voLUME 5, I\UMBER 2 DECEMBER 2OO9 rssN 1693-5098 JOURNAL OF METH ||IIS |IUA]IIITAIIUE JOT]RNAL DEVOTED TO TIIE MATHEMATICAL AND SIATISTICAL APPLICATIONS IN VARIOUS FIELDS QUANTITATIVB METHODS QUANTITATIVE METHODS provide a forum for communicationbetween statisticiansand with the usersof appliedof statisticaland mathematicaltechniquesamonga wide mathematicians range of areas such as operationsresearch,computing,actuary,engineering,physics, biology, medicine, agriculture, environment,management,business,economics,politics, sociology, and on boththe relevanceof numericaltechniquesand quantitative education.Thejournal will emphasize ideas in applied areasand theoreticaldevelopment,which clearly demonstratesignificant,applied potential. Editor in Chief: Dr. Noor Akma Ibrahim '1ii#lJl'.1'ii:J$?,HrJifr ,,,,?1?ffffii;"j#ffiffi '.*" Editorial Assistant: Dr. JamalI Daoud Departmentof Sciences, Facultyof Engineering InternationalIslamicUniversitvMalavsia Editors: Dr.ZhenbngZeng ShanghaiInstitutefor BiologicalSciences ChineseAcademyof Science Dr.FaizA.M. Elfaki Departrnent of Sciences IntemationalIslamicUniversity,Malaysia Dr.RaihanOthman Departmentof Science InternationalIslamicUniversity,Malaysia Dr. Mat RofaIsmail Department of Mathematics UniversityPutraMalaysia,Malaysia Dr. IsmailBin Mohd Departmentof Mathematics UniversityMalaysiaTrengganu, Malaysia Dr.MaherTaka Facultyof PlanningandManagement Al Balqa, AppliedUniversity,Al-Salt,Jordan Chen-juLin, Ph.D Dr. Hon Wai Leong Dept.of IndustrialEngineering&Management Departmentof Mathematics Singapore YuanZe University,Taiwan NationalUniversityof Singapore, Dr. AndreasDress Dr.MustofaUsman Max PlankInstituteor Math.in the Sciences Departmentof Mathematics 22-26,D04103Leipzig,Germany Universityof Lampung,Indonesia Inselstrasse Dr.PieterN.Juho Departmentof Mathematics, NatalUniversity,SouthAfrica Dr.Muhammad AzamKhan Universityof ScienceandTechnologyBannu, NWFP-Pakistan Dr. SannayMohamad Departmentof Mathematics UniversityBruneiDarussalam, BruneiDarussalam Dr.ZainodinHaji Jubok Centrefor AcademicAdvancement UniversityMalaysiaSabah, Malaysia Vol. 5, No.2 December2009 QUANTITATIVE METHODS ISSN 1693-5098 TABLE OF CONTENTS Data EnvelopmentAnalysisFor StocksSelectionOn BursaMalaysia... OngPoayLing,AntonAbdulbasah Karnil,MohdNainHj. Awang On Group Method Of Data Handling(GIDID ForData Mining....... Iing Lukman,Noor Akma lbrahim,IndahLia PuspitaandEka Sariningsih 26 StemBiomassEstimation of RoystoneaRegiaUsingMultiple Regression NorainiAbdullah,ZainodinHj.Jubok,AmranAhmed. 39 ContinuedFractionand DiophantineEquation.......... Yusuf Hartono 49 Risk Analysisof Traffic And RevenueForecastsFor Toll RoadInvestment In Indonesia................. I RudyHermawanK., Ade Sjafruddin,danWekaIndraDharmawan 54 UseOf RanksFor TestingFixedTreatmentEffectsIn BasicLatin SquareDesign............ Sigit Nugroho 61 Analysisof Goodcorporate Governancestructure Effectson Bond Rating....... EindeEvana,AgriantiKSA, andR. WeddieAndryanto 69 A New Method for GeneratingFuzry Rulesfrom Training Data and Its ApplicationTo ForecastingInflation Rateand InterestRateof Bank fndonesiaCertificate. AgusMamanAbadi,Subanar, WidodoandSamsubar Saleh 78 Mean-var Portfolio OptimizationUnder Capm with Lagged,Non ConstantVolatilty andrhe LongMemory Erfect ....i;k;;;ffi;;;;.ilffi;ilr;dt 84 I" JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE METHODS Vol. 5, No. 2, Dec€mber2009 decq there rssN 1693-5098 accut 90t!!d Indoo Wang A IYEW METHOD FOR GEI\TERATING WZZ,V RTJLESFROM TRAINING DATA AND ITS APPLICA.TION TO FORECASTING II\TFLATION RATE AIYI} INTEREST RATE OF BAhiK INilX}IYESIA CERTIFICATE The n fiEr rule h intfi! rate N AgusMamanAbadir,subapaf, widodq?andslmsubarsarehr 'Departnentof Mathematics Fscultyof MathemsticsandNahnalSciences, YogyakataStateLJniversity, Indonesia 2.w| 2Departrnentof ffiffi13:r:ffiffi ffiffi *t*rii"o'ulsciences. In thir GedjahMadsUniveaslty,Indonesia 3Department of,.