NASA Quarterly UVIS Q1 - 2010 (November 2009 - January 2010)

NASA Quarterly
Q1 - 2010
(November 2009 - January 2010)
UVIS: Science Highlights
Determined phase function for C rings from UVIS FUV data for 175-190 nm. Fit both a power law and Minnaert phase
function with best fit from the Minnaert phase function. (Bradley)
Image of the Saturn environment in H Lya emission obtained from UVIS system scans in 2005 with the rings edge-on to the
spacecraft. The z-axis, passing through planet center perpendicular to the spin (y-)axis, is scaled to emission surface
brightness. Atomic hydrogen is evidently escaping from the top of the thermosphere into ballistic, orbiting, and escaping
components from the sunlit hemisphere. Rayleigh surface brightness values are indicated on the contour lines. x-y scale is in
Saturn radii, with positive values for north and astronomical west. From Shemansky et al 2009 . (Shemansky)
Image of the Saturn environment in one of several resonance features in electronic H2 band emission from the same image
cube as the previous slide. The resonance features do not appear in the aurora. The brightest feature is a ridge just south of the
rings, aligned with the atomic hydrogen plume shown in the previous slide. The resonance features are inferred to be
responsible for the escaping atomic hydrogen and heating of the thermosphere. Solar latitude: 22.3o S . From Shemansky et al.
2009. (Shemansky)
UVIS: Accomplishments
• Publications
– Published this quarter
In Press (Went into press Nov-Jan and also includes still in press from earlier quarters)
Submitted (Submitted Nov-Jan and also includes submitted earlier and still in review)
Published 2010 to date:
Published Entire mission
• Presentations at scientific conferences (Nov 2009 - Jan 2010)
8 papers at AGU, 14-18 December, 2009, San Francisco (Esposito, Albers, Liu, Colwell (2), Sremcevic,
Pryor, Yung)
1 paper at ISSI Outer Planets Auroral Workshop, January 5, 2010, Bern (Pryor)
2 papers at Active Enceladus Workshop, January 18-22, Bern (Esposito)
• Public Outreach and Press Activities (Nov 2009 - Jan 2010)
0: public talks
0: press releases
0: press conference (phone interviews)
UVIS: Plans
Science Plans (Feb - Apr 2010)
Investigate T66 flyby (Hedelt)
Titan emission properties and vertical structure (Shemansky)
Saturn magnetosphere (Shemansky)
Saturn atmosphere emission properties and vertical structure (Shemansky)
Normalize Minnaert phase function in order to determine absolute albedo of ring particles in the C ring and Cassini Division. (Bradley)
Delivery of high-level ring occultation data products to the PDS. (Colwell)
Publications (Feb - Apr 2010) — In preparation (includes submitted up to now, but not yet published)
1 paper in press at Advance in Geophysics
1 paper in press at Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences
1 paper in review in ApJ
1 paper in review in ApJ Letters
1 paper in review at Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
1 paper in review at Charged Particles and Photon Interactions with Matter, Taylor Francis
1 chapter in press in the book Europa, University of Arizona Press
1 paper in press in the proceedings book of the IAU Symposium 263
9 papers in Icarus (6 in review, 3 in press)
2 papers in review at Planet. Space. Sci.
1 paper in review at Scholarpedia
2 papers in review in Science
1 paper in press in World Scientific Review
Upcoming presentations at scientific conferences (Feb - Apr 2010)
2 papers at the EGU, VIenna, May 2010 (Esposito, Liu)
Public Outreach and Press Activities (Feb - Apr 2010)
0: public talks
0: press releases
0: press conferences (phone interviews)
Backup Material
UVIS: Publications - 2010
Charnoz, S., L. Dones, L.W. Esposito, P.R. Estrada, M.M. Hedman. 2009. Origin and evolution of Saturn’s ring system, A chapter in the
book Saturn From Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds. 17, 537-575. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag. [All SpringerVerlag chapters were published in October after the Q4 Quarterly Report was submitted]
Colwell, J. E., P.D. Nicholson, M.S. Tiscareno, C.D. Murray, R.G. French, and E.A. Marouf. 2009. The Structure of Saturn’s Rings. A
chapter in the book Saturn From Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds. 13, 375-412. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag. pp.
Cravens, T.E. , R. V. Yelle, J.-E. Wahlund, D. E. Shemansky. 2009. Composition and Structure of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere. A
chapter in the book Titan from Cassini Huygens. R.H. Brown et al. Eds. 11, 259-296. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Cuzzi, J., Clark, R., Filacchione, G., French, R., Johnson, R., Marouf, E., and Spilker, L.. 2009. Ring Particle Composition and Size
Distribution. A chapter in the book Saturn From Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds. 15, 459-509. Dordrecht, Netherlands:
Dougherty, M.K., Esposito, L. W. and Krimigis, S.M., Eds. 2009. Saturn from Cassini-Huygens. Dordrecht, Netherlands: SpringerVerlag.
