\ KEIVIENTERTAN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAI, UNIVERSIl'AS NI]CEITI YOGYAI(AI{I A FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI AlaLrrar l(arangnrrlr rg. Yoglakrr{r 5-il3l I 586168 Ps$ 2l6 l6l Fa\:,18201 SURAT PENUGASAN/IZIN I g)/q ilI.34.lzlKPlM20l0 Nomor Dekan FakLrllas Brhrsrt drn nenugaskar/nrcurbetikan izirr licplch \cltcri Scr i No \LP 2 9il06t5 t9ls03 I001 t957t2ll t98l0l 2 00.1 Dr Suhani Prol Dr Endarq r'LLdra\ ali SLLrL\nJ \\ ibl$i. M l'(l Prol. 5 $a d Nl. Dr Su*ana 6 Sti Mt 1 S ti Mullxra. M. llunr I Hi d \.r r ,. Il. ll! H.ni Ilrlyani, l!1. Hufl 4 t0 SL \ 9i90901 198601 I 002 ti llun t3 ll ill"rrl \\'ld.i r' i \l Flr r Lr Dr Pu lidi N! h ,lr Jrl Il lJ I \ cnn\ l..Lr r E otrr(.5l'(l I(eper'1Lnn Wakru Tenlpat l<ete ngarl t!83t2 I 196:0it! 98t0i lr,r ,sl Dr A lcnJ! WidaYaI tL rsr25 t8 r96.10t0t M - Yo!\ ililrtll : 00t 2 001 l96]100t 19s3{]]I00 l96arlll0:l l!9101 I 001 r9561tit 19811 I I 001 t96t0i 1,: 198.911 2 002 r!6:0.1t6 trt20l I l0l r9ll09t6 200501 I 00i 19r'306101001122001 t9l9t2l7:001l2:001 P.rfh fe trlnr i!4ad!a r L\r d l'( nbr Lir Ut r Mr lli lV r ii llrfr \'1rlh I lV c fa tlra lr vrLdi I lv c nbiu lt lrlVlr Perihira Tlt I ' lV b Pe f:r, lV i ''enrLr Pe rata l-k l'!.d1.1Tk. I r l1l .l II llld lx Tk lr lllb PenNla \1!!h Tli. I 'llLt) Pefrrr NIL l Pen:rlialah alalInr Kcgiat!r l(onlerensi Inlernasional I(cbLrclalaatt Dacrah den Penycrehln Illtlirh Slstrr "Rattcage 2r'lI0 S bLLr. 29 Nlci l0l 0 ALrditoIiLrnr LJni\ ars li!s Negeri Yogrikarl! Berainsarlirn StLrrl l)elnlohonan drri Kel!La .lLlrllsdn l)ellclidil(en Bahasa l)ee|ah No : ll2/ll.l.{.12/PBD/Vi2010. Lans]ral 27 Nlci 2010 Surat penugasan/izirr ini diberilian Lttlluli difcrgunaliau dan clilalislnal<an scbaili_Lreililrl'e. dan seLelah selesai agar lrelaporlian hasilrl) lt Asli sluar tugas ini clibetilian liepada 1-ang bersangkutan, u luli diperglrneliin sebagainrana mestinva. Lcpada )aulg berkcpenLingrn kitan!a nalllLtnl darl bcll(cnrn nlcnlbc'riLian brrnturn seperlur)a. r )lnrzani. N'l. Pd 7 o +, O (u € o () ro (tr trt- v o c0 c) N +, (E (E E =l= iE ;q EO -o _c .a #, Y c)rh to :<o O t F oL c o q) co c) !c) c 6c o co o c o .c C) o s\ r\ $ 9i .) (h 89 o5 $B tr c-. o.l! F(! $ \) - G.N .9, 3,6 s G= $ 9"jo s ffEH N C = Pl e' tI q,;z JF - G -!- ;iioc <o< tro<.1 Ol-r') (u< o J!?c) -L b< o N \ $ s) \) s .= P sH3 otL* L O O s, (E ; oK >,-? LLI E:o cJ f o -\) 5P: E >(t G N oJ-: { o \ E $ o_ a G _c o N O O O z (r r.a at c o o o) co @ N 3 o c! c q j a c1 xa () a cl o a U) - .O Eo q- E5 c) cco .--a (gO) Nr I NTERIIATIONAL CON FERENCE ON TRADITIONAL CULTURE AND RANCAGE AWARD 201O Auditorium of Yogyakarta State University, May 29, 2010 oco I tl, itdorn for Character Building .l i-\- FACULTY OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS YOGYAKARTA STATE UN VERSlTY. INDONESlA PROCEEDING I nternational Gonference On Traditional Culture and Rancage Award 2010 Publishing lnstitute Faculty of Languages and Arts Yogyakarta State University Director of Publication Zamzani Chief Editor Suwarna Secretary Suwardi Hesti Mulyani Editor Sutrisna Wibawa Endang Nurhayati Mulyana Lay Out Sugeng Tri Wuryanto Administrator Joko Purwoko Sugeng Tri Wuryanto Address Faculty of Languages and Arts Yogyakarta State University ISBN : 979 820 433-6 2010 Yogyakarta State University All right reserved. No part of this publication May be reproduced without the prior written permission of Yogyakarta State University @ Printed in Yogy?rkarta ByAsh Shaff PROCEEDING I nternational Gonference On Traditional Gulture and Rancage Award 2010 Yogyakarta, May 29, 2010 locol tllirdorn for Character Building FACULTY OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY Table of Contents Speech of International Conference by Suwarna I Message from The Chairman of IKABUDI International Conference on Regional Opening Cultural Speech for International Conference on Culture v vi Keynote Speech Konferensi Internasional Kebudayaan Daerah .............,,...... ix Table of Contents Invited Speakers' Papers 1 2 : .i - tura Presentation About The cambia (The Smiling Coast of Africa) Ebrima Sarr Solomon Islands Cyril Bernard Rachman Leadership and Example Of Sri Susuhunan Paku Buwono X A Philosophical and Ethical Reflection