l'rte illi iet',4 i,.srie ttn,:l irrll tt:xr .r'a,i.,ivs lf tllis llii.iririli \r\\-r1'.enleraldinsighr.crxn/095 1 -354X'htnl **es -_,L peffig*€Pm€frve #ecision m€€ec* R*e€urer p*Kf*ress&saffi# {aa gefg&e*r *Cucation? Hseffi&{Asag -191 ill, . -". 11.S. :': j Jr.3-rc 2t)1 0 .rrit:t-itti JLrlv 2t,t1 SclLttol ,i,f il,,'lultrtgeftLe?lt. Suhirll{} and Sununta Si*ngt}r;rr Asiart lrLsifitr,rtt: r:-f''J'cclutrlog-t" F'athm'ntlruti' 0 .4.1:str*cl. purpnse not (-)r,]ii: tht: itlteiesi ci The rriatir lsiriit ltr:rtwr,tn pilrticipatirnr ancl ji)ll pcl'foi'nlanc0 hns t:rl1-ltrtre'c1 tlot g:tillec has topic the I{owevet., reseirchels. etluiation llso but i*rsiress r...,r,.i'1,.r.,* - ecl'lr-:atiori. c()1lect rhe clata' ()Tlen'e;:t]ec1 i\ total of lliT q,**ir,r1unl,r,s ruer.e iiistr-iLirtecl t,r thcr lectulr,ris irr Yt,g','aliar''ia ll-o'illce- in lnrlltlesia. ..i.olrl,, ,i.-u,.ti,)nni,.tires \r,ere ()lltainecl wltir:h is a'fo'rrt ,lij.il percfllt r:ite of t'ftitrtl F:tr:tt'rr :inai1'sis rvas irlt)ie thitn 0.7 alci iacior ltiading is iisecl to ideniifv the c(rlslnlcts. -i\11 Cronbach's alpita values are In ac.lclrti,n, /-tr:'st and ,n,r," ,i u,.1 0.5d ltcgression';;;;;11'.lt ,u,,o ,,n,plu-,'r,ii ti) tcsl rcserrch it-vpothirses. tlala rxt ttie jillr tleitlo5Jra;rhic crf inillact 'ihe riiiferenr .nnii ,.:lt.ri to ir.rves.iigate ANO\rA test \l,ere "l.n 1ri:ifciruti'Lnce i:f t]ir' leclr"lrt't s I)esign/n:reth6dologl,l6pproach i"r,frir,ii si gn i{ r can ii,r,r-rlcl t i lx ut*ii i i" -v ;lf f ecis I "^c'i - liilail surver' \\'as tlsed ltl ir.nprcite r.u-rt ,nrl,, ieciurer perlorirtarlce r-irer perf rli tl ta l:iti aiso orgeriizatir-rnai lrce. stLrii.v assltlres constant tl're rervat'd s]r$ten allcl aucl iectr"rrer p.ii*trn," ap;:raisal faltc,r's that rriight affect the relatirrnship betuieett ilaiticipaticn ot'dei of a st:t i;tl irttrttilcliattliV gr)\-rr'ir;ri'-ni,t,, 'l'h,,, n,..;,ar.h itr,ritig. urgr tirc Inrlcncsierr pcrfcinrir,ui*,:. qllalitY {rldrlnesian Uf r-tf lltltci a reaiizatiol rltc f;i,:ilitate to ,.,,rrt in.q n].rt.nr Research limitatio[s/i$lplications '' This i,uiii,,iputi.,* r'.iei:isir.,1 highcl tc.ii,lcatictli pt:t'{otrll t nr:i,l. js vision ancl a Origirurlity/valrte - Pariir:ipa'iivc tiet:lsiorr rnaking a lilol lcr :riigrr "'lil orgalljzatjtin's higltel iiie the n.ia<ing irl tie,:isiurl lerriirer"'s ohjectives. The highr:r'the level of iecl,.,r.its lxrticilJatir)11 ttle lccturer's 1:et.ioi'rirartce !r''il1 be' lecturet''s c(ril'rl[; tnlei tl'J{) tt]e l)18ai}izii'rir)Il's i,ision errii the irisher lie-vrnorels I'artir:ipr,ttive rjitislOn r].