Indo. J. Chern, Vol. 11 NO.3 PP 201-294 Yogyakarta November 2011 ISSN 1411-9420 INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Vol,11,No.3,November2011 ~todbrDllmHo'~I,f)lOlf{epI2O'IO Dor";~July2010 EdltorlnChle' Prot, Dr, Hamo Owl Pranowo, M.SI Email: or Department of Chemistry, Univers~as Gadjah Mada Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta Indonesia 55261,TeVFax (0062·274r545188, Webs~e : Email :IJcullm@yahoo,com hamopranowo@yahoo,com Vice Editor In Chll' Prof,Dr.Mudasir,M,En~ Drs.lqmaITahir.M.Si Email: Email: iqmal@ugm.acJd EdllorlalBoard Prof. Dr. KarnaWijaya.M.Enll, (PilysicallMafarlaIChemisfry) Prof. Dr. Jumina rOrganicChemislry) Prof. Dr. Nuryono, MS (IncrrJanic Chemisfry) Dr. Ria Amlunanto, M.Si. reomputetlonaVPhysical Chamistry) Dr.TriJokoRaharjo,M.SI·rBiochemislrylBioenalysis) Dr. Nurul HidayatAprilita(AflIliytic8VEnvironmentaIChamistry) Advisory Editorial Board Dr. Brian Williams (Adelaida University Australia) Prof. Dr. DI. He. 6emdMRoda(Univels~yol Innsbruck,Austrial Dr.DirllBWl(Utre<;htUniverslty,Netheriands) Prof. Dr. M.Gross(LooIsPasteurUniversity,france) Prof. Dr. HardjonoSastrohamidjojo(Universltas GadjahMada,lndonesfa) Prof. Dr. David. St.C, Black (Univars1ty of New South Wales,Australia) Prof. Dr. MaxLu(Univers~yolQueenstand,Auslralla) Prof. Dr. Bochori(Bandung Instiluta of Technology, Indonesia) Prof. Dr.AtlduIRa'ufPathon~(Ha$8nudin University, Indonesia) Prof. Dr. NaokiYoshioka(KeioUniverslty,Japan) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Ahmad Kamil Mahmood (Univers~ySains Mataysia) Administrator Or. Akhmad Syoufian WarakustartiLlstyartwangl,A,Md DjokoPrlhandono Prof. Dr. Muhammad Idil'ls Saleh (UniversitySalns Malaysia) DI.HeryHaenJdin(Perlamlna,lndonesia) Proi. Dr. liplzulFalah(UnlvflrsitasGadjahMada, Indonesia) Prof. Sri Juari Santosa, M.Eng, Ph.D. (Universitas GadjahMada,lr>donesia) Prof.Or.EndanIlTnWahyuni,MS(UnlversllasGadjah Mada,lndonesia) Prof. Dr, Bambang Rusdiarso, DEA (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia) Prof.Or.WegaTnsuneryantl,M.S.,Ph.O.Eng (Univers~asGadJahMada,lndonesla) Prof. Dr. Sabinn Matsjeh (Univers~as Gadjah Mada,lndonesia) Dr. Winarto Haryadi, M,S;. (Univers~as Gadjah Mada, Indonesia) RobbyNoorCahyono,S.Si.,M.5c EmieKumiawati,SH Alms and Scope Indonesian Joumal of Chemistry Is an Intemationel jolJlnal oovering all aspects of Chamlstry, including Chemical Education and Chemical Engineering. The journal publishes original research papers, short communications, and review articles. The paper published In this journal implies that the wort<; described has not been,andwillnotbepubiishedolsawhare,exceptinabstraCl,aspartofalecture,revieworacademk:thesls. Indonesian JrnJrnal 01 Cllemistry (ISSN,1411·9420) Is published by the Dapertment of Chamistry, Facuttyol Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas