2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON December 2014 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON ANNUAL IMPACT ON THE STATE ECONOMY.....................3 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................4 PROJECT OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................4 METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED IN THE ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY............................................5 UW IS INTEGRAL TO THE STATE’S ECONOMIC SUCCESS........................................................6 UW SUPPORTS JOBS.......................................................................................................................7 UW STRENGTHENS STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS.........................................................9 UW RESEARCH GENERATES A FAR REACHING IMPACT..........................................................10 C4C INCREASES TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN PROSPERITY.............................................................15 UW IS A MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO WASHINGTON’S INNOVATION ECONOMY..................17 UW BENEFITS THE STATE BEYOND OPERATIONS....................................................................17 UW EDUCATES THE FUTURE WORKFORCE OF WASHINGTON................................17 UW PROVIDES SUPPORT TO THE COMMUNITY...........................................................17 PHILANTHROPY CONTRIBUTES TO THE STRENGTH OF UW.....................................18 UW PROFESSIONAL AND CONTINUING EDUCATION HELPS ADULT LEARNERS ADVANCE AND PROSPER.............................................................................18 UW ATHLETICS GENERATES IMPACT..........................................................................................18 GENERATING IMPACT THROUGHOUT THE STATE.....................................................................19 UW MEDICINE...................................................................................................................................20 UW BOTHELL....................................................................................................................................22 UW TACOMA.....................................................................................................................................24 APPENDIX A: DEFINITION OF TERMS..........................................................................................26 APPENDIX B: METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................27 APPENDIX C: PROFILE OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ECONOMY............................................28 APPENDIX D: ECONOMIC IMPACT BY GEOGRAPHY..................................................................29 APPENDIX E: FAQ’S REGARDING ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT....................................31 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 2 University of Washington Annual Impact on the State Economy $12.5 billion in total economic impact generated by the UW in the state of Washington. $565.7 million in tax revenue to state and local governments, including sales, property, and business tax payments. The UW is the third-largest nonfederal employer in the state of Washington. The UW supports 79,331 jobs across the state including 45,330 jobs related to UW Medicine. More than 15,000 degrees conferred in 2013-2014. 74% of alumni stay in the state of Washington. Through donations and volunteerism combined, UW employees and students contributed more than $149 million to local charitable organizations in 2013-2014. In 2013-2014, UW Medicine provided more than $276 million in charitable care to residents in the state of Washington. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 3 EXECUTIVE REPORT INTRODUCTION The University of Washington (UW) is a multi-campus university in Seattle, Tacoma, and Bothell, as well as a world-class academic medical center. The UW has 16 colleges and schools and offers 1,800 undergraduate courses each quarter. The UW confers more than 15,000 bachelors, masters, doctoral, and professional degrees annually. Though its primary missions are education, research, and community service, an institution as vast as the UW is central to the fiscal health and well-being of the state of Washington. The results presented in this economic impact study are generated on an annual basis. The economic impact in future years can either be higher or lower, based on the number of students, capital expansion, increases in external research, and the level of state appropriations. The operations of the University of Washington, the regional campuses, and UW Medicine generate $12.5 billion in economic impact and sustain 79,331 jobs throughout the state. PROJECT OVERVIEW In May 2014, Tripp Umbach was retained by the UW to update its 2010 analysis of the economic, employment, and government revenue impacts of operations and research of all of its campuses. The overall economic and fiscal impact that the University of Washington has on the vitality of the region and state includes the following elements: • Business volume impacts (analysis includes collection of information regarding capital expenditures, operational expenditures, salary data, and state and regional business volumes). • The direct and indirect employment impacts of the University. • The government revenue impact of the UW at the local and state levels. • Additional impacts to the statewide economy including: commercialization, charitable giving, volunteerism, philanthropy, alumni, and athletics. UW ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY OVERVIEW STUDY PERIOD: Fiscal Year 2013 - 2014 (FY 14) THIS STUDY INCLUDES: UW Seattle, UW Bothell, and UW Tacoma STUDY GEOGRAPHY: State of Washington, Puget Sound Region, including Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma METHODOLOGY: IMPLAN 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 4 METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED IN THE ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY This economic impact analysis measures the effect of direct and indirect/induced business volume and government revenue impacts for all of the UW’s operations throughout Washington. The methodology employed in the calculation of these impacts is IMPLAN.1 Primary data utilized to conduct the analysis was collected from the University of Washington. Data included: capital expenditures, operational expenditures, jobs, payroll and benefits, and taxes. The approach taken on this study was decidedly conservative. However, the impact findings compare favorably to other top research universities in the country. Economic impact begins when an organization spends money. Studies measuring economic impact capture the direct economic impact of an organization’s spending, plus additional indirect and induced spending in the economy as a result of direct spending. Economic impact has little to do with dollars collected by institutions. Key economic impact findings presented within the summary include the total current (FY14)2 impact of the UW’s operations on employment in Washington, as well as the revenue impact on state and local governments. Three types of economic impact are calculated in the study, including: direct, indirect, and induced. For more information on the methodology used to complete this study, see Appendix B. COMPONENTS OF ECONOMIC IMPACT Total economic impact measures the dollars that are generated within Washington due to the presence of the UW. This includes not only spending on goods and services from a variety of vendors within the state and the spending of its faculty, staff, students, and visitors, but also the business volume generated by businesses within Washington that benefit from the UW’s spending. It is important to remember that not all dollars spent by a university remain in its home state. Dollars that “leak” out of the state in the form of purchases from out-of-state vendors are not included in the UW’s economic impact on the state. The multipliers utilized in this study are derived from the IMPLAN software. DIRECT vs. INDIRECT vs. INDUCED IMPACT DIRECT INDIRECT Investment in Construction and Expenditures for Operations Purchases from Area Suppliers INDUCED Household Spending from Earnings of Direct and Indirect Expenditures 1. Minnesota IMPLAN Group, Inc. (MIG) is the corporation that is responsible for the production of IMPLAN (IMpact analysis for PLANning) data and software. IMPLAN is a micro-computer-based, input-output modeling system. With IMPLAN, one can estimate Input-Output models of up to 528 sectors for any region consisting of one or more counties. IMPLAN includes procedures for generating multipliers and estimating impacts by applying final demand changes to the model. 