbooks endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations for use with the Cambridge First Language English syllabus include: Barr, I & Reynolds, J IGCSE English Hodder Education, 2005 ISBN: 9780340889176 Cox, M Cambridge IGCSE First Language English Coursebook, Third Edition Cambridge University Press, 2009 ISBN: 9780521743594 Cox, M Cambridge IGCSE First Language English Teacher's Resource Book with CD-ROM Cambridge University Press, 2010 ISBN: 9780521743693 Cox, M Cambridge IGCSE First Language English Workbook, Third Edition Cambridge University Press, 2010 ISBN: 9780521743624 Gould, M, et al. Cambridge IGCSE English Student Book Collins, 2011 ISBN: 9780007430925 Reynolds, J & Hubbard, J IGCSE Study Guide for First Language English Hodder Education, 2005 ISBN: 9780719579004 Cambridge International Examinations and OUP Cambridge IGCSE Exam Skills Builder: First Language English (CD-ROM), Oxford University Press, 2013 ISBN: 9780199136247 Websites: This scheme of work includes website links providing direct access to internet resources. Cambridge International Examinations is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites. The inclusion of a link to an external website should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or the site's owners (or their products/services).The particular website pages in the learning resource column were selected when the scheme of work was produced. Other aspects of the sites were not checked and only the particular resources are recommended. Appropriate material for resources may be selected from the following sources: Coursebooks and workbooks Teacher support books/CDs Cambridge Teacher Support website Websites V2 3Y09 Newspapers Diaries Poems and plays Charity appeals Magazines Transcripts from TV and radio Biographies/autobiographies Leaflets Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Travel literature Short stories and novels Reference books Advertising 7 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 1: Developing reading skills Recommended prior knowledge Learners will have read and engaged with a variety of first language English texts drawn from a range of fiction and non-fiction sources. These may have been extracts or whole texts. They will have been read as exemplars and as a stimulus for response. Context This unit should be studied as an introduction to the work in Units 3, 4 and 5. Outline The unit shows learners how to develop reading skills and gives practice in identifying, selecting and discussing information and ideas from texts. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources R1 Read for gist (skim) 1. Learners read unseen, short narrative and informative texts within a time limit. They identify main points and feedback orally. Self-contained short passages from short stories and novels. (E) Learners repeat exercise with discursive texts, identifying arguments. Teacher gives individual, longer texts to learners to read quickly to themselves and give oral feedback to group of the main points. (These can be differentiated by difficulty.) (E) Sort a wide range of texts into groups of texts e.g. with similar themes/topics Group answer true/false questions as a team. 2. Learners answer Who? What? When? Where? (And if relevant, Why? and How?), about a text they have just heard read to them. (E) Learners devise true/false questions related to an extract to ‘test’ other learners’ grasp of the gist of it. (E) Given something of the gist of one or more text e.g. who/what, learners identify it from a range of text options. (Differentiate according to information offered/relative similarities of texts) V2 3Y09 Texts from newspapers and magazines explaining ideas and presenting arguments. Passages/extracts from passages taken from a selection of 0522 past papers available from http://teachers.cie.or g.uk (E) Groups/class identifies a list of strategies used for getting the gist of a text. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 8 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments 3. Learners skim read extracts of text within a given time frame, and match to pictures/images that summarise what is happening in each. R1–R3 Read for detail (scan) 1. Learners re-read a text and say what they noticed on the second reading that they had overlooked on the first. 2. Learners listen to teacher’s reading of a short text and then say what they remember about it. (They are likely to remember significant details e.g. names, imagery and statistics.) R5 Read for specific information 1. Learners are given a range of texts offering information about an area. They are asked to identify relevant activities for a given person in a given situation. For example, information might concern local clubs for boys and girls of different age groups and/or local attractions and places to visit. Learners might identify which activities are open to a particular child and draw up a timetable outlining what they can do when. (E) Discussion in pairs of which activities would be available for different family members (varying ages, availability etc.). Learning resources Images taken from storyboards of films (available online e.g. http://flavorwire.com/ 349534/awesomestoryboards-from-15-ofyour-favorite-films ) alongside an extract from the book version. Learners in pairs underline the supporting details in a text, which could be removed without altering the story or argument. News reports. First chapter of a novel/introduction of a character. (E) They explain what would be lost without the underlined material. Individual oral explanation to class of what one of the chosen activities involves – possibly an activity they might be interested in doing themselves. Leaflets/local flyers/websites of local activity groups. Pairs listen to or read an extract from a novel/watch an episode involving more than one storyline, then explain only what happened in relation to a specified character or plot line. Class novels/films. (Differentiate by complexity of texts, detail and criteria) (E) Groups compare explanations from pairs allocated the same V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 9 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources characters/plot line (and/or collate results from pairs. allocated different ones). Learners consider coverage/redundant material/overlap. (E) Categorise arguments for and against in a balanced piece. R1–R4 Read for new vocabulary 1. Learners are given a passage containing some unknown words (not more than 10) to underline as they read. They work out the probable meanings from: a. similarity to known words b. similarity to words in other known languages c. contextual clues d. breaking down words into syllables (including prefixes and suffixes). 2. Learners record new words, giving synonyms or paraphrases to show meanings. 3. Learners use the new words in a sentence to illustrate and reinforce the understanding of meaning. 4. Learners scan the front page of a newspaper for up to 10 words they don’t know/think others might not know. Using a dictionary they look up and record the definition – pairs/groups then challenge others to work out the definition of the word(s). Learners give other parts of speech for new words. Learners in pairs do cloze (gapfill) exercises with unknown words removed. They are told the missing words after they have provided their own, and can compare them. Possibility of cross curricular link here e.g. using relevant articles/texts from study in other subject areas. Short descriptive texts. Gap-fill and matching exercises (Note: these can be created using software). (For differentiation, the new words can be given at the bottom of the exercise and learners must decide which gap they fill.) Learners in pairs do matching exercises for new words and their definitions. (E) Learners are offered/create possible alternative definitions from which the correct one has to be selected in the context of the piece. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 10 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources R1–R5 Read for purpose 1. Learners are given three texts: a leaflet (informative), a political speech (persuasive) and a charity letter (appeal) to discuss in small groups what the purpose and intended audience is for each text. Learners in groups repeat analysis with other texts, e.g. guide book extract, a flyer (promotional), magazine feature, newspaper report. Exemplars from the departmental portfolio of the different relevant genres for this syllabus. (E) Learners in pairs identify the ways in which the reader is positioned in text(s) and the emotions which are evoked supporting by reference to language choice. Texts identified by learners wherever possible e.g. those around them in their everyday lives – perhaps in school/their locality alongside those available from other sources e.g. through internet/family members. (Class discusses how every piece of writing is for a purpose and has designs on the reader, and how this determines style and structure.) 2. Learners undertake a ‘Language Trawl’ to create a class/group resource. For example, learners are invited to find at least three texts which they feel have different purposes/intended audiences. Texts are then grouped into sets of texts with similarities and differences, contrasts noted and recorded e.g. using a Venn diagram. Texts identified can be retained to use as a resource for later activities during the course. (Differentiate through groupings and interrogation of texts specified. For example, at Core level learners might be asked to identify audience and/or purpose, extending to begin to identify and even explain features/examples of deliberate language choice as appropriate) V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 11 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources R2 Read for voice 1. Learners study short extracts – a diary entry, science article, news report – to collect evidence of the writer’s presence, i.e. how subjective or objective, how reflective or factual the text is. Learners in groups/pairs repeat the analysis for one or more further text(s) e.g. a poem, an extract from encyclopaedia, a blog, an autobiography, a newspaper column and report back findings to the class. Suitable texts can be found online or in news media or reference books. (E) Learners discuss what they can tell about the narrator or persona of a narrative text from its voice. Opening extracts from first person short stories or novels. (E) They give a score of 0 to 5 for strength of voice and how this relates to the genre. (E) Learners in pairs identify the ratio of the active and passive voice in different genres of text, and draw conclusions as to how this affects voice. R2–R4 Read for style 2. Learners find/role-play the different ‘voices’ in an extract. Learners identify (or are given a list of) the perspectives involved e.g. in a newspaper report (as indicated by direct quotations, indirect quotations/paraphrase, suggestion of general/public opinion). Newspaper reports locally/available online e.g. www.onlinenewspapers.c om/ (E) Learners identify which voices the writer might agree with/be seen as sympathetic towards. 0522 Paper 3 texts e.g. Nov 2011 Paper 3 1. Learners in pairs study two texts which are the same genre and have similar content but different registers, e.g. a dialogue between teenage friends and a dialogue between a teenager and a parent/teacher. Learners make notes and give feedback on differences of vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure. Learners count the number of sentences in different genres and draw conclusions about the characteristic type and length of sentences. Role play further dialogues in pairs to highlight different registers 2. Learners are given similar information – e.g. description of a (famous) place – presented in different genres perhaps as literary fiction, guide book extract, holiday brochure and a letter to a relative. At Core level, learners may match each piece to one of the V2 3Y09 Learners read aloud some of the texts and class discuss how tone relates to style, i.e. how emotion, or lack of it, is conveyed through syntax and vocabulary choice. (E) Class may discuss which Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Extracts of relevant literary texts and newspaper articles. 0522 Paper 2 passage e.g. Nov 2012 Paper 2 12 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments contexts listed by the teacher and report back findings (e.g. Which text might be from a guide book? How can you tell?). genres typically use imagery and which do not, and the reasons for this. (E) Learners work in groups to analyse one of the different styles and then present their feedback on one of the texts, with examples, to the rest of the class. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Learning resources Equador nature expeditions: www.rainforestsecuador.c om/ 13 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 2: Developing writing skills Recommended prior knowledge Learners will have written for a variety of purposes and in different genres previously. They will have had practice in using different formats, such as letters, news reports, and magazine articles. Their previous reading experience should have acquainted them with different models of English writing. Context This unit should be studied as an introduction to the work in Units 6, 7 and 8. Outline The unit shows learners how to be aware of the different aspects of writing skills and gives practice in written communication skills, structuring writing and developing their knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources W4 SL4 SL5 Communicate with the audience 1. Learners discuss/predict the likely audience and context for contrasting utterances e.g. • I should be grateful if you would sit down. • Please sit down • Sit down! Learners role play/improvise dialogues between given characters in an outlined situation. Status of characters relative to each other is varied and effect discussed. Characters from studied texts. (E) Pairs write a short dialogue around the snippet to illustrate their interpretations. 2. Learners write short texts on a similar topic to contrasting audiences e.g. two postcards from holiday – one to an elderly relative and one to a friend; or a post complaining about an aspect of school to a teen discussion forum and a letter to the Head Teacher complaining about the same thing. Groups/class listen to texts read out and consider how they differ. V2 3Y09 Cards with numbers for status. (E) Situation is outlined e.g. one person wants to borrow something from the other. Speakers are each given a numbered card to indicate their status between 1 (high) and 10 (low). Scene is improvised and participants/observers have to work out from the interaction the status (number) of each speaker. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 14 Syllabus ref (AOs) W1 W3 (R4) V2 3Y09 Learning objectives Choose the right word Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources 3. Learners read short extracts of different types of writing, e.g. newspaper reports, diary extracts, blogs, magazine features, letters, textbooks, travel brochures, instruction manuals, emails and sort according to audience (likely reader). Learners are given a selection of topics and asked to write two paragraphs on the same topic but aimed at different audiences, e.g. a diary entry and a witness statement. Resource sheet containing selection of different examples of writing. Class/department bank of texts/snippets some or all of which have been collected/contributed by learners. They discuss findings in groups and suggest the reasons readers might have for reading each text/context in which the text might be read (e.g. to find out what has happened in relation to a recent incident, looking back at an earlier experience or researching possible destinations for a visit/holiday). Learners read their passages aloud to the class, who try to identify the genre/context/audience. (E) Which features of the text – e.g. vocabulary, syntax, punctuation, sentence length – make each text appropriate for its target audience/their reasons for reading. (E) Learners transform style/register of short texts to adapt them for a different audience/context, e.g. change an email to a formal letter. Resource sheet containing selection of topics and relevant information about them from which learners choose their own topic to write about. Learners replace underlined words in a descriptive text with more precise/evocative ones. Narrative passage with underlined words and lists of synonyms. 1. Teacher begins lesson by performing some dramatic action with strong feelings, e.g. walks into room angrily, slamming door. Teacher asks class to write a paragraph describing what happened and to be careful to choose the exact words. Responses are read out, compared and judged by the class. Learners in pairs label a picture of a person using precise vocabulary to describe their features and clothing. 2. Learners given different instructions are asked to complete the action e.g. sneak across the classroom, scuttle across the classroom, skip across the classroom, stride, tip toe etc. Identify scenario/verb given, i.e. who might it be ,what might they be doing (For differentiation learners can use a thesaurus/word bank created by class beforehand) 3. Learners are given lists of synonyms for words in a short passage. They rank order them for closeness to the original word, and then again for strength of meaning according to their connotations, e.g. anger = fury, rage, wrath, Pictures are displayed for comment by class. Alternatively, labels extended into a description of the person which Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Pictures of human figures (e.g. selected from online image banks, old photographs/calendars or posters). 15 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments annoyance, irritation. other learners then try to match to the original picture. Learning resources 1. Learners watch a film clip and write a half-page report on the event observed. They read them out and class comments on how the same incident is reported differently. (E) Different information is given to each half of the class about the characters concerned e.g. For a scene which depicts someone in an office looking through desk, give half of the class details to suggest the persons searching is a villain and up to no good .The other half are told that this is the hero in villain’s office. Compare the descriptions in terms of vocabulary choices. W2 W5 SL2 SL3 Structure and sequence 1. Learners look at some short but complete texts in genres used in previous activities to notice the order of the material and how it differs for each genre, e.g. some have an introduction, some use the material chronologically, some repeat the main points in a conclusion. Online film clip or scene from DVD. Learners in groups arrange cutup paragraphs of a short story or separate pictures into a logical order for a narrative text. Envelopes for each group containing 6–10 cut-up photocopied photographs or electronically reordered sections of a short story. Feedback to be collected on board followed by discussion of why and how genre and audience determine structure. 2. Teacher elicits definition of a paragraph and its structuring role in a text. Learners find examples in the texts being used of longer and shorter paragraphs and reasons for this, e.g. news reports use very short paragraphs. Learners reconstruct a news report which has its paragraphs in the wrong order by putting numbers against each/a recipe or science experiment with stages mixed up. 3.Teacher demonstrates on board and learners practise paragraph building e.g. according to the PEE chain method, i.e. a point (topic sentence) developed into a paragraph by the addition of explanation, evidence, exploration, or elaboration to support it. Learners, in pairs instruct each other how to complete tasks e.g. tie a tie/shoelaces as if via video link (i.e. have to be precise – can’t say take that one and out it there etc.). Once both have completed the task, they write (E) Learners in pairs/groups create paragraphs connected V2 3Y09 Selection of complete texts in a coursebook or a prepared resource sheet. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 List of discourse markers on board, e.g. however, furthermore, in conclusion. Text in which paragraph links have been blanked out. (Note: lists and suitable work sheets are available on websites). 16 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments to the same subject, given different points/topic sentences. the instructions for how to complete the procedure. Instructions are compared/tested by other pairs. Learners choose from a list of paragraph links to connect a number of the paragraphs to make a cohesive text. Learning resources Learners explain to the class a procedure with which they are familiar (perhaps something they know how to do well as a result of a hobby/pastime e.g. a keen kayaker might explain how to save someone who has fallen into the water). Visual aids may be used to help explain for the benefit of the audience. (E) Explain for a radio interview how to carry out the same procedure. W1–W4 Write in different 1. Learners in pairs or groups are given a grid to fill in which genres and lists genres of writing/features of genres. registers Learners match features to an example of a genre. Alternatively, having worked one example as a class, learners identify features for one or more further genres. (Typically features of style might include sentence length and type, kind and level of vocabulary, paragraph length, degree of formality, degree of objectivity, grammar features, punctuation features.) Class agree on definitive outcome(s) to use in the Activity 2 (below). Learners to produce a piece of writing on a different topic in imitation of the features of a model they have been given. Learners change a paragraph of writing in the active voice into the passive voice and comment on the difference this makes, and why some writing needs to be impersonal. (F) Learners use feature list in order to review and redraft a previous draft of their own writing in a particular genre. Selection of texts covering a range of genres, which could come from a coursebook, teacher resource CD or departmental portfolio. Models which could come from examiner reports or previous ‘A’ grade learners' or teacher's own writing. (Models can be differentiated according to difficulty level) . 2. Class to be set a topic, e.g. hurricanes, and each pair or small group to be asked to write a paragraph about it in a V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 17 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources Learners create a voice for a character in a literature text they are studying in order to write a short monologue. (F) Literary text learners are familiar with. Learners in pairs perform dialogue role plays with different voices, e.g. parent and child. Some varied texts, particularly autobiographies and travel accounts to act as models. different genre, e.g. narrative opening, news bulletin, science article, charity appeal. These are then read out and discussed by class. W1 W3 W4 Write in different voices and viewpoints 1. Teacher explains that some tasks require learners to adopt a persona and role so that they use a wider range of vocabulary than they normally would e.g. so that they can show an understanding of meaning and character in a text. Learners offer ideas on how different voices would use language and why e.g. Head Teacher, angry resident, enthusiastic tourist. 2. Learners improvise/prepare an initial dialogue e.g. for a customer complaining to an assistant in a shop. In pairs, learners develop the situation further e.g. role play the assistant reporting the incident to the shop manager (and/or explaining to older relative) the assistant/customer discussing with a friend later. Once sufficient details of the incident have been established, learners in groups are designated role(s) and task(s) e.g. • write a letter of complaint from the customer to head office • write the manager’s report to head office • write the assistant’s interview with regional manager following the incident. (E) Learners identify/consider sections from different groups’ texts in relation to incident – Who is writing? How can they tell,how convincing the voice is? etc. Learners rewrite a passage from a different point of view from that of the original, i.e. as a different character or taking an opposite argumentative stance. Learners look at argumentative media articles by columnists and identify the way that their views are conveyed e.g. exaggeration, irony, mockery, repetition, shocking vocabulary. (E) Learners write an opening paragraph of a new text/missing section of an article in the voice of a given columnist. Learners select one of the snippets they feel could be modified to sound more like the voice of the writer and indicate/offer changes they would make e.g. to vocabulary, sentence structure/range. Suggested modifications are returned to the original group V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 18 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources Teacher requires learners to check their own and/or each other's work before submission and to correct their own work when given back, so that mistakes can be learned from and not repeated. Coursebook material on punctuation usage, and complex sentence formation. Learners in pairs make a list of words they find difficult to spell, e.g. necessary, definite, liaison, accommodation, embarrassment, separate. They check the spelling of the words in their list, and devise mnemonics to help remember them. Short unpunctuated passages. (Note: These can be found online.) (Differentiation can be by type/amount of punctuation needed). to inform redrafting/discussed in class. W5 Improve style and accuracy 1. Learners do sentence joining exercises using subordinating connectives to form complex sentences from three simple sentences. 2. Teacher elicits as revision the rules for the use of full stops, commas, dashes, hyphens, apostrophes, semicolons and colons. Learners put the missing punctuation in a passage which has had the punctuation removed. 3. Class revises spelling rules – e.g. for ‘i.e.’ words, double consonants, adverb endings – using examples on board and learners provide their own. 4. Learners study spelling lists of useful words often misspelt, underline the ‘hot spots’, are tested on them, and do corrections using the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ method. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Worksheet of simple sentences for joining. Coursebook material on spelling rules – e.g. short vowel followed by double consonant – common patterns and suffixes – e.g. dis, ough, ight, qu, ely – and confused homonyms, e.g. their, they’re, there. 19 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 3: Writing summaries Recommended prior knowledge Learners should have an understanding of the different purposes for which texts are written, particularly to present information. Learners who have followed the Cambridge Secondary 1 curriculum will already have had practice in writing summaries at a simple level. Context This unit follows Unit 1 and, with Unit 4 and Unit 5, prepares for the Reading content of Components 1, 2 and 3 of Cambridge IGCSE First Language English. Outline The sub-sections of the unit focus on the specific skills involved in summarising. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C1:3 C2:3 R1 R2 R5 SL2 SL5 Summarise by removal 1. Teacher lists features NOT to be included in summaries: repetition, imagery, minor detail, comment, quotation, explanation, introduction, conclusion. Learners in pairs decide which content is redundant and why to reduce a list of information about an experience, e.g. an expedition, to its essential points. Range of short texts, including informative ones. C1:3 C2:3 R1 R2 R5 W1–3 V2 3Y09 2. Learners put brackets around parts of a text, e.g. in a news report, which would not be included in a summary of it. Summarise by selection 3. Learners form what is left after the removals into a summary statement in as few sentences as possible. Learners compare a short informative text with a narrative and a descriptive one, and comment on the differences of content. 1. Learners scan short informative texts, e.g. travelogues, for key points and highlight/underline them. Choices are compared and discussed in class; teacher will give judgement. Learners reduce a passage to a list of key notes 2. Learners find and make notes of specific points in a text Learners work in pairs to choose single words or short phrases from paragraphs in an Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 (Note: Wikipedia is a source of short informative texts which lend themselves to the removal of non-essential material) Selection of short, informative texts, including news reports and scientific articles. (Note: These can be found in coursebooks and 20 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources in answer to a specific question, e.g. What are the difficulties of polar exploration? informative text, e.g. a leaflet or a report, to act as sub-headings for each paragraph. on websites) 3. Learners identify and list facts from an informative text, e.g. from a nature magazine. (You may differentiate by length and complexity of extract/telling learners how many facts there are to be found.) C1:2 C1:3 C2:1 C2:3 R1–R3 W3 W4 SL1–SL5 Paraphrase and use own words 1. The teacher stresses the importance of using own words in the summary, but also that sometimes this is not possible, e.g. for technical terms, where no synonym exists, or where a paraphrase would be much longer than the original. The teacher also points out that the summary question may require a response in the third person and present tense, although the passage may be in the first person and past tense. The class discusses the reasons for these requirements for summarising. 2. Learners change short passages of informative writing into their own words, staying as near as possible to the original meaning. 3. Learners are given a list of quotations from a text to paraphrase. Class judges best answers when read out/match paraphrases with original quotations. C1:3 C2:3 R1 R2 R5 W2 SL2 Re-order material 1. Teacher explains that different genres have different structures and responses to texts need to group related points in order to give coherence, concision and clarity of meaning. Learners in pairs put a list of points into groups of related ideas. 