Lecture #4 Objective stress rate (Rong Tian, posted on iMechanica) The Cauchy stress is related to PK2 stress as σ = J −1φ* [S ] (43) The time derivative of PK2 stress Sɺ is objective, whereas that of Cauchy stress is not. 4.1 Truesdell rate Truesdell stress rate is defined by σ ∇ = J −1φ* Sɺ (44) where Sɺ is the material time derivative of PK2 stress. Using σ ∇T to denote the Truesdell rate, we derive it as σ ∇T = J −1φ* Sɺ d = J −1F ( JF −1σ F -T ) F T dt -T −1 −1 ɺ ɺ = J F JF σ F + JF −1σ F -T + JF −1σɺ F -T + JF −1σ Fɺ -T F T Note that d ɺ −1 + FFɺ −1 = 0 , we have ( FF −1 ) = FF dt ɺ −1 = −F −1L Fɺ −1 = −F −1FF Consider Jɺ = J trace ( D ) = J trace ( L ) (45) (46) (47) We obtain σ ∇T = J −1F JɺF −1σ F -T − JF −1Lσ F -T + JF −1σɺ F -T + JF −1σ Fɺ -T F T = J −1 Jtrace ( L ) σ − JLσ + J σɺ − J σ LT (48) = σɺ − Lσ − σ LT + trace ( L ) σ This is the Truesdell stress rate. 4.2 Green-Naghdi rate Ignore the stretch component of deformation and assume F = RU ≈ R then we obtain ɺ −1 = RR ɺ T , trace ( RR ɺ T ) = trace ( Ω ) = 0 L = FF (49) (50) where Ω is the angular velocity matrix, Ωii = 0 . Substitute (50) into the Truedell rate (48), we obtain Green-Naghdi rate as ɺ Tσ + σ RR ɺ T σ ∇G = σɺ − RR (51) 4.3 Jaumann rate 10 Using polar decomposition F = RU and spin tensor of W = 1 L − LT ) , we can obtain ( 2 ɺ T − 1 R ( UU ɺ -1 + U -T U ɺ ) RT W = RR 2 (52) If we assume ɺ T W ≈ RR and substitute into the Green-Naghdi rate (51), then we obtain Jaumann rate σ ∇G = σɺ − Wσ + σ W (53) (54) The relationship among Truesdell, Green-Naghdi, and Jaumann rates are summarized in Figure 3.1. It is noted that the Jaumann and Green-Naghdi stress rates are the approximate of the Truesdell rate; they should not be expected to be the same accurate as the Truesdell rate for a general non-rigid-body motion. This might explain the difference of the shear stress computed by the three different stress rates for the same shear deformation. σ ∇T Truesdell stress rate = σɺ − Lσ − σ LT + trace ( L ) σ Truesdell stress rate (Kirchhoff) J σ ∇T = τ ∇J τ ∇J = τɺ − Lτ − τ LT Assume F ≈ R , ignoring the stretch component of F Simplification 1 Green-Naghdi stress rate ɺ T − RR ɺ Tσ σ ∇G = σɺ + σ RR ɺ T − 1 R ( UU ɺ -1 + U -T U ɺ ) R T ≈ RR ɺ T Assume W = RR 2 Simplification 2 Jaumann stress rate σ ∇J = σɺ + σ W − Wσ Figure 3.1. Relationship among Truesdell, Green-Naghdi, and Jaumann rates. Quick question: why are we often using Jaumann rate instead of Truesdell rate? 11