2. Fiscal Year 2014 represents the period of time from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 (FY14). 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 5 UW IS INTEGRAL TO THE STATE’S ECONOMIC SUCCESS Operations of the UW directly or indirectly impact residents throughout Washington, generating $12.5 billion annually in overall economic impact. The University of Washington affects business volume in Washington in three ways: OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UW (IN BILLIONS) 1. Direct expenditures for goods and services, capital, and pay & benefits by the UW. $5.7 TOTAL As a result of expenditures on goods and services by the UW, its faculty, staff, students, and visitors, the overall economic impact of University of Washington operations on the state of Washington in FY14 was $12.5 billion ($5.7 billion direct impact and $6.8 billion indirect/induced). Included within this impact, UW Medicine has an overall economic impact of $7.8 billion ($3.8 direct and $4.0 indirect). For every $31 in the state’s economy, $1 is connected to the UW.3 DIRECT 3. Induced spending within the state of Washington by UW employees, visitors, students, and employees at UW’s suppliers. The businesses and individuals that receive direct payments re-spend this money within the state, thus creating the need for even more jobs. INDIRECT/INDUCED 2. Indirect expenditures by suppliers within the state of Washington to support the operations of the UW. $6.8 $12.5 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. The table below shows the top 10 industries in terms of economic output impacted as a result of UW’s operations in the statewide economy. TOP 10 SECTORS IN THE WASHINGTON ECONOMY IMPACTED BY UW OPERATIONS (BY ECONOMIC OUTPUT) Sector Description Total Economic Output Colleges, universities, and professional schools $3,720,285,077 Private hospitals $2,229,484,267 Real estate establishments $884,546,314 Imputed rental activity for owner-occupied dwellings $482,426,974 Food services and drinking places $339,871,409 Wholesale trade businesses $306,191,198 Offices of physicians, dentists, and other health practitioners $219,118,690 Telecommunications $204,328,878 Monetary authorities and depository credit intermediation activities $185,411,560 Other state and local government enterprises $159,447,611 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. In FY14, the UW received $253,896,000 in direct operating appropriations from the state of Washington. As a result of the University’s expenditures and operations throughout Washington, the state realizes a significant return on its investment. Given the UW’s ability to effectively leverage this state appropriation beyond its fundamental education and research missions through strategic partnerships and relationships, the return on the state’s investment is much greater. 3. Total state of Washington gross domestic product is $387,184,969,040. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 6 UW SUPPORTS JOBS (IN JOBS) 34,668 TOTAL INDIRECT/INDUCED The University of Washington directly employed 34,668 people during FY14 (19,862 jobs are UW Medicine-related). To put this in perspective, the University of Washington is the third-largest nonfederal employer in the state of Washington.5 The University of Washington supports thousands of jobs statewide in virtually every sector of the Washington economy in areas such as construction, business and professional services, restaurants and hotels, information technology, security, and temporary employment companies. These indirect/ induced jobs (44,663 jobs) support the more than 34,668 jobs held by Washington residents directly employed by the University. OVERALL EMPLOYMENT IMPACT OF UW DIRECT The University of Washington supports 79,331 jobs in the state of Washington (45,330 jobs are UW Medicine-related). One out of every 48 jobs in the state is attributable to UW.4 These jobs (both full-time and part-time) include not only direct employment by the University, but also indirect and induced jobs created by supply and equipment vendors, contractors, and laborers for the construction and renovation of University facilities, and jobs created in the community at hotels, restaurants, and retail stores in support of the University’s workforce and its visitors. 44,663 79,331 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. ONE OUT OF 48 JOBS IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IS ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE UW THE UW SUPPORTS 79,331 JOBS IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 4. IMPLAN Data for total civilian employment in the state of Washington was 3,833,798. 5. Washington Top 50 Employers, 2nd Quarter 2013. Center for Workforce Information & Analysis. 01/22/2014 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 7 The table below shows the top 10 industries impacted by the operations of the University of Washington, in terms of employment. This represents the number of jobs generated in a multitude of sectors throughout the Washington economy. TOP 10 SECTORS IN THE WASHINGTON ECONOMY IMPACTED BY UW OPERATIONS (BY EMPLOYMENT OUTPUT) Sector Description Total Employment (in jobs) Colleges, universities, and professional schools 21,177 Private hospitals 14,924 Food services and drinking places 4,953 Real estate establishments 4,858 Offices of physicians, dentists, and other health practitioners 1,694 Wholesale trade businesses 1,342 Services to buildings and dwellings 1,037 Other private educational services 1,015 Nursing and residential care facilities 967 Employment services 934 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 8 UW STRENGTHENS STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TOTAL STATE AND LOCAL TAX REVENUE GENERATED It is a common misperception that public universities do not generate tax revenue. State and local government revenues attributable to the presence of the University of Washington totaled $565.7 million ($152.5 million direct) in FY14. Through its local spending, as well as direct and indirect support of jobs, the presence of the University stabilizes and strengthens the local and statewide tax base. The UW is an integral part of the state’s economy – generating revenue, jobs, and spending. Specific taxes, generated at the state and local level, are presented in the table below. $152.5 TOTAL DIRECT INDIRECT/INDUCED (IN MILLIONS) $413.2 $565.7 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. STATE AND LOCAL TAXES GENERATED BY UW OPERATIONS Employee Compensation Description Tax on Production and Imports Households Dividends Corporations $653,390 Social Ins Tax- Employee Contribution $3,469,700 Social Ins Tax- Employer Contribution $6,821,784 Tax on Production and Imports: Sales Tax $333,403,461 Tax on Production and Imports: Property Tax $160,104,323 Tax on Production and Imports: Motor Vehicle Lic $4,039,334 Tax on Production and Imports: Severance Tax $695,139 Tax on Production and Imports: Other Taxes $26,453,556 Tax on Production and Imports: S/L NonTaxes $4,558,849 Corporate Profits Tax Personal Tax: Income Tax Personal Tax: NonTaxes (Fines- Fees) $14,182,385 Personal Tax: Motor Vehicle License $6,258,513 Personal Tax: Property Taxes $2,316,670 Personal Tax: Other Tax (Fish/Hunt) $2,715,321 TOTAL STATE AND LOCAL TAX $10,291,484 $529,254,662 $25,472,889 $653,390 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 9 UW RESEARCH GENERATES A FAR REACHING IMPACT Research is foundational to the UW’s mission. The University’s track record of receiving