Name ap eP m e tr .X w Candidate Number w w Centre Number om .c s er UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE ARABIC Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing SPECIMEN PAPER Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. 1 hour 30 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen in the spaces provided on the Question Paper. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Answer all questions in Section 1 and Section 2. You may also attempt Section 3. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. FOR EXAMINER’S USE If you have been given a label, look at the details. If any details are incorrect or missing, please fill in your correct details in the space given at the top of this page. Section 1 Stick your personal label here, if provided. SUB-TOTAL Section 2 Section 3 TOTAL This document consists of 13 printed pages and 2 blank pages. IB04 SP_0544_02/3RP © UCLES 2004 [Turn over For Examiner's Use Section 1 Exercise 1 Questions 1-5 : ا ا ت ا إرة ) ( ! ا ا:اال اول :./, .0$ 1 !"ي و، ا$%* ا' إ& ا+, D C B 1 A [1] :ي2 ت+1 ا.3 & إ4%ذه D C B 2 A [1] D [1] C B Dictionary :1+ 3 ./, !ذا،1& آ/3 ف/, * أن+, A 3 For Examiner's Use :./, !ذا،< =3 .>, * أن+, Program 1 Program 2 Program 3 Program 4 Program 5 4 White, heavy soil White, economy Delicates, 40 degrees Coloureds, heavy soil Coloureds, economy 88:88 D C B A [1] :1+ 3 .%? ا& ا1@ 4A < اذا/3 B", ذا3 D C B 5 A [1] [Total : 5] [Turn over For Examiner's Use Exercise 2 Questions 6-10 : ى ب ا ان ا:اال ا / اD اE3 <% ب اG'+ * .+*د اDم ا+< أ%ا : ! 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"01 "# ا%$ % اآ،1 ! ا456 ! 7آ .د/ &3 و41K& و3 (a) ؟4$ أE+أ (b) ؟./', ذا3 (c) JULY 1 2 3 @@ وداد ;رع ا32 ".-ة ا. ا 283582 .ب.ص ن ا*ردن [Total : 5] BLANK PAGE Please Turn over for Section 2 [Turn over For Examiner's Use Section 2 Exercise 1 Questions 16-23 ا*ر *ة ؟%/, ذا [1] (a) [1] (b) 16 For Examiner's Use 17 ذا آ 4$ا*ر */,ح a/ا0ط؟ 18 3 &1Dذا أ ا=Yب؟ 19 ذا آ$ 4$د"3 +آ*ة E3أن ا*ر Z =Y Z3؟ 20 ذا *أت $د*, +رس 3دة ا+ت ?*+؟ 21 3ذا آن L",ا*ر$ &1Dد+؟ 22 ذا EV+ eاذ ا?*S =d &1D *+؟ ][1 ][1 ][1 ][1 ][1 23 )(a ][1 )(b ][1 ذا $دY%3 +؟ ][1 ][Total : 10 [Turn over For Examiner's Use Exercise 2 Question 24 : اK/" اf3 *ك1 رة+h Z XD*, <0+*K & اآ ر إ:$Vاال ا .( آ100 – 80) أن إ ا وأن ن :K/ا [Total : 15] .j+ار (a) .*1% اA3 (b) .رLk اeأه (c) .!fMن اQ3 (d) .<1lD *د أ!ادD (e) 24 BLANK PAGE [Turn over Section 3 Exercise 1 Questions 25 - 30 اأ اة ا أ ا ا )√( أو ) ,-. (Xا+#ال ا'& " #$ %ء /ل : اول وات واارس رت ه :Fا* ز ا H2اR- ا " ، $ق ذ ا وات 5ق ا< .و ا' 47ا، - ،وآ 'ل ا&" %ا %'-ا* ,ا*+ %+5أ 8ا H2ا 95ر5Q Q ا* 123 .",وزارة ا وا,- S8ز ا اFه J .أ TQراة 4ا , $اارس ' .ر5 ا* ، 8وز ا اF, ;7 آ %2 5 %ا 678 9ر ا H2ا* .9و Qأُ TQراةٌ ; :اCء واُAت ?هة أ< آة ا'م ا H2ا 95وا& S8 *'ت ر .7,3أ اE %7دة ز Xا H2ا& 6Jث %' V'$ -5اض ر F6 9+ار.5 هف وا H2, 8ا* .9و $ا%7 ' Hا F6أآ ا 223 وزع ار 5ا+ا< L,E 4ا.4<7 85ا J K-,أون ات ا ام ا ?$ت ا 72ا, اP$ -م و?$ط L,EأN$م L'5 'ا E 627ا?ط ا اFي ا Q7ار.5 ^ى ر 5واارس ا]Aى. For Examiner's Use "0ل: ,. %&1 ه2ا ا/ل ا 6 78ا5/ر. 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