CH 908: Mass Spectrometry Lecture 6 Mass Analyzers Prof. Peter B. O’Connor Objectives • Types of mass spectrometers and how they operate – Time-of-flight – Quadrupoles – Ion traps • Mathieu stability diagram analyss – FTICR – Orbitrap Electron Multiplier Notes: channeltron microchannel plates chevron Mass Spectrometers Mass Spectrometers DO NOT measure mass. They measure mass/charge ratio. Understanding how mass spectrometers work is understanding how ions move in electric and magnetic fields. • Time of Flight • Magnetic Sector • Quadrupole • Triple Quadrupole • Quadrupole Ion Trap • FTICRMS •Orbitrap Ions in a DC Electric Field F = qE = m d2x/dt2 + 10 KV Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry The most simple of all mass spectrometers, at least conceptually. Linear versus reflectron • MALDI-TOF Delayed extraction (time lag focusing) • EI-TOF Detection electronics • ESI-TOF PSD scan Orthogonal injection Basic TOF mass spectrometer Laser Source Oscilloscope S + + V + + D (field free drift region) Figure 3. The principle of MALDI time-of-flight mass spectrometry. 1. TOF requires a pulsed ion source 2. TOF requires a small kinetic energy distribution in the ions 3. Radial dispersion causes signal loss 4. TOF requires a detector/oscilloscope/digitizer that’s MUCH faster than the ion flight time. TOF fundamental limitations Resolution limited by: length of TOF flight tube kinetic energy distribution - delayed extraction - reflectron - orthogonal injection propagation delay in detector Laser Source S D1 (first field free drift region) First Detector + + Vs Vr ≈ Vs deflector Oscilloscope D2 (second field free drift region) Second Detector Figure 4. Combined Linear/Reflectron MALDI time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Oscilloscope Delay Generator Laser Source S Pusher (Vp) + + + Q0 (RF-only) Focusing + Q1 (mass filter) + Q2 (RF-only) Collision Cell D (field free drift region) V + Vr ≈ Vp Figure 14. Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Hybrid Laser Source deflector Collision Cell (Vc) + + Vs first field free drift region Delay Generator second field free drift region Detector Oscilloscope Figure 6. MALDI tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Vr ≈ Vs TOF Parameters Simple, cheap (in theory), robust, sensitive. A good modern TOF should give: >10k Resolving power ~1-10 fmol sensitivity (single scan) ~10 ppm mass accuracy internally calibrated (5 ppm if the peak is particularly large or clean). >1000 scans/second Unlimited mass range TOFMS Calibration Equation m = At2+B TOF fundamental limitations Resolution limited by: length of TOF flight tube kinetic energy distribution propagation delay in detector Sensitivity limited by: ion stability ion transfer efficiency MS/MS is difficult Ions in a Magnetic Field + F=qv x B F V B Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometry Large, expensive, obsolete. • MALDI Swept beam instrument • EI The first “High Resolution” mass spectrometer (> 10k RP) • ESI Lousy sensitivity (~1 nmol) High energy collisional fragmentation Extremely linear detector response (isotope ratio mass spectrometry) Jeol and Thermo-Finnigan MAT Sector Calibration Equation m = AB02r2/V Ions in a magnetic field Sector Fundamental Limitations Resolution/sensitivity tradeoff by using a mass filtering slit Resolution limited by: magnetic/electric field homogeneities slit width Sensitivity limited by: ion transfer efficiency slit width metastable decay Scan speed / scan stability tradeoff Quadrupoles Small, cheap, ubiquitous. • MALDI Swept beam instrument • EI Resolution typically 1000, mass accuracy typically 0.1% • ESI Sensitivity depends on the source. Typically in the 100 fmol range. Wolfgang Paul (quadrupole ion traps) Hans Dehmelt (Penning ion traps) 1989 Nobel Prize in Physics for development of ion trapping techniques Quadrupole mass spectrometer Wiring of a quadrupole The potential energy diagram of a quadrupole showing the saddlepoint in the electric field (generated using Simion 7.0) 3D - Quadrupole ion traps •linear ion traps •3D ion traps •They follow exactly the same rules as quadrupoles z r A. a cross-section of a hyperbolic quadrupole ion trap B. a potential energy diagram of the QIT showing the saddlepoint in the electric field (generated using Simion 7.0) Figure 11. The shape of Paul ion trap mass spectrometers. Quadrupole Ion Traps Skimmer Lenses Octopole Ion Guide Entrance Endcap Capillary Ring Electrode Lenses Exit Endcap Quadrupoles “Matthieu eqn” az -0.4 Operating z stability Line -0.2 b=1.0 qz=.908 0.0 Stable z&r -0.2 + -0.4 + -0.6 + A± = U ± Vsin(ωt) r stability 0.5 1.0 1.5 8eU an 2 2 m r qz 4eV qz 2 2 m r • qz a V/m • qz a fion • az a U/m Quadrupole Ion Traps “Matthieu