competitive federal research funding has been critical for its ability to invest in targeted initiatives and research to stay globally competitive. The UW has tripled its research funding over the last 20 years, and in FY14, received an astonishing $1.385 billion in sponsored research funds. From 1974-2009, UW received more federal research funding than any other U.S. public university, and since 2009, has been in the top two nationally. This impressive research funding has a direct and lasting impact on the educational mission. In FY14, it is estimated that approximately $250 million from research funding supported experiential learning for the UW students. Thousands of students each year gain hands-on experience in research projects, enriching their education and making them even more attractive to employers. There are over 285 specialized research centers at UW and over 20 National Institutes of Health Research Cores and Centers of Excellence, including the Institute for Translational Health Sciences, one of 60 NIH-funded national Clinical and Translational Sciences Awards (CTSA). AWARDS BY UNIT FISCAL YEAR 2014 Unit 2014 School of Medicine $750,941,985 College of the Environment $115,329,001 College of Engineering $113,301,093 School of Public Health $95,119,582 College of Arts and Sciences $81,365,728 Office of Research $62,958,192 Health Sciences Administration $42,826,858 College of Education $24,029,769 School of Pharmacy $18,071,022 School of Social Work $14,379,375 School of Nursing $14,294,769 Dean of Libraries $8,692,211 Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity $7,449,317 Graduate School $6,673,210 UW Bothell $6,641,423 UW Finance and Facilities $4,000,760 School of Dentistry $3,960,006 The Information School $3,405,506 Evans School of Public Affairs $2,762,217 UW Tacoma $2,762,066 School of Law $1,604,092 College of Built Environments $1,491,983 Foster Business School $1,451,363 UW Information Technology $1,000,000 Medical Centers $496,769 Undergraduate Academic Affairs $280,609 Center for Commercialization $100,000 UW Student Life $65,969 Vice President for Development $25,000 GRAND TOTAL $1,385,479,884 Source: University of Washington 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 10 Leading centers include: • Institute for Protein Design • Center for Integrative Neuroscience • West Coast Poverty Center • Center for Advanced Materials in Transport Aircraft Structures (AMTAS) • Molecular Engineering and Sciences Institute • Center for Sensimotor Neural Engineering • Center for Enabling New Technologies Through Catalysis • Learning in Informal and Formal Environments Center • Polar Science Center • Center for Information Assurance & Cybersecurity • Center for Law in Science and Global Health • Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) • Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) • Center for Intracellular Delivery of Biologics (CIDB) • Pacific Northwest Center for Construction Research and Education • Cleary Community for 21st Century Youth Literacy • Center for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases • Pacific Northwest Udall Parkinson’s Disease Center (PANUC) • Centers for Comparative and Health Systems Effectiveness • Pharmacogenomics Research Network (PGRN) • UW Global Center for Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents, and Children • Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences • Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) • Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT) • Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (CENPA) • Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) • Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystems Study Center • Indigenous Wellness Research Institute • Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center • Comparative Law and Societies Studies Center • Diabetes and Obesity Center of Excellence Research at UW Medicine occurs across 30 academic departments and throughout numerous centers and institutes. The UW Medicine research community has access to comprehensive instrumentation, facilities, and services throughout the School’s research sites and across the academic campus. The UW School of Medicine also provides advanced scientific training toward Ph.D. degrees in biomedical research in an outstanding resource-rich, collaborative environment dedicated to basic and translational research. UW Medicine, together with all of its affiliates, received more than $557.7 million in NIH research funds. These sponsored research dollars enter the Washington economy from a wide variety of agencies and organizations, including the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. This research funding is generated by a wide variety of departments and colleges throughout the University system. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 11 The UW’s competitive strength is due in part to its support of technology that enables research collaboration within the UW community and its partners around the world. UW’s goals are to provide students with the tools they need for academic success and faculty with the collaborative tools and networks necessary to support research and sophisticated teaching methods. OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE UW RESEARCH (IN BILLIONS) TOTAL DIRECT The University’s research operations make tangible and quantifiable economic contributions. Along with creating jobs for research staff and support personnel, UW scientists are contributing to new product development and technology commercialization. Knowledge and technology transfers have helped to start commercial ventures that promote entrepreneurship, economic development, and job creation. INDIRECT/INDUCED The UW’s research expenditures totaled $1.27 billion during FY14 resulting in an overall economic impact of $2.4 billion utilizing IMPLAN to calculate the total impact of research expenditures. $1.3 $1.1 $2.4 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. In FY14, the University of Washington received $556.2 million in National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding. If all UW Medicine affiliates are included, the total amount of NIH funding for that year grows to $719.9 million.6 The University is the second largest of all U.S. university recipients (first among public universities) of federal science and engineering research and development obligations, according to the National Science Foundation’s latest published information (2014 figures). UW MARKETSHARE OF FEDERAL RESEARCH FUNDING 4.00 3.50 MARKETSHARE % The figures to the right illustrate the UW’s continued ability to secure sponsored funding for research. As competition for research dollars grows and the funding decreases, the UW is able to maintain a level of research dollar attraction that is the aspiration of universities throughout the world. In a dwindling pool of federal research dollars, the UW is able to maintain a 3.42% market share of all federal research dollars awarded. 3.72 3.32 3.00 2.50 2.86 2.93 2.77 2.81 2.84 2.78 2.83 2.98 2.98 2.69 2.57 2.63 2.74 2.81 2.94 3.03 3.23 3.34 (3.42) 2.89 2.91 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YEAR Originating sponsor funds Adjusted to exclude financial aid awards to institution Source: University of Washington Percent Marketshare Based on National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics: Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2009. Detailed Statistical Tables NSF 13-303. http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf13303/ and Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2011-13, Detailed Statisticsal Tables. 16-18. 2014 estimate based on AAAS funding trends report. 6. Source: University of Washington 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 12 Since 2010, research funding at UW has been over $1.2 billion. The graphic below shows the nominal research amount awarded to the UW by state fiscal year. 2010 $1.42 B INCLUDES $191 M ARRA 2011 $1.51 B 2012 $1.47 B INCLUDES $158 M ARRA INCLUDES $7 M ARRA NOMINAL RESEARCH AWARD AMOUNT NOMINAL RESEARCH AWARD AMOUNT NOMINAL RESEARCH AWARD AMOUNT NOMINAL RESEARCH AWARD AMOUNT NOMINAL RESEARCH AWARD AMOUNT AWARDS FISCAL YEARS 2010-2014 (STATE FISCAL YEAR) 2013 $1.24 B 2014 $1.385 B Source: University of Washington UW continues to be a leader in receiving sponsored research dollars from the NSF and NIH securing $556.2 million from the NIH and $130.2 million from the NSF in 2014. 