*"ff*rYffi tdl#ffi Suppo ifrfi u*"^ity, rndonesia ":Hrffitr;*j;$ff yoryakarh 552g1,Iodonesia JL Humaniora" Bulaksumur r , , €[ by thc Step L For er 2subanar@vahoo.conr. 2widodo-math@vahoo,conr. Email: rmamanabadi@.vmail.cornshumas(opaue.uern.ac,id (Received l0 April 2@9, accepted 20 Octobsr 2009, published Decernber20@) Abstract' Table tookup schemeis a simple method to construct fuzzy rules at fuzzy model. That can be usedto overcome the conflicting by determining each rule degree. The weakness of'furzy model based ryle on table lookup schemeis that the fuzzy rules may not be complete so the fuzzy rules can not cover all values in the domain' In this paper a new method to generatefuzzy rules from traininj oata wiil k proposed.In this method, all completefuzzy rules are identified by firing strengthof each possibie fuzzy rule."rhen, the resulgedfurzy rules are.usedto dosignfuzzy mo&l- Applicati,onsoittr" p.opor"o methodto predict the Indonesianinflation rale and interestrate of Bank Indonesiacertificate {BIC) wilf be discussed.Thb predictioasof the Indonesian inflation rate and interest rate of BIC using the proposed method have a higher accuracy than those using the table lookup scheme. Keywords: fi'uzy rule, fuzzy model, firing strength of rule, inflation rate, interest rate of BIC. l. Introduetion Designingfuz4 rule baseis one some stepsin fuzzy modeling. Fuzzyrule baseis the heart of ruzzymodel. ,of Recently,fuzzy model was developedby some researchers.waig, L.x. (1997) createdfuzzy model basedon table lookup scheme,gradient descenthaining, recursive least squires and clustering methods. The weaknessof the fuzzy model basedon table tookup schemeis that the fuz4 rulebase may not b€ complete so the fuzzy rule -S.M. can not cover all values in the domain' wu, T-P, and Cben, (ts9S) &sigred mem'terstripfunctions and fuzzy rules from training data using a -cut of fuzzy sets.In wu and Chen's .Ltto4 determiningmembership functions and fvzzy rules.needs large cromputations.To reduce the complexity of computation, iu*, y., et at (1999) built a methodto decreasefuzzy rules using singularvalue decomposition. fen, J', et al (1998) developed fuzzy model by combining globat and local learning to improve the interprelability. New form of fuzry inference systemsthat was h-igily interpretable based on-a ludlcious choice of membershipfunction was presentedby Bikdash, M. (1999). C".."., LJ., et al (2005) constructedTakagiSugeno-Kangmodels having high interpretability using Taylor seriesapproximation.Thin, pomares, H., et al (2002) identified structureof fuzzy systemsbasedon rules thai can decidewhich inpui uariattes .