sg ffiw#ffiffi#ffi&mmffi ffiW@T2ffiDreffiM ffiffiHil Thems The Developmant 0l $porf 0ulfurs To bs Xndonesian givilizafion Foculty Ot Spod Science Yogyokorlq Slole Universily ISORY DIY Sport lndonesio Ministry ot Youth ond Republic of lndonesion Sport Deons Forum rProcee[ing 6B 6g 7o 7t .,D of Internationaf Qonference on Sport 2009 Yogyakarta Special Distry2t_Sprintgr profiles Of The year zoog Endang Rini sukamti And yuni Andriyani, yoryakarta state-uriiversity z6 zB 79 Bo 8r Bz Bg B4 85 B6 gSB 361 EdueationTeachers In"Deueloping siiiiiot n"olth centre In School Of Sungailiat Bangka Sub distriit lleryentary Erwin Sery6 friswanlo & S"apto ll"groioagung. S, yograkarta State University............ Iwin Marchumara 75 BS2 oiiii*'iii University........ ....:...........^.. How Sport Can Be part Of Ciuil Society (" S;;i;ryj Ermaw_an Susanto, yogyakarta State University.............. ...:.:.............. T4e Effort of Physical P1ob.lem,I4entifi-cation of Region DIY 74 34s Danger Of Igarette Smoke For Humannealth I Ketut Sudiana, Ganesha University Of Education. Business Fitness center As one of Sporrs -Business Yudik_Prase9o, Yoryakarta State sport Extracurriculir In Seiior High t nryl Schools In Bantul Setyo Kriswanto, yoryakarta state University... Gymnastics In Physical Education For Kindergirten F. Suharjana,-YoWakglafjatg U{vers!t1... RewardAs TheAthlete.'s Motiuationof ihe Efforts r; B;i Ci;^pion onA championship so That The rmage of iuladan{so"i"ry c;; B"' ixtitea Faidillah Kurniawan, yog'akarti Staie University....._.........:._::........... Of Physical Education Learning {o(fcqttgn Farida Mulyaningsih, Yoryakarta State Unive"rsity... Baody lat Percentage on obese Adolescent Girl Decrease With Low Lt"vt'o'Ls Intensity Weight 'r o'g'LL Training g7B g8g 3gB ,+: Sebelas cr^L^r^^ rr---,r ,r . . Febriani Fajar Ekawati, Maret University Surakarta... Eualuation Of Physical Education Learning program Qunlur, Yoryakarta St3!"-U."l"I.i_V,,.,............ !!"!l 9-A.* Improu es Multiple Intellig ences 39g 398 Univeisity... 4o4 Hedi Ardiyanto Hermawan, yoryakarta State University_. !9Ie p{nhysical Educatiory Deuebpment For HeakhAnd physicat child,Growth 477 H.ari_Yuliarto, Yo,grakarta State ly,I+llrynce of Airobic Exergyse p.n zymprtocyie iiiitriiiii;;";;;;;;;;;:; di;';i;:')C" Mice Infected Bg Salmonella Tgphimuriu^ Hartati Eko Wardani, Malang Siite University.............. Substance_of Physical Education Curriculum For Children \eyieying At pre-School ' e-pw'LvvL (Kindergarten) AndElemeitary SchoolonThe p ci*iie- !"l4lk M,entara, University Of Tadulako Buildins The personatita of students Throush coip"itt i: ijproo"n o:" iii;i;';i""' Education Learnino Yudanto t gedi Airlimnto Hermawan, yoryakarta state university... Phgsical Edueation B,Iog For InstructionaiMedia In Digital Era _S_at_yono, Values Yogyakarta State InArcherg Univers1ty............... University... State University............... 42g 428 4gt BZ Yudik Prase!5r9, Yoryakarta State Healthy And Fit At OIdAges 4g4 88 Sugiharto, Semarang Sporting Injury 4gT Wahadi, Semarang State 89 9o JI University............... Buildins Touism And Balinese curture Through rh, n;;;i;;;ent of sport Tourism Suratmin, Ganesha Ed}:ation University..... p2tencu of B adminton tndustry s-h"!:2o e"a ii In Globalization EraTo Face Sea Games zatt "i io'iiii' iipp ornnity * Sugiharto, Semarang State University............ A-Perspectiue About Better weight iraining For womei -{bdul Aziz HakimAnd Sherly N-ovitasari, Surabaya State Universityand cyil;;ii" Coach of 441 445 ciii'"rt Indonesia..................-........ profiles Of yoggakarta lompetitiue Sports yogyulufti"Stut" Uoilr.rrity Sudarko, \umpisAgus The Difference Between Teaching Method of The n pirt twiiiod And The Progressiue Part Method on Thi Results In-Learning " crawl si,immrng style For MaIe Srudenfs -In Junior High School yogyakarta 5 -i'"lbag''o, Yograkarta State Universit! r :; rl;:'--;-'i I li f acutry of sport science (aglafutrta -ui*rn : r*;-r' I ji*a Science facuttl 43g state 'Universitlt, nlinistry of J {outfr anf spor.t, -r ISoq,Jt, 45r 454 Infonesia vi cProceefing of Internatianaf Conference on Sport 2009 YOGYAKAR'TA SPECIAL DISTRICT SPRINTER PROFILES OF THE YE-AR 2oo9 By Endang Rini Sukamti And Yuni Andriyani Yo g y o,koirt a S t st e Uniu er sitg of Daerah Istimetaa Yogyakarta of the is to