to Encourage Nationalism in Local Wisdom Basic Gunawan Sumodiningrat Local Wisdom And Nation Development Ajlp Rosidl ValJes Peviral.zaton l't-oug- Educatio- Civ lization \-sarLara Marsono A Cu 10 22 36 Speakers'Papers I I : + : a Cultural Relativism Ethics and Traditional ldiomatic of lava Afendy Education Based on Competence In Local Wisdom Through Kids Story on Indonesian Language in Elementary Schoo Agus Sutlkno Common Sense Outlook on Loca Wisdom, Culture, and Identityi A Contemporary Javanese Native's Experience Asih Sigit Padmanugraha Sundanese-Based Islanric Values Education on pre-school Children Hj. Nunuy The Potential Of l4alay And Javanese Languages and Culture on The Challenge of Globalization Widayat........ ............. ................................ Nufjanah Palna Paftana 51 59 64 73 81 Folk ore Studies Of Nyadran Ceremony Among Javanese In l4akam Sewu Bantul Yogyakada Eko 87 Is amic Influence on The Leadership of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana V Endang ........................... 108 The Comrnitment Bhisma's in Order politeness Santosa 7 Nurhayati 5 Hardiyanto................ ....................... 1f4 9 ConcepUon of Worthiness in Javanese Living in The Text Grdnda Budaya Hestl Mu/yani............ ..............................,,.... 122 10 Folklore and Human Value Developrnen n Multjlingual Setting I Ketut Warta ............................. .. 129 11 The Value Local Wisdomsin Babad Nitik Su/tan Agung Kamldjan................ ............................... 143 xlv 12 Studies and Implications of cameful Tembang Dolanan to Nation Youths lloral Instruction in Primary and Secondary Education Maryaeni ....................... 161 f4erapi SpiritualTourism:Tracing The Javanesse Values of Local Wisdom ....................... 173 Ruwahan Traditional Ritual Nanny Sri ...........,,.......... 181 Phllosophy of Suryomentarami An Analysis of Indonesian Contemporary Novel Based on Avanese Ethnic Nurhadi and Dian Swandayani ...................... 191 Integration of The l4anners in The Javanese Language Learning as Alternative Revitalization of Local Wisdom ............... ....... 206 Local Wisdom Teaching in Serat Sastra cendhing Purwadl .................,..... 227 The Discourse About Tembang Macapafas Expression of Cognition System and Local Wisdom of Java Ethnic D.B. Putut Setiyadi ....................... 237 The Revitalization of Folktales frorn West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and I,ladura as The Psychological Solution of Dayak-14aduranese Conflict Rahmah ....................... 253 Traditional Javanese Houser The Transformation of Single Into lyultifamily Dwellings Retna .................................... 265 Japanese and lavanese Architecturej Comparative Study of Sustainability Approaches Silfra Mona ............................... 272 The Power of Story (Dewa Ruci): An Offer System of Learning Literature by Multicultural Perspective ..................................., 282 Understanding Raditional Expressions as Javanese Local Wisdom in Generating Societal Harmony Sitl Mulyani .................... 295 The Study of Javanese and The Enforcement of lavanese Culture Value SriHartt Wdyastuti ....................... 304 Preserving.lavanese Culture Hrough Javanese Traditional Wedding package Suha/ti ....................... 310 and Interesting Javanese Learning l\4odel Quick ........ .............. 320 Ethical Values in Javanese Leadership in Wedhatamaverces Sutrisna ......................, 332 Etic Values Towards on l4emayu Hayuning Bawana in The Mystic Ljterature of JavaneseSpiritua Belief ................... 13 Mu/yana.................... 14 Lestari...... 15 16 .................... Nurhidayati............... 17 ..................... 18 ... 19 Purwahida.. 20 Hidayah.......... 21 Aryani..... 22 Sitilsnaniah.............. 23 ............... 24 .. 25 ...................... 26 Sukirno..........-........... 27 Wibawa....... 28 5uwardi..................... ................................342 29 Traditional Cetenony "Tuk Si Bedhud' an Art Encouragement as Tourism Asset Suwarna......... .................................353 30 The Trace of Yasadipura I1: A Surakarta's Poet, The Devotee of Five King Venny Indria Ekawatl ....................., 364 31 Rendezvous with The Local Wisdom of Indonesian Culture in The Novel Negeri 5 Llenara Yu/iTri Rahayu and Sukasih Ratna Widayati......... ............ 