-nust "o*pi*"membenhip functions be taken into accountin the fuzzy systemand how many are neededin every selected input variable-Abadi' A.M., et al (200sa) designedcompletefuzzy rutes using singular value decomposition.In this method,the predictionenor of training datadependedonly on taking the n-umdr of singularnaiues. Fuzzy models have been applled to many fields such as in communications,economics, engineering medicine, etc. Sp€cially in economics, Abadi, A.M., et al (2006) showedthat forecastingthe lndoneJian inflat*ion*t" by: fuzzy model resultsdmore accuracythan that by regressionmcthod. Then,Abii, A.M., et al (2007) constucted fuzzy time seriesmodel using tablc lookup schemeto forecastthe interestrate of Bank Indonesiacertificate (BIC) and its result gave high accuraoy.Then, Abadi, A.M., et al (2008b) showedthat forecastingIndonesian inflation rate basedon fuzzy timc series data using combination or talte lookup scheme and singular value Simih Stcp 2. For a sets 4 variaUr determ !*0, Stcp 3. From sl possiHr but diff degree pair(4, Step 4. { The nrk with anl from hu Stcp 5. ( We can fivzy m defined I much les that the I fuzzf'rd 3. Ner Given d / , ef a, , the follor 79 Jownal of Quan|itdive Metho&, Va5 No'2, December 2009, 7833 Based on the previous research' decompcition methods had a higher accufttcy than that using Wang's methodthat give good prediction rules fuuy in determining especially model there are irreresting topics in frzzy in tbis paper, we design accuracy. To oveircomethe weakness of tabll bokup scheme (Wang's method), ;*ui; is uspdto predictthg n rw *rer tI {wq *oa"l *ing-ruing strengthof rule Ta.thu! its rcsult prediction accuracy than higher Indonesian inflation rate andinterest rat€ ;f BIC. The pmposed method has and interest rate of BIC' rate inflation lndonesian the predicting to W*g', method in its applications Wang's me{hod to coostruct The rest of this pper is organized as follorrs. In section 2, we briefly review the using.filng strenglh of rules fuzzy complete to constmct method new pr65ent a *oa.f. In'xfoon 3, we n '"y bssed ur training OaL fn section 4, we apply tlre proposed_'n-.9d to forecasting the inflation rate and rule in the forecasting inflation inter€st rate of BIC. We also comparethe propoied mettroOwittr the Wang's method q1p in section 5' dispussod rate and intp.rest1-3tpof BIC, FiqAlly, Someconclusions 2. Wang's method fordesigning fuzzy rules from wang, L.X. (1997). In this sestior,"we will introduce the wang's method to consEuct fuzzy rules referred where p=loZ'3,"',il (x,o,x2r,--,x,ri!o), dulai input<nrtput l{ Supposetlrat we are given the following is Wang'smethod given x,, efa,, F,lc R arrd % e1ur, FrlcR , i: 1, 2, "', n'Designingfuzzy modelusing by the folloudng stePs: Siep l, Oefins &zzJ setsto gorer the input and output domains' l ,i ,i :l r2,...,N i w hi charecompl ete i n fa , , p, l' F or e a c h s p a c[a e ,, g ,l ,i :1 ,2 ,...,n ,d e fi ne N ,fi tzrzysets = l,2o .-.,Nv which are complek in lar, f ,7' Similarly, define N, fuzy ss{s Br ,i Stcp 2. Generateone rule from one input-output pair' I : 1,2' "', n in fiz4 For eachinput-ou9utpair(r,r,rrr,. ..,x,.;!r). determinethe membershipvalueof x,r, = 1,2' "', N"' Then, for eachinput sets 4 , j = l,2, ..., Ntandmembershipvalue of yrin fuzzy sets Bi ,i Indherwor4 variabler,r, i=l,2,...,n,determinethe fuzzysetinwhichr,, hasthelargcsmembershipvalue. 'i =lo?,-.N,. Similarly, ddermine Bn such that such that tto(t,)2lt,(",), determine t pd,(Jr)>lto(t),1=1,2,"-Nr'Finally,wcconstructafrvzyIF-THENrule: ( l) IF 4 i s 4 a n d x,i s.l ' and' .-andr,i sl i ,TH E N yi sftr Stcp 3. Compute degreeof each rule dqsigred in step2' is large, then it is frol step 2,'one rui-eis gener*ed by onJinput-ouput pair. If the number of input-output-data have same IF parts rules if the rules possible itrat there ur" tti" conflicting rules. Two rules be.comeconflicting in step 2' The rule designed each tro a degree we assigt pnoblem, To resolie this but different THEN parts. 