Vegetation Modeling 1 Exercise Answers ## 1. Create a map of presence of lodgepole within the Uinta Wilderness area, using a Random Forests model and the predictors from modeldat. Hint: Load the plt and tree table again and use code from slide #20 to create a binary response variable for lodgepole presence. Also, set a seed to 66 so you can recreate the model. plt <- read.csv("PlotData/plt.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE) tree <- read.csv("PlotData/tree.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ref <- read.csv("PlotData/ref_SPCD.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE) tree <- merge(tree, ref, by="SPCD") head(tree) # First, create a table of counts by species and plot & change to binary 1/0. spcnt <- table(tree[,c("PLT_CN", "SPNM")]) spcnt[spcnt > 1] <- 1 head(spcnt) # Join the lodgepole column to the modeldat table. load("Outfolder/modeldat.Rda") modeldat2 <- merge(modeldat, spcnt[,"lodgepole pine"], by.x="CN", by.y="row.names", all.x=TRUE) head(modeldat2) # Change name from y to LODGEPOLE and change NA values to 0 values (Absence). names(modeldat2)[names(modeldat2) == "y"] <- "LODGEPOLE" modeldat2[[,"LODGEPOLE"]), "LODGEPOLE"] <- 0 modeldat2$LODGEPOLE <- factor(modeldat2$LODGEPOLE, levels=c(0,1)) str(modeldat2) Exercise Answers cont. # Check data modeldat2[modeldat2$CN == 2377876010690,] tree[tree$PLT_CN == 2377876010690,] # Generate Random Forest model set.seed(66) lp.mod <- randomForest(LODGEPOLE ~ TMB5 + TMndvi + fnfrcl + elevm + slp + aspval, data=modeldat2, importance = TRUE) lp.predict <- predict(clipstack, lp.mod) lp.predict plot(lp.predict) # Plot with color breaks cols <- c("dark grey", "green") par(omi=c(0,0,0,0.5)) colclasses(lp.predict, cols, labs=c("Absence", "Presence")) Exercise Answers cont. ## 2. How many plots in model data set have presence of lodgepole pine? table(modeldat2$LODGEPOLE) ## 3. Display 1 scatterplot of the relationship of elevation and NDVI values with lodgepole pine presence and absence as different colors. Hint: see slide #49. Make sure to label plots and add a legend. attach(modeldat2) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(elevm, TMndvi, col=c("black", "red"), pch=20, xlab="Elevation", ylab="TM NDVI", main="Lodgepole pine presence/absence") legend(x=2000, y=120, legend=levels(ASPEN), col=c("black", "red"), pch=20) ## 4. What is the variable with the highest importance value based on the Gini index? imp <- lp.mod$importance imp[order(imp[,"MeanDecreaseGini"], decreasing=TRUE),] elevm ## 5. What percentage of the total area is lodgepole pine? How does this compare with the percentage of aspen? lp.freq <- freq(lp.predict) lp.freq <- na.omit(lp.freq) round((lp.freq[lp.freq[,"value"] == 1, "count"] / sum(lp.freq[,"count"])) * 100, 2) asp.freq <- freq(asp.predict) asp.freq <- na.omit(asp.freq) round((asp.freq[asp.freq[,"value"] == 1, "count"] / sum(asp.freq[,"count"])) * 100, 2)