The world is changing So is Higher Education K Jimmy Hsia Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Vice Provost for International Programs and Strategy Carnegie Mellon University C. Fong Shih’s 70th Birthday Celebration American Academy of Arts & Sciences May 12, 2016 C. Fong Shih A mentor, a friend, a leader @ 70! Some Inventions in 1946 (per Wikipedia) Annular blowout preventer Tepperware Filament tape Diaper (waterproof) Credit card Some Observations • Majority of the top 70 companies in the US in 1946 are no longer top companies today • (Almost) ALL of the top 70 universities in the US in 1946 are still top universities today Higher education institutions are conservative, with large inertia Higher Education has changed in the past 70 years The changes are accelerating recently • Development of new technologies • Globalization Impact of new technologies (personal stories) My wife Mei and Zhigang’s wife Denian are “classmates” Mei is also learning French and German using Duolingo (developed by CMU faculty member Luis von Ahn) Mei and kids sometimes learn new things through TED Talks ALL FOR FREE!! Impact of Globalization (needs are global) Top25LargestCompaniesWorldwide(rankedbyrevenue) Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Name Wal-MartStores,Inc. Samsung RoyalDutchShell Vitol ExxonMobile Volkswagen Apple Toyota BP Glencore Total BerkshireHathaway McKesson Phillips66 Daimler GeneralMotors Exor Alllianz FordMotorCompany Lukoil Honda CVSHealth Chevron E-ON Foxconn Revenue(USD Billions) Asof: Retail $482 Jan-16 Conglomerate $305 2015 Oil&Gas $273 2015 Commodities $270 2015 Oil&Gas $268 2015 Automotive $245 2015 ConsumerElectronics $234 2015 Automotive $227 Mar-15 Oil&Gas $223 2015 Commodities $221 2014 Oil&Gas $212 2014 Conglomerate $221 2014 Pharmaceuticals $179 Mar-15 Oil&Gas $161 2014 Automotive $157 2014 Automotive $152 2015 FinancialServices $148 2014 FinancialServices $148 2014 Automotive $144 2014 Oil&Gas $144 2014 Automotive $142 2014 Retail $139 2014 Oil&Gas $138 2015 Electricutility $135 2014 Electronics $133 2014 Industry Revenue Growth -0.70% -7.20% -7.20% -13.70% -7.20% 2.80% 28.00% 6.00% -37.90% -5.30% -11.50% 8.30% 30.10% -6.40% 10.10% -1.70% 7.80% 10.40% -2.00% 1.90% 20.00% 9.90% -34.90% -9.80% 6.60% Employees Headquarters 2,200,000 Bentonville,Arkansas 489,000 Suwon,Korea 94,000 TheHague,London 5,441 Rotterdam,Geneva 75,300 Irving,Texas 572,800 Wolfsburg,Germany 115,000 California 344,109 Aichi,Japan 83,900 London 181,000 Baar,Switzerland 100,307 Courbevoie,France 316,000 Omaha,Nebraska 32,000 SanFrancisco,CA 13,500 Houston,TX 275,087 Stuttgart,Germany 284,000 Detroit,Michigan 318,562 Turin,Italy 147,425 Munich,Germany 164k,000 Dearborn,Michigan 120,000 Moscow,Russia 198,561 Tokyo,Japan 208,000 Woonsocket,RhodeIsland 64,700 SanRamon,CA 79,000 Dusseldorf,Germany 1,290,000 NewTaipeiCity Source: Wikipedia Impact of Globalization (customers are international) Carnegie Mellon University International Students Statistics Undergraduate Regions of Citizenship Fall 2005 to 2014 40% 36% 2014 2005 29% 30% 28% 21% 20% 18% 15% 16% 10% 5% 3% 1% 1% 1% 4% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2% 5% 5% 3% 1% 0% AFRICA UK NOT MEXICO,C& AUSTRALIA REPORTED SAMERICA ANDNEW ZEALAND OTHER EUROPE CANADA INDIA OTHERASIA KOREA CHINA 9 Graduate Regions of Citizenship Fall 2005 to 2014 45% 41% 2014 2005 30% 28% 25% 23% 18% 15% 13% 10% 7% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% AUSTRALIA GREECE ANDNEW ZEALAND 0% 1% 1% 1% RWANDA PORTUGAL 2% 1% OTHER AFRICA 4% 3% 1% 2% NOT CANADA REPORTED 6% 3% 3% OTHER EUROPE KOREA 5% MEXICO,C OTHERASIA &S AMERICA INDIA CHINA 10 Another data point: Population of school age people in India Impact of Globalization (operation is global for some institutions) Carnegie Mellon University International Educational Programs EducaHngGlobalCiHzens:2015DegreeProgramsOutsideofPiWsburgh NEW YORK SILICON VALLEY LOS ANGELES WASHINGTON DC PLYMOUTH BRAGA PORTO AVEIRO COIMBRA LISBON MADEIRA SALFORD PARIS BOLOGNA ANKARA MONTERREY HARBIN BEIJING DAEJEON KOBE NANJING SHANGHAI GUANGZHOU DOHA CHENNAI COLOMBIA SINGAPORE KIGALI BSBiologicalSciences–Doha BSBusinessAdministra>on–Doha BSComputa>onalBiology–Doha BSComputerScience–Doha BSInforma>onSystems–Doha MasterofArtsManagement–Bologna MasterofComputa>onalDataScience-Singapore MasterofEntertainmentTechnology–variousloca>ons MasterofEntertainmentIndustryManagement–LosAngeles MasterofHuman-ComputerInterac>on–Madeira MasterofInforma>onSystemsManagement-Singapore MasterofScienceandRobo>csTechnology–Nanjing,Plymouth MSComputa>onalFinance–NewYork MSinBiotechnologyInnova>onandComputa>on–Harbin MSinCivilandEnvironmentalEngineering–Nanjing MSinComputerScience-Beijing MSinElectricalandComputerEngineering–Guangzhou,Kigali,SiliconValley MSinEngineeringandTechnologyInnova>onManagement– SiliconValley,Singapore MSinInforma>onSecurityPolicyandManagement-Singapore MSinInforma>onTechnology–variousloca>ons MSinInforma>onTechnology–eBusinessTechnology-Singapore MSinInforma>onTechnology–Informa>onSecurity–Kobe,SiliconValley MSinInforma>onTechnology–Mobility–SiliconValley MSinInforma>onTechnology–SoYwareManagement–SiliconValley MSinMechanicalEngineering-Shanghai MSinPublicPolicyandManagement–Adelaide,WashingtonD.C MSinSoYwareEngineering–Paris,SiliconValley MSinSoYwareManagement–SiliconValley PhDInAppliedMathema>cs–Lisbon PhDinCivilandEnvironmentalEngineering–Ankara,Colombia PhDinComputerScience–variousloca>ons PhDinComputerScience–Robo>cs–variousloca>ons PhDinElectricalandComputerEngineering–variousloca>ons PhDinEngineeringandPublicPolicy–Lisbon,Porto PhDinHuman-ComputerInterac>on–Lisbon,Madeira PhDinLanguageTechnologies–Lisbon PhDinMechanicalEngineering–Daejeon,Singapore PhDinSoYwareEngineering–variousloca>ons PhDinTechnologicalChangeandEntrepreneurship–Lisbon ADELAIDE Carnegie Mellon University’s Global Presence 14 Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education • Technological challenges • Global challenges • Financial challenges Key to success: to attract the best talents of the world Still passionate about international collaboration Happy Birthday, Fong!! 17