381 INVITED SPEAKERS' PAPERS CULTURAL RELATIVISM ETHICS AND TRADITIONAL IDIOMATIC OF JAVA Byi Afendy Widayat Department of Regional Language Education/ Faculty of Languages and Afts, Yogyakarta State University Abstract Harry J, Gensler divide ethics lines into several types and one of these t/pes are :,irura/ relativism,fhis ethics line has similarities in lava ethics genaraliy. Both of these lines :'ethics has the advantages and weaknesses, The advantages are able to tolerate for ::veloping harmonious condition which is reflected into idiomaIc, like titi, tata, tentrem, ,'. xereas the weaknesses are developed appearance (lamis). it mea ns that people accept the : lerence from other, but not outwardly and by heart. In the social and state life, the -:rmon ous condltion must be jdeal forrn of society/ but in the assesing something rnust be ::re openly and good manners, so will result harmonious condition which is not appearance. L lntroduction Romo Franz l'4agnis Susena (1984r 6), when discuss Java ethics, describes .'that ::-cs s all of norm and assesment that is used by people to know how should people -r ement their ife". Ethicss relate to anything about value, because ethics actually discuss :-: case of citation about good and bad value. These qualities value is named virtue that ,.ios te wrckedness, it means the bad characteristjcs, so people ui ho has these charakterics :- ramed bad firoral. Actually ethics is rnore related to the justjficatlon basis principles human :*;i!de (Kattsoff/ 2004: 341). I| fact good and bad value often can be viewed from several aspect and this vjew --iJ ts different opinion. Therefore ln ethicss : -ior'r. This paper w ll discuss one of eth be found the llnes of ethicss suitable with each cs ines, comp y wtth Harry J. Gensler (19e8), :,,ttura/ Relativlsm (aR). This discusson reates to the mora concept it is of Java ethics, ::recially that reflects n the form of Java traditional and the possibility solves the weakness :; :he effort to shape character of nation. I1, Cultura! Relativism and Java Ethics A. Good and Bad Cu/tuta/ Relativlsme (CR) describes good and bad human attitude depend on social r:.ventons that is gven by tradtion. The basis principle of morality is showed on social ::rventions and is used to basis norm of interaction (Gensler,199B:10). Comply with '-:etnatianal Conference An Tradttlonal Culture And "Rancaoe" Av,/ard 201A ':iyakarta, 14av 29, 2A10 51 Poedjawijatna, assesment about good and bad is based on six view of philosophyl hedonisffre, ut itarianisme, vitalisme, soslalisme, rellgioslsme and humanisme. 1, Sosialjsm. According to this concept good and bad ls determined and based on customs and traditons,This view s caled the concept of sosialisme, which is based on hlrnan who socalize each other. The East and West customs and traditions is different. People has not the right to punish that this customs are good and that customs are bad, but they can be sald that this custorns are diffrcult to use general measures, because its ungeneralities. 2. Hedonism. According to this concept good and bad is determjned and based on getting pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction of biological passions. First, this opinion is said by Filosof Epicurus (341-270 SM) from ancient Greek, than is developed by Cyrecnics and is blosomed in the modern era by Sigrnund Freud. 3. Intulsism. Accordjng to this concept good and bad ls determined and based on intuition, inst nct or volce of heaft. This concept not on y is mantioned as intuisionisrr but also humanisrn. 4. LlU iterianism. Accordlng to thls concept good and bad is determined and based on ull ity, that means the power of useful{. Thls views is too extreme to jnterpret now and deve ope as the concept of materialistic, e.q.: the oldest people is entrusted to od folks' nstltut on in the some welfare state. 5. Vta sm. According to this concept good and bad is determined and based on refectiof of hurian ife subjugation power. This concept is practiced by feodalism goverrnent to the u/eak peope (minority). Now this concept has turned by democracy. 