2010 $664.9 M $175.7 M 2011 $667.3 M $138.5 M 2012 $596.6 M $153.9 M 2013 $475.9 M $144.1 M NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NIH AND NSF FUNDING FISCAL YEARS 2010-2014 (ORIGINATING) 2014 $556.2 M $130.2 M Source: University of Washington 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 13 UW RESEARCH CREATES AND SUSTAINS HIGH-QUALITY JOBS UW RESEARCH GENERATES STATE AND LOCAL TAX REVENUE In FY14, the UW’s operational and capital expenditures for sponsored research and other sponsored programs supported 14,427 jobs. These research employment numbers represent 18.2% of the UW’s total employment impact of 79,331 jobs. UW Research generates significant state and local tax revenue. In FY14, UW Research generated $75.2 million in total government revenue ($12.0 million direct). (IN MILLIONS) $12.0 TOTAL INDIRECT/INDUCED By maintaining and growing its strong faculty base, the UW will continue to attract, and consequently spend, increasingly higher levels of research dollars, and the number of jobs supported will see similar growth. With continued high levels of research funding and consequent expenditures, the UW will remain a source of support for thousands of local jobs based on its research funding alone. TOTAL STATE AND LOCAL TAX REVENUE GENERATED BY UW RESEARCH DIRECT These jobs include not only UW direct employment of research professionals, but also indirect jobs created by supply and equipment vendors, contractors, and laborers for the construction and renovation of laboratory facilities, administrators and managers who support the research infrastructure, and jobs created in the community by the disposable income of the scientific workforce. $63.2 $75.2 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 14 C4C INCREASES TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN PROSPERITY As the U.S.’s number one federally funded public research university, the UW is producing innovations that have the power to change the world — from biofuel alternatives, to more effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and brain cancer, to purification technology for drinking water in the developing world. The University of Washington’s Center for Commercialization (C4C) is committed to getting these research outcomes into products, services, therapies, diagnostics, and cures to where they can impact millions of people. C4C is one of the top five university technology transfer offices in the nation. C4C is committed to developing and commercializing innovations that emerge from the UW’s diverse research endeavors. Such commercialization activities not only create a more “academically entrepreneurial” culture on campus, they also contribute much to the state’s economy and its probability for increased technologydriven prosperity. Since 2008, through C4C, the UW has developed an extensive ecosystem for technology entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial UW researchers now have access to highly integrated resources that include: • gap funding for developing early customers and product prototypes; • entrepreneurs-in-residence who work as integral parts of the commercialization teams; • volunteer boards from the private sector, advising on team formation and on preparing for investment; • startup incubation facilities; • angel investors through forums like WINGS medical technology angels, the Alliance of Angels, Element 8, and the W Fund; and • non-dilutive funding through federal SBIR and STTR grants and other grant programs. Key indicators of the UW’s success in technology commercialization are tabulated below. The UW reports annually to the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM), which summarizes the data for 161 universities and research institutions. This data is published with approximately a one-year delay; the FY13 AUTM data was received in Sept 2014. For the national rankings, the UW excludes the University of California and the University of Texas, which report their data as systems of multiple large campuses. The UW reports to AUTM jointly with the Washington Research Foundation. UW/WRF FY13 FY13 ranking per AUTM UW FY14 Total licenses and options executed 260 #1 264 Total active licenses 1,272 #3 1,243 Number of technologies included in active licenses 681 #1 603 Technology startups 17 #3 18 Source: University of Washington 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 15 The UW is among the top three universities in the nation for technology startups, for all licenses and options executed, and for the number (and variety) of technologies made available in licenses. The 260 license and option agreements for FY13 include the 17 startups, along with exclusive licenses to existing companies and broad nonexclusive licensing programs. Innovation is important; commercially relevant innovation is vital. Through C4C’s relationships with industry, they strive to position UW researchers to work on important problems building an innovation pipeline with impact. COMMERCIALIZATION AGREEMENTS COMPLETED 256 264 US PATENT APPLICATIONS FILED 478 FY 13-14 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 12-13 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 UW COMMERCIALIZATION ACTIVITIES (FY 12-13 AND FY 13-14) 467 INNOVATIONS DISCLOSED 411 421 Source: University of Washington 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 16 UW IS A MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO WASHINGTON’S INNOVATION ECONOMY The UW’s faculty, students, and research play a unique role in sustaining Washington’s technology and health science sectors. These sectors evolve rapidly, and existing companies and startups alike must continually innovate in order to grow. the UW is the Northwest’s primary source for world-class talent, expertise, and inventions in technology and health science. INDICATORS OF UW CONTRIBUTION TO TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH SCIENCE SECTORS Technology startups per year (FY14) 18 (Top 5 in the U.S.) 100 Technology companies in operation Companies acquired (1993-2014) 27 SBIR/STTR grants (2010-2014) $27,000,000 Source: University of Washington UW BENEFITS THE STATE BEYOND OPERATIONS The UW’s total impact on the state of Washington goes beyond its annual operational expenditures. Economic impact studies often capture only the impact that can be assigned a quantitative number, but the qualitative value and impact of the University goes far beyond its annual multi-billion dollar economic impact. Through its academic programs, the UW is helping to grow the state by educating the highly skilled workforce that will be needed to compete in a global economy, providing the next generation of innovators with a firm foundation upon which to grow their own ideas, and helping to build the next generation of scholars. Moreover, the UW provides the larger community with access to faculty experts and adds richness and diversity to the region’s cultural offerings. UW EDUCATES THE FUTURE WORKFORCE OF WASHINGTON UW PROVIDES SUPPORT TO THE COMMUNITY The UW educates the workforce that Washington needs to successfully compete in the 21st Century global economy. Graduates from the University of Washington are essential to meeting the state’s human capital and workforce needs. In 2013-2014, the UW conferred more than 15,000 degrees. About 74% of graduates will stay in Washington and contribute to the state economy. UW students have a zeal for community service and activism. In 2012-13, more than 7,000 students engaged in academic service-learning, volunteering a staggering 465,000 hours with organizations such as Girls on the Run and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This is the equivalent of 53 years of service. In addition, UW is consistently one of the top volunteer producing universities for the Peace Corps, ranking second in 2013.7 The contributions of UW graduates are critically important to the economic vitality of the state. The University’s alumni number more than 454,000. While UW grads tend to have an affinity for the Northwest, Huskies can be found across the United States and around the world. the UW is a global talent magnet, attracting top students in a wide range of disciplines —the majority of whom stay in Washington upon graduation. UW Alumni (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) remaining in Washington contribute an additional $1.5 billion annually to the state’s economy based upon their additional earning power as graduates of the UW ($8,253 more each year when compared to graduates from other universities). It is estimated that UW employees and students generate more than $425 million annually in charitable donations and volunteer services.8 These benefits are in addition to the $12.5 billion annual impact and include the following: • Through donations and volunteerism combined, UW employees and students contributed more than $149 million to local charitable organizations in 2013-2014. • In 2013-2014, UW Medicine provided more than $276 million in charitable care to residents of the state of Washington. 