'defined input-output the by (l) is consuucted the rules s-uppase follows:as degree of rule is its degrreis definedas pair(x,o,xr",..-x,rilr) 'then = tt G,o)an (t,) D(rute) l] o Stcp 4, Conshuct the fuzzy rule base. 2 that do not conflict The rule baseconsists otitre following thre€ sets of rules: (1) The rules designedin Step (3) Linguistic rules d"se"; maximum group has the that a conflicting froir with any other rules; tii rrt" -r" from human exPerts. Step 5. Consnuct the fuzzy model using thefiuzy rule base' t*ty inferelnceengine and defuzzifiet combined with the fuzzy rule base to desigrr We can use any nofi"ri of the fuzzy sets fuzzy model. ti ttt" nurnU"t of raining data I N and the number of all possible combinations method may be defined for the input variables is l-t N, , then the number of fuzzy rules generatedby Wang's . Then, the fuzzy rule basegeneratedby this method may not be complete so and fl{ ^/ we will design the that the fuzzy rules can not cover all values in the input spaces.To overcome this weakness, fu2ry des coveringall valuesin input sipaces' much less than both 3. Newmethodfor constructingfury rules cRand Given the following N training datlt (x,o,xrr,-'.x,0;!o), p=1,2,3,"',N where x,uela,'p,l is givenby y, eld,, 0]c n, i: 1,2,..., r. we will inhoducea new methodto designfuzzydes. The method the following stePs: Jownal of euantitative Metho*, vo.s No.2,Deceuber 2009, zg{.3 g0 Step 1. Dsfine fuzzy setsto cover the input and output space& For eachspace[4,, f ,1, i = 1,2, ..., r, defrne N, fiEq *ts A! j = 1,2,..., /{ which arecomplete , andnormal infa,,f ,1. Similarly,definet{, fuzzysetsBr,j=1,2,...,N, whicharecompleteandnormal infa,,frl. Step 2. Determine al! po.ssible antecedentsof fuqy rulg candidates. Based on the Step I' there ut" nlf, antecedents of fuz4 wherr (4).o (5). 0 defrrz defuz rule candidates. The antecedent has form * "4 is 4n and x. is 4 nd... and x" is {' " simplified by 4 andA! nd ...nd 4 ". For example,if we have two inpul and wp deline two fuzzy scts A, A. for first input spoee4nd f,,, C, for second inpql spaee"then all possibleantecedcnts of fitzy rule candidates ue A,andC,;.1 atdCr 4*dC,; \wrdCr. Step 3. Determine consequenceof each fuzzy rule candidate. For each antecedent4 nd At and... andA!, the consequenceof fuzzy rule is determined by firing strengthof the rule uo&,)u*Qr)...P+Q,,)ttn(l)based on the trainingdata-Choosingthe consequence is done as follows: For any Eaining data(xrr,xr,,...,x"ri-)rr)andfor any tuzzy setgr, choosegr such that It*(x'e)lt*(x,r)...F4(x,".)tr",(ln)2 (4o.,rr,,,...,x,,.;yo.). uo(\,)tro(x,,)...!t+(x^")ltn(l),forsome If thereare at leasttu'oBr suchthat uo(xrn\,.pe(x,,.)tturo) > p4!,(q)...rt*(x",)rtu,(%), thenchoose one of 8'' . From this step, we have the fuzzy rule: iF -r, is A( andx, is A{ and... and x. is lj. , THEN y is B" so if we continue this step for every antecedent,we get n N, complete fuzzy rules. Table t method constr[l tudfg fuzzifiG Step 4. Construct fuzzy rule base. The fu:zy rule baseis constructedby the fl l', fuzzy rules designedby Step 3. S*p 5. Design fuzzy model using fuzzy rule hse. Fulv model is designed by combining the fuzzy rule base and any fuzzifier, fuzzy inference engine and defuzzifier- For example, if we use singleton fuzzifier, produc,tinference engine and ont", uu"nag" defuzzifier, then the fuzzy modcl has form: M , Lb,llp.,(x,) "j=' f (x,xr,...,x,)= 'n Lp,ttr@,) rvhereM is the numberof rules. lrom Step 3, the sel of fuzzy rules constructedby this me&od contains fuzzy rules designed by the Wang's method.'Ihereforethe proposedmethodis the generalizationof the wang's method. 