6. Religiossm. Accord ng to this concept good and bad is determined and based on desire of God in the theological convlction. This concept is considered the best ethics, but it become stepping stone for exped's thinking, because this concept is not yet qeneral and objective (Poedjawiyatna, 1998i7-15). Cultural Re atjvisffr (CR) is one of ethics concept that its basic teachings is that good and bad depend on cultural assesments or social conventlons whlch is consldered as legacies of ancestors. Good s f it is convented by soca assesment. Thus CR assesment of good and bad ls inc uded socialsm categories. The follo\\rer of relativisrl accepts some education, slnce chlldhood, about what is qood and bad from soclety, traditions and custorns which become some stable convinction in the socially approved. The value of rnoral is formed by past-society. They concider that the other soc ety has each traditions, customs, conventionsand cultures, which is become good Internattanal Conference An Traditional Culture And 'Rancaoe" Awar.l 201a Yogyakarta, l4ay 29, 2A1A 52 norm themselves. Therefore no objectivities moral about some that is said good. The moral is not absolute, Every culture has moral itself. They can not justify that the other culture is false and tolerance attitude is better. Java ethics is similar with cR. Some attitude is good and bad have implanted step by step since childhood, like through parent's education, and society that refers to culture which prevails in society. lava people accept good and bad teachings from legacy of ancestors, The knowledge from ancestors and society about Java cultural ethics that considers adiluhung: abo$ tata krama that is related to body movements, series of sit down, contents and shape of talking, e.g.: language teachings to regard others is teaching by degrees of speech, that is known undha-usuk of Java, This is teaching since the children begin talking. usuk h lhe undha- of laval contenls basa krama that sorne courteous language to regard others and older people (Suseno, 1984; 45), B. Difference of Moral Ideology in west Ethics and Java Ethics ]n the relation with other culture, Java customs implant relative value, This teaching reflects in proverb desa mawa cara negara mawa tatal that rrF-ans "each village and country has order and way of life country or traditions, customs, conventions and culture, But according to Romo Magnis, Java ethics is different from West ethics. West ethics is preferred to follow ethical ideology of lmrnanuel Kant. That is obligation ethics, Whereas Java ethics is preferred to Aristotelian ethics. That is wisdom ethics, like that is reflected in prcvetb sepi ing pamrih rame ing gawe. This proverb emphasizes social harmony (Suseno, 1984: 223225). Relativisrn Java ethics contents idiomatic becik (lood) and a/a (bad), but no especially idiomatic that means wicked and the word a/a not only means about moral (Suseno, 1984: 210), Java ethics doesn't order to do the duty nullifl/ wicked attitudes, but relatively only suggestf because ala dan bectk arc alwasy together, although there contents idiomatic ,eclk ketitik ala ketara (Tood and bad will be known). Java ethics prohibits ideology that the wicked is forbidden. The true attitude is always relative appropriate with place (Suseno/ 1984: 211), This appears on lhe idiomatirc empan papaO lhat means 'good and bad, even the true and false has different place, situation and certalnly different in application. In the its opinion of moral, CR look into its own soclefy ln monolith, all have to adhere obllgation ethlcs, Ideally Java ethlcs doesn't far dlffer, But that way, like have been lald open by Romo lvlagnls, Java ethlcs ls not strlngent oblige that ethlcs ldealism applying, Rorno l'4agnis express with the wisdom ethics, non obligation ethics. This matter also mirror in applying of enpan apapan which is also applied in parts of from Java society by Internatianal Canfercnce On Traditional Culture And "Rancaae" Award 2010 Yaqya ka rta, 1,4 ay 29, 20 1 A 53 themselves. This n'ratter happen because Java society themselves, in fact also have jmmeasurable, concerning social situation in the certain Java society