w w ap eP m e tr .X w UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS for the guidance of teachers 0508 FIRST LANGUAGE ARABIC 0508/02 Paper 2 (Writing), maximum raw mark 50 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the examination. • CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes. CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2009 question papers for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses. om .c MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2009 question paper s er International General Certificate of Secondary Education Paper 02 Syllabus 0508 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version IGCSE – May/June 2009 Page 2 ا ا ا ره ور ان .ر ا ا ً واا ً ا اول :ا"ش وا ال ،وا ً واا ً ا ا& : $%ا )*+وا(د. ,-ال ،1 25وا +ع ا 3 [ 1 50 ] = $/-آ 1 25 ,إ: 4 ا اول +/> 1 12 :ب وا ،و "; ا 9آ /إذا 73ا:$36 • ا G/د $GH" ،أن E3ا ،+" ً 1C @CDذات +ى +9ر @ ً ?1و،ً +%ه IJا , (LM3 7ات ."K " $GHأن E3ا + @CDوا Kا(Rدات واRظ ا(Lة @،N" ,-O و+ا(3ة Tآ/ت (? +Sد @." ,-O اام * (;N ,-O@ +"/ Uأن ا وا 7Lاا(/ Xاآ ا ،/وآ1K WJت ا( ، و1Zء ا /وا12–11 = .7 • ا G/د ^ NK $ا\Cاء ،وا * ,ا(آ(3 T ،اآ ".+ ا(Rدات ?(L ًHة ،و+9رة ^ _K@ $ان ،و" NK $^ +ات. واً +% / @CDو1ت ا( 4/ /ا? @ /ا ,و T ،;1aأ9aء إ `1أ10–9 = .ً % • ا G/د ^ _K@ $ا+ا ،Tbو _K@ ;^ ,Cا"+ع وا+9ر ،و* ا(آ. اRظ " Hود ،و^ _K@ $ان C+أ&R> /ظ ارة 4"K ,*+د7 أو Gا.7+O ا+ا @ 9و* ،و 3ا 1 - ،/ XNK ,ت ا( أ _K@ T ،/ (? ً %ا9aء ا C+ - ،`1Dأ9aء أي +%ع -أن 3ا (HKا8–7 = .4"K • ,3ا ,إ 4ا T SHأ-dل (-رة .و C+و (3اآ +9رة -ه IJا (? ,واb و (R3إ 4ا. ا(Rدات 3م @ ا 4"KاKم. _K@ C+ا9aء ^1 $ت ا( و^ 3 $ا T ،,أ9aء إ `1ة ،و^ _K@ $ات ا //أ9aء آ(Hة6–5 = . • C+أ * ,C ً %ا(آ T ;NK $^ 9@ ;"-أدوات ر@(- eرة &) ,و( ،( - ) ،و ) هJ-ا ( Tأدوات ر@ eأ(aى @.R (? ,-O ا(Rدات 3م 1hR3ت أو ` 9@ 7ا. أ9aء ة ^1 $ت ا( ،وا" ،+وا1Dء - ،ا 4"KاKم +;Rم4-3 = . • ا 9@ ,وأ .M9a ً %ور@ أ iا.4"K ا(Rدات ودة ،ور@ ?( د. أ9aء ^1 $ت ا( ،وا" ،+وا1Dء ،ور@ أدت ا9aء إ+? 4ض ا2–1 = .4"K • ا+C+ (? ًH? 4"Kد ^ $ا^ H@ @-ان ا(9ة 4/ا ،G/وأ9aء ^1 $ت ا( ،وا"،+ وا1Dء .ا Khو 1 Tbا1Kت ا@0 = . © UCLES 2009 Paper 02 Syllabus 0508 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version IGCSE – May/June 2009 Page 3 ا ا&+/ 1 13 $%ى وا"Hء+3 .زع 4/ا" +ا+% $36ع ا +اب: ا ال: C +% C+ة (/ا ,ا" 9وا+9رة ^C $ال آ K $/أ.ً % آ ;/H @ 9H3( /( ,و @Kه .وا .C ,-O@ // , ا (N%ا"; \ lاEDت @MOن ا1Kت. اع ا: C+أ^-رو*+رآ&(ة b+و+9رة @+C )h3 ،C ,-Oا ًKا ً + Tا.,*R ا"Hء اKم م @ام أدوات آ(آت ا ،3-و (+h3ة ز" ،أو إ@اع ا"خ اKم ) ا ،( +أوا (3+ا".$R ا(آ\ 4/ا )*+و 4/ nا( ) .-د .( h ا(-ار ?( +C+د ،و ,/3ا ,K ,ا+hرة وا/ bرئ. ا(N%ا"; \ lاEDت @MOن ا1Kت. اد ) ا (: ا(د Kو Eو` ,آ"+hص ا ،(RواJآ(ات ،وا9%ت ^ $اi+ ) ا(9اد ( R ,*R3 Tة (^+ة ^ $ا+ا Tbا(Eور. ام ا+ h/ R/از @ %و اKة @;رة ,/3 .ا +C+ ,د أ(LM3 7 ً %ات آرج ^$ (+h3ر ،أو أن ه IJا 3 ,م > ً sCR ً +3اث. ا (N%ا"; \ lاEDت @MOن ا1Kت. ا +ع ا 1K $/-اال = 25 اع ا ت = 50 © UCLES 2009