GadJsh Mada, SelUp Utara, Yogyakarta. Indonesia. All orders ac<:ompanied by payment should be sent directly to The Department of Chemistry, Univers~as GadJah Mada. Annual subscription rate is lOR 150,000.00 (Ja~·Ba~), IDR 200,000.00 (outside Java-Bali) (shipping Included), ~PBnm c:::e~='~t~~~J~·::r ~~I~r (~~rt~~I~~~~~' ~~fJ~~~oaJ':~~~ ~~1e;~, 'S"~~ code: BNINIDJAXXX) I'rlDONESlAN JOURHAL OF CHEMISTRY Yol.11,No.3,~2011 CONTENTS S~ o.rMItlw. A ~ for NowI -..d AntImicrobial E....lu8tlon of Some 2-(.- olonlc:e-.~.SynttMsla, Charac:tlriullon t.titl/tlld AnlU.-.yndon-3·-yl)_" 3, 4-th. .INlIlO ("s.b)lnclolKbyliemilnlP_.S/liShJpalSingh.andNldhl~ ~n Eh<;t low.m no.. Qu.llly of Cureumln lmprim.d Polymer by Em! Shlqiu Azlzl. MolId NoorAhmlll.A.K.M.S/'IlIllqull......... OIhyarArbaln.andlqmlllT.hIr no.. Addllion EfflCl of Sulph.nlll<: Ac:ld to tIM SynthKl. 01 3,.-.thyl.n.dloxyblnulclehyd. by FetlF.UmahandSanuslGugu!e Th. Actin Fr.<;tion from NlrJfI//' IItlv••nd Its Actlv1ty '1l.ln.t U7D C.ll U ... by Heny EkowaU, EQPra$llstl,andUndrilUl.lutl 217-222 TIM Optlmlutlon of Enzymltl<: Synthesl. for lIuroyl-H_lthyl Glu<:amlcle Surf.e1.nll by ZUMn. MuyilhtJh, seri 8lmlI Semblr1ng, ZUI Allian. and T}8hJono Herawan Synthell.of5,7-dlhydroxy-3·...'-dlmethoxylsof\lvofromEugenolbyAndiHalrltAli'nuckln. SIbhI~, ChairtAttww. and MUIlofi Synthwl. ofT«plneol from ..~neM CI!I1yud by TCN'( Nanik WijIY"d. H.m Owl F'rInowo,.,unm,andTrtyono - HydrotysIsofe.t>ohydratHInCIIUYIIPulp.ndTsplo<:aFlourundlr"Ic:rowIYllrrIdlltlonby &aHermlltl.Jo..n..idIiAnml.~~. TItIC. .so.n.ti.OnoSupamo.Ind8ln'lbfong 23&-2045 C hlrKtIlriutlon of 0.58 kb DNA StIlblnl SynthlH encoding GInI F~n1 from M11lnjo PIInt (Gnefumgnemon)byTriJokoRatllr1o,RosyidaAzllRizkl,SII"Nom'IIIEthicII.ElyRulIlnll.IndL 2<16-252 HertlntoNugroho TIOJ 8e1dt for PtIotOCllt.lytlc DllIr.dlItion of Humic Ac:ld In PulWltir byWlnauti And.yenl.nd A'lu.UnNMSagyo Pr.llmlnary Study of the Utlliutlon of lhe Fly Ash from Power Pr.nt for ImmoblllZltlon of Radlo.e1I.,. W••t. by Harry Poemomo Effie! 01 CrOl.linklng 10 IhI<:al Property of ApIIIII G.I.tin Hybrid for Bon. Sub.lltutlonPurpo.KbySuoarao.Sulamo.KanjT$UIU.lklDe¥04Ana,andKunlol.hIkIwa Mlorptlonof ca(ll), Pb(ll).nd Ag(l)on Sulfonlto-$lll<:a H~ p. . ...-I from RIce Hull Ash by SiIlSuillItrl.Nuryono,I~~rtInI.""'EkoSrlKunll1l UtIllutlon of RIce Hulk • Su)lnllII'ldAgulKl.nalkl RIw MIterlIl In SyntMsls of "1IOpOO"0UI Slllc:lWl Me...., by PNpIrItIon.nd ChlIrectIrtutlon Ion SlIectIYI EII<:trode Cd(I) 8IHd on Chlt_1n f"YC Mlmbrww by A. SefIo5I Plngglbun NOn, A N_ Phenolic: Compound from Acetone Extnct 01 U<:hIn (lInN /lvUON T.yI. by MIuIliyIIh.A.HerryClllyena,IndWIhyldPrtyonoS-..o 219-2&1 IrIdD,J.Chwn.,2011,ff(J),rTJ.l1' 273 ADSORPTION OF Ca(lI), Pb(ll) AND Ag(I) ON SULFONATO-SILICA HYBRID PREPARED FROM RICE HULL ASH Sltl Sulastrl'.1, NuryonoJ.