7. http://www.peacecorps.gov/media/forpress/press/2327/ 8. Primary data collection via survey research where faculty, staff, and students provide estimates on spending patterns, including information on the number of volunteer hours and charitable donations in which they provide. A conservative assumption of $22.14 per hour was used to calculate the value of volunteer services. This amount was calculated independently by the Points of Light Foundation. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 17 PHILANTHROPY CONTRIBUTES TO THE STRENGTH OF UW The impact of philanthropic giving to the UW as a result of the dollars expended within the state of Washington to support faculty, staff, students, programs, and facilities is significant. Private support makes the difference between a university being good and being excellent. Gifts to the UW enrich student educational opportunities, support groundbreaking research, and strengthen programs that benefit the community and world at large. Last year, the UW expended $576 million as a result of its philanthropy — $482 million received from donors, and $93 million in endowment distributions. This impressive amount of support allows the University to further advance its mission and support the broader community. UW PROFESSIONAL AND CONTINUING EDUCATION HELPS ADULT LEARNERS ADVANCE AND PROSPER With hundreds of programs designed for adult learners, UW Professional and Continuing Education (UW PCE) provides a multitude of opportunities for residents of the state of Washington to advance programs, courses, conferences, and executivelevel seminars to many audiences in Seattle and throughout the state. Providing programs in easyto-access evening, weekend, and online formats, UW PCE serves professionals in all industry sectors, people who want to enter emerging careers, nonEnglish speakers, adults over 50, and those who need new skills to take advantage of rapidly shifting economic opportunities. More than 48,000 people took advantage of the 9,696 courses offered by UW Professional and Continuing Education in 2013-2014. UW ATHLETICS GENERATES IMPACT Sponsoring 22 sports programs, the University of Washington department of intercollegiate athletics provides competition opportunities for over 650 student-athletes. The Huskies are known for a commitment to success both in the classroom and on the field of play, and have boasted student-athlete Graduation Success Rates among the highest in the Pac-12. UW Athletics completed a privately financed $281 million renovation of Husky Stadium, known throughout the country as “the Greatest Setting in College Football,” which sits on Lake Washington and attracts thousands of visitors annually. UW Athletics generates a significant impact for the state of Washington. In FY14, the total economic impact of UW Athletics operations and visitors was $225.9 million ($86.8 million direct and $139.1 million indirect/induced). This impact is supported by the direct, in-state spending on operations by UW Athletics ($86.8 million) and out-of-state direct visitor spending ($27.6 million direct with a total impact of visitor spending of $46.2 million). UW Athletics and out-of-state visitors to the game support 1,384 jobs in the state. The annual economic impact of UW PCE on the state of Washington was $179.6 million ($84.6 million direct). The total employment impact of this program is 2,365 jobs (1,778 direct jobs). The state and local government revenue impact was $8.3 million ($2.8 million direct). 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 18 GENERATING IMPACT THROUGHOUT THE STATE The University of Washington and its regional campuses have a significant economic impact across Washington. Economic impact analysis was completed for the University of Washington overall as well as for UW Bothell, UW Tacoma, and UW Medicine. UW ECONOMIC IMPACT ON THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Direct Indirect/Induced Total UW Seattle $5.6 billion $6.5 billion $12.1 billion UW Bothell $82.7 million $148.9 million $231.6 million UW Tacoma $70.2 million $141.5 million $211.7 million TOTAL $5.7 billion $6.8 billion $12.5 billion UW Medicine $3.8 billion $4.0 billion $7.8 billion Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. UW EMPLOYMENT IMPACT ON THE STATE OF WASHINGTON (IN JOBS) Direct Indirect/Induced Total UW Seattle 33,528 42,498 76,026 UW Bothell 599 1,098 1,697 UW Tacoma 541 1,067 1,608 TOTAL 34,668 44,663 79,331 UW Medicine 19,862 25,468 45,330 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. UW STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT IMPACT ON THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Direct Indirect/Induced Total UW Seattle $147.5 million $394.2 million $541.7 million UW Bothell $2.7 million $9.6 million $12.3 million UW Tacoma $2.3 million $9.3 million $11.6 million TOTAL $152.5 million $413.2 million $565.7 million UW Medicine $88.0 million $238.1 million $326.1 million Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 19 UW MEDICINE INTRODUCTION Founded in 1946, the University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM) is recognized for excellence in training primary-care physicians and for advancing medical knowledge through scientific research. UWSOM is nationally recognized for a commitment to community service through volunteer activities of students, staff, faculty, and alumni. UWSOM is a regional medical school serving the states of Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho – the WWAMI program. UWSOM’s mission is to improve the health of the public by advancing medical knowledge, providing outstanding primary and specialty care to the people of the region, and preparing tomorrow’s physicians, scientists, and other health professionals. UWSOM owns or operates Harborview Medical Center, Northwest Hospital & Medical Center, Valley Medical Center, University of Washington Medical Center, a network of nine UW Neighborhood Clinics that provide primary care and secondary care, the physician practice UW Physicians, the UW School of Medicine, and Airlift Northwest. In addition, UWSOM shares the ownership and governance of Children’s University Medical Group and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, a partnership among UW Medicine, Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center, and Seattle Children’s. UWSOM faculty includes three living Nobel Prize winners (five in UW Medicine history), 35 Institute of Medicine members, 32 National Academy of Sciences members, and 13 Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators. UWSOM has been ranked as one of the top primary-care medical schools in the country since 1994, and is second only to Harvard in the amount of NIH-funded research conducted by its faculty. In addition, UWSOM programs are ranked among the best in the country in the 2013 rankings by U.S. News & World Report. • • • • • • • Family medicine (No. 1 for 22 consecutive years) Rural medicine (No. 1 for 22 consecutive years) AIDS Geriatrics Pediatrics Bioengineering Internal medicine UWSOM faculty members are leaders in research related to the biomolecular structure of proteins. Understanding protein complexes may lead to treatment and prevention of devastating diseases. UW scientists are studying dystrophin, a protein necessary for muscle health, in the search for muscular dystrophy treatments. Other scientists are studying the structural genomics of protozoa that are pathogens for such diseases as sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis, and malaria, which result in many deaths worldwide. UW MEDICINE SUPPORTS THE STATE ECONOMY OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UW MEDICINE ACROSS THE STATE WAS $7.8 BILLION. $7.8 BILLION UW MEDICINE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUPPORTED 45,330 JOBS THROUGHOUT THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. 