UPDATE ON TITAN’S NIGHT-SIDE AIRGLOW P. LAVVAS, R.A. WEST, G. GRONOFF, P. RANNOU UVIS Team meeting - Jun 2014 1 Combined study of UVIS and ISS observations during Titan’s eclipse L18204 WEST ET AL.: TITAN AIRGLOW West et al. 2012 2 Figure 1. (top) UVIS Titan FUV airglow data on 7 May indica dayglo (bottom is dom and w than th [8] so we 1000– In Fig synthe then s lution or sys multip same FUV (0.5 # with t multip the da 2.2. [9] sure ti UV (3 coveri et al., era as Observations Table 1: List of ISS images analyzed along with the derived DN values. Image W1620379032 W1620381930 W1620383876 W1620385882 Image mid time (UTC) 2009-127T08:31:22.675 2009-127T09:19:40.705 2009-127T09:52:06.718 2009-127T10:25:32.731 Filters CL1, BL1 CL1, VIO CL1, CL2 IR2, CL2 c (nm) 460 420 635 853 Distance (km) 644030.77 658002.55 667326.14 676887.08 photons befield of have view.wavelengths This correction was performed by subTable 2: Observed emissions (in Rayleighs) during Titan eclipse by is spectral behavior is a result racting a scaled imaged of Titan UVIS captured during direct en the spectral West et al. (2012) Ajello et al. (2012) unlight at the distribution same phaseofangle andFeature filter combination, on, spectral dependence of size. The absolute scaling Limb Limb Disk ndthe scaled at the same body a n, and finally the transmission LBH 7.2±5.1 ⇠10 f the dayside image was performed in such a manner s we show below. VK 3.9±2.6 -b hat the residual intensity is continuous across the terCY 0.3c minator as expected for a nightglow process. The reNI 1200 > 3.1 2.0 ion of interest of the final image isNI shown in Fig. 4.4±1.4 1 and 1243 0.94 0.52 observations captured Titan’s emonstrates the bright emission atNIthe1493 main haze layer ? 1.93 0.55 h a pixel scale of 600 km. Due c op (300 km) and the faint emission between 3000.4±0.1 and NII 1085 0.2 he coarseness of the grid the a 000 km. LBH was not discernible on disk observations. tra (57 in total) had to be cob Observed but emission rate not reported. anTo acceptable signal to noiseof the very get a robust estimate weak signal at the c These values are averages over both disk and limb spectra. Ajello et al., Although imb we can2012). compare the pixel values of the limb with ctravalues demonstrate strong noisefrom the limb. For this purhe of pixels away oose discriminate the signature we examined histograms ofThis signal values for two 264 calculation will provide us an idea about the minmolecular features. In the 3 to generate the airglow nnuli, one for the limb between 300 and 1000budget km, and 265 imum energy required m the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield <Limb DN> <Disk DN> 1.1 0.2 11 0.5 4.5 0.7 71.7 6.5 Energy Budget ISS - Visible Limb : 3x10-6 erg cm-2 s-1 Disk : 2x10-5 erg cm-2 s-1 UVIS - UV VK : 8.6x10-4 erg cm-2 s-1 LBH : 1.4x10-4 erg cm-2 s-1 CY : 4.0x10-6 erg cm-2 s-1 N,N+ : 9.7x10-5 erg cm-2 s-1 Total Limb : ~10-3 erg cm-2 s-1 4 INCLUDING UNOBSERVED COMPONENT POTENTIAL ENERGY SOURCES 1200 1000 Altitude (km) 800 600 Type Magnetospheric electrons Magnetospheric protons ~800 ~500 (silicates) ~700-800 (H2O) Chemi-luminescence (erg cm-2 s-1) (depending on B) ~800 Meteoroids Energy Flux ~1000 Magnetospheric ions (O+) 400 200 Deposition Altitude (km) ~4-8x10-3 small ~200 (C2H2) Cosmic Rays ~65 5 ~2x10-3 Production rates for N2 states High ~10 Low Solar GCR LOCAL EMISSION RATES 7 COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS Night Day 10 of 17 Complete Band Emissions Night profiles = Day profiles /10 (roughly) 8 Stevens et al. 2011 COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS (UVIS) Table 3: Comparison between simulated emissions and UVIS observations from West et al. (2012). All values are in Rayleighs. Band LBH VK NI NII 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 9 634 635 Model Total UVIS 10.3 8.9 39.4 1.1 1.3 0.9 0.2 0.2 Observation Ratio 7.2±5.1 3.9±2.6 4.4±1.4 0.4±0.1 0.8 3.5 4.7 2 by aerosols) below 400 km tangent altitude, while emissions from the Meinel band dominate at all tangent altitudes, followed by emissions from the Vegard-Kaplan and 1 st positive bands. The UVIS spatial pixel size for these observations is large (⇠ 650 km) and we can not derive spatial information of the emitted radiation. Instead, the signal of pixels that correspond approximately to the altitude range between 0 and 2000 km above Titan’s surface was added in order to derive the spectra reported in West et al. (2012). These correspond to about 3 pixels from each side of Titan along the UVIS track. In order to compare these observations with our model we calculated the average emission for each simulated band over the model altitude range (0-1500 km) and compare these average emissions with the UVIS observations (Fig. 12). The simulated FUV spectrum is dominated by emissions from the Vegard-Kaplan and F l H f c COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS (ISS) CL1,CL2 CL1,BL1 IR2,CL2 CL1,VIO Table 4: Comparison between observed DN values for disk and limb observations from di↵erent ISS filters, and the corresponding DN values from our model. The uncertainty on the observed DN values are of 0.2 DN (see text). Observed Modeled Ratio Limb Average (300-1000 km) CL1,CL2 CL1,VIO CL1,BL1 IR2,CL2 11 0.2 1.1 0.5 4.35 0.17 0.42 0.39 2.53 1.18 2.62 1.28 10 CL1,CL2 71.7 0.1 717 Disk Average CL1,VIO CL1,BL1 0.7 4.5 0.005 0.014 140 321 IR2,CL2 6.5 0.004 1625 OTHER POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTIONS I. Chemi-luminescence C2H2 ~300 ns C4H2 ~100 ms II. CH4 emission Only from dissociation fragments CH (420-440 nm) but too weak Fluorescence of T Hodyss et al. 2004 III. Aerosol fluorescence ~10 photons cm-2 s-1 too small 11 Fig. 5. Fluorescence spectra of tholin. (a) Cut through the plot in Fig. 2b at an excitation wavelength of 360 nm. (b) Fluorescence of tholin in ice at 77 K. (c) Fluorescence of tholin in ice at 77 K, after boiling for 5 minutes. (d) Fluorescence of solid tholin at 77 K. OTHER POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTIONS IV. Star Light OPTICAL EBL. I. RESULTS 57 band filters and photometers, as were used by Dube et al. (1977, 1979). Finally, IRAS has provided maps of the thermal emission from dust at high Galactic latitudes. We have used the IRAS maps to select a line of sight for these observations that has a low column density of Galactic dust in order to minimize the DGL contribution caused by dustscattered starlight and also to estimate the low-level DGL that cannot be avoided. Our measurement of the EBL utilizes three independent data sets. Two of these are from HST: (1) images from the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) using the F300W, F555W, and F814W filters, each roughly 1000 Å wide with central wavelengths of 3000, 5500, and 8000 Å, respectively, and (2) low-resolution spectra (300 Å per resolution element) from the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) covering 3900–7000 Å. The FOS data were taken in parallel observing mode with the WFPC2 observations. While flux calibration of WFPC2 images and FOS spectra achieve roughly the same accuracy for point-source observations, the increase in spatial resolution, a 104 times larger field of view, lower instrumental background, and absolute surface brightness calibration achievable with WFPC2 make it betFig. 1.—Relative surface brightnesses of foreground sources, upper ter suited than FOS-2to an -1absolute -1 surface -1 brightness meaStar light ~105 photons cm s nm sr limits on the EBL23 Direct (see x 1), and lower limits based onsource: the integrated flux surement of the EBL. Nonetheless, the FOS observations from resolved galaxies (V555 > 23 AB mag) in the HDF (Williams et al. 4 do provide a second, of the total lightlight source: photons cm-2independent s-1 nm-1measurement sr-1 1996). The spectral shape Zodiacal and mean flux of zodiacal and of DGL ~10 are background flux of the night sky, also free of terrestrial airshown at the levels we detect in this work. The airglow spectrum is taken CL1/CL2 DN~10 (observed = 71.7) from Broadfoot & Kendall (1968) and is scaled to the flux level we observe glow and extinction, but with greater spectral resolution at 3800–5100 Å (see x 9). The effective bandpasses for our HST observathan the WFPC2 images. The third data set consists of longtions are indicated at the bottom of the plot. slit spectrophotometry of a region of ‘‘ blank ’’ sky within 12 the WFPC2 field of view. These data were obtained at the ‘‘ blank screens,’’ spatially isolating all foreground contribu2.5 m du Pont telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory OTHER POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTIONS IV. Star Light Stellar background illuminating Titan’s * disk Stellar background on ISS field of view ~4 This ratio would have to be 2-3 times larger to match the observations, which could be the case if all possible light sources are taken into account. *Using TRILEGAL model we compared the stellar fluxes from 37 bright sky locations visible from Titan’s disk, with the corresponding fluxes from a 10ox10o FOV around the ISS bore sight. (Girardi et al. 2005, http://stev.oapd.inaf.it/cgi-bin/trilegal) 13 CONCLUSIONS I. Strongest emissions (ISS) in the upper atmosphere come from the Vegard-Kaplan, 1st positive and Meinel bands, while for the lower atmosphere 1st negative and 2nd positive dominate. For UVIS/FUV Vegard-Kaplan, LBH and atomic N emissions dominate. II. Simulated limb emissions are consistent with observations and are dominated by nominal magnetospheric energy input. III. Disk observations are much higher than the simulated emissions. Reflection of stellar light from Titan’s disk appears to be the most likely explanation. Manuscript under review in Icarus 14