·, Indrianll Klrtlnl', and Eko Sri Kunarti' 'St~WnlolDoctotllePro:lgram, o.{Wlmerlt 01 ChemIslIy, FKtJlfycfl.l/,lffl/ so.lI(>f'. UnNlIrsJt.'~Mad •. YogyWll., IIldon/lsi. 'DllplrlmllllolChlmi&lIY, FlCUlfyofMathlmalics IIld NItutaI ~s. Sla'- Ulllvef3ltyofYogya1<llrll.,Yogya1<llrll.llldon<JSja ·~oICMmis11y.FM:lIIryolMIthImIllicsendNMuraiSaiIonces,~'~MadI. BI.2t.s./l¥IUtIt'a,Y~552B1,~ Rw:aived~2I5.20ff;Act;:efIted~f~2011 ABSTRACT InIhis18seard1,.cborpIiorIoICe(If),Pb(lf)andAg("In~~onIO:~to-..siicahytorld(SSH) ~fromricelluluh(RHA)hubNnatvdifKI. TIlIpt'II»f'lJtionotSSH~W8$c:8Iriedoc.tbyolddlltion 01 metUPlrNIics /lytJrid (uSH) wiftl hydrogen petlJ16de {HzOJJ «JIution ~. MSH Wl!S prwpared, .,.. so4JeI process, by Idding 3 U hydrochJorie Idd sohAion to mmunr 01 sodiIJm ~te (NatSiQ3l lOMion .nd 3(lrimelhoxysiJy/)-1~nlh/oi(UPTS) to 181Ch pH of 1.0. SoIlJIion of Nll:SiOs was glrllraled from deslructKx1 of RHA wilh lSOdium hydroxide S4)/uIkIn followed with hfHlling al 500 "C for 30 mitt. TIle SSH (XOd~ was characllrlz(J(J with Fcwrilr Ifllnsfonn Infra/'ld (FTlR) spfIdfOSlXlpy, X-ray diffraclion (XRD) .naly~." Irllfl1Y d~ X-ray (EDX) ~llOSropy and determination or /on-Ixchange ~pecJty for $Odium ion (N.'). Thl ttdsorptionofA'iJ(I).ndC.(I/)_l8r:onduct9dln.balch'Y3t1mi1variou'~ltalionsrrxOOllloor.The cak;uI.l&dba(#/(lfl d~of~tIoMbef0!8sndafleradlOipOOnproceu determined Idtott1enl ion wa. ~ltOmicabsc<bancl~(AAS)mathod.Theadsorptionr::llaraclM'we.t1V3lUaltlduUlgfl'lO(/6/oi lIlll~. c::MsUntsand-vtol/tdsorptirxl. RId iMJthafmLMlgmuirandF!8UndIidrttdsorptionloClllaJlBte oIdlanK:terizatiotllYyEDX andFTIR IhawedqualirB~/JlIISSHMi beer!.succeuA.tIy~tlizedllllflich__ bc1ieel&dbyappeannca oI~~oI~P'DI.pnamalydanol(Si-OH),IiIauM(Si-O-SIJ, maIJIyIMa(-CHr) and~oI~P'DI.p(SH). TheXRD doIla lhawedamrxphoul.strllCtUo'eoiSSH, . , . , to sifca gal (SG) and USH. The studyoledlorptjon ~ Ihowed ItlfII oIdd8fiQr7 of U$H Into SSH ~rhe~capacityforNa·fromO.123toO.51'tnmCllfg.ThechfJnria"'fImctionIJIgroopfrom denoIlorrren:ap/IJ andfrommeree,oto to.wIbrNto ~ /he edIorptjon capacity 01 Ca(JI}. Howe..., /he ~orrierot~.forbolhionlolPl>(IQandAg(l)ioIaqueoWltlOhJtionilUSH"SG>SSH. Ktywont.: ttdsrxpliOfl, silica, rica, hybrid.•ulforNJto high yield, small proeestJng time, cost sffectlveness Rioe twsk. !he predominanl byproducl In the milling proceu d domestic IIIlriculture, is usualy either burned and envltonment frienctly (3-4J. Mo$l 01 !hi soI-ge! mllhodl [5) of prepar1rG lAS Glasa C'*WI1Ie1 are alkOllidebased,andlhel8fore,controlofhydrolysill'lnd Oldifeatded.resullrlgnotodrin~_ling,but condensation ruaion of different melll alkoxide is 8110 in environmental poIulion. As e oonsequanc:e, espadaIyin! tlt<:on'*Igd~~rd3lhetotmelionofeconvnon natworkinwhidllhllYlrioulmetalionl_~. lO~rieehUsknh(RHA.)