id,entifu ,"*t!"rffimter The research methodologA uses a descriptiue one tuith the population uith the population and sample amount 25 athletes; they are senior and junior uhole in Daerah Istimeua Yoggakarta (t8 males and Tfemales). The research instrument is using test and measurement by the technique of data analysis descriptiue presenting. The result of this research is female sprinter qthletes uhich haue ideatr body is one person (t4-zg%), the ideal approach amount three people (+2.86%) and far auag from ideal amount three people (+2.86%). Male sprinter athletes tuho haue ideal body are three people (t6.6/o), ideal approach amount ten people (66.6f/4. Ideal bodu for female sprinter is central type that is balance befi"ueen ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Ideal body for male sprinter is ectomorphic mesomorphy, that is mesomorTth more dominant and endonorphy is bigger than ectomorphy. The aim of Aear this research 2oog. Ke;rwords : Somatotype, Sprinter INTRODUCTION There are various numbers in athletic branches; among them are running, jumping and throwing. Running, jumping and throwing need different energy requirement. Running requires the strength and speed, jumping requires the strength while throwing requires the good coordination and strength. Beside that required energy, it needs also the different body types on each branch so that it connects each other and creates some effective and efficient rnove. It is differed in determining the bodytypes of each athletics branch. The body type determination which precise for athletics branches usually uses anthropometric measurement. Anthropometry is chosen because it uses save methods because it is treated without including any equiprnent into the body. This body tlpe and body part measurement by anthropometry is having less precise treatment even though it requires some body type with certain characteristics to achieve the top achievement of each athletics branch. For each athletic branch needs existing harmony with body type comparison and consideration either. The body tlpe and its quality are the most important thing in doing activities. The body form and its quality will have a positive effect when adapted to activities which is conducted to reach the maximal result. The body type for an athlete of sprint represents the determining factor in reaching the achievement because in sprfnt running, besides movement speed and muscle strength, and good it is needed also to consider the matter of body posture, with good body posture combined with the speed and strength hence it can assist the sprinter to reach the perfect movement. coordination During the time in Yograkarta there is no identification of somatotype sprirter of whole Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The intention of this study is to identifu the somatotype sprinter of whole Daerah Istimewa Yoryakarta in the Year of zoo9. LITERATURE REVIEW Somatotype is a body system which is classified into three categories; endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy. Everyone can be classified into those categories. As for the characteristics of them are: (a) Endomorphy is fat body, tending to big on whole parts of the body, short and thick neck, short arm and leg, tending to save a lot of body fat, generally this tlpe has difficulties when doing any physical test, (b) Mesomorphy is wide muscles in chest and shoulder, strong arm and leg muscles, has less fat in the body, generally this type has good strength and endurance, (c) Ectomorphy is tall and thin figure, narrow body width, small arm and 1eg, tending to have less fat and has long muscles, generally this tlpe has good flexibility and endurance. (ht?://{}:/ /tblrrt," tauendsp o rts.epm / te stinq/ s s$tqts tltpe JttrL) Besides those definitions above there are also some components in body gpes referring to kinds, size, and composition of each type, they are: In co[k\oration of Facuttl of Sport Scirnce (ogyafunta State 'Unhteritl, fllinistry of {outli anf Sport, ISOW, In[onesia 345 Dean $ontm of Sport Scicnce Eacufty Srocee[ing of Intemationaf Conference on Sport 2009 ffi .. u,ffi" Endomorphy Type, generally- this type has short arms and.legs, generally it has large lung lifting energy and able to inirease muscle mass easierl;;h;tiili.uru .strong Jrrituut" to ao any exercise