group, and also lndividua condition which makes its background, If CR look into the other dissimilar society by plura ism so that all tolerance according to each culture papan he )ava society ( censler, I988:U), in enpan realize that the other society may themselves, but tradition, customs, its social convention have djffered because its place difference. Ethics of Java and CR generally more having the character as caring ethics. Differ from the juslice ethics assuming equal all treatrnent and action, caring ethics is contextual, situational and also focus on concrete people and its requirement, people ts seen in persona relation and social relation with the relation interdependence ( of a emotional involvement and Suseno, 2005: 238). Thls Java ethics doesn't very ernphasize justice ethics/ but using wsdom ethics. This ls like that is mjrrored in concept of empan papan, concept on bener ning ara pener and concept ngono yo gono ning aja ngono. The conception of empan papan assumes that the applying ever),thing must not equal, thus n ust be adapted for situation and condtton of its different object. Thls matter also happen in assessing ever\,,thing, so in its execution, it claims the carefulness. Conception af bener ninq ara penerassumes that truth is not yet of course precisely. Thus the truth can be relative and may not be forced. Truth have to precisely in general, specially in the context of Java ethics. someone can be assumed correct, but when exited from iava ideallsn], truth was assurning wrong, Conception of ngona yes nqono ning aja ngono assumes that everything don't be abundant. One who feel the correctness/ needn't play jokes on or express strongly wrong at one who differ. Even at one who are clearly wrong, needn,t be abundant in blarn ng, for example mortlfying publicly. Conception lhe empao papan, bener ning ora pener dan ngono ya ngona ning a|a ngono very often must be appl ed wise y, doesn't emphasize the obliged attitude to obliging applied in equal, therefore/ like above have been touched, that Java ethics js not obligaUon cs Thls Java ethics doesnt tend to become utopjc, what is in Java term named o/a mu/uk muluk ( their desire is not too tall), and jn other concept is often ethics, but wisdom eth ideal zed with the tetm sak madya ( sufficiently, snugly and precise). C, The Excellenee of CR and Java Ethics The Excellence of CR and.lava ethics is relatively equal, that this ethics have developed and maintained the very stronq tolerance. so it can avoid the social conflict Intenational Canference an Tradltional Cuhure And 'Rancaoe,,Award 2a1a Yagyakarta, l\4ay 29, 2Al0 54 openly. Every difference is as able to be accepted by follower of CR and Java ethlcs. In Java ethics the tolerance attitude is as that is rnircted in idior",alic tepa slira. The word tepa is frequently said as repeat wotd tepa-tepa which intended to equal means with tepa s/ira, Word lepa itself has the similar meaning with the word oF terak or Lapak, meaning shadow or result draw of shadow or ex- body or the part of body at one particular area. Whereas the word seliro nears sell. Theword of tepa seltrais morehavng a meaning as jmperative thus it means to tread or mirror or conceive at thernselves, For Java, all the forrn of attitude !\/ill be submitted to the others and former y is assessed its level truth through consideration which is in the form of logical consequence wiil be happened \^/hen this subn'rltted attitude form is happened to thernselves. The logical consequence/ in this case, to be concern with feeling to what is possible felt by others. Through this concept of tepa sellro, everything that exist in others can be felt as somethlng that become its own property. Therefore also various negative assessrnent or I try to feel ot dithinthingi as value befalling how if something that happens in others happen to chop that everything exists in others, wi then]selves, or quest to themselves, themselves. In the other form the concept of tepa sellro is often said in the form of expectancy from others as perpetrator/ lhis is mbok ya sing tepa-tepa ( we riust behave tepa sellro) or feel ill, therefore don't pinch the others). The concept of tepa seliro is relatively dominant to be