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In addition to published materials, the research relied on field work
in Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama in April 2000. The authors interviewed the commandant and members of the staff of the Institute
of Higher Defense Studies of Venezuela; the commander of the
armed forces of Colombia; and the director of the National Police,
the deputy directors of the Panamanian air and naval services, and
other officials in the security services of Panama. We also inter-
Bibliography 113
viewed Colombian, Venezuelan, and Panamanian political practitioners and defense analysts, and U.S. experts on Colombia. For the
effects of the armed conflict at the local level, we are indebted to the
organizers of the Georgetown University and National Endowment
for Democracy Conference on “Local Government Amidst the Armed
Conflict: The Experience of Colombian Mayors,” Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., September 27, 2000, which brought together mayors from 11 Colombian cities and towns and officials from
the Colombian Federation of Municipalities and the Federation of
Municipal Councils. There was also valuable material applicable to
the violence in Colombia presented at the World Bank’s Workshop
on “Civil Conflict, Crime, and Violence in Developing Countries,”
Washington, D.C., February 22–23, 1999. Finally, there is a great deal
of useful material on the Internet, including the Web sites of some of
the key players, such as the Colombian armed forces, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the National Liberation Army,
and the major Colombian political parties.