requiring strength, but sometimes they can't do q"i"r. capacity, ""v {,ffitri a:.; i!: ""ither "ondnoiij*orr"*"nt. ,#'i* 7 ti ..i .i' ,: -.,:,:- -.j !,? :,.!t:=tl:, i : '.:'',,. i . . y"?oryorphy rype, .on ,m, Tffi'"*1ffiT,"TlJ ]135 and speed, it has good physiological response, able ",.",.s,r, to mainfain-low level rut, utt'rnorcles can receive good progressir.e training. ffii? na. t Figure tg. Ectomorphy Tlpe Ectom-orphy T1pe,, this type has thin and attenuate body, near to some accident, doesn,t ha'e naffow atrenuate arm and r!!, uut with small bodv condition thel::T"r,::::l? ^q:l3.1ach, can increase the il"j: body endurance because of b"t# temperature *u"r;;;;;'i"';; theirbody.(lt tt{l:/ 1tt"{t:tslazlr.g{}o{lk {,r),id,1lt:Qnslcfe?frJ=ld&x l=en&nt =ltttn. / /> t n t:z t r ttri.,,,,,.,n uws-&-tm) r.,- ,,t. /t-^; According to Nanry clark (zoor: t46-r47), somatotape or body tlpe is differed into three ty'es. they are: (t) Ectomorph, with characterization orr.hti""1yffi uil ut a leg, short arm and leg fingers. and soft bones' sttuctutes, (z) Mesomorph, with of dJ,r"lotdil;& bones and muscles, wide arms and muscled chest, (3) Endomorph, "tturu"turi?ution *itrr Ju"ucterization of soft and rounded bodv, slim wrist and leg ankle and slim face*iooking. Thil L ttte romcroc nart i{ iiial;t ;"diagram In co[k6oration of Facutty of Sport Science toglafutrta State ,tJninersitl, (Dean (Forum of Sport Science Facufty Ma.inistry of {outfi anf Sport, ISOE!, Infonesia 346 Qroceefrng of Internatinnaf6onference on Sport 2009 Figure 2.1. Somatochart diagram Meanwhile, Carter and Heath (rSgo) stated that body type can be differed into thirteen categories, they are: (r) Central is there is no component differing with one unil to tw9 others, (z) Ectomorphic endomorph is endomorphy is more dominant and ectomorphy is bigger than mesomorphy, (3) Balanced endomorph is endomorphy is more dominant, while mesomorphy is same to ectomo-rphy, (4) Mesomorphic endomorph is endomorphy is more dominant and mesomorphy i! bigger thari ectomorphy, (S) Mesomorph endomorph is endomorph and mesomorph is_ the same and ectomorph is smaller (6) Endomorphic mesomorph is mesomorphy is more dominant and endomorphy is bigger than ectomorphy, (Z) Balanced mesomorph is mesomorph is more dominant, while meiomorptry is same to ectomorphy, (B) Ectomorphic mesomorph is mesomorphy is more dominant and ectomorphy is bigger than endomorphy, (9) Mesomorph-ectomorph is mesomorphy and ectomorphy is the same and endomorphy is lower, (ro) Mesomorphic ectomorphis ectomorphy is more dominitri, -eromorphy is bigger than endomorphy, (rr)Balanced ectomorph is ectomorphy is more dominant and endomorphy and mesomorphy are the same and low, (rz) ndomorphic ectomorph is ectomorphy is more dominant and endomorphy is bigger than mesomorPhY, anf (rg) Endomorphectomorph is endomorphy and ectomorphy is the same. 't fffi** \-.r* ",//iil\,. *,/*t i'"'\ffi.-\-'-/-"r11 '* *\ -, ,/* -l i *\-\\c/ li1 - \. b\-*w\& ; -,i,)r'f ffi * +\l\r\\q * ?\'iir -<\i l+l1 x/ -y',.\' t'./\ t * / t-- t," t/i'\/ -' ?*:1f - i" '\ ;r\,(-;)/.,'{lnf ,s i H I -*i l'n -l-Jt'l-:L-\-" - 1t"Ci"',"1Y*t'-il\"'1i - a,t * ffi @ry *-/1 JW.k<@ -E ,*y' //* G I s :. i i a\ I d "\ '\ \e {',,\,t * ffi. rffi{ Figure 2.2. Somatofupe categoies based on Carter and Health Based on Kevin Norton and Tim Old (rgg6: r49), there are three methods in determining the body shape, they are (t) Anthrophemetric andphotospic method, that is combining the anthropometry anda picture *hi"h is called ai size method, (z) Photospic method wgich is in the measurement it is made irom a picture, (S) Anthrospic method which in anthrophometry is used to measure the somatotype size. Anthrophmetric method proved that this method is the most precise for various applic*ion9. Anthrophometric measurement needs data which required to be acknowledged, firstly from the body weight, height, fat thickness, bone wideness and body roundness. - The iequired equipments are: (r) Weighing-machine, to measure the body weight with accuracy up to o.S fg. ihe setting used is Kg, (z) Stadiometer, a tool to measure the height of the subject that is Uoay freigttiwith accuricy up to o.t cm the setting used is KS, {q) Sliding caliper, a tool to measure the wideness of the bone with tle setting is Cm, (4) Measuring ribbon, a tool to measure the circle (body