Effects of Rising Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Carbon Sequestration and N losses in the Delaware River Basin Yude Pan, John Hom, Richard Birdsey, Kevin McCullough USDA Forest Service, Newtown Square, PA 19073, USA Delaware River Basin Collaborative Environmental Monitoring and Research Initiative (CEMRI) A Pilot Program of the National Environmental Monitoring Initiative (NEMI) USDA Forest Service USGS National Park Service Delaware River Basin 1991 MRLC LULC 1%5% 2% 9% Water 1% 25% Developed Open Forest Agriculture Grasses 57% Wetland Scientific issues How does the increased atmospheric N deposition interact with other stressors to affect forest carbon sequestration in the Delaware River Basin? What is the potential capacity of the forests retaining the atmospheric N deposition and how much of nitrate is lost annually from forests to surface water in the Delaware River Basin? Diagram of PnET Model Carbon/Nitrogen 4 3 Water 2 1 17 11 12 Foliar Canopy Wood 7 Plant 8 5 C/N C/N 9 Bud 6 C/N Wood Fine 24 19 Root 13 10 Dead Wood 22 23 Soil 14 NH4 NO3 20 Snow 16 25 21 Soil Water 18 15 1. Gross photosynthesis 2. Foliar respiration 3. Transfer to mobile C 4. Growth and maintain resp. 5. Allocation to buds 6. Allocation to fine roots 7. Allocation to wood 8. Foliar production 9. Wood production 10. Soil production 11. Precipitation 12. Interception 13. Snow-rain partition 14. Snowmelt 15. Fast flow 16. Water uptake 17. Transpiration 18. Drainage 19. Wood litter 20 Root litter 21. Foliar litter 22. Wood decay 23. Mineralization 24. N uptake 25. To soil solution Model concepts Process-based, mechanistic models. Simulate carbon, nitrogen and water cycles, pools and fluxes based on mass-balance. We can more successfully predict the variables in terrestrial ecosystems if we model the basic processes controlling them. Methodology differs from classic statistical based empirical relationships. Feedbacks and constraints on fluxes and pools affect the ecosystem as a whole. Diagram of PnET Model Carbon/Nitrogen 4 3 Water 2 1 17 11 12 Foliar Canopy Wood 7 Plant 8 5 C/N C/N 9 Bud 6 C/N Wood Fine 24 19 Root 13 10 Dead Wood 22 23 Soil 14 NH4 NO3 20 Snow 16 25 21 Soil Water 18 15 1. Gross photosynthesis 2. Foliar respiration 3. Transfer to mobile C 4. Growth and maintain resp. 5. Allocation to buds 6. Allocation to fine roots 7. Allocation to wood 8. Foliar production 9. Wood production 10. Soil production 11. Precipitation 12. Interception 13. Snow-rain partition 14. Snowmelt 15. Fast flow 16. Water uptake 17. Transpiration 18. Drainage 19. Wood litter 20 Root litter 21. Foliar litter 22. Wood decay 23. Mineralization 24. N uptake 25. To soil solution Model Experiments under Different Atmospheric Chemistry Scenarios (version 3) Model Run /input Run1, control Run 2, scenario Run 3, scenario Run 4, scenario Run 5, scenario Run 6, scenario Run 7, scenario Run 8, scenario Run 9, scenario Run 10, scenario Run 11, scenario N deposition No N input (0.0 g/m2) Ramped up to N deposition level of 2000 No N input (0.0 g/m2) Ramped up to N deposition level of 2000 Ramped up to N deposition level of 2000 Doubled N input by 2000 Doubled N input by 2000 Ramped to N deposition level of 2000, then continue to increase linearly Ramped up to N deposition level of 2000, then level off Ramped up to N deposition level of 2000, then level off Ramped to N deposition level of 2000, then continue to increase linearly CO2 Ozone Running years 200 yrs up to 2000 200 yrs up to 2000 200 yrs up to 2000 200 yrs up to 2000 200 yrs up to 2000 200 yrs up to 2000 200 yrs up to 2000 300 yrs up to 2100 Fixed, 280 ppmv Fixed, 280 ppmv Ramped (280-366 ppmv) Ramped (280-366 ppmv) Ramped (280-366 ppmv) Fixed, 280 ppmv Ramped (280-366 ppmv) Ramped up to 600 ppmv No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Interaction No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Ramped up to 366 ppmv in 2000, then fixed Fixed, 280 ppmv Yes Yes 300 yrs up to 2100 No No 250 yrs up to 2050 Fixed, 280 ppmv No No 250 yrs up to 2050 Wet+dry Scenarios of Atmospheric Chemistry Elevated CO2 (ppmv) Year Year Scenarios of Atmopsheric N Deposition N deposition (Kg/ha) 24 20 1xN 2xN 1 x N increase 1 x N regulation 16 12 8 4 0 1900 1925 1950 1975 Year 2000 2025 2050 Annual NPP (g/m2) Annual NPP under Different Scenarios (Delaware River Basin ) +22% +12% +47% +25% Annual NPP under N deposition scenarios Annual NPP (g/m2/yr) (Delaware River Basin) 1200 1000 800 600 400 Control 1X N 2xN 1 x N regulation 200 0 +22% +25% +24% Biomass (Mg /ha) Forest Biomass under Different Scenarios +11% +18% +38% +4% Forest biomass under N deposition scenarios BIomass (Mg/ha) 300 250 200 150 100 Control 1x N 2xN 1 x N regulation 50 0 +11% +4% +10% Soil organic matter (Mg/ha) Soil Organic Matter under Different Scenarios +22% +5% +28% +34% Soil mass under N deposition scenarios 180 Soil