s er ap eP m e tr .X w w w om .c Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics (US) 0444 Unit 4: Geometry (Core) Recommended prior knowledge Students should have a working knowledge of the vocabulary of 2D shape, simple solids (cube, cuboid, prism, cylinder, pyramid, and sphere) angles, and an intuitive understanding of parallel and perpendicular lines and be able to identify them in their classroom and surroundings and symmetries. Context This is the first of five geometry units. This unit must be taught before unit 5 and 7. If split into blocks some could be taught after unit 1. It could be split into smaller blocks and taught between other units. • Block 1 - 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 • Block 2 - 4.1, 4,2 and 4.4 • Block 3 - 4.5 which could be could be split so that a few constructions are taught in one or two lessons blocks to break up other areas of mathematics. • Block 4 - 4.6 • Block 5 - 4.7 which could be taught with proportionality in unit, or at the beginning of unit 7 Students who are following the extended syllabus will move through this faster but need to have all these skills in place before working on the extended units, or applying them in other areas of mathematics. Outline Within the suggested teaching activities ideas are listed to identify and remediate misconceptions and to pull learning through to the required standard. The learning resources give both teaching ideas, summaries of the skills and investigative problems to develop the problem solving skills and a depth of understanding of the mathematics, through exploration and discussion. This unit encourages the correct use of terms to describe shapes, their properties and their symmetries. It looks at the methods for finding missing angles, and to construct accurate diagrams with compass and straight edge, rulers and angle measures, circle properties and angle in a semi circle. It also looks at similarity. Syllabus ref v1 2Y01 Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Learning resources General guidance Documents 1 and 2 give a good overview of the coverage of this unit. Document three is designed to deliver geometric reasoning. It aims to develop logical reasoning, deeper understanding and as a stepping stone towards www.counton.org/resources/ks3framewor k/pdfs/geometrical.pdf Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 www.counton.org/resources/ks3framewor 1 Syllabus ref 4.1 Learning objectives Vocabulary: acute, obtuse, right angle, reflex, equilateral, isosceles, congruent, similar, regular, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, rectangle, square, kite, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, and simple solid figures Suggested teaching activities Learning resources formal proof through the use of student explanations. It builds geometry through a series of overlays. This can be effective, but the whole document needs to read and understood as a whole. It cannot be cherry picked. k/pdfs/transformations.pdf www.teachfind.com/nationalstrategies/interacting-mathematics-keystage-3-year-9-geometrical-reasoningmini-pack General guidance Ensure students use the vocabulary correctly throughout the unit. www.excellencegateway.org.uk/pdf/Tand LMathematicsHT281107.pdf page 51 and 52 Teaching activities: Card sorts with diagrams of angles or polygons or triangles (with all angles marked), or quadrilaterals (with angles marked) and relevant vocabulary cards, can be an effective way of checking understanding. Include additional that is sorted into a pile of unneeded cards. Past Paper 11 June 2011 Q4 (syllabus 0580) Past Paper 13 June 2011 Q17 (syllabus 0580) Odd one out activity – sets of three, angles/ polygons/ triangles/ quadrilaterals. Either with an obvious odd one out or with no obvious odd one out but students can note it one is odd one out because it holds a property others don’t. See page 51 and 52 of the excellence gateway document. Use a 4 x 3 pin board and rubber bands or square spotty paper and mark of blocks of 12 spots (4 x 3). Try to identify as many triangles as possible using the spots as vertices (should be 20) and identify them by type. Use a 3 x 3 pin board and rubber bands or square spotty paper and mark of blocks of 9 spots (3 x 3). Try to identify as many quadrilaterals as possible using the spots as vertices (should be 16) and identify them by type. Use a 4 x 4 pin board and rubber bands or square spotty paper and mark of blocks of 16 spots (4 x 4). Try to identify at least one 3 sided, 4 sided, 5 sided up to 15 sided polygon using the spots as vertices – it is possible and label those that have known names. 4.2 CCSS: G-CO1 v1 2Y01 Definitions: Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based General guidance Give the definitions and ask pupils to use the definitions when explaining their reasoning. www.mathleague.com/help/geometry/geo metry.htm Teaching activities Matching/sort of definitions and vocabulary with some missing words in the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 2 Syllabus ref 4.3 CCSS: G-CO3 Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc Line and rotational symmetry in 2D definitions - also supplied on the cards. Notes and exemplars e.g., know properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles directly related to their symmetries. General guidance Ensure students can both recognise lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry and its order and can transform a shape by reflection of rotation. Learning resources http://nrich.maths.org/5369 http://nrich.maths.org/6987 http://nrich.maths.org/6742 Past Paper 11 June 2011 Q3 (syllabus 0580) Ensure students know that colour is also preserved as part of symmetry. Teaching activities Create a worksheet with a triangular flag on a pole that is rotated about the base of the pole 30°, repeat 12 times. e.g. Ask students to colour it in so that, it has rotational symmetry order 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 and ask them to explain why these are the only possibilities. Have a set of cut out quadrilaterals available and ask students to fold them, turn them and identify the rotational and reflective symmetry. Ask students to draw polygons in the cells of a two way grid that has no lines of symmetry, 1 line of symmetry, 2 lines of symmetry, 4 lines of symmetry as the headers in one direction and order of rotational symmetry, 1, 2, 4 in the other and then to explain why some cells cannot be filled. Get pictures of different car alloy wheel designs and