US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Websites National FIA: On the upper left hand side of National FIA webpage are links to several sites which may be of interest. Clicking on the regional offices button takes to a page with links to the four FIA regional websites. Field Guides: The current set of nationally consistent core field procedures used by all FIA units can be found at -> Library (upper left hand side) -> Field Guides, Methods and Procedures. The current version is 6.0 (although the first paragraph mentions 5.1, right below it is the current version); links to earlier versions of the field guide are lower down on the webpage. The regional field guide can be found on each of regional websites. The IW-FIA field guide is at P2 Vegetation Profile protocols: The P2 Vegetation Profile is core optional and is not included in 6.0 version of the national field guide. It is chapter 8 in version 6.0 of the Interior West – FIA field guide, which can be found at Coarse Woody Debris: This will be a P2 core optional variable in version 6 of the field guide. The CWD is part of the Down Woody Materials protocols which are in section 10. The estimation procedures for the CWD will be based on the P3 estimation procedures, which can be found at National Sampling Design and Estimation Procedures (Green Book) -> Library ->Sampling and Estimation Documentation Or Nonresponse: Quality Assurance Studies: P2: P3: Understory Vegetation (which is similar to P2 Vegetation Profile) Databases and Inventory Tools: -> FIA Data and Tools Documentation for databases: -> Library -> Database Documentation Bands: National FIA uses the band structure to assist coordination between the four regional offices. For more details on the band system and with links to the various bands see Analysis: Each region has an Analysis group of which analyzes FIA data. One set of products the Analysis Group produces are the state reports. The IW-FIA state reports can be accessed at: Besides the analysis of basic forest attributes these state reports can contain topics that are specific to that state. Techniques: Each region has a Techniques group which conducts Inventory and Monitoring Research and Development. The IW-FIA Techniques webpage is: Management Level Data: On the National FIA site ( ) there are yearly business reports giving the funds, expenses, staff levels, outputs, etc…On the left hand side click on link to Library -> Business and Organization Documents.