2012 January ISSN0215 0158 CI AIIIMA Volume27, Number2 January2012 iD0tsll[ PsYcH0t0GtcaL J0uRAt Animalndonesian PsychologicaL Joumal pxblishespeeffevie$edaficles\r.ithedjtoNandconsultants providing dctailcdassisiance for authorsto rcachpublication. ThejoumalpubLishes fesearch reportsandscientificpapersin psychology s,iththeaimto advance knowledge, and/orfelatedsciences science, andtheoryofpsychology A.Aditono.lkri K. Lxsnom. L B SixFutLx 'l homasS hBahrudi( GeneralMamser) Arkr Indr,nrrvan(CenerrlSupervsor) Rni$y!no, Tn Li.a Ro!ta, Sabd.anlo, S.enasono.Chusnul, Srna.ixhMaiiolin.\ar0ali \\rlardor. Accrediiedby the lndonesianDireciornteGenernlolHiglrer Educadon Nlinnaryof Natioml |tducotion No.3l /Dtkti/Kep/2011, No!enbor 15,2011 ,\nim,Inrlone\irnPslch.logrcrll.umxlistublrhed quaddly(l;slpublishedOcrober1985) hy drcLaborat.ry.l(lcncralPslchology ]iaculryof l\ycholosySunbayaLlnive6iry Editorsrnd Adninislrrlion Addr€s I'aculq-of Psycholo8x Sumbara UniveAiq lalar rr,\,aKllnursku! Surabaya 60293 C r l l ( 6 2I L l2 9 3 1 2 4269, 3 1 4 0 tax(61ll)2t8ll71 t mail:rnin,a4lbrya dcid r ariia4mitrnetid ' I n s i d e J a v a Rl 5t 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 i O u s i d e J a v a R p l 3 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 OvdscasLs$l01)oo/rolLme(fonrhsrcs,includnre annail) PayabletuorghPexnataBanklemursari,Surabayr,InrlonesiaAccourtnunber:2911t3t394(llFrrKrasnoro) A.py olrhere.€,fl sh.uldbcscnd,cnailed.or lirr edrorh. adnnrishlni dddress eith thePublicatioD NlanualofthcAmcri.anPsychologi.d Glnlclinerl.r.ontibu{lN c.n bc fc.d xl insidcbackcovcrwhichaE nr accordance A$ocrarn,n (6thed..2010) AI nc de bo Dj fo( I wh s€n kic cho bec T c Tte Anina, lndonesidPsychological Joulral 2 0 1 2V, o l 2 7 ,N o . 2 , 7 98 4 The Coaches'PerceptionandEffofis to Build Character of Teenase FootballAthletes Dim)'ati StateUniversity of Yog/akarta The purposeof this studywa! to reveallniners. perccptionand knorvledgeaboutihe effor to develop€haracterof teenagefootballathleres.Descriptivequatitativcand quadjrativcapproach $€re conducled.The populationwasL'aineNof20 FootballSchoolsh yo$/akana SpeciatArea (DacrahlstirnewaYog/akata: DIl'). Sampleswcrefive randomlysetectedFootbaltSchoolsand twenty tainem in it. Coach'sCharacterDe\€lopmenrSelf:EvatuationChecktistwas used as rescarchiusllment. Rcsullsrevealthal the characterof foorballathletesarc good in category, mcaningthattrainersscetheinpon:nce of developjng teenagefootbaliathlerecharncterCharacter developmcntleadsto norc discipline.sporiviry, molivation,and obedienceto rul.s, bur fie lrainen do not knowhow to dcvelopdiosccharncrers.. ,(+rold!: pefception,eFot, trainers,chamcter, recnagefoorbaltathletes. PeneliLian iDi befujum mcngungkap pc.sepsi,pengcrahuan, d.ln upayamenbangunkarakteratlct sepakbola usiaremaja.Untuk itu dilatukanpendckairn kuatiratifdau kuantilatitpopulasj peneliti:nini adalah20 SekolahSepakboh(SSB)di DaeEhlstimewayogyakartaery). Sampel yangdipilih secanacakadalahlima SSBdengu 20 pelatiluya Insrrumenyal]gdiguDakan adatal Coach'sChdqctet Dewlqnent Selfbdludtioh ChecHr$.Hasilpenctitjarnenyjmputkdnbahwa persepsipclatih tenhng pembaDgunan ka$lrrer atLetscpakbolausia remajadi DIy beEdapada kategoribaik. Parapelatihmemardangbahwapengcnrbangan karakterrnetalLrisepakbolayairu teiadri')a pcrubahanperihkr diri yang negatifrnenjadipositil lebih bedisiplin, lc,bihsporirl lebih bermotivasi,dan patunpada ahfan pemainan.Namun, pa,"apetaLihridak mengetahui bagimauacann)" mencapainilai-uilaikarakcr re.sebut. ,(dla irrcl penepsi,pelatil sepakbolqkamkeqattetsepakbola usiarcnraja No*,adayscharacterdegndation is nrore intensive andserious-This is signaledby a lot of pomogndr), comrptio!,malipulation, violition of values,religious nonns,culturalnofi1s,?urdhumanelhics.Th€ charecter decl re hasalsobeenshownb). managcrathletes as well as ofiicialsof footballorganizations. Chaosin boardmanagers sirrcetheeraofNudin Khalidthrough DjoharArifrn provedthat btd characterof managcrs of tbotballis prevailing upto nationallevel. Bad charactcroI aihleteswas shotm specifically whenthey playedaga;nstVietnamin the "Tigef Cup" semifiDal.Indonesianfootball athletcsirtentionallv kickedth.3ballontotheirown goalwiththepuryose of choosingopponentsin thc