s er ap eP m e tr .X w w w om .c Scheme of work – Cambridge IGCSE® History (US) 0416 Option A: 19th century, The Development of Modern Nation States, 1848–1914 2: How was Italy unified? Recommended prior knowledge Knowledge gained from Unit 1 will provide background information and set the period in context Context This unit provides an insight into the way in which Italy became unified by 1870. Outline An understanding of the steps towards unification. Focus points Suggested teaching activities Learning resources Why was Italy not unified in 1848–9? Students draw and label a map that shows the Italian states in 1848. Farmer, A. An Introduction to Nineteenth Century European History 1815–1914 Students brainstorm the reasons why Italy wasn’t unified in 1848–9, examining the roles of Charles Albert, Mazzini as well as the reasons for the fall of the Roman Republic. www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1852ma zzini.asp Online essay focusing on Mazzini. Produce a summary diagram which radiates out from the centre showing the key factors in the failure of Italian nationalism March – June 1849. How important was Garibaldi's contribution to unifying Italy? v1 2Y05 Students consider the role played by Garibaldi in the unification of Italy and examine how important he was in this. Garibaldi’s role can be shown as a mind map. OR Produce an obituary for Garibaldi to put forward his achievements and Cambridge IGCSE History (US) 0416 Pearce, R & Stiles, A The Unification of Italy 1815–70 pages 8–105 http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312582 /unification.html Good overview of 1 Focus points Did Cavour help or hinder the unification of Italy? Suggested teaching activities Learning resources disappointments in his work towards Italian unification. Produce a mind map showing Garibaldi as a soldier and Garibaldi as the politician Italian Unification. Students produce a mind map of the role played by Cavour in the unification of Italy. www.age-of-thesage.org/historical/biography/camillo_c avour.html Good links to other relevant information on Italian Unification. Hold a class debate on the topic ‘Cavour hindered rather than helped unification’. Or Discuss ‘Was Garibaldi more important than Cavour to Italian Unification’. www.reformation.org/garibaldi.html Good timeline of Garibaldi’s life. Students draw and label a map that shows how Italy looked in 1870 How important for other European countries were moves towards Italian unification? Students examine the impact of moves towards Italian Unification and other countries including France and Austria. www.flowofhistory.com/units/eme/18 This website has access to some very good flow diagrams on nationalism in Europe. Examine a number of historical sources that deal with Italian unification using them as a Paper 2 approach. www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1861ital ianunif.asp Contains some sources on Italian Unification. www.cartoonstock.com/vintage/directo ry/i/italian_unification.asp Contains some cartoon sources on Italian Unification. Students revise the work completed at the end of this section and complete a past Cambridge IGCSE question paper on this topic v1 2Y05 Cambridge IGCSE History (US) 0416 Past questions papers – can be accessed by logging onto the Cambridge Teacher Support website http://teachers.cie.org.uk 2