UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI SILABUS MATA KULIAH : Introduction to Linguistics FRM/FBS/19-00 Fakultas Program Studi Mata Kuliah & Kode Jumlah SKS Semester Mata Kuliah Prasyarat & Kode Dosen Revisi : 00 31 Juli 2008 Hal. : Bahasa dan Senin : Pendidikan Bahasa Iinggris : Introduction to Linguistics Kode _________ : Teori 2 SKS Praktik : _________SKS : III : ________________________________________ : Susana Widyastuti, M.A. I. DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH This course deals with language and certain languages and the ability to analyze language structure based on various views of language. Topics include linguistics as a scientific study of language, characteristics of language, phonological analysis, morphological analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, language change, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, transformational grammar, and functional grammar. II. STANDARISASI KOMPETENSI MATA KULIAH After this course, the students are expected: 1) to understand the scopes of Linguistics that will be beneficial in learning Linguistics, 2) to be able to analyze language structure in a simple way, 3) to know the contribution of Linguistics in language teaching. III. POKOK BAHASAN DAN RINCIAN POKOK BAHASAN Minggu Ke Pokok Bahasan I Orientation and syllabus II Language and Linguistics III Linguistic theories Rincian Pokok Bahasan Waktu Discussing and negotiating syllabus a. What is language? b. The study of language c. How does linguistics differ from traditional grammar? d. The scope of linguistics 100’ a. Basic theories related to language and linguistics b. Two important linguistic figures: Ferdinand De 100’ 100’ 1 UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI SILABUS MATA KULIAH : Introduction to Linguistics FRM/FBS/19-00 IV Phonetics and Phonology Revisi : 00 a. b. c. d. e. f. a. b. c. V Morphology VI Syntax a. VII Semantics b. c. d. a. b. c. d. VIII IX X Review MID-TERM TEST Linguistics interdisciplinary Sociolinguistics. XI Linguistics interdisciplinary Pragmatics. XII XIII 31 Juli 2008 Saussure and Noam Chomsky; and their contributions in linguistics Types of phonetics Vowels, consonants, semi vowels Phonetic features What is phoneme? What is allophone? Phonological rules Morphemes root, base, stems word formation: affixation and non-affixation grammatical and nongrammatical sentence phrase structure rules deep and surface structure transformational rules meaning three concept of meaning semantic field meaning relations and a. the notion of language studies: b. dialect and accent c. language variation d. language and sex e. multilingual communities and a. Meaning in Pragmatics studies: b. cooperative principles c. utterances d. speech acts Linguistics and a. psycholinguistic evidence interdisciplinary studies: b. acquiring language psycholinguistics. c. speech production d. language and the brain Historical and Comparative a. How language changes Linguistics b. Reconstruction c. Comparative method XIV Functional Grammar XV XVI Review Review a. language as a system of meaning b. metafunction Group discussion Lecturer’s review Hal. 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 2 UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI SILABUS MATA KULIAH : Introduction to Linguistics FRM/FBS/19-00 Revisi : 00 31 Juli 2008 Hal. IV. REFERENSI/ SUMBER BAHAN A. Wajib : 1. aithichison, Jean. 1999. Linguistics: teach yourself. Mac Graw Hill. B. Anjuran : 1. Finch, Geoffrey. 2000. Linguistic Terms and Concepts. Macmillan Press LTD. 2. The Cambridge: Encylopedia of the English Language 3. Some articles from internet V. EVALUASI No 1 2. 3. 3 4 Komponen Evaluasi Partisipasi Kuliah Presentasi Kuis Ujian Tengah Semester Ujian Semester Jumlah Bobot (%) 10% 20% 20% 25% 25% 100% 3