Assessing carbon stocks & flux: opportunities and challenges Jeremy Fried, Xiaoping Zhou & Susanna Melson PNW FIA Portland PNW FIA 2008 Client Meeting Sacramento, CA 13 May 2008 Agenda I. Rapid estimation of a 1990 baseline II. Model selection error III. Where to from here? Part I Rapid estimation of a 1990 forest carbon baseline for California The genesis PSW/ARB/CDF sought FIA’s help to estimate statewide 1990 baseline forest carbon stock and flux by carbon pool Component Percent of forest C* Live, above-ground (tree, shrub, forb) 40 Soil organic carbon 38 Below-ground live (roots) 10 Litter 8 Dead wood 4 Total 100 * Source of approximate average proportions: B. Krumland The driver California AB32 mandates rollback to 1990 emissions by 2020; initiated GHG inventory Targets for carbon emissions for every sector of the economy had to be set by January 2008 It was increasingly clear that the numbers and model basis on which ARB was relying for forest carbon were not making sense Result was an 11th hour effort to estimate via forest inventory plot data The attribute of interest ARB sought information on both carbon stocks, by forest component and annual carbon flux, approximated as stock change We use flux and stock change synonymously, so positive values = sequestration Carbon stocks derived from inventory-calculated volume and biomass and carbon conversion factors Stock change calculated by differencing inventories How were forest pools assessed? Above ground live tree (AGLT) biomass was calculated for each tree as the product of volume and specific gravity Jenkins equations, developed by very broad type groups, used to estimate other pools Understory and down wood carbon estimated as proportion of live tree carbon Standing dead = f(growing stock volume) Litter = f(stand age) 1990 baseline a tough target NFS Reserved ONF Timberland ONF Other Forest Collection dates Remeas. NIMS 2001-06 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes IDB 1991-94 [ONF] 1993-2000 [NFS] No Yes Yes Yes No Partial 94Change 1991-94 1981-83 Yes No No Yes No Partial ONF=outside of national forest NFS ONF Reserved DataBase Limitations of available data Changes between 1990s (periodic, IDB) and 2000s (annual, NIMS) definitions of: what what what what what is is is is is a tree a forest reserved timberland a plot (plot design) Little definition change from 80s to 90s, but data covers only ONF timberland, which comprises 24 percent of California’s forest area 28 percent of California’s above-ground, live tree biomass Line of attack Compare IDB to NIMS, assume 1990 flux same Considered 8 forest strata: NFS Timberland NFS Other Forest NFS Reserved Other Public Timberland Other Public, Other Forest Other Public Reserved Private Timberland Private Other Forest And various aggregations of these strata Old Growth Regeneration 8 m radius The covariance bugaboo Sampling error (SE) of the difference between two inventories: S .E . = σ + σ − 2CoVar1, 2 2 1 Where these terms are, in order: 2 2 variance of the total (carbon, biomass or any other inventory attribute) from inventory #1 variance of the total from inventory #2 covariance between the two inventories. Except for ONF timberland, we measured mostly different places on the ground, and different trees Estimating covariance is devilishly difficult, if not impossible Only alternative is to assume zero covariance, so SE is large Problems comparing IDB to NIMS Millions of acres with no sample information in IDB (e.g., Other Public Reserved, ONF other forest) Timberland protocol change produced artifact of ~20% increase in estimate of timberland area Reserved definitions changed Calculated sampling errors were huge Stock change never significantly different from zero at α=0.05 NIMS subsets Differenced 2001-2003 from 2004-2006 and divided by 3 to get annual density flux Covered all lands, definitions consistent, but Sample size small, sampling errors huge! Covariance definitely zero (no plot overlap) Estimating 1990 stock as 2004 stock – (14 * annual flux) resulted in negative carbon in one stratum! Still no differences significant at α=0.05 ONF Timberland Results (from 94 change table) Tg of carbon Aboveground live tree Year Survey 1984 1990 Estimates Survey 1994 Annual Flux 274 296 304 2.9 BelowUnderground story biomass vegetation 59.5 10.1 63.2 10.8 64.4 11.1 0.5 0.09 Dead wood Soil organic Litter Total 59.7 61.9 62.8 0.29 134.4 133.7 134.0 -0.09 94.1 93.0 93.2 -0.14 632 658 670 3.5 Aboveground live tree is largest pool and accounts for greatest stock change Jenkins equations for soil organic and litter carbon relatively insensitive to attributes assessed by FIA e.g., stand age and forest type 2001-2003 vs. 2004-2006 Carbon Flux (Mg/ac/yr) Stratum All forest land Mean National Forest Total 0.309 Other public and private Other public 1.488 Private 0.065 Total 0.491 All forestland 0.369 Forest land Forestland Groups Timberland Nonreserved, excl. timberland Reserved SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE 0.445 0.059 0.579 0.420 0.536 0.655 1.120 1.751 0.502 0.596 0.384 -1.443 -0.656 -0.719 -0.391 2.684 0.658 0.644 0.433 -0.305 0.203 -0.018 0.104 0.459 0.387 0.316 0.273 3.274 3.088 3.274 1.966 3.088 1.500 Sampling error implies that the best estimate of flux is zero; no result is significant at α=0.05 Reserved lands appear likely to have high sequestration (at α=0.33) Carbon stocks findings 23% of California’s live tree carbon is on reserved lands (18% of CA forest area) 50% of reserved carbon is in NFS; the rest is in state and national parks Carbon stocks on all NFS strata combined represent > 50% of CA forest carbon Pool fractions different than average Component % National Avg. % CA Timberland Live, above-ground (tree, shrub, forb) 40 45 Soil organic carbon 38 20 Below-ground live (roots) 10 10 Litter 8 14 Dead wood 4 9 100 100 Total Lessons learned