4. Applicationsof the proposedmethod In this section' we apply the proposedmethod to formast the Indorresianinflation rate and inter€st rate of BIC. The proposedmethodis implementedusing Matlab 6.5.1. 4.1 Forecasting inflation rate The data ofinflation rate arelaken from January 1999 to January2003. The data fiom January 1999 to March 2002 are usedto training and_thedata from Aprit 2002 to January2003 are usedto testing. ihe procedureto forecastinginflation rate basedon the proposedmethodis given byihe following steps: (l)' Define the universeof discourseof each input. In this paper,we will predict the inflation rate of month t using inflation rate data of months &-t and &-2 so we will builA fuzzy model using 2-input and l-output. The universoofdiscourse ofeach input is definedas [-2, 4]. (2). Define fuzzy setson universeof discourseof each input such that fuzzy setscan cover the input spaces.we dsfine thirteenfuzzy sets 4,4,...,1\, that are normal and completeon [-2, 4l of eachinput spacewith Gaussian membershipfunction. (3). Determine all possible antecedentsof fuzz1 rule candidates.There are 169 antecedents fuzzy of rule candidatesand the consequ€nce ofeach antecedentis chosenusing Step 3 ofthe proposedmethod.So we have 169 fu24 rules in the form: R,: "lf -tr_2 is 4 *d .r*-, is 1b, tUeN xo is AJ. Table t in{bneo infereoa on the I Figure I gl IN Josnal of gnntitdive Metho&, Yo.S No.2,December2h|g,Z8A3 gl wherel:1,2, ,.."169,it,iz=1,2,.,.,13 andAJ e14,4,-.,4r1 . (4). Constructfuzy rulebasefrun frrzzyrulesdesignedin St€p3. (5). Oesigrrfu2ry model combiningthe fuzy rule basc and cartainfizzifier, fiuzy inferenceengineand defuzafier.In this paper,we usesingletonfuzdfrer, minimumand produstinfererceengines,centeraverage defuzzifier. IE Teble l. Comparison of mean$quare€frorsof f-orpeasting inflationrate usingthe Wang'smethodandproposedmethod !rt rd[ Methods Numberof fuzzyrules Wang's method Proposed method 23 169 0.43436 lor B !5 h "r, le f k- MSE of training data Pmduct inference eneine Minimum inference ensine 0.47t60 MSE of testing data Product inference ensine 0.45780 Minimum inference ensine 0.35309 0.35286 0.407E7 o26097 0.26734 Table I shows a comparison of the MSE of training and testing data basedon the Wang's me{hod and proposed method. There are twenty three fuzzy rules generated by the Wang's method and there are 169 fuzy-mles constructed by the proposed rnethod, The predistion of inllation rat€ by the Wang's method with singl*on fuzzifier, product inference engine and center averagedefirzzifier has a higher accuracythan that with singleton fitnifier, minimum inference engine and c€nt€r averagedefiuzifier. Table I illushates that the forecasting inflation raie by the proposedmethod with singleton fiszzifrer, minimum inference engine and center averagedcfuzzifier has a higher accuracythan t$at with singleton fv.ifier, product inference engine ald oent€r averagedefuzzifier. The true values and prediction values ofthe inflation rate based on the Wang's method and the proposed method using minimum and product inference engines are