45,330 JOBS UW MEDICINE GENERATED APPROXIMATELY $326.1 MILLION IN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. $326.1 MILLION Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 20 ECONOMIC IMPACT $3.8 DIRECT $5.7 UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES UW MEDICINE UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES UW MEDICINE UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES UW MEDICINE In FY14, UW Medicine had an economic impact on the state of Washington of $7.8 billion ($3.8 billion direct and $4.0 billion indirect and induced). When all the major affiliates are included, the economic impact reaches $11.1 billion ($5.7 billion direct and $5.4 billion indirect and induced). OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UW MEDICINE (IN BILLIONS) INDIRECT/INDUCED $4.0 $5.4 $7.8 TOTAL $11.1 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. EMPLOYMENT IMPACT DIRECT 19,862 27,430 INDIRECT/INDUCED 25,468 35,135 UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES UW MEDICINE UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES UW MEDICINE UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES UW MEDICINE The total employment impact of UW Medicine in FY14 was 45,330 jobs (19,862 jobs direct and 25,468 indirect/induced jobs). The total employment impact of UW Medicine and all affiliates was 62,565 jobs (27,430 jobs direct and 35,135 indirect and induced). UW MEDICINE OVERALL EMPLOYMENT IMPACT (IN JOBS) TOTAL 45,330 62,565 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. DIRECT $88.0 $113.2 INDIRECT/INDUCED $238.1 $326.6 UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES UW MEDICINE UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES UW MEDICINE UW MEDICINE UW Medicine operations generate $326.1 million ($88.0 million direct) per year in state and local tax revenue. UW Medicine and affiliates generate $439.8 million ($113.2 million direct per year in state and local tax revenue. UW MEDICINE OVERALL GOVERNMENT REVENUE IMPACT (IN MILLIONS) UW MEDICINE AND AFFILIATES GOVERNMENT REVENUE IMPACT TOTAL $326.1 $439.8 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 21 UW BOTHELL INTRODUCTION The University of Washington Bothell opens the door to an internationally and nationally ranked university experience that provides access to excellence for promising students from all backgrounds. The faculty cultivate big ideas in small settings that encourage new discoveries, interaction and critical thinking. The campus is located in the greater Seattle area, home to some of the world’s most iconic and entrepreneurial corporations, foundations and arts organizations. Founded in 1990, UW Bothell is located on a 128-acre campus with nearly 5,000 students enrolled in 45 undergraduate and graduate degrees. UW Bothell emphasizes high-impact learning across subject matters. Upon graduation, students are prepared to succeed in dynamic and ever-changing workplaces and communities. The university takes advantage of the Puget Sound regions’ capacity for innovation and discovery by connecting students to career-building and life-long learning experiences. Nine out of 10 UW Bothell graduates live and work in the state of Washington. They become regional leaders in high demand fields such as health care, technology, education, engineering, business and more. UW Bothell is the fastest-growing public institution in the state of Washington and the sixth fastest in the nation. It is also the largest of the state’s branch campuses. UW Bothell serves the needs of the state of Washington, delivering educational excellence, access, and affordability: Ninety percent of the student body is from the state of Washington, and 51 percent of first-year students are first-generation college attendees. More than four out of 10 students are people of color and from diverse backgrounds. UW BOTHELL SUPPORTS THE STATE ECONOMY OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UW BOTHELL ACROSS THE STATE WAS $231.6 MILLION. $231.6 MILLION UW BOTHELL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUPPORTED 1,697 JOBS THROUGHOUT THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. 1,697 JOBS UW BOTHELL GENERATED APPROXIMATELY $12.3 MILLION IN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. $12.3 MILLION Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 22 ECONOMIC IMPACT OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UW BOTHELL The overall economic impact of UW Bothell operations on Washington in FY14 was $231.6 ($82.7 million direct impact and $148.9 million indirect and induced impact). $82.7 TOTAL DIRECT INDIRECT/INDUCED (IN MILLIONS) $148.9 $231.6 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. EMPLOYMENT IMPACT OVERALL EMPLOYMENT IMPACT OF UW BOTHELL The total employment impact of UW Bothell on the state was 1,697 jobs (599 direct jobs). 599 TOTAL DIRECT INDIRECT/INDUCED (IN JOBS) 1,098 1,697 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. (IN MILLIONS) $2.7 TOTAL DIRECT UW Bothell operations generate $12.3 million ($2.7 direct) per year in state and local tax revenue. TOTAL STATE AND LOCAL TAX REVENUE GENERATED BY UW BOTHELL INDIRECT/INDUCED GOVERNMENT REVENUE IMPACT $9.6 $12.3 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 23 UW TACOMA INTRODUCTION Founded in 1990, UW Tacoma is an urban-serving university providing access to students in a way that transforms families and communities. UW Tacoma strives to impact and inform economic development through community-engaged students and faculty. UW Tacoma is closely linked with Tacoma and the South Puget Sound and is a member of the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities, a network of public, urban, research universities committed to creating an educated workforce, building strong communities, and improving the health of diverse populations. With more than 4,300 students enrolled in 30 undergraduate programs and 16 post-baccalaureate and graduate areas, UW Tacoma provides area students with the highest levels of education. UW Tacoma’s diverse student body includes a broad range of ethnic and family backgrounds, ages, interests, and experience. More than 80% of students transfer to UW Tacoma from one of the many community colleges in the area or from other universities. Freshmen from high schools all over the Puget Sound and beyond make up a growing portion of students. Added to the mix are students who are returning to school after years away, military personnel and their families, and professionals working on new career goals. At UW Tacoma, students learn in small classes, getting to know their faculty while participating in research and service projects. First-year students complete an innovative core curriculum, which blends different fields of study into interdisciplinary classes. Courses might mix art and ecology, or business and social science. The result is a rich learning environment where students are encouraged to challenge themselves. UW Tacoma is a partner in the community and encourages its students and faculty to participate in the community through research and economic development activities. UW TACOMA SUPPORTS THE STATE ECONOMY OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UW TACOMA ACROSS THE STATE WAS $211.7 MILLION. $211.7 MILLION UW TACOMA DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUPPORTED 1,608 JOBS THROUGHOUT THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. 