Dougherty, M.K., Esposito, L. W. and Krimigis, S.M., Eds. 2009. Overview. In Saturn from Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds.
pp.1-8. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Flasar, F. M., K. H. Baines, M. K. Bird, T. Tokano and R. A. West. 2009. Atmospheric Dynamics and Meteorology. A chapter in the book
Titan from Cassini Huygens. R. Brown et al. Eds. 13, 323-352. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Hansen, C. J. ,H. Waite, S. Bolton. Titan in the Cassini-Huygens Extended Mission. 2009. A chapter in the book Titan from Cassini
Huygens. R.H. Brown et al. Eds. 17, 455-478. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Jaumann, R., R. Clark, Fr. Nimmo , A. Hendrix, B. Buratti, T. Denk, J. Moore, P. Schenk, S.Ostro and R.Srama. 2009. Icy Satellites:
Geological Evolution and Surface Processes. A chapter in the book Saturn From Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds. 20, 637-681.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Jaumann R., R. L. Kirk, R. D. Lorenz, R. M.C. Lopes, E. Stofan, E. P. Turtle, H. U. Keller, C. A. Wood, C. Sotin, L. A. Soderblom and M.
G. Tomasko. 2009. Geology and Surface Processes on Titan. A chapter in the book Titan from Cassini Huygens. R.H. Brown et al. Eds.
5, 75-140. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
UVIS: Publications - 2010
…2010 publications continued:
Kurth, W.S., E.J. Bunce, J.T. Clarke, F.J. Crary, D.C. Grodent, A.P. Ingersoll, U.A. Dyudina, L. Lamy, D.G.Mitchell, A.M. Persoon,W.R.
Pryor, J. Saur, and T. Stallard. 2009. Auroral Processes. A chapter in the book Saturn From Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds.
12, 333-374. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Liu, X. P. V. Johnson, C. P. Malone, J. A. Young, D. E. Shemansky, and I. Kanik, 2009, Electron impact excitation and emission cross
section of the B1S and D 1Pu states and rotational dependence of photodissociation cross sections of the B1S and D 1Pu continua, J.
Phys. B, 42, 18520.
Mauk, B.H., J. Cuzzi, D. Hamilton, T. Hill, G. Hospodarsky, R. Johnson, C. Paranicas, E. Roussos, C. Russell, D. Shemansky, E.
Sittler,R. Thorne. 2009. Fundamental Plasma Processes in Saturnユs Magnetosphere. A chapter in the book Saturn From CassiniHuygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds. 11, 281-331. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Melin, H., D. E. Shemansky, and X. Liu, 2009, The distribution of hydrogen and atomic oxygen in the magetosphere of Saturn, Planet.
Space Sci., 57, 1743 (Published Dec. 2009)
Nagy, Andrew F., A. J. Kliore, M. Mendillo, S. Miller, L. Moore, J. I. Moses, I. Muller-Wodarg, D. Shemansky. 2009. Upper Atmosphere
and Ionosphere of Saturn. A chapter in the book Saturn From Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds. 8, 181-201. Dordrecht,
Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Shemansky, D. E., X. Liu, and H. Melin, 2009, The Saturn Hydrogen Plume, Planet. Space Sci., 57, 1659
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2009.05.002. (Published Dec. 2009)
Sittler, E., C. Bertucci, A. Coates, T. Cravens, I. Dandouras, and D. Shemansky. 2009. Energy deposition processes in Titan's upper
atmosphere and Its Induced Magnetosphere. A chapter in the book Titan from Cassini Huygens. R.H. Brown et al. Eds. Dordrecht,
Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Spencer, J.R., A. C. Barr, L.W. Esposito, P. Helfenstein, A.P. Ingersoll, R. Jaumann, C.P. McKay, F. Nimmo, C.C. Porco, J.H. Waite.