with the term yen dilwit tku krasa lara ya aja njiwit liyan( if we is pinched, we will basis the tolerance attitude, Caused by this tolerance concept/ society almost always can be strived to have attitude respect the other parly, harmonious and reconciliation condition. Respect to difFerence understand, in personal level, step by step will be strived its adjustment through repeatedly logic consideration. This n'ratter in culture of Java is known with the expression dlgelardigulung, thls means thought and felt repeatedly. Through this concept of tepa seliro, expand ng a lot of Java teaching supporting, for exarnp e so that aja ngina, aja ngemlngke, aja gampang waonan, aja gampang sewiyah, aja dumeh, aja gampang mitenah, aja srei-drengki-jat/-nethakl, and aja aji mumpung, Aja ngemingke means that don't look down the others, rnuch the same meaning with the concept of aja ngtna which means that don't affront. This concept suggests people to don't look down or affront to the others, This concept is often based on by other concept, thal ts ja/ma tan kena klntra. The Concept af jalma tan kena kinlra means that human being cannot be estimated to be debased its ability, because human being frequently own the high ab riLy w5 ch ofte- s r o 5een oy orhers. Internatianal Conference On Traditional Culture And "Rancaae" Award 201A Yasyakarta, May 29, 2A1A 55 Aja ganpang waonan means that don't easy to inveigh, This teaching go into not wrong peope. and wrong people. This means though clear make a mistake, others is expected to don't inveigh easily. Aja gampang sewiyah means that don't easily affront or despise the others. ,4la dumeh neans that don't arrogant because you have higher capable or do sornething because we feel as deeper in the matters. Like the teaching ot aja gampang waonanl ajasewlyah and aja dumeh implicitly also teach in order don't behave to bluff themselves, don't exhibit, etc. Aja gampang mitenah means that don't libel easily, AJa srei-drengkt-jall-methakll means don't heartburning easily, maiiclous, llke to bother and pretend in comrnand. As for aja aji mumpung means don't abundant because of having the opportunity. Despite a/b gampang mitenahl aja srel-drengkl-jail-methaki/, and aja aji mumpung, it implicitly teaches in order that don't to misuse ability. Various idioffratic above rnainly is used in order to maintaining harmonious condltion, Harmonious condition in ideal idion.ratic of Java is enclosed in lerr-l titL tata, tentrem ( nally l arranged and peaceful). According to Gensler, the probems of CR is how sornebody reacts the difference things usher the social group. Than CR determlnes some attitude that kindliness or badness not be at the one of the parties the social group. It is ttue at one particular some level, CR of some group might possibly be wrong, but it doesn't roean that the overall of ethics,s group is wrong. CR often becorne nconsistent, in one real the correct party is his, but he also agree the others differ ( Gensler,1988:15-16). In this case, weakness which is there are jn Java ethics for exarnple the happening of sham respect in other culture. Tolerance frequenfly only limited to vjsible attitude (body), doesn't reach at full acceptance (body and soul or heart). This matter in Java is referred as lamis (is rat w th full heart). This generate the lnconsistent, In its relation with this matter, often there are gib ng for Java culture, namely nggih-nggih ra kepangglht that means .,they say yes but is not executed" at aplk ngarep mbendhol mburi, that means " nice when is rneeting but a period of rear, in its mind or heart". In one side there are idiornatic af desa mawa cara negara mawa tata that means to respect the good and bad view, of others, on the other hand also there are idiomattc of ora Jawa ( one isn't Java) or durunq Jawa ( one :s not yet Java) having a meaning sofftebody cannot behave llke idealism in Java ethics. In direct relation, though Java think that somebody is not ethical and cla ms ora Jawa or durung Jawa, but Java ethics avoids the Internaft)nal Canference An fraditianal Culture And "Rancaoe', Award 201A Yagyakarta, f,1ay 29, 201A 56 :.nflict opened to go to the harmonious condition, This concept, making lava eihic5, a::e:= :-e