...tIic:tl.OCltr\P058dof Se-.l8ll8mptshlYebeencarriedOUlinc:llldirlg extfemeIypu-earnorpholAsilieaextrae:ledfromrice lTIlIIchingofhydrolysistaleBbychemicllmodifielllionl lIIitIlehelalirlgigands.'}'I"lVlesiBoflTllAlicomponen 8Ikoxidn 01 partial prehydrotysis of a!<exIdI$ (6) • Meehanicaly stabIa metrices, such . . dMmicalIy mocfllltdliieaO&!surfaces, hall'll awakened growing InllrtS1becalJSelhekncwltdgtlOOQllirtdwithlhen1 permits !he transf., 01 some propertle, found in homogeneous chemistry to the Immobilized stalS. Among !he more promising highly dgyeloped slirfaces huskbyeseriesofproceuinc:U:lirlgKidIeadling. pyroIysis,and~andmeybeusedas .-e.toI.WCI!Itorsileltbasedrnaleriall. InAlC8ntlimes,8OI-geImelhods[1-2)~been considered promiUlg lor preparing llllrarw.., high purity, .lngle and mlllli<:omponent oxidaglalll8s and ceramic compos~.s with the advantages of high purity, lower ,Intlring temperalllre, a high degree of homogeneity, '":'&2..v454$'N EmoI_:nuljO' 1ndo..J.ChM!..1D1f,ff/3J,Z1,.rn 274 _ltwsilca-allldledcwv~lIItllctl_wideIy UMd fl various ted'noIogies [7-6). n- maBials _bIe speciationdr.eeelemenbandareuseful in toMng many ptOblems In nudear te<:hnl:*lgy, eIIclroI'Mcs, metaIIurtlY. rnnng, medicine. 19ricu1llQ, flIItlerielIlIIId enYironmenlalltudlM. A/Ihougtle large *" body of data ha, reported aboolanchorlild ailicas. new applications .... continuously demending further Inlolmatfon. Silica gel Is -.n Inorganic suppon widely ~sed in menychemicalproeesees.lmingsevlralK:lentiflcand tec::hnlcal applicationt (10-11). This supJlOl't has been In<n:Jslrqy lISfId beeeuse ita surface on.. many ...... Iiica MlUrClI. The present RI.Idy ems lo 8'tIkJate1tla~dlliicamoo:lific:ltiooMh m8l'Cllplo and S\Monalo llrouPS on lha adIorption ~usinglWOlIoIhermmodels(F~and .....,.,,"'" EXPERlMENTALSECTION Precl.notoflOdiumdicata(Na,5lO,)toMionfor ~ I pn:ICIIdure reported by tb)ulo (13]. Sample d ~dullfOl~.lollsthermllandchernieal RtiA_mixlldv.tllNIOHlIOIuIion2Mlndthe IlIlbiiulion dtRlg the 1lI81;tion proceu [1~ II has • ritkn_~ltimldinlholplatalilcWy Illgh-'- . . . (~m21g),lTIic::roporUliminlhe I'1ItIQ8 5-alO 'Aand ltcantJ. used.1 rellIm.ty1ow eottll31·SianalOf'Ol4ISOl'IslIicagel8U1_beI'I8",,1Q • \veak IICid (pKB.g.~); It!uslheycan intefad wilh polar c:ompoo.nd$lhroughbolhltronghydrogenbondsand d!;)oI..-dipoleIntW8Ctlons_lt>eweUkJlQ'Ml8renlted acid [14-151. Due to the pruenee of these groups of adds, silica gel is .bl. to ,daofb the moll varied of chemk;:al species such IS cyclic amlnes [16]. Ilmlde. [1T]. proteins [18). bIoIogfcallyactivephoephates [19] • • nd liso lor sorpllon In the S8pll11ltion prooess of the p1alln...n metal 120], w11hout pre...o::.os modlftcation with .n~.ThelllOlitioationollhesllicagei lJUrr-isusuallydonebyuU1gMapproprialemolea.lle ~~qegent.iIIIll8$'~. stablelXMlklntbond •• formed[10).