mass (Mg/ha) 160 140 120 100 80 60 Control 1x N 2xN 1 x N regulation 40 20 0 +22% +34% +39% Soil N leaching under N deposition scenarios N leaching loss (kg/ha) 10 8 Retention rates: 75% 6 4 2 0 85% 79% Control 1xN 2xN 1 x N regulation Table 2a. The predictions of the forest N exports to streams and N retention rates in the Delaware River Basin. Current N Scenario (Mean N deposition = 11.5 kg N ha-1 yr-1 ) Tree Forest area Total N loss Min Max Mean Groups (km2) (Mg N) (kg N ha-1 yr-1) STdev N retention (%) N. Hardwood Oak-hickory Pine Oak-pine Region 0.350 0.486 2.654 1.406 0.990 3,455 11,919 1,242 1,075 17,695 649.56 175.43 314.50 316.20 3037.91 0.813 0.508 0.665 0.569 0.508 4.478 4.066 12.340 10.770 12.340 1.879 1.474 2.530 2.938 1.716 84 87 75 74 85 Doubled N Scenario (Mean N deposition = 23.1 kg N ha-1 yr-1) Tree Forest areas Total N loss Min Max Mean Groups (km2) (Mg N) (kg N ha-1 yr-1) STdev N retention (%) N. Hardwood Oak-hickory Pine Oak-pine Region 3.239 3.526 3.193 3.038 3.810 3,455 11,919 1,242 1,075 17,695 2292.10 5589.62 1316.06 844.32 10043.13 1.702 0.990 3.965 2.407 0.990 20.310 21.280 22.500 25.190 25.190 6.632 4.689 10.587 7.846 5.675 71 80 47 65 75 Table 2b. The predictions of the forest N exports to streams and N retention rates in the Delaware River Basin. Current N Scenario (Mean N deposition = 11.5 kg N ha-1 yr-1 ) Tree Forest area Total N loss Min Max Mean Groups (km2) (Mg N) (kg N ha-1 yr-1) STdev N retention (%) N. Hardwood Oak-hickory Pine Oak-pine Region 0.350 0.486 2.654 1.406 0.990 3,455 11,919 1,242 1,075 17,695 649.56 175.43 314.50 316.20 3037.91 0.813 0.508 0.665 0.569 0.508 4.478 4.066 12.340 10.770 12.340 1.879 1.474 2.530 2.938 1.716 84 87 75 74 85 N regulation Scenario (Mean N deposition = 11.5 kg N ha-1 yr-1) Tree Forest areas Total N loss Min Max Mean 2 -1 Groups (km ) (Mg N) (kg N ha yr-1) STdev N retention (%) N. Hardwood Oak-hickory Pine Oak-pine Region 1.423 1.337 2.145 1.597 1.737 3,455 11,919 1,242 1,075 17,695 893.08 2223.31 655.51 433.27 4205.67 0.803 0.507 1.768 1.003 0.507 10.200 10.880 12.310 12.880 12.880 2.584 1.865 5.273 4.026 2.376 78 84 48 65 79 Selected FIA sites (mature) for validation (n=98) Modeled veg biomass (Mg/ha) 400 300 200 N. Pine S. Pine Oak-pine Oak-hickory Ash-elm N. Hardwood 100 n=318 0 0 100 200 300 FIA derived biomass (Mg/ha) 400 Modeled veg biomass (Mg/ha) 400 n=318 300 200 N. Pine S. Pine Oak-pine Oak-hickory Ash-elm N. Hardwood 100 0 0 100 200 300 FIA derived biomass (Mg/ha) 400 Modeled N losses (kg N ha-1 yr-1) 6 n=180 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 USGS observed N losses (kg N ha-1 yr-1) 6 Atmospheric Inputs and Stream N Exports in the Delaware River Basin Watershed Mean stream output (kgN /ha/yr) N N Deposition Retention (kgN /ha/yr) (%) 1 Delaware Bay 1.83 12.65 86 2 Delaware Bay 2.96 12.65 77 3 PnET-CN (mean) 1.71 11.53 85 4 PnET-CN (range) 5 PnET-CN (adjusted mean) 1 1.47-2.93 10.04-11.68 2.12 11.56 74-87 81 Estimates based on measured data (Stacey and others 2000). Estimates by the SPARROW model (Alexander and others 2000). 3 Estimate for forested lands by the PnET-CN model. 4 Ranges of the values predicted by PnET-CN for forests. 5 Estimate based on the PnET-CN result after adjusting to urban lands. 2 Conclusions: The modeling results suggest that chronic N increases in the past 70 years has increased forest productivity by 22%, forest biomass of 11% and soil organic matter of 22%. Overall, the interactive effects of rising N deposition and CO2 caused remarkable C gains in forest living biomass (38%) and soil mass (28%). The forest regrowth in the region only counted for about 62% of the carbon sequestrated in the forest ecosystems. Forests in the Basin seem close to N saturation status under current N deposition level. 2X N deposition resulted in similar increases in annual NPP, and lower forest biomass with respect to 1X N. The current N leaching loss from the forested land of the DRB is 1.7 Kg/ha, and N retention rate is 85%. With 2X N deposition scenario, the N retention rate will drop to 75% and the total N export to stream water would nonlinearly increase by 330%. Extending the current 1X N regulation for another 50 years, leveling off N deposition at the current level would lower retention to 79% from 85%, and the total N export would increase by 38%, suggesting there will eventually be N saturation at current deposition levels. Future Work: Explore the effects of zone and calcium depletion on forest productivity. Improve the modeling predictions at the basin level by incorporating information of forest fragmentation and land-use types. Refine the modeling work with the MODIS vegetation classes and the new parameterization. Explore the effects of climatic variations and interactions with other global change factors. Project the forest conditions under the 2100 scenario with multiple stressors. Thank You !