PETROLEOMICS M A R K P. B A R R OW OVERVIEW Mass spectrometry, with focus upon FTICR MS Introduction to petroleum, famous names, and the supply of petroleum Petroleomics Data analysis and visualization Athabasca oil sands Case study: comparing sources of water from the Athabasca region Summary MASS SPECTROMETRY MASS SPECTROMETRY Must vaporize and ionize the sample Measure mass-to-charge ratio (“m/z”) of ions, not mass directly From the data, can determine composition of an ion (e.g. H2O, CO2, C6H5OH, etc.) Can analyze pure compounds or mixtures J. J. THOMSON, 1906 F. W. ASTON, 1922 W. PAUL, 1989 H. G. DEHMELT, 1989 J. B. FENN, 2002 K. TANAKA, 2002 MASS SPECTROMETRY AND THE NOBEL PRIZE COMPONENTS OF A MASS SPECTROMETER ION SOURCE ANALYZER DETECTION DATA SYSTEM Vaporize and ionize sample Method for m/z determination Detect ions Mass spectrum VARIETIES OF ANALYZER Magnetic sector Time-of-flight (TOF) Quadrupole Ion trap Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) Orbitrap FOURIER TRANSFORM ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE MASS SPECTROMETRY FOURIER TRANSFORM ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE MASS SPECTROMETRY Published in 1974 by Melvin B. Comisarow and Alan G. Marshall Typically use superconducting magnets Ions orbit inside FTICR cell in presence of magnetic field; frequency of orbit inversely proportional to m/z Expensive and require user expertise Advantages include ultra-high resolving power and mass accuracy No other variety of mass spectrometer can provide the same level of performance Well-suited to the study of complex mixtures RESOLVING POWER “...may be characterized by giving the peak width... for at least two points on the peak, specifically at fifty percent and at five percent of the maximum peak height.” (IUPAC Gold Book) Allows user to observe closely spaced peaks Higher values (narrower peaks) are better Examples: ≈10,000 (FWHM) for TOF ≈500,000+ (FWHM) for FTICR Resolving power m 6m MASS ERRORS Figure of merit associated with measurement; measured in ppm Better mass accuracy allows user to have higher confidence in assignment Lower values are better Examples: TOF typically 3-5 ppm FTICR typically ≤ 1 ppm EXAMPLES OF EFFECT OF TRANSIENT LENGTH UPON RESOLVING POWER INTRODUCTION TO PETROLEUM PETROLEUM Formed by compression and heating of plant and animal remains over millions of years; finite supply Highly complex mixtures, thousands of components Each species will contain C and H atoms, with possible N, O, and S atoms (i.e. CcHhNnOoSs) “Petroleomics” Characterization of oils and their products; can fingerprint oils, study corrosion, investigate weathering and biodegradation, and monitor man-made effects, amongst other objectives USES OF CRUDE OIL Fuels Lubricants Heating oil Solvents Plastics Detergent Asphalt Fertilizers Synthetic rubber Pesticides Synthetic fibers Food additives Dyes Medicine Waxes FAMOUS NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM ALFRED NOBEL JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER SUPPLY OF PETROLEUM Referenced in US Department of Energy report: “Strategic Significance of America’s Oil Shale Resource: Volume I Assessment of Strategic Issues,” March 2004 “Presently, world oil reserves are being depleted three times as fast as they are being discovered.” NATURE, 