}akirlg, l-c'clur("i ptltftri'tllant:i:, Iiight:rI'erfonl:rnr:t: ievels, Erriirlotree purli(:iilati(nl Ilaper t3'pe lr)ir)-ir:itirrital J(nn Jr:Ll i\'l:iragetnct:l .r- N{ r, l !r,i il)i o1 Jlilucaliorrai liesear-ch PaPer Intr*ductiott o1: lli.qi,;; e4uciliign pla-rrs i1.s lrliiill l"6le-i1l critlt.ing experl.istl and ni:ts ?l$ ?'i cen1cr 1:{n: i*.r,ti.u.. ior knc,il,iec.lg.e ,l'r:ar,o,-r ilnd cl:velopiig hrinran,Ies{}i.11-(:cs rltlc0ss:irv tleil .iruntrr,'* de'ek;prlcnl. fl;gn., erlucatir.rn i.c the un.gine thaf clrive's thc curuourl'alrd ivgist effects cf gloi:alization (Crecch, 2000; Brr:djonogolr;, 2009)' dcsen'es f.i,iitr*". higher: eclucatiot't :lffects everv itl:ea tif tratjonal dovelopmelnt and |-v impleme'nted been i*q.ririi* aitentkrl (CiraLrhan. 200,9). \{anrr slrategies.have performance' eclucation hlgher elopilg counft-ies such as incionesia til inlprove their uaciri1-1ation against the' !)F. l!)+:.{X i ll1)r,r'il(l {,i(iirI i'irllirshirgLirriLcri il!),rl.:llr+X I )Ol i{1. i i1)ii0ii.}l :lir4i1 I I l4{rililT r':ch-ir:atiolr' lndontlsLa' ri - ln ail is a signtficailt factor al{ecting organizatiunal performance factor ntain the is atlcl role sirategic setiing, f*.i"t'.ip"tformance has a -: jertomlance ,-*::-:i.:tal -: :t-:ttiltirlg 'ili)(t3j liiligdorl and slr.tclerif perfc,rmaitce atrr.i he'ce '-urirtersii]' perf'rmance' lL::rrriiitg thc actot'iu llf ix:tlss lhili ntcntione6 th;Li l.cachers:.Lrrr::r ce'nli:al :,,,.. pir.. in scl-rools. Sr,idr.-ing f:rctors affecting lectr.trer p*t'iotlr;tuce in highcr nt-'t onlv etu'icliitrg and :-ircariopal insiitptioi'rs ii'6il ciiffereirr settings is vei:v r-r.scful for - tt'i inclease ..nnir"rg theory but also for cier,eloprng iea-.c,nable reconmendations qualitr. oi higher educational institutions' r:nh:rncing teachsl Sinct-. 1g80-q. connirie, atrle iltlel-lt.ion \vas itlar:ed r-'n in-decision parliclpation prJ...u,nuti=m'p.ir;1':iir,l through increasing tetcher {Itir:e iind clitssror;tns lr"f.i"g iegarcling in..,.r affecting te?rchers' schools itnri from t6e initiatecl p'imat'ii' Scl.ineicir.r-, lgila). I1irp1i,i** pntt;i:ipari,,n has beett (Ct.'itll'i'tlr, sL:hriols in indusrr ial ancl i:usinesis iloulair',s; hui c,n1r, re'cenlh' it is evic-1ertt lgttt. p Jil. In ihr: {iSr\. teai:her part.icii:ation ile*trncs ccn1ral tf} lll?,n-v sd'ttxils rcslruclurlng changel in proiects. The term "restructurilrg" srtggests {rmcietmental educiltional pp' 3 i')' ;;-p";. to the necxi ti, ,,r1,rp.,,i1.itsivel-v reclesigu schooJs (i,ipman,hrj1997' Pozii (200tj) Dirnenskxrs nf *onogirlg th; teaching-iea|ning process cleveiopecl sr"lccessfillness of r.