2009. Enceladus: An Active Cryovolcanic Satellite. A chapter in the book Saturn From Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds. 21,
683-724. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
Tomasko, M. G., and R. A. West. Aerosols in Titan's Atmosphere. 2009. A chapter in the book Titan from Cassini Huygens. R. Brown et
al. Eds. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
West, R. A., K. H. Baines, E. Karkoschka and A. Sanchez-Lavega. 2009. Clouds and Aerosols in Saturn's Atmopsphere. A chapter in the
book Saturn From Cassini-Huygens. M. Dougherty et al. Eds. 7, 161-179. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
UVIS: Publications (In Press)
Bradley, E. T., Colwell, J.E., Esposito, L.W., Cuzzi, J.N., Tollerud, H., Chambers, L., 2009. Far Ultraviolet Spectral Properties of Saturn’s
Rings from Cassini UVIS. Icarus - Saturn from Cassini special issue. (In Press Dec. 2009)
Dzhanoev, A.R., A. Loskutov , J. E. Howard , and M. A. F. Sanjuan. 2009. Chaos stabilization in the three body problem. A chapter in
Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos, eds. M.A.F. Sanjuan and C. Grebogi. World Scientific Review. (In press Oct 2008).
Esposito, L.W.E. 2010. Composition, Structure, Dynamics and Evolution of Saturn’s rings. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary
Sciences (In Press Jan. 2010)
Hendrix, A.R. and C. J. Hansen. 2010. The Surface Composition of Enceladus: Clues from the Ultraviolet. Proceedings book of the IAU
Symposium 263 (In press Dec. 2009)
Hendrix, A. R. Hansen, C.J., Holsclaw, G. M. 2009. The Ultraviolet Reflectance of Enceladus: Implications for Surface Composition.
Icarus - Saturn from Cassini special issue. (In press Dec. 2009)
Liu, X., D. E. Shemansky, P. V. Johnson, C. P. Malone, H. Melin, J. A. Young, and I. Kanik. 2010. The Saturn hot atomic hydrogen
plume: Quantum mechanical investigation of H2 dissociation mechanisms. Planetary Science volume 20 of the Advance in Geophysics.
Eds. A. Bhardwaj, S. A. Haider, R. Wu, P. Hartogh and T. Ito (World Scientific). (In press Dec,, 2009)
McGrath, M., C. J. Hansen, A. R. Hendrix. 2009. Observations of Europa’s tenuous atmosphere, Europa, eds. R. Pappalardo, W.
McKinnon, and K. Khurana, University of Arizona Press Space Science Series (In press June 2009).
Robbins, S.J., Stewart, G.R., Lewis, M.C., Colwell, J.E., and M. Sremcevic. 2009. Estimating the Masses of Saturn's A and B Rings from
High-Optical Depth N-Body Simulations and Stellar Occultations. Icarus. (In press Nov. 2009)
UVIS: Publications (Submitted)
Ajello, J.M., R.S. Mangina, R.R. Meier. 2010. UV Molecular Spectroscopy from Electron Impact for Applications to Planetary
Atmospheres and Astrophysics. Eds., Y. Hatano, Y. Katsumura, and A. Mozumder, In Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with
Matter, Recent Advances, Applications, and Interfaces, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton. (Submitted August 2009)
Albers, N, M. Sremcevic, J.E. Colwell, and L.W. Esposito. 2009. Saturn’s F Ring as seen by Cassini UVIS: Kinematics and Statistics.
Icarus. (Submitted February, 2009)
Cuzzi, J. N., J. A. Burns, S. Charnoz, R. N. Clark, J. E. Colwell, L. Dones, L. W. Esposito, G. Filacchione, R. G. French, M. M. Hedman,
S. Kempf, E. A. Marouf, C. D. Murray, P. D. Nicholson, C. C. Porco, J. Schmidt, M. R. Showalter, L. J. Spilker, J. N. Spitale, R. Srama, M.
Sremčević, M. S. Tiscareno, J. Weiss. 2010. An Evolving View of Saturn’s Dynamic Rings. Science (Submitted Nov. 2009)
Elliott, J.P. and L.W. Esposito. 2010. Regolith Depth Growth on an Icy Body Orbiting Saturn and Evolution of Bidirectional Reflectance
due to Surface Composition Changes. Icarus. (Submitted Oct. 27, 2009, after submission of Q4 2009 quarterly.)
Esposito, L.W.E., Albers, N., Meinke, B.K., Sremcevic, M., Colwell, J.E. 2010. Moon-triggered Clumping in Saturn’s Rings. Icarus.
(Submitted October 2, 2009)
Gustin, J., I. Stewart, J-C. Gerard, L.W. Esposito. 2010. Characteristics of Saturn’s FUV airglow from limb viewing spectra obtained with
Cassini-UVIS. Icarus. (Submitted around Dec. 3, 2009)
Hedelt, P., Ito, Y., Keller, H.U., Lammer, H., Rauer, H., Reulke, R., Wurz, P., Esposito, L. 2009. Titan’s hydrogen corona. Icarus.