481, 2012, PP. 433 - 435 (JANUARY 26TH, 2012) PETROLEOMICS FTICR AND PETROLEUM Examples include studies of: Whole crude oils Asphaltenes Fuels Deposit formation Effects of different processes (e.g. biodegradation, weathering, etc.) Corrosion (e.g. naphthenic acids) NAPHTHENIC ACIDS Defined as carboxylic acids which include one or more saturated ring structures, but the term has become more loosely used CnH2n+ZO2, where Z is the “hydrogen deficiency” and is a negative, even integer Crude oil typically contains naphthenic acids in quantities of up to 4% by weight Toxic towards aquatic wildlife and known to cause corrosion “Total acid number” (TAN) defined as the mass of potassium hydroxide (in milligrams) required to neutralize one gram of crude oil TAN no longer seen as a reliable indicator of naphthenic acid content CcH(2c+Z)O2 DOUBLE BOND EQUIVALENTS (DBE) (SUM OF RINGS PLUS DOUBLE BONDS) “NAPHTHENIC ACIDS” - EXAMPLE STRUCTURES DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION OR: “DISSECTING A CRUDE OIL” 12 T FTICR DATA FOR A CRUDE OIL 12 T FTICR DATA FOR A CRUDE OIL ~m/z 374 - 394 12 T FTICR DATA FOR A CRUDE OIL ~m/z 384.0 - 384.5 384.00 384.50 12 T FTICR DATA FOR A CRUDE OIL RESOLVING POWER AT M/Z 299 CATEGORIZING IONS FROM A CRUDE OIL Once all the molecular formulae are known, typically categorize using: Heteroatom class Examples: “CH” (hydrocarbon, no heteroatoms), S1, N1, etc. Double bond equivalents (DBE) or “hydrogen deficiency” (Z) Formation of rings and double bonds when pairs of hydrogen atoms are lost Carbon number Useful for overall size of molecule and for comparing alkyl chain lengths when DBE is constant KENDRICK MASS DEFECT Based upon work of Kendrick in 1963 (Anal. Chem., 1963, 35, pp. 2146-2154) and the work of Hsu, Qian, and Chen (Anal. Chim. Acta, 1992, 264, pp. 79-89) Principle is to normalize mass scale to CH2 instead of 12C Kendrick mass is given by: Then determine the Kendrick mass defect (sometimes referred to as KMD): EXAMPLE OF CALCULATING KENDRICK MASS DEFECT Example: C23H43O2IUPAC mass: 351.32685 Kendrick mass = 351.32685 x (14.00000/14.01565) = 350.93456 Nominal Kendrick mass = 351 Kendrick mass defect = 351 - 350.93456 = 0.06544 CHANGE IN RINGS OR DOUBLE BONDS ADDING CH2 PLOT OF KENDRICK MASS DEFECT VS. NOMINAL KENDRICK MASS DOUBLE BOND EQUIVALENTS (DBE) Double bond equivalents (DBE) is a measure of double bonds plus rings Where n is the number of atoms and v is the valence, the number of double bond equivalents is given by: For CcHhNnOoSs, this can be expressed as: Note: number of oxygen and (divalent) sulfur atoms does not directly affect the DBE (e.g. O2 and O4 species may overlap) O2 CLASS DOUBLE BOND EQUIVALENTS VS. CARBON NUMBER O2 class LINE PLOT HEAT MAP EXAMPLE: CnH2n-6O2 n=15 C15H24O2 HEAT MAP CcH(2c+Z)Ox CcH(2c+Z)OxS CcH(2c+Z)N CcH(2c+Z)S COMPOUND CLASSES CcH(2c+Z)NOx 12 T APPI FTICR DATA FOR A CRUDE OIL ATHABASCA OIL SANDS BILLION BARRELS EXPORTED TO USA (2011) 900,000 675,000 450,000 225,000 da na ud iA Sa Ca bi a ra o xic Me ue la Ve ne z ria ge Ni Ira q a bi Co lo m la go An il az Br ia ss Ru ua do r Ec it wa Ku Al ge ria 0 SOURCE: ENERGY INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAL OIL RESERVES IN 2011 (BILLION BARRELS) Venezuela Saudi Arabia Canada Iran Iraq Kuwait UAE Russia Libya Conventional oil