roundness) with the setting is Cm, and (S) Skin fold caliper, a tool to measure the fat thickness with the setting is Mm. In cofk\oration of Aacuftl of Sport Science toglaforta State 'Unirtersitl, fuIinistry of (outfr anf Sport, ISO8,!, In[onesin 347 q)ean lForum of Sport Science Facu[t1 Sroceefing of Intemationaf (onference on Sport 20A9 Sprint Definition on Aip Syarifudin (tggz 4r) short-distance running or sprint is a way of running where - Fut"-d an athlete ha9 t9 go through certain distances with max that m"eans he/she has to use all of"his/her power from the beginning.until pa*sing the end_ing line (finish). According to IAAF level z (zoori zo) the spri-nt running events is going through the distance up from 5o m whiih is divided senior athletes race indoor gnly to the distance of 4oo m, the needs of eviry sprint running is the resuli tf .t ong urra fast contraction of the muscles which is changed into smooth-and efficient-moves which are reqiired by high speed runner. Sprint as one of lhe championship's branches which includes all distances up to 4oo meters, in which 4oo meters is classified as sprint. The running moves existing ott u""ry race includ.ed -long marathon, this is because the race distance increases from sltortest distance iprint to further distance. In short distance_sprint the demand towards the athletes is changing, athlete^s race with saved. enerry supply (non aerobic capacity), this is because the race distance iricreases so that the demand towards the athletes' non aerobic capacity increases also and the aerobic capacity is starting to be spent. Good -beside spnnf needs fast reaction, good acceleration and efficient running type, thaispnnter also must develop a gogd sprint start and maintain the top speed as long is posiUt*, for spnnt is an explosive race branch hence_sprinter shail do the warm-up properly before ali training and compietition ""rr'io1 begin, this is to reduce the muscle tending so thitlt will not be broken .rot p"oll"d (GerryA. Calt ryg7: $-q). SOMATOCIIART SF 5PORT$I€N $0M*TOC'{ART SF SFORTntOiirE!* esffi l:i.* ! !irrlrir;tii;: ::,irij .Frgure 2.3. Somatochart Figure Jomatochart of ot Sporknen sporknen Figure 2.4. somatochart of Sportwomen Based on some opinion above, tJre importance of spnnf in athletics is a branch of running races which is all ru,nning races in which every contributor runi in maximum speed along the distanc"e to jo through, the distance is 5o meters to 4oo meters, the required powers qpe in atliletic especially tte branch of sprint are: Reactive power, Starting power, Acce[eration power uttd po*e, endurance. RESEARCH METHOD The research method is a description with the population is the sprinters all over Daerah Istim_ewa Yogyakarta. The sample used is purp osiue saip[ing, that is sampie determination which is based on thg TAAF 2oo7; to2, that is male and female Junioi athletes who aged r8-r9 years old, and male and female Senior athletes aged zo years old or above. The instruments used in the data collectio-n- are: (r) Weighing-machine, to measure the body w-eight with accuracy up_to o.5 Kg. the setting used is Kg, (z) Stadiometer, a tooi to measure the height of the subject that is body height with accuracy up to o.i th" setting used is fg, 3; Stiaing calipei, a "m is Cm, (-+) tvt"asurl"I-"iUUo"l tool to measure the wideness of the bone wittithe setting a tool to measure the circle (body roundness) with the setting is Cm, ind (S) St<in tota cahpei, a tool to measure the fat thickness with the setting is millimeter. on this research the dala analysis technique uses the descriptive analysis which is stated by data presentation with regular table and_ frequency distribution eithei, lined giaphics and stick graphics either, circle diagram, pictogram and percentage ofthe data analyzed. Research Result and Discussion . - T!" dgscription about sprinter somatotype -is- galn by anthropometric measurement including weight,-height, and fat-qolp9n9nt ltricepl skinfold, bicep skinfofd, illiacrest skinfold, abdomin;l skinfold, supras?inale skinfold,fronthigh sklnfgld,media calf skinfold, mid axilla slcinyofa1,body size (arm relaxed girth, flexed and tenced arm girth, chest girth, tueist'girih, calf girth, gtiteai girtd, ana bone vi dth ( bi epicon dularh um erus uidth, bocondularfem ur uzdti). In co[k,oratian of Facutry of spott