Practical Anatomy Dental students LAB 2 Surface anatomy and fascia of the neck Dr. Firas M. Ghazi 1- Surface anatomy of the neck Objectives By the end of this lab students are expected to be able to 1. Discuss the major surface landmarks on the front, sides, and back of neck 2. Relate surface landmarks to their corresponding vertebral level if applicable 3. Identify these marks in a living subject Lab check list Anterior Aspect 1. Symphysis menti 2. Mandible 3. Hyoid bone 4. Upper border of the thyroid cartilage 5. Cricoid cartilage 6. First ring of the trachea 7. Isthmus of the thyroid gland 8. Inferior thyroid veins 9. Thyroidea ima artery 10. Jugular arch 11. Suprasternal notch Posterior Aspect 1. External occipital protuberance 2. Nuchal groove 3. 7th cervical vertebra (vertebra prominens) Lateral Aspect 1. Clavicle 2. Sternocleidomastoid Muscle 3. Trapezius Muscle 4. Posterior triangle 5. Anterior triangle 1 Practical Anatomy Dental students LAB 2 Dr. Firas M. Ghazi Exercise 1: C A B B QUESTION 1. Name the structure labeled A. 2. Name the structure labeled B. 3. Name the structure labeled C. WRITE YOUR ANSWER HERE Exercise 2: A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. QUESTION Name the structure labeled A. Name the structure labeled B. Name the structure labeled C. Name the structure labeled D. Name the structure labeled E. 2 WRITE YOUR ANSWER HERE Practical Anatomy Dental students LAB 2 Dr. Firas M. Ghazi 2- Fascia of the Neck Objectives By the end of this lab students are expected to be able to 1. Identify different layers of cervical fascia and the compartments made by them. 2. Locate the retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal spaces 3. Describe superficial structures of the neck Lab check list Superficial Fascia Platysma External Jugular Vein Anterior Jugular Vein Cutaneous nerves 1. Greater occipital nerve 2. Lesser occipital nerve 3. Great auricular nerve 4. Transverse cutaneous nerve 5. Supraclavicular nerves Deep fascia of the neck 1. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia (Rule of 2) 2. Pretracheal Layer 3. Prevertebral Layer (strong) Retropharyngeal space Parapharyngeal space 4. Carotid Sheath 5. Axillary Sheath Nice to know: Rule of 2: investing layer of deep cervical fascia 1. Encloses 2 muscles, trapezius and sternocleidomastoid. 2. Roofs 2 triangles, anterior and posterior triangles. 3. Enclose 2 glands, submandibular and parotid. 4. Enclose 2 spaces, suprasternal and supraclavicular. 5. Forms 2 fascial slings (pulleys), for inferior belly of omohyoid and intermediate tendon of digastric muscle. Homework: How the anatomy of the retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal spaces is related to dental work? 3