final. Footballlansrcgrettcd bcLau.e ll,ir $:F rmrro-,1 ror .fani\c in \p,n "n.l context(Lutar 200I ). ThcywereIoyrl to theircoachbutDotgoodin moral Cotrespondence conccnri.g lhi anicleshouldbc addressed to Dn.yirr, $e faculty oa Sljorl Scicncs, State Urivcdrl) of YogFlrra Jattur (olofrbo No l. Yogyakda55283E toml:dimrrkmii,iyahoo.com (Rudd.2006). chamctef A lor ofchaoshappened in the IootballfieldrvasshowniDthencdia(Maksum.2010). Brulality also happcnedir the field in lndonesian FootballL€aguein 2007 rhere brulal fight occuned behveen playel\- Khamaruk, PeFija goalkecper strangledConTales,fooiball pla)cr from Gresik f'Bub:ukanPanggrngDagelan...," 2007).Ministerof Youlh ancl Spod conxneDtedthat he suppofiedthe applicationof law enforcemcnt to anybodywhose bchaviorwas leadingto anarchy.If tlre Indonesian FootballAssociation (PSSI)did not put itselfin ordef, he was readyto closcdowi the Indonesian League ("Menpora: Berbenah arru...,"2007). Appealandthreat did notstopchaosin thefootballfield.In theNational SpodFestival (PON)XVII in EastKalimantzr in 2008, brutality $as dore by playeNof WestPapuato the refereeand assistanircferce("KeroyokWasit,DiskoN ...," 2008).Brutalii)'$as doneby playersol North Xriahrku to the relereein the Strdents'Nationai Spod Festivalin Yogr"akarta so that tbe gamewas stopped CTL\RACTERBUILDINGEFFORTS in tlrc Tiger Cup; s semi final just to choosefiial opponent.This conductwas believedto be amo|alard not sportive(Lutan, 2001). Chaosand brutality oilen happenedin football field in lndonesia"and became headlinenews.Thesefacts influencedand formedfie perceptionof coachesaboutthe impofanceof building chamcterof te€nagefootballplayers.Theseiacts were perception, andstimulito coaches' of infonnatioD sources good perceptioD about lhc have a that coaches so players. character of of buildiog importance Knowledgeand Means of DcYelopingCharacter of TeenageFootball PlaycN lo general,coachesconsidorcharacterbuilding as a changeof behaviorftom negativeto positive,not only inside but also outsidcthe football fleld, and these behaviorswouldbediscipline,beingsportiveandenthu siastic,andobedjentto mles.Unfotunately$e coaches do noi knowwhator howto lrclpfootballplayeNdevelop coaches andthis is quitenatumlbecause theirchamctors, work witiout referencetu1dbase their leachingon (Crcss; feeling,intuitions,previouseventsor exp€rience elal.; Jones Sauy & Duard; Gilbcrt& Trxdel;C\r-drion eral.,ascitedin CushioqAnnour& Joneq2ff)6i).Hellison (citedin Martineb2003)statedfiat a big problemir lhe progran of charactefbuilding was lr'yil1gto use the professional sportmodel-On theotherhzud,coachcsdid a]ld ethical not havethe chanceto teachsportsmanship behaviorwhiletheirstudcntathletest ain(ALbert,1996). One big prcblem in spof nowadaysis that very lelv (Cm\\4od, tcachethicalbchaviorto tleir athletes coaches Haiten,Docl€{I,Lylch, & Foy,2001). Up to now thercis not any studyon neansor eAbts beingdoneby coachesin buildingcharaclerduringthe processofcoaching.On thefield, coachcsonly tbcuson abiliryoffie athletes andphysical lechnique developing \\,ithouttakingcharacterbuilclillg into account,so il is very logicat if lhey do not know how to develop chamcterof teen€c lootballathlctes. Conclusion It is concludedthat coaches'perceptionaboutthe importanceof building cluracter of teenagelootball adrletesin Dry is good.Coaches'perceptionis much influencedby externalfacton, tho factsthat nany bad on theficld pructices doneby lootballathlcteshappened havea widclyin thenedia.Socoaches orbeingcovercd good perceptionabolLtbuilding characterof teenagc thaiclumcterbuildconsider fooiballplalers.Coachcs positive.Changes behaviorb€comes ingnakesneSative in behaviorwoutd b€ more discipline,beingsportivq they andobedientto rules,but unfortunately entlrusiastic do not knowthe meansor howto buildthechancierof footballathletes. teenage References Albe4 F S (1996).E*ics iu physicalandspofteducahon. Joulrt of PhtsicalEduc.tliokReoeation& Da1ce, - 2s8. 67(',7),23'/ Arindita S. (2002).Hubmgal dntarapersepsitualittx petoymln dm ciba b.nk dargttt lolalitasnavbah (Skipsi,tk dite$iden).Fakultas Psikologi UniveNitas MuhammadyalSural(arta. Bubarkm panggrmgdagelanliga hdonesial (2007, p 34. 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