2. Learners then give numbers to the groups to show a logical order for a piece of informative writing on the topic. Learners put into a news report short sub-headings which come from and summarise the subsequent section of the text. Learners in pairs do thesaurus exercises to decide on the nearest synonym to words underlined in a text. (E) Link to R4 understanding of how writers achieve effects: Learners find more bland or tactful language, including euphemisms, to convey criticism or complaint, e.g. in a school report or Head Teacher’s letter to parents; this activity can also be done in reverse, replacing anodyne comments with more direct language. Learners are given a paragraph with a jumbled sentence sequence and have to reorder it logically or chronologically. Learners practise reordering jumbled reports so that the logical and chronological order is reconstructed. 3. Learners identify relevant material in a text for a specific V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 0522 past papers passages. Possibility of cross curricular links using texts from other subject areas. Selection of quotations from a seen passage. Mock school report, school match/visit report or letter to parents. Assertive complaint letter to be modified for vocabulary use. Lists of points relating to a topic. Jumbled sentences in paragraphs. Jumbled reports, e.g. for science experiments, made by cut and pasting in Word docs. 21 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments question, to extract the material as a list of points (paraphrased), to agree on a grouping and order for the points, to write a paragraph using the selected and restructured material. Narrative account of a dangerous journey from a coursebook, media or online source. 4. Learners change a narrative version of a journey to a summary of its dangers, re-ordering the material to group similar items. C1:3 C2:3 R5 W1 W2 W4 SL1–SL5 Conclusion and focus 1. Learners are shown examples and write a mini-saga, i.e. a complete short story in 50 words. Redundant words will probably need to be deleted from the first draft, and grammar structures made more concise (e.g. passive changed to active voice), in order to achieve the exact length. 0522 Paper 2 texts. Learners reduce short passages to a percentage of their original length by writing economically, e.g. by removing repetition of ideas, changing phrasal verbs to single-word verbs, and using colons and semicolons to replace connectives where appropriate. Sample mini-sagas (online). Learners prepare for two minutes and give an impromptu talk for three minutes on a topic they choose randomly from folded papers in a box. Class judges the best performance, i.e. the one which conveyed the most relevant information within the time and did not run out of material. Selected texts written in an uneconomical style. 4. Learners in pairs construct a response to a summary question suitably modified from a past paper (e.g. a Paper 2 question for Passage B only). (F) Learners consider how these ‘talks’ would have fared as individual tasks for C5 or C6 Class/group consider a selection of responses – underlining parts of each response which lack concision of expression and bracketing parts which contain irrelevant material which Learners prepare and deliver an informative speech/report on a topic of interest to them Learners own responses to selective summary tasks/those from other class groups/exemplars from relevant coursebook. . 2. Learners write a one paragraph plot synopsis of a film of their choice which mentions only the essential elements of the story. Learners read outcome to the class for them to guess the name of the film. 3. Class revises the language of headlines, then Learners in pairs read short news reports and give them headlines, of no longer than 6 words, which summarise the event. V2 3Y09 Learning resources Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Selection of titles for impromptu speaking. Workbooks containing exam-type summary passages and tasks. 22 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments drifts from the topic. (F) Learners re-work a specified response ( possibly their original). Learning resources 0522 Specimen and past papers 1 and 2 (2015 onwards). (E) Learners study examples of summary responses and rank order them according to different elements of performance e.g. the best structure, use of own words. (Differentiate through choice of passage and responses, modification of material and task instructions/support) V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 23 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments C1:2 C1:3 C2:1 C2:3 W1–4 SL3–5 Fluency and clarity 1. Teacher reminds learners of the ways in which complex sentences can be constructed and of the list of possible connectives. Coursebook or workbook exercises on complex sentences. 2. Learners join together 10 simple sentence points (possibly adapted from mark scheme content) to construct a half-page summary which does not contain ‘and’ or ‘so’ as a connective. Past Paper 2 texts (and from 2015 onwards, (E) Learners in pairs collaborate to improve a half-page summary from a previous activity which received three or less for writing. 3. Learners work in pairs to familiarise themselves with the mark scheme for summary writing. Learners then match comments and marks to examples of answers. Learning resources Paper 1 and 2 Passage B texts) alongside corresponding Q3 content points from mark scheme. 0522 Paper 2 (and from 2015 Paper 1) Q3 writing mark scheme. Examiner reports for Q3. (E) Mark two (anonymous) class members’ sample answers, giving a mark out of five for concision, clarity, focus and fluency after discussing and justifying their decision. Learners should write a comment which uses mark scheme band descriptors. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Candidate responses e.g. from mock examinations. 24 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 4: Responding to reading Recommended prior knowledge It will help learners to have some experience of reading and writing in genres such as newspaper reports and articles, letters, advertisements and leaflets. They should be aware of some of the conventions of these different forms and of the different ways in which language is used according to social context. Context This unit follows Unit 1 and Unit 3. Outline Teachers who use this unit will make clear the difference between summarising and responding to/using ideas. The unit also stresses the importance of ensuring that all responses to C1:2, C2:1 and C3:1 are based clearly on the text set in the examination papers. The unit offers opportunities for considering the different types of question and writing formats set in the examination. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C1:2 C2:1 C3:1 C4:3 Levels of response 1. Learners in groups identify in passages from fiction or descriptive writing the explicit points, the implicit points and the supporting details. (E) Learners read between the lines for the inferences in a text, noting how implicit meaning is conveyed through language features, e.g. tone. Allegorical poetry texts e.g. sonnets. (Teacher demonstrates the plant analogy of response, i.e. stems (main points explicit in text), flowers (details to illustrate ideas in text), and roots (inferred points implicit in text). A good response consists of a range of secure and blooming plants). R1–R3 SL1–SL5 2. In groups of four, pairs of learners read dialogues from drama texts where characters are not saying what they are thinking .Their shadow pair offer the subtext to follow the actual text after each speech. Alternatives include: • dialogue from a section of narrative is presented as a V2 3Y09 (E) Class suggests the real words being disguised by the use of euphemisms and collect further examples from a specified range of texts. (E.g. mature, vertically challenged, and note how these often give an opposite impression, e.g. industrial action, ethnic cleansing.) Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Extracts from allegorical novels, such as Animal Farm, which contain propaganda phrases. Dialogues from drama texts where characters are not saying what they are thinking. 0522 Paper 2 Passage A texts 25 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities • script and pairs devise advice to actors playing the role at that point fictional text is presented in cartoon format and ’actual thought’ bubbles added alongside spoken dialogue. Related assignments Role play – e.g. individual speech/interview from an observer/character’s perspective. 3. Using only details from the passage, learners create drama snapshots/tableaux of what can be ‘seen’ explicitly at designated points in the text. Other groups challenge/evaluate accuracy of representation using evidence from the text. Learning resources Advertisements or public health leaflets where euphemisms are used to disguise offensive implications. (E) Learners interrogate the scenes depicted using clues from the passage to answer key questions e.g. When did they arrive there? What might each of the characters involved be thinking at that point? Why might characters have decided to be there? How might they have got there? Where might they be going to next? C1:2 C2:1 C3:1 C4:3 R1–R3 W1–W4 Developing ideas 1. Learners read discursive and argument texts to identify and annotate five or six separate arguments/points which they then work into PEE chain paragraphs, i.e. add to each Point an Extension, Explanation, Evidence, Evaluation or Elaboration. (E) 2. Learners are given a list of ideas relating to a topic to extend them and find ways of connecting them to each other. (Differentiation can be by relative complexity of ideas) C1:1 C1:2 C2:1 C2:2 R1–R4 W1–W4 SL1–SL4 V2 3Y09 Respond to description 1. Teacher reads a detailed descriptive passage and learners draw a picture of the place being described. 2. Learners identify figurative language, sense imagery and sound effects, e.g. onomatopoeia, in a passage and explain meaning/suggesting something of the effect in context. Learners reduce a text of developed ideas to a list of its main points. Political speech texts and newspaper editorials on a current topic. Learners in pairs find details and quotations in a text to support a set of ideas extracted from it. Formal letters. Learners in pairs match a list of quotations and statistics to their relevant main points. Teacher calls out adjectives and learners give a score between +5 to -5 for the positive and negative connotations of the words. (They are unlikely to give 0, and this is a basis for discussion about words rarely Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Newspaper columnist and magazine articles containing controversial ideas. Novel extracts describing buildings or landscapes. Travel writing. Brochures for holidays. 26 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources (E) In pairs, learners analyse the precise meaning and effects of the examples identified, suggesting any patterns/motifs noted. being neutral.) 0522 Paper 1 and 2 Passage A texts 3. Learners listen to teacher read or play an audio recording of a descriptive passage and say which words they remember afterwards. 4. Learners pick out the powerful words in a passage and give their associations. Learners fill in gaps in a descriptive passage using vocabulary in keeping with the atmosphere of the whole. Learners rank order synonyms for their strength of meaning, and compare their orders with others. (E) This can be done as a pyramid/iceberg diagram with the deepest connotations and intended effects on the lowest layer. C1:2 C2:1 R1–R3 SL1–SL5 Respond to narrative 5. Teacher stops at points in a story reading to ask for predictions for the next stage. Learners write an appropriate continuation or an alternative ending to a story. (E) Learners write/improvise an episode we don’t see fully in the text itself, using clues from the original to predict appropriate events and details. C1:2 C2:1 R1–R4 W1–W4 SL1–SL5 Respond to character 1. Learners create a character file after reading a short story, using evidence from and reference to the text for their interpretation. 2. Learners write a letter in role as a character from a piece of narrative writing to another of its characters. 3. Learners in pairs write a dialogue between two of the characters to insert into a short story, and perform it to the class. V2 3Y09 Learners in pairs arrange jumbled paragraphs of a story or verses of a narrative poem into the correct sequence. Learners in pairs draw a labelled diagram to represent the event sequence of a short story, e.g. concentric circles, triangle, parallel lines, converging lines and explain it to the class. Class hot seat learner in role as a character from a play or novel, requiring them to explain and justify their actions, or simulate a trial scene for a crime committed by a character. (Learners for homework might write the final speech for the defence.) Complete short stories. First part of a short story. Jumbled paragraphs of prose or verse narratives. Short story with strong main character. Play or novel recently studied by class. Learners write a journal Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 27 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities (Differentiate by roles allocated) C3:1 C4:3 R1–R3 W1–W5 Respond to argument 1. Teacher elicits a list of devices used in persuasive writing to put on board – e.g. rhetorical questions, shocking statistics, emotive language – and learners identify these devices in an argumentative text. 2. Learners in groups discuss and list points which could be used to balance an argument which gives only one viewpoint. 3. Learners discuss as a class and evaluate three texts on the same topic for their persuasiveness. (E) Related assignments entry/speak their thoughts and feelings as a character in a play or novel at a particular point in the action, capturing the attitudes and using the language of the character. Learners identify bias in a text by collecting evidence, e.g. of exaggerated claims, hyperbolic language, threatening predictions. Learners reduce an argumentative text to a list of its original ideas and planning points. (E) Learners work in pairs to refute a series of assertions. V2 3Y09 Learning resources Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Magazine articles and blogs which adopt extreme views. Polemical writing and propaganda leaflets. Samples of learner argument compositions which mention only one viewpoint. Online resources, such as Wikipedia, which can be accessed to find alternative views. 28 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 5: Selecting, analysing and using information Recommended prior knowledge It will help learners to have some experience of reading and writing in forms such as newspaper reports and articles, letters, information sheets, brochures and leaflets. They should be aware of some of the conventions of these different forms and of the different ways in which language is used. They should also be able to convert notes into sequences of sentences and to select reading material and structure it in a convincing order. Context This unit follows Unit 4 and is the last to address specific reading questions in Components 1, 2 and 3. Outline The unit gives practice in selecting, analysing and using reading material in different forms of writing. An important feature is that learners discuss the key points necessary to give a sound answer. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C1:2 C2:1 C3:1 Select and organise relevant information 1. Learners in groups research information about their town, and collect material from a variety of genres and media, e.g. websites, leaflets, video clips. Plan ideas in groups for letter to an older relative persuading them that the town would be a good place for them to visit. Online and library resources. R1–R5 W2 W3 SL1–SL5 Learners then decide which material to use and in which order, to draft an infomercial which would persuade people to visit their town. 2. Learners edit a text to answer only a specific question e.g. things to do on holiday, removing repetition and irrelevant details. 3. Teacher gives out a press release and learners’ role play journalists at a press conference, questioning witnesses and taking notes about a recent dramatic event. (E) Offer further “new” information, possibly contradictory, V2 3Y09 Models of information sheets for tourists. (F) 0522 Nov 11 Paper 1 Learners may mark own or anonymous answers. 0522 past Paper 3 passages Press release statement. Plan ideas for families with young children – wording of a leaflet suggesting suitable activities in the area. Models of news reports. After revisiting initial research, learners choose an aspect of Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 29 Syllabus ref (AOs) C1:2 C2:1 C3:1 C4 R1–R3 W1–W5 Learning objectives Expand and link notes Suggested teaching activities Related assignments mid-way through the discussion stage, requiring some reassessment of original material/notes e.g. statement from an eyewitness. Learners organise their conference notes and quotations for a news report of the event, and give it a headline. area they believe needs to be changed – plan/perform speech to the class explaining what needs changing and why. 1. Learners in pairs select key phrases from a discursive text and develop them into full sentences. They then assemble the sentences into paragraphs of related ideas, using introductory phrases to link them (e.g. Indeed, In fact, Remarkably) to show development of thought. Finally, the paragraphs are put into a cohesive order using paragraph links (e.g. furthermore, nevertheless). Learners are given a set of headlines from which to write opening paragraphs for news reports, which give the information Who? What? When? Where? Then learners are given first paragraphs of actual reports to compare them to their own. . (E) Learners can then write second and third paragraphs explaining Why? and How? 2. Learners in pairs identify and highlight the topic sentence in each paragraph of a discursive text, and then discuss how the main idea has been developed to make up the rest of the paragraph, i.e. using example, comparison, statistic, quotation, explanation, reference. Different coloured highlighters can be used for different types of supporting material. Learning resources Magazine feature articles discussing a topical issue. Set of dramatic headlines, e.g. of a rescue or a natural disaster. Video or audio recordings of TV or radio broadcasts. Given a narrative text and headline, plan the opening sections of the article. Learners listen to a broadcast, e.g. on a current affairs topic, and collect brief notes which they then expand and link to give an account of the gist of the broadcast. Learners write notes for their diary for the previous day, and then turn them into continuous prose. C1:1 C2:2 V2 3Y09 Explain and analyse stylistic 1. Learners in groups rank order three short passages of description for effectiveness, giving detailed reasons for Learners complete or create similes to describe objects or Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Three short texts describing the same 30 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources R4 W1–W5 SL1–SL4 effects their judgement. pictures in the classroom; the class judges the best, according to their originality and aptness. thing, e.g. a snowy mountain scene or desert landscape. Learners in pairs select the best choice of three given verbs to fill gaps in a descriptive text, justifying their choices. Stylised literary description of an everyday event or object, e.g. thunderstorm or insect. 2. Given short piece/paragraph including description of a character, learners create visual responses – e.g. draw or create electronically any picture(s) suggested (image) Label each picture with the key words/phrases from the text that helped create that image. (E) In pairs consider and work to explain how a given number of those key words/phrases contribute to the overall effect. (Differentiate by using whole text or narrowing down to a designated area of text .For example if using a Passage A text from a past Paper 2, just consider the paragraph(s) identified in one half of the task itself) 4. Learners mark a selection of Paper 2 Q2 responses in pairs. (E) Individual/pairs attempt to answer second part of the task. Learners identify where the reader has been positioned in an argument text to agree with the writer, e.g. track examples of use of inclusive ‘we’. (E) Learners identify and underline the rhetorical devices of vocabulary and syntax usage in a piece of argumentative writing, and define the purpose and effect of each of the uses, e.g. transposed word order, emotive diction. Polemical text with rhetorical devices and strong language. Gap-fill exercise with some verbs removed. Persuasive text, e.g. charity appeal letter. (F) Learners review own response using the marking criteria in the mark scheme to identify targets to improve (e.g. steps required to move answer to next band of the table) and attempt to refine answer in the light of targets identified. 5. Learners transform a literary description to a purely informative one, e.g. a news report, removing all figurative language and stylistic devices. Class discusses the difference in effect on the reader. C3:1 C4:1 C4:3 R1–R3 V2 3Y09 Make a persuasive case 1. Learners read a holiday brochure and discuss and decide as a class what went wrong on their holiday in that place. Teacher revisits formal letter structure and learners suggest Learners in pairs write and perform a role-play dialogue, based on the brochure, between a complainant and a Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Real holiday brochures or texts from coursebook. 31 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives W1–W5 SL1–SL5 Suggested teaching activities Related assignments likely features of style to consider when writing, including aspects of tone and register. representative of the holiday company, in which each defends their position. Learners draft a letter of complaint to the holiday company, which mentions claims made in the brochure and explains in detail how they were misleading. (F) Learners consider a task from suitable recent Paper 3 Q1 e.g. 0522 Jun 13 Paper 3 and identify the points anyone answering the (letter) task might use. Consider points identified in the light of the actual mark scheme and in pairs/class create a ‘model’ answer. Learning resources Learners conduct the job interviews in role as interviewers or applicants. Job advert and CVs for three applicants. (E) Learners write letters of application on which the interviews are based. 0522 Paper 3 texts with corresponding Q1 tasks. Learners write specific chapter or scene summaries for a literary text, which give only the main events and in order. Novel or play being studied in class. (F) Pairs/groups create mark scheme points given one of two (letter) tasks from Paper 3 Q1 e.g.0522 Jun 13 Paper 3. Learners answer the task they haven’t yet considered and then receive (anonymous) answers to “mark” from their first task, modifying their mark scheme/ identifying targets for improvement and/or strong arguments in the responses. 2. Learners in groups are given a job advertisement and three fictitious curriculum vitaes (CVs) of applicants for the post. They discuss and evaluate the CVs, before presenting their verdict and justifying it to the rest of the class. C1:2 C2:1 C4:1 R1–R3 R5 W1–W5 SL1–SL4 Give an account or report 1. Learners in pairs rearrange stages in a disordered process into correct chronological order. 2. Learners adopt a character’s viewpoint from a text to write an account of an event they witnessed, to be used as a police statement. The register should be impersonal and objective. 3. Learners devise and carry out a survey (of about five questions) among their year group, e.g. on TV viewing habits, summer holiday plans. They organise the results and use them to plan a report which they deliver orally to V2 3Y09 Learners are given information to use to plan and write an account of a recent school trip or event, e.g. a drama production for a school magazine. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Jumbled stages in a process, e.g. a recipe or DIY assembly instructions. Facts relating to a recent school event, e.g. names and dates. 32 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources Learners watch key episodes of film versions of a novel or play they have studied, while completing a work sheet with relevant headings, e.g. location, casting, costume, pace, camera work, faithfulness to original text, effectiveness of opening and closing shots. Group decides which version(s) they would recommend (e.g. to someone who hadn’t read the text/to someone studying the text). DVDs of literary texts. the class. (E) Class makes notes of findings as reported to them and in pairs learners write an overall report. C3:1 C4:3 R1–R3 W1–W5 SL1–SL5 Evaluate and review 1. Given outlines of three novels suitable for independent private reading, and the opening section of each, learners decide which would be the one they (or a specified reader) would most prefer to read on with and explain reasons why. (E) Rewrite the blurb/write book review for given audience (Differentiate by range/nature of texts and specifics of tasks offered ) 2. In pairs/groups learners consider a choice/range of texts suitable for younger learners, and decide which one they be most likely to recommend for a younger learner to read/listen to and why. (E) Review the alternatives for a feature article in a magazine aimed at parents, suggesting possible titles to encourage independent reading habits in their children (can specify must include at least one further new title from own research). 3. Learners in groups study outlines of three projects –e.g. gap year plans, proposed (local /global) developments and arrive at a consensus, after devising success criteria, on which is more attractive/worthwhile/relevant Groups give feedback on their decision and reasoning to the class. (E) Write a review of preferred version for school magazine. Learners write a review of two short stories on the same theme, comparing and contrasting them and judging which is more successful as if the final two in a competition. Two theme-related short stories. (E) Learners write an editorial piece/letter to the editor of local paper/school magazine expressing and explaining views. 4. Learners review their workbooks/coursework/recorded V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Gap year materials, 33 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments tasks as available. Learners plan, organise and write their own school report for English in the third person, commenting on what they have achieved this year so far, and areas for improvement in the near future. Learning resources available online. (E) Compare targets for improvement in groups and draft advice to learners new to course / about to start next session e.g. speech/leaflet suggesting things to be aware of/ways to improve etc. based on own experience. (F) Future ’recipients’ can review advice offered by these learners ahead of writing their own advice once underway themselves. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Learners’ own work over the course to date. 34 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 6: Directed writing Recommended prior knowledge Learners should have a reasonable working knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar, and of the conventions of structuring writing; it will help if they have had some experience of reading and writing different forms, such as articles and letters, during their previous years of education. They should be aware of some of the conventions of these different forms and of the different ways in which language is used for different purposes. They should also be able to convert notes into sequences of sentences and to select reading material and structure it in a coherent order. Context This is the first of three units on writing in specific contexts and should be related both to these and to the skills covered in Units 1–5. Outline The unit gives practice in writing in different formats. A key feature is the linking of this work with reading activities. Teachers are recommended to create their own stimuli or to use those set formerly as Cambridge IGCSE First Language English question papers. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C1:2 C2:1 C3:1 R1–R3 W1–W4 SL1–SL4 Voice, audience, register and purpose (VARP) 1. Teacher reminds of/explains importance of considering VARP while planning a piece of response writing, and how the style and tone should be determined by these factors, which in turn are determined by the nature of the task. Learners in pairs write and perform a dialogue between two personae in a non-fiction text, conveying their views and attitudes, and distinguishing them through the choices of language given to each. Diary entries, news reports or other nonfiction texts containing named people. 2. Learners could look at past Paper 3 Q1 and Paper 2 Q1 tasks to identify the VARP for each example. (Note how there is a persuasive element in the Directed Writing task for Paper 3.) (E) Given a stimulus theme e.g. holidays, learners devise tasks with contrasting VARP and suggest what they might be looking for if they were judging a response to that task. 3. Having identified VARP in a given text, learners transform one or more of these. For example, given a piece of non-fiction writing, e.g. a diary entry or news report, redraft it into a different register (more or V2 3Y09 0522 past Paper 3 0522 Paper 3 Q1 mark scheme for Writing Learners plan a response to a Directed Writing task, making clear not only the content but what kind of vocabulary, sentence length and degree of Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 35 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments less formal) and/or person, and/or for a different audience. formality will be used. (E) By giving different groups different transformations of the same piece and comparing results relative to each other. Learners then write part/all of the response. 4. Learners in pairs play the role of examiner and set Directed Writing tasks/Extended Response tasks after studying a suitable passage, and model tasks from relevant past Specimen or sample papers/guidance from the syllabus. The tasks should specify form, persona, audience and purpose. Class compares and evaluates the tasks. (F) Learners try answering the task in pairs/individually and then mark own response according to the actual mark scheme. (F) Opportunities for formative assessment here include review of part of response completed so far/initial draft according to selected strand(s)/bands from marking criteria and then the opportunity to redraft work/modify plan in the light of that before completing/presenting the response. 