1,608 JOBS UW TACOMA GENERATED APPROXIMATELY $11.6 MILLION IN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. $11.6 MILLION Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 24 ECONOMIC IMPACT OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UW TACOMA The overall economic impact of UW Tacoma operations on the state in FY14 was 211.7 million ($70.2 million direct impact and $141.5 million indirect and induced). $70.2 TOTAL DIRECT INDIRECT/INDUCED (IN MILLIONS) $141.5 $211.7 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. EMPLOYMENT IMPACT OVERALL EMPLOYMENT IMPACT OF UW TACOMA The total employment impact of UW Tacoma operations in Washington is 1,608 jobs (541 direct jobs and 1,067 indirect and induced jobs). 541 TOTAL DIRECT INDIRECT/INDUCED (IN JOBS) 1,067 1,608 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. (IN MILLIONS) $2.3 TOTAL DIRECT UW Tacoma operations generate $11.6 million ($2.3 million direct) per year in state and local tax revenue. TOTAL STATE AND LOCAL TAX REVENUE GENERATED BY UW TACOMA INDIRECT/INDUCED GOVERNMENT REVENUE IMPACT $9.3 $11.6 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 25 APPENDIX A: DEFINITION OF TERMS STUDY YEAR Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (FY 13-14) July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT The total economic impact of an institution includes both the direct impact and the indirect impact generated in the economy as a result of the institution. DIRECT ECONOMIC IMPACT Direct impact includes items such as institutional spending, employee spending and spending by visitors to the institution. INDIRECT AND INDUCED ECONOMIC IMPACT Indirect impact, also known as the multiplier effect, includes the respending of dollars within the local economy by vendors/suppliers and households. MULTIPLIER EFFECT The multiplier effect is the additional economic impact created as a result of the institution’s direct economic impact. Local companies that provide goods and services to an institution increase their purchasing by creating a multiplier. DIRECT TAX PAYMENTS Direct tax payments made by an institution to a unit of government. INDIRECT AND INDUCED TAX PAYMENTS DIRECT EMPLOYMENT INDIRECT AND INDUCED EMPLOYMENT Government revenue that is collected by governmental units in addition to those paid directly by an institution, including taxes paid directly by employees of the institution, visitors to the institution and vendors who sell products to the institution. Total employees based on total jobs. Indirect employment is the additional jobs created as a result of the institution’s economic impact. Local companies that provide goods and services to an institution increase their number of employees as purchasing increases, thus creating an employment multiplier. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 26 APPENDIX B: METHODOLOGY IMPACT ON STATE BUSINESS VOLUME AND GOVERNMENT REVENUE The University of Washington, its regional campuses, and UW Medicine (hereinafter referred to collectively as “UW”) are major employers in the state and, as such, major generators of personal income for state residents. Businesses operating within Washington in the wholesale, retail, service, and manufacturing sectors benefit from the direct expenditures of the institutions and their faculty, staff, students, and visitors on goods and services. Additionally, many of these “direct” expenditures are re-circulated in the economy as recipients of the first-round of income re-spend a portion of this income with other businesses and individuals within Washington. METHODOLOGY AND DATA UTILIZED FOR THE ESTIMATION OF THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON The economic impact of UW was estimated using IMPLAN (IMpact Analysis for PLANing), an econometric modeling system developed by applied economists at the University of Minnesota and the U.S. Forest Service. The IMPLAN modeling system has been in use since 1979 and is currently used by over 500 private consulting firms, university research centers, and government agencies. The IMPLAN modeling system combines the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis’ Input-Output Benchmarks with other data to construct quantitative models of trade flow relationships between businesses and between businesses and final consumers. From this data, one can examine the effects of a change in one or several economic activities to predict its effect on a specific state, regional, or local economy (impact analysis). The IMPLAN input-output accounts capture all monetary market transactions for consumption in a given time period. The IMPLAN input-output accounts are based on industry survey data collected periodically by the U.S. BEA and follow a balanced account format recommended by the United Nations. IMPLAN’s Regional Economic Accounts and the Social Accounting Matrices were used to construct state-level multipliers, which describe the response of the state economy to a change in demand or production as a result of the activities and expenditures of the UW. Each industry that produces goods or services generates demand for other goods and services; and this demand is multiplied through a particular economy until it dissipates through “leakage” to economies outside the specified area. IMPLAN models discern and calculate leakage from local, regional, and state economic areas based on workforce configuration, the inputs required by specific types of businesses, and the availability of both inputs in the economic area. Consequently, economic impacts that accrue to other regions or states as a consequence of a change in demand are not counted as impacts within the economic area. The model accounts for substitution and displacement effects by deflating industry-specific multipliers to levels well below those recommended by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. In addition, multipliers are applied only to personal disposable income to obtain a more realistic estimate of the multiplier effects from increased demand. Importantly, IMPLAN’s Regional Economic Accounts exclude imports to an economic area, so the calculation of economic impacts identifies only those impacts specific to the economic impact area; in this case, the state of Washington. IMPLAN calculates this distinction by applying Regional Purchase Coefficients (RPC) to predict regional purchases based on an economic area’s particular characteristics. The RPC represents the proportion of goods and services that will be purchased regionally under normal circumstances, based on the area’s economic characteristics described in terms of actual trade flows within the area. MODEL INPUTS AND DATA SOURCES Model inputs included actual FY14 expenditures provided by UW and UW Medicine. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 27 APPENDIX C: PROFILE OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ECONOMY The gross state product of Washington in 2013 was $387.2 billion. The largest sectors in the statewide economy were service (45.6%), manufacturing (24.5%), and trade (10.1%). The total civilian employment in the state of Washington for 2013 was 3,833,798. The largest employment sectors statewide include: service 51.3%, government (16.2%), and trade (13.6%). 