New directions in Bentham Studies

New directions in Bentham Studies
Friday 9 December 2011, Bentham House, UCL
To help mark the relaunch of the Journal of Bentham Studies in a new online home
as part of UCL’s open-access repository of research, the Bentham Project is hosting a
one-day international symposium exploring recent developments and new avenues
of research in Bentham studies, at which several distinguished scholars will speak.
9.30 – 11.00
Malik Bozzo-Rey (Catholic University of Lille): Could Indirect
Legislation be Normative?
Marco Guidi (University of Pisa): Is there a Political Economy of
Legal Procedure in Bentham’s Thought?
11.00 – 11.30 Tea
11.30 – 1.00 Gianfranco Pellegrino, (Bentham Project, UCL/Guido Carli Free
International University for Social Studies): The Benthams’ Euclidean
Training: Jeremy Bentham’s Writings on Mathematics in their
Historical and Theoretical Context
Vincent-Emmanuel Mathon, Bentham’s Geometrics as Applied to
the Internet Age and the Global Economy
1.00 – 2.00
2.00 – 3.30
Peter Niesen (Darmstadt University of Technology): Bentham on
Michael Quinn (Bentham Project, UCL): Which Comes First,
Bentham’s Chicken of Utility, or His Egg of Truth?
3.30 – 4.00
4.00 – 5.00
Philip Steadman (Emeritus Professor of Urban and Built Form Studies,
Bartlett School, UCL): Samuel Bentham’s Panopticon
5.00 – 5.30
Philip Schofield (Bentham Project, UCL): Concluding Remarks, and a
New Discovery
Attendance is free, but to register your place please email Phil Baker
( For directions to Bentham House, please visit
All Welcome
This event is supported by the JISC-funded UCL E-Publishing Infrastructure
Capitalising on UCL’s Repository (EPICURE) project.