identify which have v1 2Y01 Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 3 Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Learning resources rotational and which have reflective symmetry. Put students in pairs and 2 pairs work as competing teams. They have a set of square tiles (you specify the number of tiles they can have). The first pair arranges the tiles in a pattern which has a line of symmetry or rotational symmetry (tiles must meet on whole edges). The second pair moves one tile so that the arrangement has no line of symmetry and the moved tile still touches at least one other tile on a full side. The first pair tries to restore symmetry moving the first tile or any other tile (just one) and restores the symmetry, but not back to its original place. The game continues until one pair cannot continue without repeating a previous arrangement. Rules can be changed so that more than one tile can be moved. You may find each pair of teams needs a fifth student to act as an adjudicator. 4.4 Angles around a point CCSS: G-CO9 G-CO10 Angles on a straight line and intersecting straight lines Vertically opposite angles Alternate and corresponding angles on parallel lines Angle properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. Interior and exterior angles of a polygon Link to Unit 5 (5.6) Notes and exemplars Proof of properties will not be tested, but candidates should be able to use these properties to find unknown angles. General guidance Ensure students have the facts to learn, and regularly test their knowledge of them. You might want to model how one fact is deduced from others after getting students to explore the idea first. The geometric reasoning pack has some guidance on how to develop this type of reasoning leading to proof. Past Paper 32 June 2011 Q5 (syllabus 0580) Past Paper 33 June 2011 Q6a,b,c (syllabus 0580) www.teachfind.com/nationalstrategies/interacting-mathematics-keystage-3-year-9-geometrical-reasoningmini-pack Show how to solve sets of problems for each fact separately but also mix up the facts so that students have to choose the appropriate fact to solve a problem. Students also have difficulty identifying angles at a point when the lines are at a vertex of one of more meeting polygons. So practice at seeing where various facts can be applied is required. Distinguish between regular and irregular polygons. Teaching activities Have a proof cut up as separate line statements and a diagram. Ask students to reconstruct the proof in a logical order. Draw seven intersecting lines on a page (no more than four intersecting at v1 2Y01 Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 4 Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Learning resources one point). Have at least one pair of lines parallel and one line perpendicular to another. Give one angle and ask students to find all the other angles on the sheet but to identify their route around the diagram and to give reasons to justify the answers. They will need the ends of the line segments and intersecting points lettered so that they can refer to different parts of the diagram, by two letter line segment names and three letter angle names. Draw polygons and using the method of joining 1 vertex to all the others, to create (n-2) triangles where n is the number of sides of the polygon, create a table for the angle sum of the polygons, check answers using the exterior angle of a regular polygon to find the internal regular angle and hence the total for the interior angle for the regular polygon.Create tables and ask students to generalise. 4.5 Construction. CCSS: G-CO12 G-CO13 G-C3 G-C4 Make formal geometric constructions with compass and straight edge only. Copy a segment; copy an angle; bisect a segment; bisect an angle; construct perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment Construct an equilateral triangle, a square, and a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle There is a bank of problems to solve at the end of the geometric reasoning unit. General guidance All of these need to be practised – ensure students have reliable compasses and sharp pencils to avoid frustration. Many are shown in the first two resources given for this unit. Relate the bisector of an angle, construction of perpendicular lines, etc to the properties of a rhombus. http://nrich.maths.org/5357 Past Paper 33 June 2011 Q2 (syllabus 0580) Past Paper 32 June 2011 Q8 (syllabus 0580) Use 360° angle measures to link to definition of angle and to make construction and measurement of reflex angles easier. After a few have been given to pupils, ask them how they would complete others so that they have a means of remembering how some are done by building from others. Link skills to the construction of bearings diagrams and practice some of these as accurate scale diagrams. (link to proportionality/ratio models in Unit 1). Construct the v1 2Y01 Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 5 Syllabus ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Learning resources General guidance Ensure students can correctly use the names, radius, diameter, circumference, centre, arc, sector, chord and segment. http://nrich.maths.org/6007 inscribed and circumscribed circles of a triangle. Construct a tangent line from a point outside a given circle to the circle 4.6 Angle measurement in degrees. Read and make scale drawings Vocabulary of circles CCSS: G-C1 Properties of circles: • tangent perpendicular to radius at the point of contact • angle in a semicircle 4.7 Similarity CCSS: G-SRT2 G-SRT3 Calculation of lengths of similar figures Notes and exemplars Use scale factors and/or angles to check for similarity. Past Paper 11 June 2011 Q18 (syllabus 0580) Past Paper 33 June 2011 Q6e (syllabus 0580) General guidance Use the proportionality model in unit 1 to find missing lengths. Test for similarity by checking corresponding pairs of lengths have the same multiplier to get from one to the other. Students sometimes have difficulty identifying corresponding pairs and keeping all the ratios the same way around. This needs practicing as a separate skill first. Link to Enlargement (dilation) Note that angles are preserved under enlargement. Link to Unit 5 (5.6). Set up diagrams and draw a fan of lines from the centre of enlargement to the object and extend to find the vertices of the image. Using scaling/understanding of symmetry to find these lengths. Then prove the object and the image are similar. v1 2Y01 Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (US) 0444 6