Lesson #1: While flux may be derived from stock change, it cannot be reliably derived from change in independently estimated stocks (i.e., periodic to annual) Lesson #2: Contemporary, statistically significant estimates of flux can’t be expected until remeasurement data is in hand Lesson #3: Freezing protocols is essential for future ability to assess change Part II Model Selection Error How good are FIA estimates? Estimates derived from a statistical sample Precision and accuracy affected by Not a census, not “truth” Measurement error (ME) Sampling error (SE) Model selection error (MSE) Magnitude: MSE>SE>ME Accuracy (bias) impact: MSE>SE>ME In sphere of FIA control: ME>SE>MSE Focus of attention: ME>SE>MSE MSE impact on carbon HUGE We don’t measure carbon We don’t measure biomass We don’t measure volume We don’t measure diameter or height We assess height and measure circumference All the rest is smoke and mirrors, er, make that models! So how many models are there? On average, for a given species and location, ~ 2 dozen published models plausibly apply Covering bole, branch, bark, foliage, whole tree, bole and bark, bole and branches, etc. as volume or biomass for various ranges of dbh With/without add’l explanatory variables such as height, LCR These can be combined in myriad ways to estimate above-ground live tree (AGLT) carbon For Douglas-fir, these combinations result in 10 million possible calculation pathways Jenkins meta-analysis approach Compiled all available DBH-based equations for AGLT biomass for U.S. species Used regression to develop a set of national-scale, AGLT biomass equations of the form: Exp(β0 + β1 ln (dbh)) Example: 6 Douglas-fir equations Jenkins AGLT biomass parameters Jenkins equations: concerns/cautions Species groups are very broadly defined e.g. ponderosa pine is in the same group as loblolly pine AGLT biomass equations rely on diameter as the sole explanatory variable This ignores the effect of tree taper Loblloy Pine vs Ponderosa Pine (Height vs DBH) 160 Height (Feet) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 DBH (inch) Loblolly Pine Pondrosa Pine West Oregon vs. east Oregon (Ponderosa Pine --- Height vs DBH) 140 Height (feet) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 DBH (inch) West Oregon East Oregon 26 28 30 B iom ass (K g) AGLT biomass of regional Loblolloy & Ponderosa vs. Jenkins Pine 4500 4000 3500 At dbh=20”, Jenkins: Underestimates Loblolly pine by 25% Overestimates Pondrosa pine by 36% 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 DBH (inch) Loblolly_BioT_FIA) Pondrosa_BioT_FIA) Jenkins_Pine_BioT Use of group-averaged wood density Specific gravity values from literature for all species that make up a group are averaged and applied to volume before data are developed for distribution fitting (Jenkins, 2004) In the pine group, wood specific gravity ranges from 0.34 (sugar pine) to 0.54 (longleaf pine in the south) Local volume equation approach Tree specific: regionally applicable, species-specific equations are used for each major tree species Branch, bark and bole volume equations depend on dbh and height Bole biomass is calculated from the cubic volume total stem estimate and species-specific wood density Bole, branch and bark biomass are summed to derive total woody biomass AGLT biomass in California for selected species 600 28% Million metric to 500 400 300 200 -40% 11% 100 0 Ponderosa pine Douglas fir PNW_Eqn Jenkins_Eqn Redwood AGLT biomass in California (from NIMS) Ownership Forest Land Group Area PNW Jenkins Diff. % NFS Timberland 9.3 709 850 20 Other Non_reserved 2.3 41 54 32 Other Reserved 3.4 231 285 23 Timberland 0.9 63 68 8 Other Non_reserved 1.3 18 20 22 Other Reserved 2.5 226 235 4 Timberland 8.9 610 659 8 Other Non_reserved 4.3 103 134 30 0 0 0 Other Pub Private Other Reserved Area in million acres and Biomass in Million metric tons Above-ground, live tree carbon, 2005 Mg carbon/ac Land Stratum PNW vol. eqns. Jenkins eqns. Timberland 35.1 40.2 Other unreserved 10.5 13.2 Other reserved 41.8 46.4 Area-wtd. Total 30.8 35.3 Jenkins is 11-25% high! Above-ground, live tree, carbon flux, 2002-2005 Kg carbon/ac/year Land Stratum PNW vol. eqns. Jenkins eqns. Timberland -406 -454 Other unreserved 103 -64 Other reserved 1938 1333 Area-wtd. Total 352 200 Jenkins flux is always lower! But none of these differences are significantly different from 0 at α=0.05, due to the large sampling error. Some relationships don’t make sense Jenkins dead wood=proportion of live above ground But following disturbance (harvest, fire, blow-down or bug-kill), dead wood can be many times the live tree carbon, NOT a fraction of it (multiplier can be >1) While some kinds of harvest may leave little if any dead wood, possibly more acres today are disturbed by other forces Where to? CCAR/CCX data needs Carbon stock/acre by ecoregion, site quality, owner group, forest type Precision standards TBD but likely >> current Regular updates to assess stock change Spatially resolved at ownership/parcel scale Nationally and temporally consistent, unbiased and distortion-free accounting process What could get us there? Stop changing the forest inventory design/definitions Invest $$$ in volume & biomass equations Substantially increase plot density (3-4X) Focused, well-supported techniques research: integrate plot, LiDAR and spectrally sensed information to enable spatially comprehensive, sufficiently precise models Except #1, these are unfunded Perhaps 70+ million dollars for CA to do all these things Our short-term reality Assess down wood/snag carbon via FIA plots and compare with Jenkins Assess live tree carbon stock change (and precision) for remeasured R5 plots Complete work with Susanna Melson and Mark Harmon on equation selection sensitivity analysis Try to build support for estimating better volume and biomass equations Questions welcome