Analysis of Annual Forest Inventory Data:

Analysis of Annual Forest Inventory Data:
Examples from New York and Maine
Eric Wharton and Will McWilliams
Forest Inventory and Analysis
Northeastern Research Station
Sloane Crawford
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Division of Lands and Forests
Analysis and Reporting
There has always been a strong demand for timely, consistent, and reliable
forest inventory information of the type provided by the FIA program.
FIA analysts are in the business of turning “factory” data into “palatable”
information about forested ecosystems.
Report on standard forest-land indicators, providing client- and issue-driven
analyses that address:
► Extent
► Character and Composition
► Structure and Condition
► Sustainability and Health
Analytical Reporting Mandates
► Interim Annual Reporting (ramp-up)
► Comprehensive five-year analytical reports
► Special, issue-driven analyses
Interim Reporting for Initial Annual Inventories
► Each year, core data will be compiled into a standard set of tables for each
state, and released in hard copy and electronic formats.
► The data for each panel will be added to the database and released to
customers the next fiscal year.
► Analyses will be provided for the early years of the annual inventory
implementation as they become available.
► Annual reporting is designed to answer questions within the limits of data
reliability. Early results indicate that the ability to address the current status and
trend issues may vary considerably.
Change in Area of Timberland, Pennsylvania
Interim Annual Reporting Standards
► Nine interim tables, at a minimum, will contain standard variables that will be
generated in the first few years and be reported only at the state level.
► Once fifty percent of the sample locations are completed, a tenth table will be
added that shows components of resource change: net growth, removals, and
mortality. Occurs after the third panel in New York.
► After year 5, a comprehensive analytical report will be produced which include
the full compliment of panels.
► No annual reporting is mandated for years six through nine. The second 5-year
report (at year 10) will contain full remeasurement.
Impact of New Plot Design
on Remeasurement
► Use existing FHM plots
► Use previous FIA plot
► Locate new sample plot
Old 1/5-acre plot
Schedule for New York Annual Inventory
Annual Inventory Begins
May, 2002
First Panel
Data Collection Completed
Results sent to State
Data Posted to FIA-DB
July, 2003
November, 2003
March, 2004
Second Panel
Data Collection Completed
Results sent to State
Data Posted to FIA-DB
July, 2004
December, 2004
February, 2005
Third Panel
Data Collection Completed
April, 2006
Fourth Panel
Data Collection Completed
April, 2007
Fifth Panel
Data Collection Completed
April, 2008
First 5-year Analytical Report
April, 2009
Complete Remeasurement
April, 2014
Comprehensive Analytical Reports
Every five years, a complete state analytical report will be produced.
► Reports will include the current status
of the forest based on the last five
► Also report on trends in forest status
and condition over the preceding 20
years, with emphasis on comparing
the most recent data with data from
the previous period.
Examples from the Maine 5-year Report
Traditional indicators
► Land Area
► Numbers of Trees
► Volume and Biomass
► Growth, Removals, and Mortality
Indictors of forest health
Use of more spatially-oriented analytical
tools and procedures
Specialized analyses tied to user-defined
issues and concerns
Land Area
► Land use
► Ownership class
► Forest-type group
► Stand-size class
► Stocking class
► Volume class
► Disturbance class
Area by
Ownership Class
Area by
Stand-size Class
Numbers of Trees
► Species
► Diameter
► Tree Class
Volume and Biomass
► Forest-type group
► Stand-size class
► Species
► Diameter class
► Tree class
► Tree grade
Growth, Removals, and Mortality
► Species
► Components of change
► Land use change and harvesting
Forest Health Indicators
► Private forest-land ownership
► Roundwood output and timber
► Distribution of tree damage and crown
► Biomass and volume of down woody
► Change in species frequency and
vegetative cover
► Ozone injury and bioindicator species
► Properties, compaction, and erosion of
► Lichen community indicator indices
Special Spatially-Driven Analyses
Special studies continue to be sought by customers interested in regional analysis
of resource trends.
► Regional
► County-level
► Watersheds
► Ecological regions
► Biophysical regions
Forest Preserve
► Political subdivisons
Property Rights Foundation of America, Inc.
Special Issue-Driven Analyses
Issue-oriented analyses continue to be sought after. Some
have relied heavily on the expertise of partners.
► Landscape dynamics (fragmentation/ parcelization)
► Risk mapping for forest insects and diseases
► Exotic and invasive plant occurrences
► Biomass, carbon storage and flux
► Fire fuel-loading and risk analyses
► Catastrophic event assessments
► Wood product market research
► Wilderness and roadless areas
► Forest regeneration