(Submitted 11/13/09)
Howard, J.E. 2009. Stability of Hamiltonian Equilibria. Scholarpedia. No printed copy, just online.
Howard. J. E. and J. D. Meiss. 2009. Straight-Line Orbits in Hamiltonian Flows. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy.
(submitted in March, 2009)
Hubert, B., J. C. Gerard, J. Gustin, V. I. Shematovich, D. V. Bisikalo, A. I. Stewart and G.R. Gladstone. 2010 Cassini-UVIS observations
of the FUV OI and CO Venus dayglow. Icarus. (submitted May 2009, found out in Oct.)
Liang, M. C., A. S. Wong, D. Henze, M. Adamkovics, K. Boering and Y. L.Yung. 2009. Synergistic study of hydrocarbon photochemistry
in laboratory and planetary atmospheres. Planet. Space. Sci., (Submitted Sept. 2008) [emailed Yuk 1/4, “in press or published?“]
Liang, M-C. and Y. L. Yung. 2009. Isotopic fractionation of trace molecules in the atmosphere of Titan. ApJ (Submitted in June 2009)
UVIS: Publications (Submitted - Cont.)
Shemansky, D. E., and X. Liu, 2009, Saturn Upper Atmospheric Structure from Cassini EUV/FUV Occulations, Planet. Space Sci.,
(Submitted November, 2008)
Stevens, M.H., J. Gustin, J.M. Ajello, J.S. Evans, R.R. Meier, A.W. Stephan, A.I.F. Stewart, K. Larsen, L.W. Esposito, W.E. McClintock.
2010. The Production of Titan’s Far Ultraviolet Nitrogen Airglow. Science. (Submitted Dec. 24, 2009)
Zhang X., Ajello, J.M., and Yung, Y.L.,. 2009. Atomic carbon in the upper atmosphere of Titan. Astrophysical Journal Letters .
(Submitted Sept. 2009)
UVIS: Science Presentations - Q1-2010 (Nov.09-Jan.10)
– AGU, 14-18 December, 2009, San Francisco
Esposito, L.W. “Stochastic events lead to accretion in Saturn’s rings
Albers, N. “Structure and variability of Saturn’s B and F rings from UVIS occultations”
Liu, X, P.V. Johnson, C.P. Malone, J.A. Young, I. Kanik, D. E. Shemansky. Mechanisms for the production of energetic atomic
hydrogen from dissociation of molecular hydrogen on Saturn (Shemansky)
Colwell, J.E.; L. W. Esposito; M. Sremcevic. “Ephemeral Microstructures in Saturn’s Rings Revealed by Cassini UVIS Stellar
Srmecevic, M., Esposito, L.W., Colwell, J.E. Was on plans. Small-scale Ring Structure Observed in Cassini UVIS Occultations.
Pryor; W. R. , I. Stewart; L. W. Esposito; A. Jouchoux; W. E. McClintock; G. Holsclaw; S. . Eriksson; J. Gustin; D. Grodent; J. M.
Gerard; J. Ajello; R. A. West; C. J. Hansen; A. Hendrix; X. Zhou; D. E. Shemansky; J. T. Clarke; F. J. Crary; J. E. Colwell; J. D.
Nichols; S. W. Cowley; L. Lamy; D. G. Mitchell; W. S. Kurt. “Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS. “
Hodyss, R. P., Parkinson, C. D., Johnson, P. V., Stern, J. V., Goguen, J.D., Yung, Y. L., Kanik, I. Methanol on Enceladus.
Pilorz, S; N. Altobelli; J. E. Colwell; M. Showalter; L. J. Spilker. “Response of Saturn's Rings to Thermal Forcing Observed with
Cassini CIRS“
– ISSI Outer Planets Auroral Workshop, January 5, 2010, Bern
Pryor; W. R. , I. Stewart; L. W. Esposito; A. Jouchoux; W. E. McClintock; G. Holsclaw; S. . Eriksson; J. Gustin; D. Grodent; J. M.
Gerard; J. Ajello; R. A. West; C. J. Hansen; A. Hendrix; X. Zhou; D. E. Shemansky; J. T. Clarke; F. J. Crary; J. E. Colwell; J. D.
Nichols; S. W. Cowley; L. Lamy; D. G. Mitchell; W. S. Kurt. “Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS. “
– Active Enceladus Workshop, January 18-22, Bern
Esposito. “Latest UVIS plume measurements.“
Esposito. “Enceladus plume/jet model and comparison to INMS results.“
UVIS: Outreach - Q1-2010 (Nov.09-Jan.10)
• #: EPO: Talks to school children, teachers and public
None this quarter
• #: Press releases
None this quarter
• #: Press conferences & interviews
None this quarter