~.1o IncruN the charl can btl 0'I'III'lXlIM by Iu1Iw ~ atIClltlan_haatadlt500"Cfol"JOrni'lIn.fl.maca.. Therem..wasoi:uolvedinwaterloobtilinaoklliond N~Thalllllg8rllgl*lad~)­ propena-l-1hiof{J.4PTS)frorn Aldridl.calioM 01 Ca(ll)• ~(I).andPb(lI)lnchlorldaandtWtrala"(greatar 1han98"'pl6ityfrornMartk),andhydroganparOllide :mr.(Men;lc)~used.lUPPliad. Proeaduno Sol-pl pI'OC8$' for fN8PIrItJon oral/Ironlto .111c1 h,M" Prec:ur$Qrol~lIOflltion2SmL_mO:ed ~"mlMPTSandlhanlhamixlure_lddadwilh hydrochloridaldd3Mdropbydropand_11irTad MJMy iii hi pH 01 7.0. The gal formed _ kept OYWnight..-dtlen_Wllhadwilhwa.klordarto in.AIbIequent~st8p.wIlh.v.w.tyot bafreadlddby~wilhlunlYarlalpH orglWc fln:tions. fOIlhe many desired putpOHS. T'IlU$, modified ••ICII is widely uMd i'l ctwm.~y(10]. lI$ aupportlcrlTlll18rialsv«thc:alalyricpropel1la(111.3S QqI.le$Irlltion agenl 01 me18ls (211. for IorH:Jlchange [22), abo for conlamWlants I'lIITlOYaI from waste .muent slreem.(23],andlormanyotherpurpoHt. InprevlousrePQrt.wade.cribedthainve.tigation. of .~thetic schemea aiminll at the preparation of ndlcatorpapar.Thaget_drilIdat70"ClWIdwas groundadinto200n....nInper1idaslu.Thaproducl obtainadwasdiclmodilllldwltllTl8'l:lp!OpfOpylgroup (lTl8'I:Ipto lIiIica h~, MSH). The similar wOOl was rapaatadwitlloullllOci1lonofMPTSloobtlinsiliclgel (SG) as the control pmduct. The silica modified wilh mercaplopropyillroupe Wall OJddozad wtth H.o. to prodllCe sulfonic acid moieties on the,1I1ca llUrface. orllanlo-lnorga~poI~rhybridlbyuainlllr8ditionlll T~lIy.l.0110fMSHWlIllllUSpendedIn16mlof heteroganeou!l rout" [241: and for lha .Mly of aqueous 33% (wi) H.o,...mto continuout.tifring at temparaua for 1 h [30]. The produced material waahad MYeralti'neswithwaler..-d elhanol and then dried at 100 "C Q'oII8m/ght. The ttMonlclddlJOUl)lllltll(tledlolhaporlWlb-. lJdsofptioneqlJilibriumprooanesdtladivalanlc:ations cobllIt,nic:kal,andoopparfrorn~lOkJtion. Homoganota rotDI IIIlng RHA 8$ the alb IOU'OIl for prepara!ionola'Jlino.and~lI)tlrids;and Ihe QorptIon n.Jdy d _ _ metallonl alto had been repol'Ied[25-26J.The.-uJb:oIthl1~c:apadty oItn.harddvalantdMtlystlOW8dhltamirloltlOltfiad bends to IIdtorb hard base e:atIonI in higher .-e. Imountthatlll18l'Cll$llOmodlI'iadsiicll. In the ~ worII .... n-tigated the adlQrPliOn P!OC8Mn 01 ca(lI). "«!) Ind Pb(1I) in aqUllOU. lIOflltion on.ulfonatomoditied.Hiclpreparad from rice hull SiIi$ululriet81 room was fi/larad, OOl'W8l'tedi'dolOdllMTld\::loata~'Ilrough i:lraItion 'rih NaOH IIOk.«ion (tl.l l.l~ The sold product wu filered 0«. wahad willi dalorUad ..ner. .-.d dMd at room tempera..... 