scicnce tog\afurta state'unh,vrsit1, %.inistry of {outfi anfsport, ISog,!, In[onesia (Dean $orum of Sport Sciznce lFacutry 34g Qrocee[ing of Internationaf Conference on Sport 2009 The Result of Ferno,le SotnatotqpeCategory a. EndomorTth-Ectomorph Endomorph-Ectomorph is endomorphy and ectomorphy is the same. On the data collecting which is nurnbered 7 female sprinter athletes of All Over Daerah Istimewa Yog'akarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained r athlete who has endomorph-ectomorph bodytlpe. b. Balance-Endomorph Balanced endomorph is endomorphy is more dominant, while mesomorphy is same to ectomorphy. On the data collecting which is numbered 7 female sprinter athletes of Al1 Over Daerah Istimewa Yograkarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained 3 athletes who have balanced-endomorph body t1pe. c. Ectomorphic-End.omorph Endomorphic ectomorph is ectomorphy is more dominant and endomorphy is bigger than mesomorphy. On the data collecting which is numbered 7 female sprinter athletes of All Over Daerah Istimewa Yoryakarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained z athletes who have Ectomorphic-Endomorph body type. d. Central Central is there is no component differing with one unit to two others. On the data collecting which is numbered 7 female sprinter athletes of All Over Daerah Istimewa Yoryakarta on the Year of eoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained r athlete who have.Ectomorphie-Endomorph body type. The Result of Male Sornototgpe Category a. Central Centrql is there is no component differing with one unit to two others. On the data collecting which is numbered rB male spinter athletes of A1l Over Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained 5 athletes who have cenfrcl body type. b. Ectomorphic-Mesomorph Ectomorphic nrcsomorph is mesomorphy is more dominant and ectomorphy is bigger than endomorphy. On the data collecting which is numbered rB male sprinter athletes of All Over Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained z athletes who have .Ectomorphic-Mesomorphbody t1pe. c. Balsnced Ectomorph Bqlqnced ectomorphis ectomorphy is more dominant, while endomorphy is same to mesomorphy. On the data collecting which is numbered r8 male sprinter athletes of All Over Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained z athletes who have B alanced-Ectomorph body type. d. Mesomorph-Ectomorph Mesomorph-ectomorph is mesomorphy and ectomorphy are the same, and endomorphy is low. On the data collecting which is numbered 18 male sprinter attrletes of AII Over Daerah Istimewa Yoryakarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained 3 athletes who have Balanced-Ectomorph body type. e. BslancedMesomorph Bqlanced mesomorph is mesomorphy is more dominant, while endomorphy is same to mesomorphy. On the data collecting which is numbered 18 male sprinter athletes of All Over Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained 3 athletes who have Bclanced-Mesomorph body t1pe. In co[k1oration of f acufty of Sport 4)ean {Forum Scicnce of Sport Scfunce lFacutty (oglafottta State 'tJniversity, grlinistry of {outfr ant Sport, ISOKI, In[onesia 349 Sroceefing of Internatianaf Conference on Sport 2009 Mesomorph-Endomorph Mesomorph-endomorphis mesomorph and endomorph are the same, and ectomorphy is smaller. On the data collecting which is numbered r8 male sprinter athletes of AII over oaeratr Istimewa Yoryakarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained I athlete who has B alanced- Ectomorph body type. Endomorphic-Ectomorph o b. Endomorphic-ectomorplt is -ectomorphy is more dominant, endomorphy is bigger than mesomorphy. On the data collecting which is numbered 18 male sprintei a-thletes oT all O.ret Daerah Istimewa Yograkarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained r athlete who has Endomorphic-Ectomorph body t1pe. h. Mesomorphic-Ectomorph Endomorphic-ectomorph is is more dominant, mesomorphy is bigger than -ectomorphy endomorphy. on the data collecting which is numbered 18 male sprintei aihletes oT-ail over Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta on the Year of zoog which then was calculated manually, it is gained r atlrlete who has Mesomorphic-Ectomorph body type. One of the supporting factois in aJhieving sports achievement is body tlpe