5. Rank order a selected range of sample learner answers for an Extended response/Directed writing task and compare with own marking criteria for writing mark/ relevant sections of actual mark scheme. Learners underline the key phrases in the mark band descriptors for Paper 3 Q1 Writing. 1. Learners in pairs study a suitable text/extract and decide on three questions which an interviewer or reporter could ask a persona in the text, in order to elicit the key explicit and implicit information. Groups of four choose a literary character from a text they are studying to be hot-seated and each learner in the group decides on a relevant question to ask the learner in role. The roleplay is conducted, with notes being taken. (E) Might choose to give a past paper text to use here ,then after own ideas ,consider actual directed writing task set and draw up “mark” scheme of possible content points and/or likely features of a strong answer and possible weaknesses of less successful responses. C1:2 C2:1 R1–R3 W1–W5 SL1–SL4 Writing an interview 2. Learners in pairs write the responses to the three questions, having identified and developed the relevant information from the text, and perform the interviews, remembering that although an oral form, interviews are a formal genre. 3. Learners transform a discursive passage (e.g. a magazine feature profiling a pop star or sportsperson) into a chat show transcript between host and guest, devising no more than three questions for the host to ask to allow the interviewee to talk at length and communicate V2 3Y09 Learning resources Novel or play being studied in class. Texts with a persona who represents a viewpoint or perspective, from coursebooks, workbooks or past papers. Learners write up the transcript of the interview Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 36 Syllabus ref (AOs) C1:2 C2:1 C3:1 R1–R3 W1–W5 SL1–SL5 Learning objectives Writing a letter Suggested teaching activities Related assignments a sense of who they are as portrayed in the original article. in Q and A format. 1. Teacher reminds learners, using models and support material, of formal letter writing structure and style. Learners work in pairs to write and reply to each other’s letters requesting information and advice about an aspect of their school, e.g. about the curriculum or dress code, in role as potential parent and Head Teacher. 2. Learners transform a letter to a friend in colloquial style to an official one, from the teacher to the parent, about an incident which happened in class. (E) Learners answer the details of one of the letters home, attempting to persuade the teacher that the son/daughter was not to blame. . 3. Learners respond to a letter published in a newspaper by writing to the editor to disagree with its views. 4. Learners study samples of charity appeal letters and note the persuasive devices. They then research a topic of their choice in order to write an appeal letter to raise money. (E) Learners discuss in groups which of a selection of charities/good causes should receive an anonymous donation from a well-wisher. 5. Learners rank order (can consider writing band/mark) learner responses to a Paper 3 letter task. Identify the features (strengths) of the writing in the answer judged to be the highest which make it more successful as a response. Identify those features (weaknesses) of writing in the answer judged to be the lowest of the selection in terms of writing mark. Learners redraft a response to approach the standard for writing of the one above it. (Differentiate by starting point and relative level of the responses e.g. lowest to middle, middle to highest) Learners write a letter to the author of a literary text they have studied, arguing that the ending is unsatisfactory in some way. Learning resources Coursebook guidance on letter format, tone and language, and/or letter writing. Letter to a friend giving an account of a classroom event in which the writer was involved. Real or created ‘published letter’ from a newspaper on a local issue e.g. plans for development in the area. Learners in pairs use an advertisement as the basis for the planning and performing of a dialogue between two people, who disagree about the desirability of the product. Learners write a letter to a competition to win the product concerned by explaining its desirability, countering criticisms and suggesting how it would add to their life experience by owning it. Magazine advertisement which contains information and claims about a product, e.g. a new car model or latest technical gadget. Novel or play studied in class. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 37 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C1:2 C2:1 C3:1 R1–R3 W1–W5 SL1–SL5 Writing an article 1. Teacher reminds learners, using models and support material, of the writing structure and style for magazine articles. Learners in pairs write and role-play an interview between a journalist and an important local resident who is leading a campaign. They then write up the script as an article for the local press. Coursebook guidance on article format and style. (E) Learners identify a further persona who might have a view which contrasts with the resident and individually revisit article to take account of this contrasting opinion. Informative text on a topical educational issue. Learners plan as a class a school magazine article based on an informative text, e.g. about a new educational method, IT resource, or scientific discovery. Learners are allocated a section to write and class/group draft final article from contributions. 2. Learners choose a topic of personal interest, e.g. a sport or hobby, and write a brief article explaining the subject and its appeal. (E) Learners in groups select up to three ‘new’ activities from articles offered to recommend to readers in the new year and agree the plan for a feature article to encourage young people to take up a sport or hobby. Learners research the biographical data of a chosen famous person (local/national/global) and turn it into an article for a local/national/school magazine which discusses the person’s influence. Internet access for biographical research, (e.g. Bibliomania website provides data on famous historical figures): www.bibliomania.com/ (E) Group discussion of which out of a choice of up to five famous people should be commemorated by the town/area/school (e.g. by statue/piece of art work/road named after them). V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 38 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C1:2 C2:1 C3:1 C5:1 C6:1 R1–R3 W1–W5 SL1–SL5 Writing a speech 1. Teacher reminds learners, using models and support material, of writing structure and style for speeches (oral presented as written genre). Learners study an informative text on a controversial subject (e.g. university tuition fees, sporting salaries, a new law) and write and deliver a speech against the topic. Coursebook guidance on speech format and language and/or argument writing structure from Cambridge Teacher Support at http://teachers.cie.o rg.uk (E) Learners research online to find examples of advice for speech making and draw up a checklist of ideas/ways to interest/influence audience. 2. Learners are given newspapers from which to choose a current affairs topic which interests them. They then use information from a selected report to write an editorial giving the newspaper’s views and stance on the issue. 3. Learners in pairs are given the points for one side of an argument and they must produce points for the other side. Learners in pairs identify for and against ideas in a discursive passage (e.g. on the benefits and dangers of social network sites), decide which side to argue. Pairs plan and structure a speech for a school assembly. (E) Each partner delivers the speech in turn whilst the other makes notes. Notes are reported/pooled at the end to identify targets for improvement and pan/structure revisited. Online guides to speech making. National newspapers, including samples of editorial columns. (many newspapers are available free online e.g. Paperboy website: www.thepaperboy.co m/uk/ provides front page articles from a variety of newspapers in real time). Informative text on controversial subject. 0522 past Paper 3 passages C1:2 C2:1 R1–R3 W1–W4 V2 3Y09 Writing a journal 1. Learners consider some examples of journal writing/diary entries and suggest the reasons/purpose for writing in each case. (E) Annotate examples for features of style/form. Learners in half of the class write the diary entry for a character in a literature text they have studied at a key moment Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Selection from famous diaries (real/fictitious) and suitable examples from those available online. 39 Syllabus ref (AOs) SL1–SL5 Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments 2. Learners in pairs complete the other half of a dialogue text, which has one speaker’s speeches removed, by inferring the likely content from the previous and following speeches. in the piece. Learners then write the journal entry for one of those involved at the time the ‘conversation’ happened. 3. Learners write initial notes/jottings/response to journal task from a past paper/specimen paper. Then ideas and observations are pooled in groups, before being reported back to the class. Learners consider general notes from the mark scheme re this question and agree ‘dos and don’ts’ for this task. Learners plan/write answer individually or in pairs. (Differentiate by agreeing/offering some of the likely content points from the mark scheme ahead of writing as required) The other learners devise a list of criteria by which to judge the responses in terms of writing objectives. (Differentiate by viewpoint offered/manipulation required, e.g. choose a character on the edge of a scene and/or someone at odds with the narrator. Suggested content may also be given as appropriate e.g. to help keep the focus on writing skills) Learning resources Dialogue text, e.g. a parent making a complaint to a Head Teacher, with half the speeches removed. 0522 past and specimen papers e.g. Jun 13 Paper 2 Specimen Paper 1 (2015) Past examination papers are available at http://teachers.cie.o g.uk Novel or play studied in class. Learner responses (anonymous) are judged for writing mark out of five (using mark scheme/agreed criteria). V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 40 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 7: Composition writing Recommended prior knowledge Learners should have a reasonable working knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar, and of the conventions of structuring texts, and will have written for a variety of purposes and in different genres during their previous years of education. Context This is the second of three units on writing in specific genres and should be related both to these and to the skills covered in Units 1–5. Outline The unit introduces learners to the different types of continuous writing tasks and gives practice in writing for different purposes. Teachers are recommended to create their own titles to work on skills development or to use those set formerly as Cambridge IGCSE First Language English, Paper 3. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C3:2 C4:2 W1–W5 SL1–SL4 Persona, viewpoint and character 1. Teacher initiates discussion of the usage, benefits and limitations of first and third person perspective, including ‘one’, in both singular and plural, in different types of continuous writing/composition providing short examples. Learners use/select up to three props/items of costume to create a character suggesting gender, age, job, attitudes, experiences etc. Props/costume items e.g. glasses, hats, shoes, walking sticks. 2. Learners in pairs study a news crime report and turn it into two statements, one made by the victim, and one by the perpetrator of the crime, in order to understand how change of persona changes perspective. 3. Learners in pairs revisit a narrative extract from a novel or short story they have studied, in the first or third person. They discuss, and feedback their views to the class, if/how a change of person would also change the content, register and reader positioning. (E) Learners rewrite an incident from a novel or short story, giving the narrative voice to a different character and adopting a different viewpoint. V2 3Y09 (E) Learners prepare and perform a ‘talking head’ monologue, in an appropriate voice for the character/are interviewed about a typical/significant day in their life. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Newspaper report of a crime, e.g. a robbery at a wealthy person’s house. ‘Day in the Life’ type magazine profiles presented as monologues. Extracts from a selection of texts – including some suitable for independent reading 41 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments (E) Learners find/read extracts from narratives where a rd 3 person narrator is: • a specific character within the story • not involved in the narrative and ‘all knowing’ • limited to what a single person observer would know. Learning resources to encourage learners to continue reading outside of lesson time. Novel or short story studied by the class. Learners consider the likely effect of perspective/experiment with writing or plan their own narratives for at least two of the options. Online tips and advice to writers re ‘Show don’t tell’: http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Show,_don't_te ll 4. Using a third person narrator – involved or separate from the story – learners introduce a character to the reader for the first time. (Differentiate by stimulus material/scaffolding offered e.g. situation – you meet on a train, or the character knocks on your door asking for your help) 5. Teacher explains/introduces the approach of ‘Show don’t tell’ (i.e. letting a reader make their own judgements encouraged by clues and details in the text, rather than by the writer telling them what to think – offering images not facts). Learners read a narrative piece written to introduce a character. They identify things the reader has been told about the character rather than worked out for themselves, e.g. old/cheerful/bossy/posh. In pairs learners underline verbs used in relation to the character e.g. she walked in to the room and offer more precise alternatives to give a clue about how and why, e.g. she wobbled in to the room. (Differentiate by providing a bank of possibilities e.g. re visual aspect – walked, glided, hobbled or sound related talked, rasped or boomed) Link to understanding writer’s effect e.g. spotting precise verbs used in Paper 2 Passage A extracts Examples selected/adapted from learners’ writing, created by the teacher and/or adapted from studied texts. Repeat/have other pairs underlining nouns linked to character and offering more precise alternatives e.g. clothes worn-thin coat/jacket/faded hoodie and re setting cottage, apartment, mansion, V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 42 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources (E) Learners identify the sentence structure features of a piece of narrative writing and continue it in the same style. Selection of passages exemplifying contrasting use of sentence structures. lounge, sitting room, conservatory or props/items used e.g. drinks from a mug, tea cup, bottle. Groups pool ideas to create new description(s) showing rather than telling. rd (E) Learners consider narrative response(s) written in the 3 person created/selected by the teacher. They identify a fact offered re a character e.g. ‘Mrs Brown was fat and didn’t care about other people.’ and write a paragraph ‘showing’ the same idea(s). e.g.’Mrs Brown squeezed herself in to the last available seat on the bus .She heaved her shopping bag up onto her pink marshmallow knees which peeped out with some embarrassment at the unfortunate passengers still waiting in the queue.’ (E) Learners review ‘Show don’t tell’ advice and consider its benefits/possible limitations. C3:2 C4:2 W1–W5 SL2–SL4 Whole-text and sentence structures 1. Learners study a narrative and/or descriptive text containing a mixture of simple and complex sentences, and discuss the effect of each type of sentence in context and their contrast, and the importance of using a variety of sentences to engage the reader. 2. Learners trace W4 criteria through bands on Paper 3 composition mark scheme for ‘style and accuracy’. They consider example(s) of their own writing in terms of sentence variety and structure. Learners agree band for response(s) and identify how to modify sentences to move to next band up. (Differentiate by level of support e.g. modelling possible changes for one section of writing and then moving to working individually/in pairs) 3. Teacher gives half of the class a structure/writing frame for all/part of a narrative/discursive composition. Learners use website material e.g. results of search ‘vary your sentences’ then revisit a draft or earlier response and highlight where changes might be made to interest/engage the reader. Writing structures for narrative and descriptive compositions available at http://teachers.cie.org .uk Teacher elicits the V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 43 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources The other learners are asked to write the same composition without using the frame. reasons for a change of paragraph (change of time, place, direction or topic) and stresses importance of using paragraphs in continuous writing. Short story and famous speech texts (available from websites) with paragraph breaks removed. Pairs/groups compare the results. (Differentiation through form of frame offered/which learners are given frame(s)) C3:2 C4:2 W1–W5 SL2–SL5 Descriptive writing (E) Learners create their own writing frames/structures using samples of successful responses e.g. noticing how details re setting can be sprinkled through the story. Learners in pairs put paragraph breaks in a short story and label the narrative stages. 1. Teacher reminds learners of the need in descriptive writing for precision, variety, unusual and interesting words, sound effects of words. Learners in groups compile lists of unusual vocabulary and appropriate imagery for a specified event or place (e.g. blizzard, beach, skiing) and feedback to rest of class on their topic. Learners write 50 words describing the room they are in, without repeating any word. 2. Half the class writes a paragraph of negative description and half of positive description about a kind of place (e.g. an overgrown garden). Class discuss the different uses of language to create the required atmosphere. 3. Learners in pairs take turns to describe and draw a picture postcard of a place and then compare the drawing with the original. (They will realise that without sufficient and accurate detail a true likeness is not possible.) 4. Learners in pairs study a paragraph of strongly descriptive writing to identify and explore/analyse the effect of the devices used, e.g. compound adjectives, present participles, multiple adjectives, alliteration, exotic colours, reference to senses. (E) Learners in pairs work on an example of less successful descriptive writing to identify the weaknesses and suggest improvements. V2 3Y09 Teacher puts phrases on board (e.g. storm at sea, ruined house, area of drought) and learners make mind maps for each, representing the five senses (e.g. stinging saltiness, mouldy damp, parched craters). Learners listen to a piece of music and simultaneously write a description of the scene the music conjures in their mind. Successful learner narratives/descriptions selected relevant coursebooks. Coursebook material on descriptive language. Set of picture postcards or calendar pages. Descriptive passages from novels, e.g. Lord of the Flies. CD of peaceful or stirring instrumental or orchestral music, e.g. Holst's Planet Suite: Mars and Venus, or Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. Learners in groups play Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 44 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources the Furniture Game with famous people or those they know (i.e. they say what piece of furniture, car, pet, colour, food, day of the week etc. they think best represents that person). C3:2 C4:2 W1–W5 SL2–SL4 Narrative writing 1. Teacher introduces the resource sheet on narrative openings, and learners practise each type for a given title (e.g. first day at a new school) then feedback which they think works best. (E) Learners in pairs study a piece of narrative writing to identify and analyse the effect of the narrative devices (e.g. direct speech, change of pace, creation of atmosphere, tension, suspense, foreshadowing, repetition for effect, symbolism). 2. Teacher elicits the purpose of using dialogue in narrative writing linking to work on viewpoint and character, the best place to use it, the rules for its punctuation and layout, and the need to avoid repeating ‘said’. Learners then replace dialogue punctuation, including indentation for new speaker, in a passage from which it has been removed. (E) Consider example(s) of learner responses to identify those which over use dialogue/miss opportunities to use it/use it ineffectively. Suggest changes the writer could consider. 3 Learners in pairs consider examples of less successful/secure narrative writing to identify the weaknesses and suggest improvements. Learners plan a narrative composition based on the first sentence of a famous novel, using a storyboard. Model of a storyboard. Resource sheet on first sentences of famous novels (compiled by teacher or available in coursebook). Learners write and read out half-page stories to exemplify proverbs (e.g. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; look before you leap) which follow conventional narrative structure. Narrative passage, e.g. from The Woman in Black or I’m the King of the Castle by Susan Hill. Dialogue from which punctuation, indentation and speech verbs have been removed. Learners use online story starter to be given a random first sentence, main character, event, setting and key object on which to base a story. For example, they consider stories written by younger learners (anonymous) in terms of their strengths and weaknesses .What advice would learners give the younger writers: • to improve the current draft? V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 45 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources Write and compare the opening paragraphs only for a number of different text types, including: o speech o magazine article o letter o journal o report o short story Openings from variety of texts. • before those learners attempt to write a narrative in a Cambridge IGCSE examination/for coursework? C3 C4 C1:2 C2:1 W1–W5 SL1–SL5 Openings 1. Teacher explains how important openings are for all types of writing. Class discusses what makes an effective kind of opening for each of a range of text types e.g. identifies how some examples of opening are attempting to draw a reader in (e.g. to the argument in an article/narrative at the start of a novel/atmosphere or mood in description/events in a news report). (E) Learners consider a range of narrative openings to identify how they are interesting the reader. 2. Teacher introduces the resource sheet on narrative openings, and learners practise each type for a given title (e.g. first day at a new school) then feedback which they think works best. 3. Learners in pairs rank order openings to narrative responses and select/work on an example they feel could be improved. (Differentiate by range of response offered) Given the same topic/list of facts learners prepare the opening 40 seconds only of an informative speech to the class. Class vote on which of the openings they found most engaging and why, deciding as an audience member which they would be more likely to carry on listening to. (E) In pairs/groups learners continue with the chosen opening to prepare the next 30–60 seconds of the speech and maintain the interest of listeners. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Examples of learners’ work e.g. anonymous examples from other classes. 46 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C3:2 C4:2 W1–W5 SL2–SL4 Endings 1. Teacher explains how important effective endings are for all types of writing, and gives examples. Class discuss why first person narrators can’t die, why clichéd/’Then I woke up’ endings should be avoided, and why/how a circular structure which refers back to the opening can be effective in all genres. Given openings/early sections of narratives – continue to the end of the chapter/resolve (write in pairs and compare outcomes) Texts are often available free online as tasters of the whole piece. Openings of texts are often available free online as tasters of the whole piece. Learners discuss in groups ways to change the ending e.g. fairytales/happy endings/alternate endings. Literature text/novel of choice/Passage A text from 0522 Paper 2 (E) Learners write first and last sentences for the different types of response – perhaps using past Paper 3 titles and tasks, along with Paper 2 tasks and/or list of specified text types in syllabus. 2. Learners collect/consider last lines from narratives and categorise them e.g. identifying those that are open hinting that the story will continue e.g. with future generations; those leaving room for another story/adventure; those leaving the reader thinking those which appear to have come full circle. Groups/pairs select the suggestion they think would be most interesting to try and plan out the route back through to where the narrative might start, suggesting an opening sentence. (E) Learners experiment with reversing the first and last sentences/ ending a paragraph earlier and reorganise the plan to take account of the change. Learners consider which version might be most effective and why/one learner in pair follows the first plan to write their response, the other the second. Learners compare versions. 0522 Paper 3 past papers Learners rewrite the ending of a (studied) text to how they think it should/could end. 3. Learners suggest/are given a possible opening line for a descriptive composition. E.g. In the distance he saw the fairground. I stood in the middle of the fairground. The fairground was quiet. Titles from 0522 past Paper 3 composition – descriptive writing task. Learners plan a structure/route through the description to begin and end with the same line/almost the same line. (Note: The emphasis is finding ways to move the description on without relying on narrative events e.g. moving the observer towards V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 47 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources the fairground through the middle of it and out the other side. This might mean ending with a slight change to the beginning, e.g. ‘Looking back, he saw the fairground in the distance’. Another possibility might be keeping the observer still as time passes and/or the scene changes around them, e.g. the fairground packing away or the same spot the next day contrasted with the excitement of the fairground there the night before etc.) 4. Learners in pairs work on examples of compositions with weak endings to identify the weaknesses and suggest improvements. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 48 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 8: Writing for coursework Recommended prior knowledge Learners should have a reasonable working knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar, and of the conventions of structuring different text types. They will have written for a variety of purposes and in different genres during their previous years of education. Their previous reading experience should have acquainted them with different models of composition writing. Context This is the third of three units on writing in specific contexts and should be related both to these and to the skills covered in Units 1–5. However, owing to the nature of coursework, this can also act as a stand-alone unit. It should be noted that the production of written coursework is an ongoing process and that possible assignments suggested should be seen as a guide for teachers rather than as being prescriptive. The syllabus and Coursework Training Handbook both provide teachers with detailed advice and support, including specific guidance on the text to be used for Assignment 3. Outline The unit introduces learners to the different types of coursework writing tasks and skills involved. It gives practice in writing for different purposes. A key feature is the linking of this work with both reading and speaking and listening activities. Teachers are encouraged to select their own stimuli, though are reminded that in the final coursework portfolio only Assignment 3 is assessed for reading. Teachers should explain to learners the requirements and expectations of coursework production, how it differs from exam compositions, and how much support the teacher is allowed to give. They should also advise of the seriousness of plagiarism and ask for a bibliography for any sources used in coursework preparation. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources SL1–SL5 R1–3 R5 Assignment 1 Part 1 1. Teacher presents or negotiates with the class a suitable, i.e. relevant and potentially engaging, topic and title for a persuasive/informative piece, and manages the class discussion and collection of ideas. Learners do their own research on the selected topic or topics e.g. experience of fellow learners during work experience. Non-fiction text on the selected topic, e.g. a current affairs issue affecting young people locally or nationally. Learners devise and conduct a survey on their topic to collect data to use Internet access to news articles and essays on current Writing to inform, analyse, argue V2 3Y09 Teacher gives out a stimulus text on the chosen topic and asks learners to collect further information on the issue by underlining facts and opinions in the text and then reading through a number of other texts to select potentially relevant ideas. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 49 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources (E) Learners talk for up to a minute offering their initial knowledge, ideas and opinions on the subject. in their coursework affairs topics. Learners keep notes during their involvement in an extra-curricular activity e.g. visit or performance and write an account/review evaluating the experience Learners’ own interests, knowledge and study in other areas – possibility for cross curricular links through topic chosen. Listeners make notes of each new idea/opinions offered and then reconsider their own opinion in the light of what they have heard. (E) Learners discuss with adult (e.g. parent/another teacher) about their opinions/views on the topic. 2. Learners in pairs conduct a mini-debate on a moral issue given to them by the teacher, e.g. If you knew your friend had cheated in an exam, would you tell the teacher? One learner argues Yes and the other No. Class judges who of the pair makes the best case, according to number and strength of arguments. 3: Learners in pairs study a piece of argument and a piece of discursive writing, and define the difference in structure, style and tone. ‘A Question of Scruples’ board game or Teacher’s own cards with a moral dilemma on each: http://en.wikipe dia.org/wiki/Scruples _(game) 4. Learners in pairs work on an example of poor quality argument writing to identify the weaknesses and suggest improvements. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 50 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities W1–W5 Assignment 1 Part 2 1. Learners consider examples of writing in this category e.g. in terms of voice, audience, register, purpose. Writing to inform, analyse and/or argue Teacher elicits the success criteria for an effective piece of transactional writing, and learners use these as a check list during the coursework process. (Content, tone, syntax, diction, and structure should be considered along with style and accuracy.) Related assignments Learning resources Previous coursework (anonymous) by students Examples from Coursework Training Handbook available from Publications at: www.cie.org.uk/pr ofiles/teachers/order pub Learners plan their coursework piece using a suitable graphic organiser/paragraph plan, e.g.as a single side of A4, containing 8–10 main ideas, arranging their notes under paragraph headings in logical order and indicating how evidence will be used to support each point. (E) Learners in pairs exchange plans and give advice on improving their content and structure. Relevant planning models, e.g. from coursebook/online graphic organisers. CD or political speech from YouTube. 2. Class devise a list of rhetorical devices. For example, learners might listen to a recording of speech, e.g. Barack Obama’s inauguration speech, and identify rhetorical devices/listen to a broadcast from a Charity Appeal. Learners use their plan/notes to experiment with ways of writing up to three of their own potential points. 3. Teacher sets the writing of the draft as a homework assignment, and gives an appropriate deadline for its submission. R1–R4 SL1–SL5 Assignment 2 Part 1 Writing to describe and/or narrate 1. Teacher gives out samples of narrative texts in various genres/for defined audiences. Based on the extract, learners discuss which they might like to read and why, identifying how the author engages the reader in each case. Learners read other short stories on similar themes and take notes of useful ideas. (E) Note and compare features of style/language choice. Learners in pairs interrogate images/photographs e.g. in terms of possible events 2. Teacher elicits the success criteria for an effective piece of narrative writing, and learners use these as a check list during the V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Short story collection, (perhaps one being studied for Cambridge IGCSE Literature), e.g. Gone with the Wind, Twentieth Century Short Stories, Stories of Ourselves. 51 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources coursework process. Plot, character, style, imagery, voice, viewpoint, structure, and use of dialogue should be considered. before and after, suggestions re characters involved/atmosphere of the place or time. Range of texts from study/private reading. (E) Learners bring in/identify and read out particularly effective moments of a narrative/descriptive text e.g. a turning point, or a tense scene. 3. Teacher presents/negotiates with learners suitable theme and title for a creative piece, and manages the class discussion and collection of ideas. W1–W5 Assignment 2 Part 2 1. Learners plan their coursework piece. Learners in pairs exchange plans and give advice e.g. on their plot and use of detail. Writing to describe and/or narrate (E) Learners write an explanation as if to a publisher of a creative writing magazine explaining their proposed piece and how exactly it is going to keep their reader engaged. Learners exchange ideas about possible plots and descriptive elements for their short stories. . 2. Learners write the first draft/section of their coursework and then create up to three alternative versions varying one aspect only in each from a given list e.g. opening and ending, perspective or character, chronology/pace etc. (Differentiation by aspects listed and/or number of draft versions/sections) (E) Learners read different version(s) to a partner/group and discuss which elements of each they think work well. (F) Learners read back through and annotate their own draft versions following the discussion, then revisit and modify their original plan accordingly. 3. Learners redraft coursework to incorporate ideas. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 52 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources R1–R4 SL1–SL5 Assignment 3 Part 1 1. Teacher presents various snippets from media texts containing a range of provocative opinions on a relevant topic – i.e. one which young people are interested in and feel strongly about. Class/groups collects ideas with learners identifying and evaluating the extent to which they might agree/disagree with the arguments, ideas and opinions (e.g. 100% = total agreement). Learners read other articles on the same topic to gather counter arguments. Media texts from a newspaper, magazine or internet website. Writing in response to opinions and arguments Learners write discussion forum response(s) to one/more of the text snippets they can disagree with, challenging views. (E) Learners write the response to their response, defending the original point in the light of the forum post. (E) Learners select further idea/opinion(s) from the text(s) with which they agree in part (i.e. 60 % or over) and write responses to these, suggesting how each point might be modified to be more valid as an argument. 2. Teacher elicits the success criteria for an effective piece of critical writing, and learners use these as a check list during the coursework process. Voice, viewpoint, persuasive devices, emotive language, selection of material, structure, and use of support should be considered. 3. Teacher gives out a model of a critical response and the text to which it is responding. Learners identify points in the response and trace them to details/ideas in the original text. . . (E) Learners annotate devices used to position the reader by underlining them in the text. These features – e.g. pathos, use of inclusive first person plural – can be employed in their own response, to elicit sympathy towards their viewpoint. . 4. Teacher offers suitable coursework text and establishes the final directed writing task for learners e.g. a letter in response to an article. Learners work in pairs on separating facts from opinions in an opinion text, and determining the level of bias by discussing the extent of omission of an alternative viewpoint, the use of misleading statistics, inconsistent argument or the emotive use of language. Learners in groups/class consider past Paper 3 Q1 s and suggested content points in mark schemes. Though not suitable texts for the final coursework assignments, these passages and their directed writing tasks can be used to develop relevant skills, e.g. Sample responses from the Standards booklet considered to demonstrate how to evaluate and develop details from a text to use in an argument, rather than repeat or copy material. Learners identify and evaluate for themselves the argument, ideas V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 0522 Paper 3 and mark schemes available at http://teachers.cie. org.uk Successful coursework (anonymous) from previous learners’ portfolios/department exemplars. Relevant coursebooks with examples of learner responses to Assignment three texts. Table from syllabus 53 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments and opinions with which they will engage by annotating the text ahead of planning and writing. W1–W5 Assignment 3 Part 2 Writing in response to opinion and argument 1. Learners plan their coursework piece e.g. as a single side of A4 paper, containing 8–10 main ideas, arranging their notes under paragraph headings in logical order. They should indicate how quotation from and reference to the text will be used to develop each point. 2. Teacher sets the writing of the draft as a homework assignment and gives an appropriate deadline for its submission (F) Learners consider their first drafts in terms of a mark out of 10 for reading and identify targets for redrafting. V2 3Y09 Learning resources detailing criteria for 10 reading marks in Coursework Portfolio. Learners revisit/draft in pairs suitable checklists for writing e.g. to argue and persuade/evaluate and comment and then individually reconsider their own drafts, noting possible alterations, corrections and additions in pencil/colour on a printout/written draft before reworking the final piece considering these adaptations. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 54 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 9: Speaking and listening Recommended prior knowledge Learners should be used to speaking and listening in the classroom and have a respect for the views of others, an ability to respond in sentences, and an understanding that learning takes place through discussion. Context Although this unit is free standing, it is closely related to work in the previous units for reading and writing. The activities may be spread out over a period of time and/or be integrated into teaching schemes for other units, building Speaking and Listening activities into lessons, wherever appropriate. Many opportunities also exist to engage with colleagues in cross-curricular activities that involve Speaking and Listening. Outline The unit provides a variety of activities which will assist the development of learners as speakers and listeners offering opportunities for practice, performance and process talk in relation to the specifications for Components 5 and 6 of Cambridge IGCSE First Language English. Teachers will need to refer to specific guidance in both the syllabus and the Speaking and Listening Training Handbook, for example regarding the requirements for assessing the Speaking and Listening Test and Coursework options. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C5:1 C6:1 SL1–SL5 Giving a talk 1. Class suggests considerations when giving a talk/presentation –engagement of listener, tone, register, stance, gesture, voice projection, eye contact and reviews list drawn up alongside the assessment criteria. Learners listen to/watch preselected online examples of less successful speeches. Coursebook material on giving a talk. (E) In pairs learners consider a range of available advice re giving a speech to class and draw up their own 1–2 minute presentation ‘How/how not to give a speech to class’. 2. Learners listen to a successful example of a speaker giving a talk and identify positive features, considering it alongside the relevant marking criteria. 3. Learners plan and perform a 3–4 minute informative talk V2 3Y09 Note down the problems/weaknesses in the performances as they occur along with any redeeming features. Pairs decide how to word advice politely for the speaker on where they went wrong and how they Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Suitable online videos of talks/presentations selected by teacher (identified initially through relevant key word searches e.g. worst speech ever/bad examples of speech to class). 55 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources on a topic of personal interest about which they already have some knowledge, e.g. a hobby or sport. might improve next time. Relevant examples from the Speaking and Listening Training Handbook available from Publications at: www.cie.org.uk/profile s/teachers/orderpub Learners select a long running news story about which they have an opinion. The story can be – local, national or global. Learners research to understand how events have unfolded, then prepare their 3–4 minute podcast for inclusion in a series of programmes about young people and their views. Recording of speaker giving a talk on an area of expertise, e.g. on a wildlife topic from a documentary or an address by a visiting speaker to the school. They could include details, examples and references, researched statistics, and perhaps visual aids. They should transfer key notes (i.e. main ideas not script) of their talk to a card (post card size) to which they can refer during their performance. (E) Learners pitch their hobby as a new school club/activity. Learners give feedback on each other’s practice talks, including the length, using the grade descriptions. 4. Learners in groups/pairs select from topic cards – e.g. outlining issues of local, national or global interest and talk for one minute on their views/opinion related to the subject/situation. Listeners make notes of points of interest/questions they could ask the speaker to explore the topic further. Process is repeated to allow each group member to select and speak on a topic. C5:2 C6:2 SL1–SL5 V2 3Y09 Talking in pairs Group discusses which of the topics might be best for the subject of a TV documentary aimed at engaging young people/representing their views. (E) Learners write an informative written piece for coursework using and evaluating views/information expressed by others’ talks as the basis/magazine article about young people’s interests/opinions. 1. Teacher gives learners advice on aspects of paired talk – balanced contribution, cohesion, support, tone, and register – and refers to the assessment criteria. Learners listen to/watch and use as a model a DVD or CD of an argument dialogue. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Syllabus assessment criteria and grade descriptions for C5: 1 or C6: 1. Relevant examples of Podcasts e.g. from BBC websites. Coursebook material on conducting a dialogue 56 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources 2. Learners in pairs decide on and plan a 3–4 minute argument dialogue on a topic of school/local interest, e.g. a campaign to abolish uniform, or proposed local development plan e.g. allocation of funds to a community project . They should include details, examples and references to support their different views Learners write an argumentative/persuasive piece using the material from the dialogue(s) as the basis. Recording of speakers exchanging opposing ideas, e.g. between anchor and correspondent on a news programme, host and guest on a current affairs programme Learners in pairs rehearse their dialogues, making sure that their talk, although unscripted, follows the general agreed structure and ends conclusively. They discuss improvements and length adjustments. Syllabus assessment criteria and grade descriptions for C5:2 or C6:2. (E) Pairs watch and make notes on others’ dialogues, highlighting strengths and suggesting possible improvements. (E) Role play interview for local radio two speakers (e.g. experts or interested parties) who are likely to hold contrasting views. C6:3 SL1–SL5 Group discussion 1. Teacher gives learners advice on aspects of group discussion – listening, acknowledging, linking, balance of input, tone, and register – and refers to the Assessment Criteria. Learners discuss in a group a topic of relevance and interest to them e.g. an impending election for head of school/choices for a school-leaving event Learners listen to/watch and use as a model a DVD of a small group discussion. Learners discuss a suggested interpretation of a poem or short story already studied. (E) Learner observers shadow members of a group discussion making notes on their contribution to the discussion according to criteria agreed beforehand. Observers discuss findings as a group with a view to suggesting guidelines/tips for discussing in groups observed by the learners formerly shadowed. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Unseen poems (Differentiation by allocation of stimulus material), perhaps from anthology being studied for Literature, e.g. Songs of Ourselves. Coursebook material on participating in a discussion. Recording of group of speakers exchanging ideas and views, e.g. recording of learners from 57 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources 2. Learners in groups of four read an unfamiliar poem silently and make notes on the ideas and views they are going to contribute to the discussion along with any questions/uncertainties they might have relating to it. Possibility to link with work on writer’s choice of language /effect Learners identify 3–5 choices of words/phrases from the poem to explain as if to a fellow learner who had not seen the poem before. previous year, or chat show broadcast. They should include highlight in the text any quotations they wish to refer to, as well as identify areas of the text which may be less clear/pen to alternative interpretations. Learners discuss and explore their interpretations of the text as a group. C6:2 C6:3 SL1–SL5 Role play and simulation Syllabus assessment criteria and grade descriptions for C6:3. (Differentiate by requiring explanation of meaning and/or effect) (E) Envoys from the group move to a different group to report ideas discussed so far and hear reactions from the new group. Learner envoys return to original group where ideas are reviewed and modified. Groups of four or five discuss possible investment in new product (may offer a range to consider perhaps drawn from proposals to TV show). 1. Teacher gives learners advice on aspects of role-play: choosing appropriate content and adopting a suitable voice and register for a particular audience, aim and context. Learners watch/listen to comic sketches involving two characters. 2. Learners in pairs decide on a scenario in which normal roles can be reversed for comic effect, e.g. customer and shop assistant, doctor and patient, diner and waiter. They plan, polish and then perform their sketches for the rest of the class. Learners in pairs practise role play telephone calls, e.g. phoneins to a radio show. DVDs of TV comedy programmes. Recently studied novel. (F) Learners/teacher assesses against either Speaking or Listening category of the mark scheme for paired talks and discuss/explain decision. Pairs decide on their own mark(s) for the other aspect of the task. 3. Learners in groups of five (two interviewers and three applicants) conduct a job interview simulation, after V2 3Y09 Learners take on the roles of characters in a novel they have studied and challenge each other, e.g. Ralph and Jack from Lord of the Flies on their voyage home. (This could be written up as a C4 Assignment 2 piece.) Newsroom computer simulation software. Preparatory material for job interview simulation. Mark schemes for Speaking and Listening in the 0522 syllabus. Learners conduct hot-seating interrogations or put each other on trial as literary characters. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 58 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources Learners listen to/watch and use as a model a DVD of a dramatised scene from a novel or short story. Sample dramatic monologue, e.g. sample empathic literature essay. preparation of material. The applicants’ performance is evaluated by the interviewers and themselves, and the job is awarded to the best of the three. 4. Learners take on the roles of journalists (differentiation by role) – including an editor, sub-editor and photographer – in a newsroom and work in real time, e.g. one hour, to produce a news report. They make decisions about which news item to use as the front-page story, the headline, the subheadings, the length, the interviewees, the photograph, and the caption. (F) Teacher/other learner observers might assess the group discussion. C6:1–3 SL1–SL5 Dramatisation 1. Teacher explains the features of dramatic monologues: implied audience, movement, passing of time, and changes of mood. 2. Learners choose a character from prose or drama text and write a monologue script which gives the character’s thoughts and feelings about events and other characters. Teacher videos each group’s performance and class watches, discusses and evaluates them. Other examples of prose dramatic monologues available online. 3. Learners record their monologues with appropriate voice and expression. (F) Learners listen back to their own monologues to identify positives and negatives of the performance. 4. Learners in small groups choose an incident from a fiction text to turn into a play script, which they then perform by reading their parts with convincing intonation and emotion. C6:1 C6:3 SL1–SL5 V2 3Y09 Debating and challenging 1. Teacher gives learners advice on what makes a convincing debate speech: sufficient relevant and cogent content and fluent delivery. Teacher sets a motion to be debated – e.g. ‘This House believes that young people Learners write up the debate topic and ideas from both sides as a discursive coursework assignment or exam practice Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 59 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments should be allowed the vote at 16’ – and divides the class into four groups. piece. Learning resources 2. The groups volunteer or are told which side they are on, two groups for and two against. They discuss and plan a five minute debate speech. They should include facts, examples and references to support their view, and agree on the order. 3. The groups elect the speaker to represent their group – who prepares a card with key notes on – and the debate takes place. Learners take notes on points they wish to dispute, and at the end of the debate they challenge the relevant speakers, who must respond to the questions and counter arguments. 4. Class votes on the debate winners according to the quality and delivery of the speeches, and the speakers’ handling of the challenges. V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 60 Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® First Language English (0522) Unit 10: Planning, drafting, editing and checking Recommended prior knowledge Learners should have a reasonable working knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar, and of the conventions of structuring different genres of writing. When wordprocessing, they should be able to move sections of text around the page, and should understand that proof reading is an essential part of the writing process. Context This unit is to be used in conjunction with all the writing units. Outline The unit takes learners through the processes of planning a piece of writing, and of improving the first draft of a coursework assignment or the final response to an exam question. Note: there is no time for the writing of drafts in the exam, but evidence of planning and checking is expected. Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources C1:2 C1:3 C2:1 C2:3 C3:1 C4:1–3 C5:1 C6:1–3 R1–R4 Annotate stimulus material 1. Learners practise annotating a stimulus or source text prior to transferring ideas and facts to use in a written/spoken piece. They should use underlining in pencil (highlighting in different colours may be used for different kinds of material) but sparingly, indicating only the exact material to be used. (Note: learners cannot use highlighters on the live question paper and answer booklet) Annotation, with underlining and marginal comments, of literary texts for exam or coursework study, e.g. key quotations, themes and stylistic traits. Source and stimulus texts for annotation practice. C3:1 C3:2 C3:3 C4:1–3 W1 W2 V2 3Y09 2. Learners practise using models before attempting the kind of writing/speech required. They should identify, with marginal annotation on a copy/transcript, the aspects of structure and expression which make the model so effective, so that they can emulate them. Create a plan 1. Teacher demonstrates different planning models, e.g. mind maps, paragraph headings, topic sentences, brainstorming, and recommends different approaches for different types of writing e.g. two columns of opposing points for argumentative response, time-line or structural diagrams for narrative. (E) Learners are given one planning model to use for a given task/title, Models of high quality writing in various relevant genres. Texts for literary study. Learners experiment with different ways of planning, using past Paper 3 tasks and titles. Learners in pairs swap their Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Examples of different kinds of plan for different types of writing (Note: Inspiration software can be used for this). 61 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments or told to go straight in to writing with no planning. plans to make comparisons and exchange comments with another pair. Groups/class should consider strengths and weaknesses of responses generated by each approach. (Can use adapted marking criteria for writing from relevant section of Paper 3 to inform discussion.) 2. Learners transfer highlighted text and annotations from a stimulus or source text into a plan. They should change the material into their own words as they transfer it using a dictionary to check any words they are unsure of. C4:1–3 W1–W5 Write a draft 1. Teacher explains the process and aspects of turning a plan into a draft: development of ideas, addition of supporting detail, writing in continuous prose, paragraph usage, linking of paragraphs, suitably effective openings and endings. 2. Learners refer to mark schemes for writing, to devise success criteria and check lists for reference when writing a draft. (These can be turned into wall displays for the classroom or stuck into English folders.) (E) Learners work backwards from an example of a successful Directed writing response to identify likely planning decisions. Learning resources Simple outline plans for the three main writing genres. Texts previously annotated by learners. Learners view models of top band continuous writing in the relevant genre, after their draft has been written. They can make changes and improvements at this stage, before submitting their draft. Plans previously prepared by learners in Section B. Learners in pairs are given exemplar drafts to judge and write a comment on, before receiving back their own. Drafts previously submitted by learners. Assessment criteria and band descriptors for writing for Paper 3 and Coursework. 3. Learners use a previous plan to turn into a first draft, preferably word processing it. They should be conscious of paragraph usage as a structural device. They should count the number of words in their completed draft. C4:1–3 W1–W5 SL1–SL5 Revise and edit a draft 1. Teacher revises basic punctuation rules of sentence and clause separation, and direct speech. 2. Learners read the general advisory comment made by the teacher on their returned draft. They use a different coloured pen to identify and correct inaccuracies of spelling, grammar and punctuation, and to delete, add and clarify material. Special attention should be given to: - spelling which has relied on spell-checker and may therefore appear correct but not be correct - introductory and concluding sentences, which should be engaging and effective V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 Copies of sample first draft containing various types of error, and weakness of content and expression. 62 Syllabus ref (AOs) Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Related assignments Learning resources Learners are all given the same piece of exemplar writing by a previous learner, to correct and improve in every possible way. Class shares and discusses the suggested changes. Highlights from previous 0522 Examiner reports, from Teacher Support http://teache rs.cie.org.uk , which recommends the checking of exam answers. - the structure and sequence of the content, which should be cohesive and progressive - vocabulary choices, which should be precise and ambitious - sentence structures, which should be varied - length, which should fall between 500 and 800 words. C1 C2 C3 W1–W5 Check, change and correct 1. Teacher stresses the need for checking, changing and correcting all responses written in the exam. (Time is allowed for this and learners should make use of it. Careless mistakes can make the difference of a grade.) 2. Learners in pairs read through a piece of each other’s writing, and annotate in pencil as appropriate according to relevant, agreed criteria e.g. circle errors/use omission marks to signify points which need extension e.g. because they read as list-like/put brackets around material which drifts, repeats or is otherwise irrelevant/identify expression or vocabulary to refine. Copies of exemplar piece of learner writing in middle band range. Learners consider the annotations e.g. correcting the errors in their returned piece of writing/using asterisks to add relevant material, and deleting unnecessary material. C3 C4 W1–W5 Improve the expression 1. Learners identify repeated, vague or weak vocabulary in their own writing/that of others and suggest options to replace it with more precise and ambitious words. 2. Learners look at ways to improve variety of syntax and sentence structures e.g. the possibility of changing 'and', 'but' and 'so' for compound connectives or semicolons. Learners rewrite parts of an exemplar exam or exemplar coursework composition. Parts have been indicated by the teacher. 3. Learners rewrite a paragraph which contains repetition of vocabulary and sentence structures in a more varied, fluent and concise style. Exemplar text with areas of weakness indicated. Highlights from examiner reports commenting on qualities of good and weak expression in Papers 3 and 4. http://teachers.cie.or g.uk ® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations. © Cambridge International Examinations 2013 V2 3Y09 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0522) – from 2015 63