shown in Figure I and Figure 2 resp@ively, f5 x Ftg. l. The prediction and true values ofinflation rate basedon the Wang's method using: (a) minimum inference engine; (b) product inference engine bcrr 3r f , ai Tht .l c lm. NE brc Fig. 2. The predictionand fue valuesof inflation rate based on the proposedmethodusing:(a) minimum inferenceengine; (b) product inference engine Journal of Quantitative Methods, Vo.S No.2,December2009, 7843 tz 4.2 Forecasting interest rate of Bank Indonesia certificate 5. Cr The data of the intercst rate of BIC fiom January 1999 to December?00! afe us€d to Eerning flld th9 data from January2002to February2003 are usedto lesting.The interestrate of BIC of P monthrvill be predictedby data of interestrate of BIC of (t-l)* and (t-2)h months so we will build fuzzy model using 2-input and l-output which universeofdiscourse ofeach input is [10,401. Sevenfuzzy sets are de{ined in dvery input spacewith Gaussianmembershipfunction. The olher st€psto forecasting the interest rate of BIC Usethq same stepsof the predicting inflation rate. In thb metiod valuesi d"sipc We ap for€cal than ft input r Teblc 2. Comparisonof mean squar€errors of predicting interest rate of BIC using thg Wang'$ melhod and proposgdmethod Method Wang's method hoposed method Number of fuzzy rules MSE of trainins data MSE of testine dafa Minirnum Product Minimum Product inference inference inference inference engine engine engine engine 12 0.98759 49 0.9536r otrimd optirnd Average forecasting errors oftesting data 6. Ach (o/o\ Theau thisre* Minimum int'erence ensine Product inference ensine 0.46438 0.55075 3.8568 4.4393 Refera 0.91682 o.2E3Z:7 0.24098 2.q973 2.7813 lll Ah 1.0687 Table 2 showsthat there are twelve fuzzy rules generatedby Wang's method and there are forty nine fuzzy nrles constructedby proposed method. The alerage forecasting erors of the prediction of the interest rate of BIC by Wang's methodand proposedmethodare 3.8568Voand2.78l3 o/orespectively. qt t2l Ah beJ SFJ t3l Ah unr ,1p [4] Ah t ol siq [5] Bft !u [6] Hcn 427 lzl Pq fitza l8l \r"r [9] \r'rr Fig. 3. the predictionand true valuesof interestrete of BIC basedon the Wang's method using:(a) minimum inferenceengine; (b) productinferenceengine From Table 2, forecastingthe interestrate of BIC basedon the Wang's methodusing minimurn inferenceengine has a good accuracy. Based on the proposed metho4 forecasting of the interest rate of BIC using product inference engine has a good accuracy. The MSE values and average forecasting errors based on the proposed method are smaller than those basedon the Wang's method, Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the true valuesand predictionvaluesof the interestrate of BIC basedon the Wang's methodand proposedmehod respectively. Fig. 4. The predictionand true valueso{ interestrate of BIC basedon the proposed methodusing:(a) minimum inferenceengine;(b) product inferenceengine trai nOlYr Iffi [ lll Yo coE Jwmal of Suantitat ve Methods, Yo.S No.Z,December 2009, 7843 83 5. Conclusions qaining dara. The Jn this papcr, we t-ravgpreseft€d a qew method f-or higtring csrnplet€ fu_zz-yrules _f,nq!r.l msthod usestlre firing strenglh of rule to construct complete fuzzy rules. The resulted fuzzryrules can cover all values in the input spaces.The set of the fuzzy rules generatedby the proposedmethod contains all fuzzy nrtes designed by the Wang's method In other wod the proposed method is generalization of the Wang's method. We