properly to the demands of each certain sport . branch. Beside thal other factors are also influencing towards the achievement achieving: technical, tactical, physical, mental and competing experiential skills. FEMALE ATHLETES The somato$pe analysis results of female sprinters all over Daerah Istimewa yogyakarta of the Year zoog are: Table 18. Research Analvsis Result of Female Athletes o/o No. Category Frequency I Endomorph Ectomorph I t4.29 t Balanced Endomorph 3 42.86 3. Ectomorphic Endomorph , 28.s7 4. Central 1 L4.29 Total 100 , The ideal body_type for female sprinter is central tlpe; here is no component differing with one unit to two others (balance among ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph). The ideal of female sprinters is only t4.zg% or 1 person of 7 existing athletes. The athletes closing the ideal, they who tend to _hav9 balance are 3 persons (42.86%). Otherwise the athletes avoiding the ideal, which th-ere is none to be the same of 3 components (ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph) counts 3 persons (42-86%o), they are Endomorph Ectomorph and Ectomorphic Endomorph. MALEATHLETES The somatotype analysis results of female sprinters all over Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta of the year 2OO9 are: ble 19. Research Analysls Anal Result of t'emale Sprinter Athletes 4ple o/o No. Category Frequency 1. Central 3 t6.62 t Ectomorphic Mesomorph 16.67 3 .). Balanced Ectomorph 3 t6.67 4. Mesomorph Ectomorph 3 16.62 5. BalancedMesomorph 2 11.11 6. Mesomorph Endomorph 1 5.56 Endomorphic Ectomorph 1 5.56 In co[k\oration of Aacuttl of Sport Scicnce'{oglafotrta State rJnioerity, %.inistry of {outfi andsport, ISoe,!, In[onesia (Dean (Foram of Sport Science lFacutty 350 Qroceefing of Internationaf Conference on Sport 2009 8. I Mesomorphic Endomorph Total 2 11.11 r8 100 The ideal body type for male sprinter is the ectomorphic mesomorph type, that is Mesomorphy is more dominant and endomorphy is bigger than Ectomorphy. The total ideal male sprinters are only t6.67% or 3 of 18 existing athletes. The athletes closing the ideal, they who tend to have mesomorph more dominant are S persons (22.78"/o). Otherwise the athletes avoiding the ideal count to persons (SS.SS%),they are Central, Balabced Ectomorph, Mesomorph Endomorph, Endomorphic Ectomorph and M e s omorphic Endomorph. Of the data above we can know that of the 7 female sprinters from all over Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta of the year zoog who have ideai body tlpe is r person while of all over those male athletes who have the ideal body type are 3 athletes, the totai ideal athletes are less than the total athletes closing or avoiding the ideal of that conclusion that good body posture is not the only, factor the running achievement of an athlete, this is influenced by physical, tactical, technical skills, training pattern competing extrleriences, heaithy life style, and athletes' physiological factor. CONCLUSION Some matters which can be concluded are total ideal female sprinter is r person (t4,2996), the athletes closing the ideal 3 persons (+2.86%), the athletes avoiding the ideal are 3 persons (+2.86%). The total ideal male sprinters are g persons (t6.67o/o), the athletes closing the ideal 5 persons (zZ.ZB%), the athletes avoiding the ideal are 10 persons (66.620/"). So the suggestions which can be delivered based on the research results are: for athletes who have somatotype closing the ideai should improve their desire to practice so that their growth and achievement can be maximized. For the DIY sprinters constructing programs to be having special training to maximize the athletes' growth and the development. REFERENCES Aip Syarifudin. (tggz). Atlerrk. Jakarta: DEPDIKBUD Cirter & Heath. (rgSo). Somatotyping. Development and Application Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Clark, Nancy. (zoor). Petunjuk Gizi Untuk Setiap Cabang Olahraga. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada. Gerry A. Carr. (r9g7).Atlefrk untuk Sekolah. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada. IAAF RDC. (zoor). Sprint dan Lari Gqwang. Jakarta: Departemen Pengembangan IAAF-RDC. 1tr 9t. (zoo6-zooz). Peraturan LombaAtletik. Jakarta: PB. PASI. Kevin Norton and Tim Old. (rqg6). Anthrophomernc. 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