*enti'necl thar theLe?iJ*nn-u princiial compinents cletermining ln parllclpale ln chatli:e a ieacher teaching learning process. 01le of lhertlt is .qiyilg r.lecisi'n making" 'tr issrlr t' fincl a tit ...;..;..- ,.... I.-i,,,r iq r.rr-r P:rrticipatiriri in cleci-*iorr ntaking is bt'comrng a {xilltr{rr''i:f^sti, l.rcer.i conclrtcteclin ha'c j.ctives. re-rearclrcs s,:cilr b,,to.c,., lecturels onc unii".i;tiet'iit N4oreover, Inck,'ne"ria. in iimitecl n.i"f"p.iL well as cleveloping couniries but sti11 r'er',v abor-tt the evic.lence ^il. lr;;,.|;s research shoin s iack of consisteut atrrl concl''rsii'e in higirer" edui:a1rcn. i",l,o,ri' ,ripal;ir:iparive clccision graking 6n 1eaching pcrflorrn;itlce: ;fii ,.ri.,p;li.al e,udenm ,ir,r*'. that r"csi:alr:n in ilris iic:a is still an i:qui'tra1 lrpic'.'l'he: gf this t'usearcil was lp:iscurliiin enrptrical t'r'irjcnr:e anrl gaip insights.:ibo''rt 1r,,.ir,,*., i' higirer ifr.' -"po.t of paLticipatrve clecisbn maliing on lectluer perf.ruunce eclucatiou in Inchnesia' I.iteraturereviex' .1r il helcls u1 ifift"i,sh ic'b perfoglance is conlnlolll),' useci in business anrl et-lucatton might he cottcept ;;;,Ji*'i;.'.,,'iept ir -iiirj ponrrv c1efineci. Ilifttrent clefinilion.s ofitr lhe edilc;tli.)il' tecilnical gi'e* by tlitferent ,ri niuit in q}fferenl helds' F'or iustanr:e, job p.rf.rtrt:rLtt:tr' i',giii,,*ilng a'ul i:usiness. we *,ill tind ciifferc't definilrt.,'s .frvorli becartstr thev ii.inur,fin o;t nl f 1995i il.iin*.t job pcr f'mr.tntr. as the outcrntt:s of strafegic goals of .rh:.]i.gnnitation, custourer irro.iirle the strongest linkage"t0 the al'^{1!}7li) concelrtualizecl.job satisfar:tkr1, ancl ecgnomic clgnt;ibutions. Camptt,II et observable action'c of an ciirectlv be it does not have tir Grf;;;.; as nenai,ic,i ancl cr cleci'*ions' allsl\iefs as It can consiit c,f mental proclr.tctic.rn si'tc1t inclivicluai. '-\vl-,otr,r,r,r Inrjrini:si;r. rvilir the' in r:oileges o[ jnsiitirir|ii;n giv,:,r bt tire leadi:rship according to in A.cl;r-I'aci[rc' i1 Indoncsia ""iart*:<i iii the c,riierr ol78 .,,-,i"*,isiiv the higher of 'u,iking^u ii*i ir gneirie,'it stiii coLriij be a reflection r:f nnclerdevelt)plrlent it rv.uld conditit'in' 2009). 1-13, havi'g sr"tch a .ri-,"rir-?-a1iw i'r frJn"**in (F{eririono, 'utriversitie-q other lvrth tu compete internationally fr. rtifl i*ty clifiicult t6r {nclunesian might i;;tg; .ini,,c,rsities. li;tt)';;,, ;xposecl that iurproving' lectnrer perlonnance J95