Solar Irradiance Variability - comparison of models and observations Peter Fox, High Altitude Observatory, NCAR, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307, Surface structures: Instrumental filters: Radiance Spectra: 0.50 405 Green 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 490 495 500 nm Teff 0 3900 5000 3902 3904 3906 3908 3910 104 Wavelength 4000 2000 0 -0.5 0.0 Log Wavelength (microns) 0.5 1.0 865 870 Radiation temperature from continuum sources versus wavelength for quiet Sun (solid), plage (dash-dot) and sunspot (long dash) structures - also shown is the Teff=5770 black body temperature. 875 nm 1000 P A 1500 Height (km) 2000 2500 1016 VIRGO/SPM filter profiles for blue channel (upper), green channel (middle) and red channel (lower) filters. 1015 1.0•106 Electron Density 860 500 2.0•106 1.5•106 855 S Model C, P, S - mu=0.3 2.5•106 3000 -1.0 Intensity 0.0 850 1500 105 510 0.2 5.0•105 0 3900 3902 3904 3906 3908 Putting it all together: 1014 1013 1012 P 1011 1010 109 3910 Wavelength S 0 Radiance spectra about Si I (390.5nm) for disk center (upper) and µ=0.3 (lower) for quiet Sun (solid), plage (dash) and sunspot (dash-dot) structures. 500 1000 Height (km) A 1500 2000 1018 Spectral Filters Spectral Database(s) 1016 Synthetic radiance spectra versus wavelength (EUV to IR) are calculated from radiative transfer models for each surface structure and a number of disk positions and stored in databases. Hydrogren Density Feature distribution on the solar disk: MASKS, parametric fits, etc. 1014 A 1012 S P 1010 Irradiance tables: H {1{ Model/ A C E F H P S Ca II K structure mask for 92/01/31 0:95 4.1084 7.2829 16.439 23.334 47.562 62.220 24.713 0:85 4.1064 7.3850 16.681 23.678 48.111 62.269 25.276 0:75 4.1044 7.4871 16.924 24.022 48.660 62.318 25.840 0:65 4.1023 7.5891 17.167 24.365 49.209 62.366 26.403 I (104 erg/cm2 /s/sr) 0:55 0:45 0:35 4.1003 4.0955 4.0877 7.6911 7.9141 8.0600 17.410 17.670 17.949 24.709 25.052 25.395 49.757 50.236 50.641 62.415 62.167 61.603 26.966 27.846 29.064 Quiet Sun Intensity 0 1214 0:25 4.0852 8.0863 18.207 25.664 50.851 60.717 30.778 0:16 4.1038 8.4955 18.315 25.601 50.341 59.077 34.169 0:06 4.1249 8.6900 18.293 25.396 49.709 57.868 36.874 Average 4.1020 7.6041 17.134 24.285 49.001 62.023 26.740 Total 2.79 5.17 11.65 16.52 33.32 42.18 18.18 Sac Peak CaIIK Intensity Histogram and Model Assignments for 92/01/31 Table 3: Intensities for our structure models, integrated over the band Ly 4.5 A. Units for the total are mW/m2 / A. 1215 1216 Wavelength 1217 4•104 2•104 1215 C E E F F H H P Magnetogram structure mask for 92/01/31 0:7511 2.7821 2.7888 2.7874 2.8223 2.8981 2.9092 0.3391 0:6513 2.6078 2.6157 2.6159 2.6535 2.7488 2.7723 0.3142 I (106 erg/cm2 /s/sr) 0:5515 0:4519 0:3524 2.4205 2.2181 1.9972 2.4299 2.2295 2.0116 2.4323 2.2349 2.0215 2.4734 2.2804 2.0729 2.5879 2.4130 2.2205 2.6213 2.4514 2.2550 0.2909 0.2693 0.2501 0:2533 1.7530 1.7725 1.7892 1.8483 2.0045 2.0169 0.2334 0:1556 1.4750 1.5053 1.5337 1.6010 1.7531 1.6983 0.2201 0:0667 1.3018 1.3412 1.3785 1.4501 1.5946 1.4797 0.2135 Average 2.5963 2.6056 2.6077 2.6472 2.7365 2.7448 0.3224 Total 176.5 177.2 177.3 180.0 186.1 186.6 21.92 Table 4: Red Band intensities for our structure models, averaged over the band 6070-6080 A. Units for the total are mW/m2 / A. Synthetic PSPT blue image from Ca mask Synthetic PSPT blue image from B mask 1216 Wavelength 1217 1218 Synthetic Ly-α image from Ca K mask 2•104 0 1214 Intensity or magnetogram images are decomposed pixel-by-pixel and the synthetic images are built up by using radiance spectra for the wavelength of interest along with any instrumental filter profiles. 8660 8680 8640 8660 8680 8640 8660 8680 8640 8660 8680 5.0•105 0 8580 8600 8620 1215 1216 Wavelength 1217 1218 1215 1216 Wavelength 1217 1218 2.0•106 1.5•106 1.0•106 5.0•105 0 8580 1.0 8600 8620 Wavelength 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1214 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 8580 8600 8620 Wavelength VIRGO/SPM red band spectrum synthesis (solid) compared to Kurucz atlas (dash) for quiet (upper), moderate and active Sun. Variability of active to quiet Sun is shown in the lower panel, overlaid with the VIRGO red filter profile to indicate sampling. 