eqn” az -0.4 Operating z stability Line -0.2 b=1.0 qz=.908 0.0 Stable z&r -0.2 + -0.4 + -0.6 + A± = U ± Vsin(ωt) r stability 0.5 1.0 1.5 qz 16eU az m 2 (r 2 2 z 2 ) 8eV qz m 2 (r 2 2 z 2 ) • qz a V/m • qz a fion • az a U/m qz = 0.908 az A B 0.2 z stable B A 0.0 r and z stable D -0.2 az = 0.02, qz = 0.7 az = 0.05, qz = 0.1 C C D r stable -0.4 -0.6 0.0 0.5 1.0 qz az = -0.2, qz = 0.2 az = -0.04, qz = 0.2 Figure 12. Mathieu stability diagram with four stability points marked. Typical corresponding ion trajectories are shown on the right. QITMS: Mass-Instability Ion Ejection az Operating Line -0.4 • Low m/z -0.2 b=1.0 qz=.908 0.0 +-0.2 qz High m/z qz • • • +-0.4 +-0.6 • 0.5 1.0 1.5 8eV m 2 (r 2 2 z 2 ) Mass Analysis: Ramp RF Volt. on ring electrode Ions increase in qz value Ions become axially unstable at qz = 0.908 Ions are ejected from ion trap Low m/z ions are detected first az QITMS: Resonant Ejection • Operating Line -0.4 Low m/z -0.2 Res. Ejection at bz=2/3 High m/z qz • • -0.4 + -0.6 + • b=1.0 qz=.908 0.0 -0.2 + • 0.5 1.0 1.5 Mass Analysis: Ramp RF Volt. on ring electrode As RF increases ions increase in qz Apply dipolar AC signal to endcap electrodes for resonant ejection Ions are ejected radially from trap Low m/z ions are detected first QITMS Parameters Small, cheap, ubiquitous. Ion trap instrument • MALDI Resolution typically 1000, mass accuracy typically 0.1% • EI Sensitivity depends on the source. Typically in the 100 fmol range. • ESI MSn compatible Operates in 10-4 mbar Helium. Ion Molecule Reactions (e.g. gas phase H/D Exchange) Why is this problematic? QITMS Calibration Equation m = AV/r2f2 Quadrupole MS Fundamental Limitations Resolution: homogeneity of the electric field (charging of the electrodes, or inaccurate machining distorts this) scan speed Sensitivity: scan speed ion transfer efficiency Mass range: limited on high end by size of trap and potentials available limited on low end by stability diagram Octopole ion guide/trap Octopole ion guide/trap Hexapole ion trap Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer Big, expensive, but superior performance. Ion trap instrument Resolution typically >50000 broadband, >1,000,000 narrowband Mass accuracy typically 1 ppm internally calibrated 5-10 ppm externally calibrated Sensitivity depends on the source. Typically in the 100 fmol range. MSn compatible Ion Molecule Reactions (e.g. gas phase H/D Exchange) • MALDI • EI • ESI How Does FTMS Work? Cylindrical Penning Trap Actively Shielded 7T Superconducting Electromagnet RF-only Quadrupole Ion Guide Electrospray Ion Source Turbo pump Turbo pump Turbo pump Electrospray FTMS ESI qQq-FTMS Diagram Gate Valve (ground) RF-Only Hexapole Shutter Vqtrap Vftrap Vinner-rings GR IQ3 IQ2 Q2 Q1 ST IQ1 Q0 RNG OR SK How Does FTMS Work? The Penning Trap The ions’ view of the cell How Does FTMS Work? + Ions are trapped and oscillate with low, incoherent, thermal amplitude Excitation sweeps resonant ions into a large, coherent cyclotron orbit Preamplifier and digitizer pick up the induced potentials on the cell. How Does FTMS Work? 10 MHz 10 kHz RF Sweep High Resolution (~50,000 FWHM) Transient Image current detection High mass accuracy (~1 ppm) FFT Calibrate RP≅f•t/2 Sensitivity f•t Mass Spectrum 600 800 High sensitivity (femtomoles) 1000 m/z 1200 1400 1600 Good FTICR review article Effect of transient duration Beta Casein Tryptic digest, 2 pmol/ul MS T15 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 1400 Isolation X 1080 1090 1100 X 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 [M+2H]2+ MS/MS y10 y7* y8 b7 700 Y132+ 800 b8 y9 b9 b10 *** X * 900 1000 1100 1200 y11 X b b11 Xy12 ?1+ 12 1300 1400 y13 1500 y14 1600 FTMS Calibration Equation Theory: Practice: ω± = ωc/2 ± (ωc2/4 – 2eVα/ma2)1/2 m = A/f + B/f2 + C m = A/(f-B-CV-DI) ωc = qB0/m 1. Zhang, L. K.; Rempel, D.; Pramanik, B. N.; Gross, M. L. Accurate mass measurements by fourier transform mass spectrometry Mass Spectrom Rev 2005, 24, 286-309. FTMS Fundamental Limiting Factors •Resolution •Pressure •Magnetic field (strength and homogeneity) •Electric field (homogeneity) •Space charge •Sensitivity •Preamplifier Noise •Magnetic field strength •Space charge •Mass range •Magnetic field •Frequency performance of electronics A new instrument – the orbitrap Self Assessment • In TOF-MS, which ions arrive at the detector first? Why? • In a QIT, what q-value corresponds to the low m/z cutoff in RF-only mode? • What part of the Mathieu stability diagram is used in mass filtering mode in a quadrupole or QIT? • In FTICR, doubling the detection time will result in what change to the resolving power? Doubling the magnetic field will result in what change? CH908: Mass spectrometry Lecture 6 – Mass Analyzers Fini…