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 28 APPENDIX D: ECONOMIC IMPACT BY GEOGRAPHY UW ECONOMIC IMPACT ON PUGET SOUND Direct Total Indirect/Induced UW Seattle $4.8 billion $5.5 billion 10.3 billion UW Bothell $71.4 million $133.2 million $204.6 million UW Tacoma $60.9 million $127.9 million $188.8 million TOTAL $5.0 billion $5.7 billion $10.7 billion UW Medicine $3.3 billion $3.3 billion $6.6 billion Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. UW EMPLOYMENT IMPACT ON PUGET SOUND (IN JOBS) Direct Total Indirect/Induced UW Seattle 30,175 36,492 66,667 UW Bothell 539 1,016 1,555 UW Tacoma 487 998 1,485 TOTAL 31,201 38,505 69,706 UW Medicine 17,876 21,499 39,375 Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. UW GOVERNMENT REVENUE IMPACT ON PUGET SOUND Direct Indirect/Induced Total UW Seattle $110.4 million $303.0 million $413.4 million UW Bothell $2.1 million $8.1 million $10.2 million UW Tacoma $1.8 million $8.0 million $9.8 million TOTAL $114.3 million $319.2 million $433.5 million UW Medicine $63.5 million $179.1 million $242.6 million Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 29 UW SEATTLE IMPACT ON CITY OF SEATTLE Direct Indirect/Induced Total Economic Impact $2.8 billion $3.2 billion $6.0 billion Employment Impact 16,865 jobs 21,376 jobs 38,241 jobs Govt. Revenue Impact (state and local) $74.2 million $198.3 million $272.5 million UW Medicine UW Medicine UW Medicine $1.9 billion 9,991 jobs $44.3 million $2.1 billion 12,810 jobs $119.8 million $3.8 billion 22,801 jobs $164.1 million Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. UW BOTHELL IMPACT ON CITY OF BOTHELL Direct Indirect/Induced Total Economic Impact $44.8 million $80.7 million $125.5 million Employment Impact 324 jobs 595 jobs 919 jobs Government Revenue Impact (state and local) $1.5 million $5.2 million $6.7 million Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. UW TACOMA IMPACT ON CITY OF TACOMA Direct Indirect/Induced Total Economic Impact $37.3 million $75.2 million $112.5 million Employment Impact 288 jobs 567 jobs 855 jobs Government Revenue Impact (state and local) $1.2 million $4.9 million $6.1 million Source: Tripp Umbach using IMPLAN results from data obtained through the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 30 APPENDIX E: FAQ’S REGARDING ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT WHAT IS ECONOMIC IMPACT? Economic impact begins when an organization spends money. Economic impact studies measure the direct economic impact of an organization’s spending, plus additional indirect spending in the economy as a result of direct spending. Economic impact has nothing to do with dollars collected by institutions, their profitability, or even their sustainability, since all operating organizations have a positive economic impact when they spend money and attract spending from outside sources. Direct economic impact measures the dollars that are generated within Washington due to the presence of the UW. This includes not only spending on goods and services with a variety of vendors within the state, and the spending of its employees and visitors, but also the business volume generated by businesses within Washington that benefit from spending by UW. It is important to remember that not all dollars spent by the UW stay in Washington. Dollars that “leak” out of the state in the form of purchases from out-of-state vendors are not included in the economic impact that the UW has on the state of Washington. The total economic impact includes the “multiplier” of spending from companies that do business with the UW. Support businesses may include lodging establishments, restaurants, construction firms, vendors, temporary agencies, etc. Spending multipliers attempt to estimate the ripple effect in the state economy where the spending occurs. For example: Spending by the UW with local vendors provides these vendors with additional dollars that they re-spend in the local economy, causing a “multiplier effect.” WHAT IS THE MULTIPLIER EFFECT? MANUFACTURING OPX VISITOR SPENDING CAPX NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES PAY & BENEFITS OTHER TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT INDUCED (INCOME) CONSTRUCTION DATA COLLECTION HEALTHCARE OTHER SECTORS INDIRECT (SUPPLY CHAIN) IMPLAN RESULTS & OTHER ANALYSIS VALUE ADDED (GDP) WAGES & COMP JOBS TAXES DIRECT IMPORT LEAKAGES 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 31 Multipliers are a numeric way of describing the secondary impacts stemming from the operations of an organization. For example, an employment multiplier of 1.8 would suggest that for every 10 employees hired in the given industry, eight additional jobs would be created in other industries, such that 18 total jobs would be added to the given economic region. The multipliers used in this study range from 1.8 to 2.0. The multiplier model is derived mathematically using the input-output model and Social Accounting formats. The Social Accounting System provides the framework for the predictive Multiplier Model used in economic impact studies. Purchases for final use drive the model. Industries that produce goods and services for consumer consumption must purchase products, raw materials and services from other companies to create their product. These vendors must also procure goods and services. This cycle continues until all the money is leaked from the region’s economy. There are three types of effects measured with a multiplier: the direct, the indirect and the induced effects. The direct effect is the known or predicted change in the local economy that is to be studied. The indirect effect is the business-to-business transactions required to satisfy the direct effect. Finally, the induced effect is derived from local spending on goods and services by people working to satisfy the direct and indirect effects. • Direct effects take place only in the industry immediately being studied. • Indirect effects concern inter-industry transactions: because the the UW is in business, it has a demand for locally produced materials needed to operate. • Induced effects measure the effects of the changes in household income: employees of the UW and suppliers purchase from local retailers and restaurants. • Total Economic Impacts are the total changes to the original economy as the result of the operations of the UW. i.e., Direct effects + Indirect effects + Induced effects = Total economic impacts. WHAT METHODOLOGY WAS USED IN THIS STUDY? IMPLAN (IMpact analysis for PLANning) data and software. Using classic input-output analysis in combination with regional specific Social Accounting Matrices and Multiplier Models, IMPLAN provides a highly accurate and adaptable model for its users. The IMPLAN database contains county, state, zip code, and federal economic statistics which are specialized by region, not estimated from national averages and can be used to measure the effect on a regional or local economy of a given change or event in the economy’s activity. This methodology is a change from the last economic impact study completed by Tripp Umbach for the UW. There have been shifts in impact as a result of the methodology change. WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT IMPACT? Employment impact measures the direct employment (employees, staff, faculty, administration) plus additional employment created in the economy as a result of the operations of the UW. Indirect and Induced employment impact refers to other employees throughout the region that exist because of the University’s economic impact. In other words, jobs related to the population – city services (police, fire, EMS, etc.), employees at local hotels and restaurants, clerks at local retail establishments, residents employed by vendors used by the UW. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 32 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DIRECT AND INDIRECT TAXES? Direct tax dollars include sales taxes and net corporate income taxes paid directly by the institution to the state, while indirect taxes include taxes paid to the state by vendors that do business with the UW and individuals. IS THIS A ONE-TIME IMPACT OR DOES THE IMPACT REPEAT EACH YEAR? The results presented in the University of Washington economic impact study are generated on an annual basis. The economic impact in future years can either be higher or lower based on number of employees, students, capital expansion, increases in external research, and state appropriations. WHAT ARE TRIPP UMBACH’S QUALIFICATIONS TO PERFORM AN ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON? Tripp Umbach is the national leader in providing economic impact analysis to leading healthcare organizations, universities and academic medical centers. We have completed more than 150 economic impact studies over the past 20 years for clients such as: the University of Minnesota, The Ohio State University, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Washington, The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), the Cleveland Clinic, the University of Florida Health Shands Hospital, the University of North Carolina Hospitals, the University of Pittsburgh Health System, and The Ohio State University Medical Center. 2014 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 33