3000 2000 1000 0 1024 1025 1026 Wavelength 1027 1028 1025 1026 Wavelength 1027 1028 1026 Wavelength 1027 Visible spectrum: 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1024 3.0•106 2.5•106 2.0•106 1.5•106 1.0•106 5.0•105 8000 0 3904 3905 3906 3907 3906 3907 3906 3907 3906 3907 Wavelength 6000 4000 2000 1025 1028 3.0•106 2.5•106 2.0•106 1.5•106 1.0•106 5.0•105 0 3904 3905 Wavelength 3.0 2.5 2.0 Active Sun Intensity Active to Quiet Sun Ratio 8640 1.0•106 0.8 4000 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1024 1025 1026 Wavelength 1027 3.0•106 2.5•106 2.0•106 1.5•106 1.0•106 5.0•105 0 3904 1028 3905 Wavelength Lyman-β profiles and variability 100 Quiet Sun Intensity Synthetic Images: 8620 1.5•106 Wavelength 6•104 4•104 0 1024 Histogram structure decomposition for Ca K 92/01/31 8600 2.0•106 Active to Quiet Sun Ratio A C 0:8510 2.9451 2.9509 2.9481 2.9809 3.0375 3.0348 0.3651 2000 Temperature, log(Temperature), electron density and hydrogen density versus height in the solar atmosphere. Empirical models for each of the surface structures: A, C, E, F, H, P and S. 5.0•105 80 60 40 20 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 3904 3905 Wavelength 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 600 800 1000 600 800 1000 600 800 1000 Wavelength Synthetic PSPT red image from Ca mask Synthetic PSPT red image from B mask 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 Si I (390.5nm) and surrounding spectra (solid-synthesis, dashed-AFGL atlas) Upper to lower panel: quiet Sun, moderate activity, active Sun, active to quiet Sun ratio. Wavelength 150 100 Observed Spectra - Livingston 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 5378 5379 5380 Wavelength (A) 5381 5382 50 0 0 200 400 Wavelength Intensity A 0:9509 3.0982 3.1034 3.0993 3.1304 3.1683 3.1512 0.3919 1500 1.0•106 0 8580 1•105 8•104 Synthetic Lyman-α profiles (solid) compared to observations (dash, Lemaire) Model/ A C E F H P S 1000 Height (km) Wavelength 6•104 0 1214 500 1.5•106 1218 8•104 Moderate Sun Intensity F 2•104 Active Sun Intensity E 4•104 0 Near-IR spectrum: 2.0•106 6•104 Active to Quiet Sun Ratio C EUV/UV spectrum: Relative Intensity A Synthetic Spectra Intensity Histograms/ Irradiances Quiet Sun Intensity Synthetic Image(s) Moderate Sun Intensity Computation of synthetic images and spectrum for full disk in absolute units H Quiet Sun Intensity F Moderate Sun Intensity E Active Sun Intensity C Synthetic irradiance spectra are generated by summing spectral radiance profiles over the full solar disk which accounts for detailed center-to-limb activity variations and these profiles may be compared directly to observed spectra. Active to Quiet Sun Ratio A Calculation of the Line Source Function 2.0 1.5 4.0•106 3.0•106 2.0•106 1.0•106 0 5378 1.0 0.5 Spectra for Model Quiet Sun, mu=1 5379 5380 Wavelength (A) 5381 5382 0.0 0 Synthesis project - Temperature 6000 We use three dierent approaches for obtaining realistic, non-LTE, line source functions. Paper I: Fontenla, White, Fox, Avrett and Kurucz, Ap. J. 518, 480. Paper II: Fox, White, Fontenla, Avrett and Harvey, Ap. J. to appear. 1000 Height (km) 106 1.0•106 0.4 PSPT Calcium II K image from 1998. * A - cell center faint component of the quiet Sun * C - average median intensity quiet Sun component * E - bright network component of the quiet Sun * F - enhanced network component of the active Sun * H - faint plage component of the active Sun * P - bright plage component of the active Sun * S - sunspot Our model computations include detailed non-LTE ionization equilibrium for the most signicant elements and eects of diusion in the transition region. 1. In strong resonance lines, such as the H Ly and Mg II h and k, we use non-LTE source functions computed with the PANDORA code with partial frequency redistribution (PRD). 2. In other cases when the non-LTE populations from PANDORA are available but PRD is not very important, we use the computed populations and then assume complete redistribution (CRD) for our opacity and emissivity computations. This approach is used for the Balmer, Paschen, and higher Lyman lines (that use population values from a 15 level H atom PANDORA run) and for other lines where CRD is a reasonable assumption. 