0YlImight. The sample _cnar.cterizadusingXRD.FT-lR~and bydalerminlltionofCltiorH.llchlngacap-eltylnproton (H') form. IfIdo.J.ChMt~2011, 11(3),213-218 275 . OCM, H---"I;Ja<o ",.cO--J,................M•• ·-H.cO--JI~ ... Jc"o Jc"," .. _.I-O"~~ ~",c:OJ'~.H JeM' Jcllo L ft:7~·JHA-- ~:7~')H,o , , Fig 1. RMetiofl oftullOlla!o-sHIca hybridformation •• p'. (e) fom1alion ofsiloxane borldlng; (blmlXliflcatlonofaHica with mlreaplo group, lind (clOltidation of mllrcapm group wi1h hydrogen peroxide spectr'o$COpy. The amount of metal Ions ItClsotbed (~)W8Scall;::l,llaIadfromlhe~salon: m.1C ~CJV 'Mlefe Co and C .... the lnitiIl IiIw:l equilibrium c:onoItItrationofmfllallon.inmmollt...~Iy.V IBthe¥Dlumeolthe&QUeClU' solution (LI and Mis the -- /l\aMofadsorbem(Il)·The~~was c.m.d out wi1h III lIIOsort:Mlnb (SO, MSH, 8Ild SSH). Thesborptioncapacity {bl was eaIcUa:edfrom ' RESULT AND DISCUSSION F1g2.lnfra*'lP'dJlIdproducts;siialgel(A), men:apkl8lb H)tIrld (B) II'lCl suronam siIic8 h)Uld (e) IaotMnrnolMlMNptlotl The""ll;hlldsolplionmethod_usedlol' The Ivaelion lor the kml-'lon of IItAfonal:o I1'IOCifIedsiicaltvoughancJllflllUlfonatjonrouteis ~inFlg,'oonsistingoflhAMo~Thooe nekldelormu\io:o'ld$lIoD~.lrameYll:W1lalailicaby edding acid in soluIion 01 sible enloro (Fig. 1(8»' ~Ihe~ofadsofplion~lingof Immobiizallon of 100mgdadlotberJlsuspendedin50.0mLd." lIqUMlUSmetallonlllvariousirlillillconcentrations.TIIey W$'8mee/'lanlee.ltystlrredfor1hBlaroomtempetlllture (298 K). The ISOkJtiona were centrifuged and the supemeUlnt Wilt determined by atomic: abaorptlon mlltalpto groups the si5ea <luring formation 01 0eI (Fig. 1(b)), lIIld • CUlidnon 01 the rnmobilizedsulfhydrytgrouPtlOlheeorre&J)Ollding sU:!orIicacid moieties with HA,(FIg. 1(e». Experiment wllt1 volunMltl'lcmetl\od ahowsthat in the investigated condition oxidation of MSH to beoome SSH Increased Indo,J.CII_.. 201',11(3),27J-118 276 . " ... ~ eatll) 4.2014 122.0 PtJ{l1} ~ 17.~ "." "-" m. "" 1.692 o.~ 2.20 1.10 O.lIM 2.101 2.S1' G.lIM 2.50 1.67 2.16 1.82 0.9Il6 0.ll92 '-.-E"" -c' . _ -- . c._ 91.81 m. t: ,- -. .--- !: __ :: -- 0",",, _ :t}'- 1,~ _. . ---.- FI1l3.Correlalioneu..... oItheamourrtof~11ons adsorbed ....rsus concen..-atiOf'l 01 metal 1Ofl8 II equilibrium \he cation eJlchange capacily for 0.575mm$g. N.· an'" Sl.I!llnc acid peak$ 8l 1028 PNkS 1l1095-1065 Cl)I'I'esponding to s)'lTll'l'lellie C-S slretdWlg em" V1~Iions.peakaat960-950an·'fof8S)IM'lIllJir:e-s strelC:hing.~peak$at1028,,2S(.8nd1084an-'for S:O slrelching camet be dislingu\$hed Irom !he broad and strong siIoxane absofption lINk because of the overIappingofbilndsf28J.~,lhereI8~Y9 Inaease oIlhe intensity oflhe h~)()'t n.nd freQuency belwllen3200and3400cn,.'lrtdltledis.appearanceof l!le weak -$H peak II 2580 a11" indlclllol thai the IWlfonation reaCliOn had indeedoccurr&d,with the eubsequentoxJdalionof_SHgrOUPllo_SO.Hgroups From the x_ray diffraction pattem (data is not dIOwn), three produeu (SG, MSH .nd SSH). thai are almllar to !hose reported eyei')Where. show a broad peak with maximum intenlity .round 29 • 21-23'. Acoording to Kalaphatyetal. 