EC924 - Monetary Economics Irfan Qureshi University of Warwick February, 2016 Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 1 / 18 Today 1 Housekeeping - 1 2 Housekeeping - II 3 Housekeeping - III 4 Empirical motivation 5 A Classical Monetary Model Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 2 / 18 About me Irfan Qureshi Office: I I I Location: S2.94, Department of Economics Hours: Friday 2:30 p.m - 3:30 p.m No booking required Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 3 / 18 Organisation of the course 3 seminars In the second seminar we will be working with DYNARE. Please bring your laptops to class. Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 4 / 18 Organisation of the seminars Interactive I Go through each problem set together. Organised I Finish each problem set Revise I Any concepts you might have missed out in class Feedback I I I An opportunity for you to receive feedback on your own thoughts about the course. Time to think about your dissertation Will mention frontier literature where needed Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 5 / 18 SVAR - CEE(1999) Classic paper on identifying and studying the effects of monetary policy shocks Numerous others: I I Romer and Romer: Use meeting level data to identify and study the impact of monetary policy shocks on the real and nominal economy. (AER 2004). Nakamura Steinsson: Use increase in the volatility of interest rate news in a 30-minute window surrounding scheduled Federal Reserve announcements arises as news about monetary policy. (AER forthcoming) Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 6 / 18 Question 1:(a) Intuition: CEE first represent the monetary policy instrument using the following equation: I I instrument feedback rule z}|{ St z }| { f (Ωt ) = exogenous variations + z}|{ σs st Ωt : Monetary authority’s information set (systematic part) - example inflation and output. st : Measure of monetary policy shock (unsystematic part) - exogenous. Partition set of variables in their VAR(Yt ) as Yt = Y1,t I I I St Y2,t 0 Y1,t : contains variables whose time t elements are in the information set of the Monetary Authority St : represents a monetary policy instrument (federal funds rate) Y2,t : other variables that are in the information set but respond contemporeneously to the monetary policy shock. Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 7 / 18 The recursiveness assumption: Find a lower triangular matrix A0 which relates structural VAR (SVAR) errors, ut and reduced form VAR errors t as following: A0 ut = t (1) Finally they assume that A0 is lower triangular matrix. (special case of LU decomposition) Indeed by Cholesky factorisation there exists the unique representation −1 0 V = A−1 0 (A0 ) (2) This assumption is in fact the recursiveness assumption which implies that monetary policy shocks are orthogonal to the information set of the monetary authority. Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 8 / 18 Response to an expansionary monetary policy shock: Nominal interest rate falls → Real interest rate falls Output will rise Inflation will rise ...but what is the transmission mechanism? Need a structural model to study the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. We could do this in a VAR but will have to include other variables. Classic paper on the transmission mechanism: Mishkin (1995). Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 9 / 18 Question 1:(b) Money Demand mt − pt = yt − ηit I I I I I (3) mt : log of money balances pt : log of price levels yt : log of output level it : net nominal interest rate η: interest semi elasticity of money demand Monetary policy summarised by an exogenous path for the growth rate of money supply, ρm ∈ [0, 1] ∆mt = ρm ∆mt−1 + m t (4) Note: Gali (2008, chapter 2) normalises coefficient on output to 1. Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 10 / 18 Question 1:(b) Derive the equilibrium conditions of the model and log-linearise them σct + ϕnt = wt − pt (5) wt − pt = at − αnt (6) yt = ct (7) yt = at + (1 − α)nt (8) at = ρa at−1 + at (9) 1 (it − Et πt+1 − ρ) (10) σ Solve this system to get the equilibrium level of employment, output, real wage and real interest rate ct = Et ct+1 − Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 11 / 18 Question 1:(b) Equilibrium level of employment log(1 − α) σ(1 − α) + ϕ + α (11) (1 − α) log(1 − α) σ(1 − α) + ϕ + α (12) (σ(1 − α) + ϕ) log(1 − α) σ(1 − α) + ϕ + α (13) nt = ψna at + Equilibrium level of output yt = ψya at + Real wage will be given by: ωt = ψωa at + Real interest rate yt = rt + σψya Et ∆at+1 Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics (14) February, 2016 12 / 18 Question 1:(b) What do all these equations mean? I I Real variables are determined independantly of monetary policy, and therefore monetary policy cannot affect them. This is contrast with the data (evidence by CEE (1999)) Lets use the ad-hoc money demand and equation for money supply to obtain equation for prices as a function of future money holdings pt = mt + k ∞ X η Et ∆mt+k + ut0 1+η (15) k=1 Unique solution to price level for exogenous money supply path Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 13 / 18 Question 1:(b) Write the exogenous money supply in recursive form and plug it in equation 15... pt = mt + ηρm ∆mt 1 + η(1 − ρm ) (16) Under standard parameters, the response of prices to exogenous money supply shocks is quite large This is contrast with empirical evidence I I Inflation response was sluggish, meaning that prices did not respond much Response more than 1-1 Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 14 / 18 Question 1:(c) Optimal Monetary policy? Trick Question: Optimal monetary policy will not matter for the real part of the economy. In part (b) we just showed that real part of the economy does not depend on monetary policy. Since money does not enter the utility function of households, and therefore does not affect the optimality conditions of the firms or the households, stablising inflation will not have any effect of the utility of agents in this ecoomy. Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 15 / 18 Question 1:(d) 1 Introducing money in the utility function: I Depends on the way money is introduced in the utility function F F Seperable: Same as before, money holdings will not affect the FOC wrt consumption and labour, same logic of part (c) Not seperable: Optimality conditions would be affected. Ramsey problem means that social planner would maximize a sequence of static problems of the form: Mt U(Ct , , Nt ) (17) Pt (1−α) subject to Ct = At Nt I Optimality condition w.r.t to money balances will be given by: − Un,t = (1 − α)At Nt−α Uc,t (18) Um,t = 0 Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics (19) February, 2016 16 / 18 Question 1:(d) We know from the household problem that MRS betwen money holdings is: Um,t = 1 − exp(−it ) (20) Uc,t The only way for this to be the case is for the nominal interest rate to be equal to zero. This is the well known Friedman rule Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 17 / 18 Question 1:(d) Increase in the utility of holding money balances has to be equal to the cost: one monetary unit minus the cost of buying a bond that gives one monetary unit in period t + 1. When it > 0 Um,t Um,t < Uc,t Uc,t I (21) Only when the nominal rate is zero are the private and social costs of holding money equated. MB: transaction costs, MC: it Since MC = 0, HH can hold as much money as they want to, the Monetary Authority can supply as much as it wants to (since it is costless), therefore it = 0 Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC924 - Monetary Economics February, 2016 18 / 18