good and bad other ethics, but jt is often not with fulFhead, Despite, there often happen the double standard using to friends or people from !roup of themselves and frlends or people frorn other group, Friends or one who born as lts lroup ls often assumed better than friends or people from group of their outside, In Java :llture this term [s recognized with pllih sih ( favoritism) or mban clndhe mban si/adan ( :ard ng w th the shawl and candling with the keen bamboo cleft). The conception af Jawa and ora Jawa :-.: ls is very visible in idiomatic wong Tanah Jawa contrast wilh wonq Sabrang, especlally in culture of purwa puppets. In purwa .Jppets, knight at Wong Tanah Jawa ts always presented a refinement and not good a:i tude, while Wang Sabrang is often presented harsh or in term of java that is called ,L/fa. )i cavse Wong Sabrang there non simply interpreted Java and Outside Java, by locative, :Jt is interpreted outside idealism of Java ethjcs, either through public and also is applied by :artain Java group. Among Yogyakarta, Surakada, Semarang and so on, in the case of :erlain can differ. III. Revitalization of Java Ethics From above description presumably can be pulled summery betvveen CR and Java :ihlcs, what ln some cases is almost same / though isn't all of these can be same merely, For CR and bad and good view Java ethics have been determined since oJd world which have ..me to the pertinent culture value. CR and Java Ethics look that bad and good value becoming oiher cultural view, :olerable. Tolerance attitude to matters that exist in other people or culture/ for Java ethics represents the effort go to the social harmonious condition. This condition Tepresents some rnatter emphasized or made significant and reaiized through teachings which is system c, that is for example through traditional idiomatic oF lava. Harnronious condition as ideallsm of course is acceptable in general, but step the to erance at random must be re-considered, especially in attitude or wrong move whch s concerning loss other group in general, Harmonious condition as result from tolerance, n last is often referred safety/ but in the reality it contajn the together mistake by cerlain qroup. This matter ike this which must is not lenient, The Weakness of CR and Java ethics is vlsible in reacts the difFerence usher socia 9roup. For Java elhicsf acceptance about the badness and goodness other culture, often only illusion or appearance ot lamis, circurnstance rernain da I with full-heart, especially only in order to taking care of to be harmonious, which rneans that isnt happened the lnternatianal Canference An Traditianal Culture And "Rancaoe" Award 2A1A faQyakarta, l',lay 29, 201A opened 57 conflict, 1a,,/7/5 condition generally isn't acceptable of course, because delays problems and doesn't finish the problems, Therefore must be civilized an opened attitude which will to qive the criticisrn to other receptive and group. On the other slde decent attitude of course must be fought in crjticism culture, good in order to straightening a rnistake of themselves and also other people or group, Criticizing and refusing with the open attitude/ or perform demonstraflon is permitted, but having to decent, and needn't destroy etc. This matter requires to be emphasized to remain rnaintaining of the harrnonious condition/ and isnt sham or pretended harmonious, so harmonizauon in the society, nation and state of Indonesia Will be realized eminently. Reference: Birsch, Douglas. I99q. Ethicsal Insights, Ma'.field Pub ishing Company A Brief Introdudion. Mountain View California: Gensler, Harry J. 1,988. Ethicss, A Contemporary Jntroduction New york, Routledqe. Kattsoff, Louis O. 2004. Pengantar Filsafat, terj. Soejono Soemargono. yogyakartat Tiara Wacana l4ulder, Niels, L996, Pribadi dan Masyarakat diJawar Jakarla: pustaka sinar harapan PoedjawUatna, 1998. Etika, Filsafat Tingkah Laku, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, Suseno, Franz l,lagnis, 1984, Etika lawa: Sebuah Analisa Falsafi tentang Kebjjaksanaan Hldup, )akaftat PT Gramedia *--,2005. Pijar Pijat Filsafat.Yoqyakarta: Kanisius. Internatianal Conference On Traditianal Cutture And,'Rancaae,, Award 2010 Yogyakarta, May 29, 2A1A