UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of Centrally Timetabled Rooms Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Monday 10 March 2014 Present: Dr E Melia (Chair), Mr J Buckingham, Dr J Gardner, Ms L Holland, Mrs E Jeffrey, Mr P Jones, Mr J Owen, Mr C Singleton, Ms E Spencer. Apologies: Mr D Mace, Dr E Bateman. 36/13-14 Minutes RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2014 be approved. 37/13-14 Refurbishment of CTTRs (minute 31/13-14 refers) CONSIDERED: An oral update from the Chair regarding the planned refurbishment of CTTRs in 2014/15. REPORTED: (By the Chair) (a) That a meeting had taken place between the Chair, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic Planning & Resources), Director of Strategic Planning & Analytics, Conferences Senior Duty Manager, General Commercial Manager, Director (Business Development) and the Conference Sales Office Manger to discuss the programme of works for refurbishment of CTTRs for the next three years. (b) That it had been agreed that the CTTRs A0.23, A0.05, S0.11, S0.13 and S0.17 in the Social Sciences building would be refurbished during the summer vacation 2014. (c) That an external consultant would be brought in to look at design ideas for the refurbishment of the Social Science CTTRs with the intention that a similar design would be rolled-out to other Social Science CTTRs during future refurbishments. (by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager) (d) That Conferences had blocked out the CTTRs A0.23, A0.05, S0.11, S0.13 and S0.17 from the end of term 3 until the end of August 2014 for the refurbishment work to take place. 38/13-14 Conference Feedback B2.04 and B2.02 (minute 25/13-14 refers) REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That she had taken Chair’s Action on behalf of the Refurb Group to approve spend of £357.4 from the Refurb Group budget on installation of a protective film on the windows in B2.01 and B2.03 on the Science Concourse. (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (b) That the protective film had been installed in B2.01 and B2.03 on the Science Concourse. (by the Interior Design, Furniture & Equipment Manager) (c) That two tables and chairs in the B-rooms had been damaged and were in the process of being replaced. 39/13-14 Conference/CTTR Support CONSIDERED: An oral report from the Conferences Senior Duty Manager regarding conference support for the maintenance of CTTRs. REPORTED: (by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager) (a) That the group should consider employing room stewards to ensure that CTTRs were fully equipped and sufficiently maintained during academic activities and conferences bookings. (b) That 6 members of staff would be needed at an estimated cost of £47,000 to implement a rota and provide sufficient cover for the rooms. (c) That the implementation of room stewards would provide support in setting up meeting rooms, reporting faults, moving furniture and equipment, supporting exams and providing additional support for academic departmental events, which could help to improve student experience. (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (d) That room stewards were already employed for the Ramphal building but that anecdotal evidence suggested that they were not very cost effective and that there had been difficulties in locating the room stewards but that these issues could be overcome through positive management and clear direction. (e) That it would be optimal to implement a trial of room stewards prior to the construction of the new teaching building. (by the Chair) (f) That it would be beneficial to discuss the potential benefits of employing CTTR room stewards with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning). (g) That she would convene a discussion regarding the support provided by University Porters for CTTRs and to get a better understanding of their responsibilities with the Head of Facilities. 40/13-14 S0.50/51 Social Studies Building (minute 32/13-14 refers) REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That she had approved works to merge S0.50 and S0.51 in the Social Sciences building to create a new CTTR, to replace S0.03, which had been allocated to the School of Law as part of the works to build the Law Extension in the Social Sciences building. 2 (b) That the AV equipment in S0.03 could be moved to S0.50/51 and the furniture could be used to replace furniture in another CTTR to save on costs. 41/13-14 Nosing in the Woods-Scawen Room REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That she had taken Chair’s Action on behalf of the Refurb Group to approve a spend of £3232.29 from the Refurb Group budget on the repair and installation of nosings in the Woods-Scawen room (Arts Centre). (by the Interior Design, Furniture & Equipment Officer) (b) That the issue was not yet resolved, as there were ongoing problems with crumbling nosings. 42/13-14 Projector Equipment in the Wood Scawen Room (minute 17/13-14 refers) REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That she had taken Chair’s Action on behalf of the Refurb Group to approve spend of £8956.8 from the Refurb Group budget on the upgrade of the projector equipment in the Wood Scawen room in the Arts Centre. (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (b) That the new projector equipment would be installed that week and would meet the same standard as the rest of the Arts Centre. 43/13-14 2013-14 Refurb Group Budget (minute 33/13-14 refers) RECEIVED: A summary of the current budget position for the present academic year (CTTR.2/1314(revised3). REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That a large proportion of the £100,000 maintenance budget remained and that the group should inform her if they were aware of any CTTRs that were in need of light maintenance. (b) That the Central Timetabling team did not intend to schedule teaching into B0.41/43 (Social Sciences) and PS0.17a (Physical Sciences) in preparation for the potential to decommission these rooms as CTTRs in the future. (by the Lead Technical Specialist) (c) That there were a number of CTTRs that required replacement projectors at a cost of approximately £2000 per room. 3 (d) That if there was any budget remaining after the Social Science refurbishment project due to take place in summer 2014, that this could be used to purchase AV equipment for the remaining Social Science CTTRs due to be refurbished in 2015. (by the Interior Design, Furniture & Equipment Manager) (e) That several rooms across the Humanities and Social Sciences buildings required new furniture at a total cost of £19,520.40. RESOLVED: (a) That the Lead Technical Specialist provide the Chair with a list of CTTRs that require replacement projectors and the proposed costs for these projectors, for approval. (b) That the Chair would seek approval from the Director of Strategic Planning & Analytics for the replacement furniture for the Humanities and Social Sciences buildings and would confirm the outcome with the Furniture and Equipment team. 44/13-14 Arts Centre Teaching Room Space REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That the Arts Centre was to be used to relieve pressure on the central teaching timetable, including use of the Cinema, until the completion of the new teaching building and that this was more cost effective than providing temporary lecture theatre space. (b) That the Arts Centre Cinema would be used for teaching from the beginning of 2014/15 academic year for terms 1 and 2 (9-5pm Monday-Friday, except Wednesday 9-12pm). (c) That the availability of the Wood Scawen Room in the Arts Centre for the Central Teaching Timetable had been extended to 7pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays for terms 1 and 2 for the academic year 2014/15. 45/13-14 Project Heart REPORTED: (by the General Commercial Manager) (a) That Conferences had implemented a project looking to consider future conference park business development, and had requested feedback from customers regarding their future requirements with the conferences facilities and support. (b) That the insight gained from the project would provide a framework to help inform the maintenance of rooms utilised by Conferences. 46/13-14 Teaching Building REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That the use of interlocking seminar rooms within the new teaching building was being explored to provide flexible teaching spaces. (b) That the size of the lecture theatres and seminar rooms within the teaching building would be determined partially by the current demand and potential replacement of some current CTTRs such as LIB1/2. (c) That the group would investigate additional funding from external sources in order to increase the overall budget for the teaching building, including HEFCE through the Capital funding call connected to diversity in STEM subjects. 4 (d) That several consultation group meetings would need to be convened with a range of parties, including Estates, the Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL)ATL and student representatives. 47/13-14 Date of the Future Meetings CONSIDERED: The dates for future meetings of the Group. RESOLVED: That the Group would meet from 10:00-12:00 on the following dates; 2013-14: Monday 12th May 2014 Monday 14th July 2014 Monday 15th September 2014 5