apply the pfqposedmethod b f-orecastthe Indonesianinflalion rate and intgr€st ra& of BIC. The result is tha! fuecasting Indonesian inflation rde and interest rate of BIC using the proposed method has a htgher apcuracy dun that using the Wang's method. To increasethe prediction accuracy, we san define more fuzzJ sets in the input and output spacesbut defining more fuzzryset$en imply complexity of computations. So determining the qpttmal t!um&.r of fivzy rules is irnpqlt4rlt !o get efficient c_ottlput4tiols.In the qsxt works, we will @ig1 the optimal number of fuzzy rules. 6. Acknowledgoment The authors would like to thank DP2M DIKTI and LPFM Gadjah Mada University for the financial support of this ree€arch. References [1] Abadi, A-M., Suhnar, Widodo and SaleL S. (2006). Fuuy model for ctimaling inflation r&. Procceeding o!Internatiorul Confererce on Matlematics arrd Natural kiences- Institut Teknologi Bandrng, Indonesia Abadi, A.M., Subanar,Widodo and Saleh, S. (2007). Fuecasting int€rest rate of Bank Indonesia certificate [2] based on univariate fuzzy time serics,,Internatiotul Conferetre on Matlematics atd lts applicatiotu SU MS, Gadjah Mada Univerplty, "ltrdsnesia [3] Abadi, A.M., Subanar,Widodo and Saleh, S. (2008s). 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All manuscriptswill berefereedbeforebeingacceptedto bepublished.Themanuscriptsshouldbetlped inMS wordformA4paper,singlespacing,left andrightmargin2.5cm,topandbottommarginalso 3 cm. Maximumpagesfor eachmanuscriptare20. It is alsoshouldcontainthetitle ( font I l, Time New RomanCapitalletter andbold) which is simpleandrepresentthetopic, thenameof author(s), the nameof the institution, abstract,the main manuscriptand references.The abstractshouldbe typedwith font 10,TimeNew Roman, andthe sectionof the manuscriptshouldbe typedwith font I 0, TimeNew Romanandbold. Themainmanuscriptpart shouldbe typedwith font 10,TimeNew Roman. STEP.STRESSTEST USING THE NON.IIOMOGENEOUS POISSONPROCESS FOR REPAIRABLE SYSTEMSAND ITS APPLICATION IN AGRICULTURE Xiao Yang' and Imad Khamis' SouthernMissouriStateUniversity 'Departmentof Mathematics, OneUniversityPlaza.CapeGirardeau, MO-63701 testsis focusedon nonrepairablesystems Abstract. Most of theavailableliteratureon step-stress. with weibull or exponentialdistribution.In thispaperanaltemativeprospectiveis presentedfor stepstresstestson repairablesystems,in which eachexperimentalunit canbe repairedandreplacedinto testsaftera failure. Thebasiclife distributioninvolvedis a non-homogeneous PoissonProcess.The PoissonProcess(CENHPP)Model will be proposed. cumulativeExposureNon-Homogeneous Inferentialprocedureandoptimumdesignwill be discussed for simplestep-stress accelerated test plans with fixed shapeparameter.And severalpotentialapplicationsof CENHPPmodels in agriculturewill berepresented. test;Non-homogeneous PoissonProcess;repairable Keywords: Accreditedlife test; step-stress systems; maximumlikelihood;optimumdesigrt 1. Introduction Write your paperhere.Write your paperhere.Write your paperhere.Write your paperhere.Write yourpaperhere.Write yourpaperhere.Writeyourpaperhere. References acceleratedlife-test data:A new Approach.IEEE [1] Tang,L.C. (1990).Analysisof step-stress TrawactionsonReliability,45 (l), 60-74 step-stressacceleratedlifetestsfor [2] Chung,S.W.andBai,D.S.(1977).OptimalDesignofSimple logrrormal lifetime distributions, International Journal of Reliability, Quality, and Safett Engineering,s,3 I 5-336