SPANISH/FRENCH MARRIAGE FESTIVALS DYNASTIC MARRIAGES AND THEIR POLITICAL AND SOCIAL REVERBERATIONS 1612-1615 Conference Organised by Margaret McGowan, Ronnie Mulryne and Margaret Shewring under the auspices of the Society for European Festivals Research with the support of the University of Warwick THE WARBURG INSTITUTE - 18-19 MARCH 2011 Speakers include: Ines Aliverti, Marie-Claude Canova-Green, Monique Chatenet, Paulette Choné, Sir John Elliott, Patrice Franchet d’Espèrey, Chantal Grell, Iain Fenlon, Kristian Jensen, Jill Kraye, Margaret McGowan, Ronnie Mulryne, François Quiviger, Robert O'Toole, Nicolas le Roux, David Sánchez-Cano and Margaret Shewring The double dynastic marriages in 1615 between two major catholic powers - Spanish Hapsburg Philip III and French Louis XIII - were celebrated with magnificence on an unprecedented scale; yet they were politically divisive. The conference will explore the extraordinary variety of festival events put on both in major cities such as Paris, Naples, Burgos and Madrid, and in small towns along the route to and from Spain. Princely entries interspersed with elaborate banquets reworked mythological and culinary traditions; court ballets, carrousels and lavish fireworks necessitated the transformation of theatrical space made possible by the flair of French and Italian architects and hydraulic engineers and brought new challenges for artists, choreographers and composers. . Full programme and registration form: University of London - School of Advanced Study T HE W ARBURG I NSTITUTE Woburn Square - London WC1H 0AB http: // Illustration: L’échange des deux princesses from La Gallerie du Palais du Luxembourg, peinte par Rubens dessinée par les S. Nattier... Paris 1710