Undeveloped oil sands Developed oil sands Nigeria 0 SOURCE: BP 75 150 225 300 Athabasca oil sands become economically viable ATHABASCA OIL SANDS Oil sands contain clay, sand, water, and bitumen Alkaline hot water extraction process used to separate the bitumen, which can be upgraded to create synthetic oil Approximately three barrels of water needed to create one barrel of oil from oil sands Water can be recycled and is stored in tailings ponds Need to study potential environmental impact of components from oil sands process water (OSPW) “Naphthenic acids” (CcH2c+ZO2) are particularly studied known to be corrosive and also toxic towards aquatic wildlife amenable to negative-ion electrospray ionization NATURE, 468, 2010, PP. 499 - 501 (NOVEMBER 25TH, 2010) CHARACTERIZATION OF OIL SANDS PROCESS WATER (OSPW) 12 T SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNET ION OPTICS ION SOURCE SYRINGE PUMP POSITIVE-ION 12 T APPI FTICR DATA: OIL SANDS PROCESS WATER (OSPW) EXAMPLE: OIL SANDS PROCESS WATER BY GC NEED FOR HIGH RESOLVING POWER EXAMPLE: OIL SANDS PROCESS WATER BY FTICR MS NEED FOR HIGH RESOLVING POWER RESOLVING POWER ~30,000 NEED FOR HIGH RESOLVING POWER RESOLVING POWER ~500,000 NEED FOR HIGH RESOLVING POWER THEORETICAL PATTERN FOR C15H25O3S+ APPLICATION: COMPARING PROFILES OVERBURDEN OIL SANDS DEPOSIT RIVER BANK IN ATHABASCA REGION NEGATIVE-ION ESI FTICR DATA: ATHABASCA RIVER WATER ~m/z 311.05 - 311.19 NEGATIVE-ION ESI FTICR DATA: ATHABASCA RIVER WATER RMS ERROR: 0.18 PPM ONE ELECTRON: ~0.000548 DA 0.2 PPM: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 300.00000 DA AND 300.00006 DA EXAMPLE OF MASS ERRORS ~ NEGATIVE-ION ESI FTICR DATA: GREGOIRE LAKE WATER NEGATIVE-ION ESI FTICR DATA: “OIL COMPANY A” NEGATIVE-ION ESI FTICR DATA: “OIL COMPANY B” COMPARING OIL COMPANY A AND OIL COMPANY B COMPARING OIL COMPANY A AND OIL COMPANY B 17.5 16.5 4.E+09 O4 CLASS 15.5 14.5 3.E+09 12.5 11.5 Intensity Double bond equivalents 13.5 10.5 9.5 2.E+09 8.5 7.5 1.E+09 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 1.E+07 2.5 1.5 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 0.5 Carbon number DOUBLE BOND EQUIVALENTS: OIL COMPANY A 17.5 16.5 5.E+09 O4 CLASS 15.5 14.5 4.E+09 12.5 11.5 Intensity Double bond equivalents 13.5 10.5 9.5 3.E+09 8.5 7.5 1.E+09 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 1.E+07 2.5 1.5 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 0.5 Carbon number DOUBLE BOND EQUIVALENTS: OIL COMPANY B 17.5 16.5 7.E+08 O4 CLASS 15.5 14.5 5.E+08 12.5 11.5 Intensity Double bond equivalents 13.5 10.5 9.5 4.E+08 8.5 7.5 2.E+08 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 1.E+07 2.5 1.5 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 0.5 Carbon number DOUBLE BOND EQUIVALENTS: GREGOIRE LAKE OIL COMPANY A NATURAL OIL COMPANY B PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS SUMMARY Dependence upon petroleum is not going to end soon Need to better understand composition/quality of oil and to study effects of various processes FTICR offers ultra-high mass accuracy and resolving power Can resolve and assign the thousands of components present in complex mixtures Establish profiles for samples, which can be compared FTICR mass spectrometry is proving invaluable for studying potential environmental impact of the oil sands industry