129],slllca wilh the wide band and the maximum peak al 29 • 20-22" is characteristic of silica for..-norpl'loul structure. Thereby. resun d dIarltctariudon with XRD males lhatmodiricationdlilicawithbolhmarcaptoand suffonalogroupsdonotcaull8lhedlangeollhesiiea from 0.123 to """'"~. Adsorption I$ott-m Ptlp"-'l~ofp<'Odloc:ts Toi'lYestigateltleadaorplioncapac:ity,Yarious InfIowedlf*holl!Hlproduc:tslllvanou.tttga; oIit1modilie:etionby ... SlAfonatillnrudiotl ...... pefbmt<ltomonitDrctlangesonilssuf. . (Fig.2). Siicllgeiltidentifledlllffilhlprua"lC8ofsp«:ifte spedI1IoIstrell:tlirllYibr.rliooIrom--OHlromeilanol oor'iC*"lll'3titnsdc.e:II),Pb(.)andAQ(I)~were llimodfot1hwithadsorbenl8lrooml8r'np8t'8t1n.The uparimant data is axprllll8d in fig. 3 as CU~ ~lheamoo..ntofmefalonsac!lolbedYel'Sl.ll eoncentrr.ion of metal Ions 81 8Ql.illbrUn. For group(3425c:m·').8endingvitntionotr.atgroup inIerpretationollheadMlfPlionuperirnentaldala,1WO ~""11636en"'.Spectnl811080.nd795o:m·' iIotMrm {langmuir and Freundlicto) rnoc:IaIa_e US«! OOIMS from strekftng and bending YibnlliON, [3O].The~llSIionofIheUongrnu"modells: respeetiveIy,oISl-OlromsioXane($i-O-Si).Tl'le m·1b.~ presenee of Ihe mereaptopropyt WOUP' In Ihe Mu:tiOl'lloll:ed material Wilsevidenced by the presenc:e where m is the lI!Tlounl of melal ionl adaortlec! ofstrongC-l-lllJelehlngWlnilionsoflhepropyldl.IM,t (mmolfg)llIequilibltum:Cialtleconoanlrlltionofmetal 29OOcm·'127}.nd._kYibratioo<XlfT'8spondlngtoltll Ionlelequilibrium:l(represenl$theLang.muireon -5H groop .12580 em", Nlndicated In Fill. 2. fOfIhe (Ummol) thai retatea to the affinity of twldlrIQ lites.,;: sulton.lion reaction. thl Itllol groups In the MSH Wilr8 oxidized by HIOl to sulfonic acid unl1$. How1!v.r, SiliSulastrlelal. blsthfltheoreticall8lun1tionadlJOf'?lioncapacityd monolayer (mmollg). 277 .... COI'IC:Uiondrewnfromtheprlllft..lIJdYls1tllll:1NI: slMonItionroutllcanMIIIJ"iZedfa"lheg_rationot ~ic:roonic)PfOPllItYotadsorbentSlJ~. lmpr'oYementoftllelonlcpropertyleelsoexpecledto M .bl. to incrll8H euloes.s In desorblng metal ionI adsorbed, 8S weH '1, IIntlanQ!l ttle reversibility of ~Kfleltl.F"'lmdlichoonslantrelotedto.dlOfplion adsorbent eepeeityofltdlOl1>tnllW'dnletlMoF...oo(Hjch~ m_K,C" NllIl8dto~inlenUy.K.andneenM ACKNOWLEDGEM!HT eab.Ul8dfn:m\he . . andrurceptolh ...... ~ aflDllm ...... 1Dll Tllble2ci1playtlhecoef!ldwlttol c. :':..=-~~ fl'lOd«5 IIlong WIll MUM from T.ble 1.1he R'VlIIUlllI forboll'lthe _ _ moetly .!loYeO.90,wggMtingflBlbothmodelsc::loMlyfilthe l»lperlmental ~.Theltdsorptioncapacityoft~ monolllyer(b) lues for~(ll) on .dsorbents was In order. sa > SSH > MSH. Till. fact can be ex,pl.llned 1,l.1rlg haI'd acid PfOPllItYoIClI(II)'nd .i19actlv8. 01 the ~andFtewldlichisottwmmodels 8Cbofbents.Addlbafmen:;aptogroupsk)tIMo~iClI ~ the ~ of the Qorbent. 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