3. In all other cases, we compute an approximate source function based on a new formulation that uses the Planck function and a form of the \net radiative bracket" applicable to the many medium and small strength lines in the solar spectrum. 500 2.0•106 0.6 1. Continuum sources: (a) H; : bound-free and free-free (b) H2+ : bound-free and free-free (c) e: free-free (d) H: 912 A, 3640 A, and higher level ionization (e) C: edge 1100 A (f) Al: edge 2076 A (g) Si: edges 1526 A, 1682 A, 3880 A (h) Mg: edges 1620 A, 2515 A, 3650 A 2. Scattering processes: (a) Thomson scattering (e) (b) Rayleigh scattering (H) 0 7000 0.8 Calculation of Absorption Coecients The emphasis here is not on the synthesis of a particular set of spectral lines with high accuracy, but rather is on the ability to compute broad spectral bands with sucient accuracy to estimate the irradiance variability. We compute the parameters in equation (1) at each wavelength where an emergent intensity is needed. We take into account all opacity and emissivity contributions at all wavelengths without resorting to wavelength averaged values. For this purpose we use the extensive lists of line opacities published by Robert Kurucz and NIST. We take into account the following opacity, scattering and emissivity sources: 505 1.0 where S is the monochromatic source function, and is the monochromatic optical depth along the line of sight. This optical depth is the integral of the total opacity, + , Z x (x) = ( + ) ds; (2) 0 415 0.50 (1) where is the absorption coecient (corrected for stimulated emission), is the monochromatic scattering coecient, and x is the geometrical depth along the line of sight. The source function is the ratio of the total emissivity to the total opacity. + J ; (3) S = + where J is the local mean intensity (i.e., the intensity averaged over all directions) and is the emissivity. The atmospheric parameters , , and along the line of sight determine the variation of the coecients in equations (2) and (3), and thereby determine the values of and S along the line of sight. 410 nm Quiet Sun Intensity exp; d; 400 Moderate Sun Intensity S 8000 395 Radiation Temperature 0.00 390 Active Sun Intensity 0 S 3000 0.10 Moderate Sun Intensity = 5000 4000 Temperature(log) 0.20 The formal integral solution to the radiative transfer equation is, I Intensity Blue 0.30 Calculation of the Solar Emergent Intensity Z 1 A 6000 3.0•106 0.40 Active Sun Intensity The solar spectral irradiance is the radiative energy ux from the Sun through a unit surface, located at 1 AU and oriented normal to the Sun-Earth direction, and in a particular wavelength interval. An accurate computation of irradiance requires detailed accounting for all variations across the solar disk at any point in time. 7000 4.0•106 Active to Quiet Sun Ratio Theory of Stellar Atmospheres Applied to the Irradiance Problem P 8000 Model C, P, S - disk center 5.0•106 Red Over the past decade, regular measurement programs for parts of the solar spectrum have been established. In recent years substantial progress has also been made on the physical understanding of these measurements. To refine our understanding and to make quantitative estimates of its variability requires a study of the entire solar spectrum. Our approach to this requirement is to combine empirical image analysis with the theory for emission, absorption, and transfer of radiation in the solar atmosphere. The goal is the successful combination of observed solar images with semi-empirical models and theory for calculation of a mixed line+continuum spectrum emitted from realistic representations of the observed solar disk. We present the latest results from the SunRISE spectral synthesis model in specific spectral bands in the UV, visible, and near-IR, and compare them to related observations (including those from the RISE/PSPT instrument). NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. This work is sponsored by the NSF RISE program. 9000 200 400 Wavelength Lyman-continuum and continuum edges and variability C I (538nm) synthetic spectra at disk center for quiet Sun compared to observations by Livingston (private communication).