Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of
Centrally Timetabled Rooms
Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Monday 13 January 2014
Dr E Melia (Chair), Dr E Bateman, Mr J Buckingham, Ms L Holland, Mrs E Jeffrey, Mr P
Jones, Mr J Owen, Mr C Singleton, Ms E Spencer.
Mr D Mace.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2013 be approved.
Conference Feedback B2.04 and B2.02 (minute 14/13-14 refers)
An oral update from the Lead Technical Specialist regarding whether the projection
equipment in B2.01 and B2.03 was affected by the lack of blinds and whether they will require
installation of film on the windows.
REPORTED: (by the Lead Technical Specialist)
That the projection equipment in B2.01 and B2.03 was also likely to be affected by the lack of
blinds and subsequent light and that the translucent film should be applied to the windows in
these rooms, as in B2.04 and B2.03.
That the Project Coordinator provide the Chair with the cost for applying the translucent film to
the windows in B2.01 and B2.03.
Additional Refurb Group Budget (minute 17/13-14 refers)
An oral update from the Lead Technical Specialist regarding the cost of upgrading the
projector equipment in the Wood Scawen room to the same standard as the rest of the Arts
That the Lead Technical Specialist had contacted suppliers regarding the cost of upgrading
the projector equipment and was waiting for an updated quote.
That the Lead Technical Specialist provide the Chair with the costs of upgrading the projector
equipment in the Wood Scawen room to the same standard as the rest of the Arts Centre.
Wood Scawen and the Teaching Timetable
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
That the availability of the Wood Scawen room in the Arts Centre for the Central Teaching
Timetable had been extended for the academic year 2014/15 to 6pm, with a strong possibility
that that an extension to 7pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays would be approved.
Digi Lab Auditorium (minute 18/13-14 refers)
REPORTED: (by the Interior Design, Furniture & Equipment Officer)
That a Whiteboard had been ordered for the IDL Auditorium by Warwick Manufacturing
Note: Subsequent to the meeting of the Refurb Group on Monday 13th January, Warwick
Manufacturing Group notified Space Management that they would inform them when the
Whiteboard had been delivered.
Broken Furniture (minute 19/13-14 refers)
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That the Chair had taken Chair’s Action on behalf of the Refurb Group to approve spend
of £44.62 from the Refurb Group budget on repair of furniture in the International Portal
(R0.12, Ramphal Building).
(by the Interior Design, Furniture & Equipment Manager)
(b) That a replacement chair back had been ordered and that they were awaiting delivery.
Whiteboard in R1.04
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That the Chair had taken Chair’s Action on behalf of the Refurb Group to approve spend
of £457.47 from the Refurb Group budget on the replacement of glass whiteboards in
R1.04, Ramphal Building.
(by the Interior Design, Furniture & Equipment Manager)
(b) That the replacement whiteboards had been installed in R1.04, Ramphal Building.
Refurbishment of Social Sciences (minute 17/13-14 refers)
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That a meeting took place between the Chair, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic Planning &
Resources), Director of Strategic Planning & Analytics, Interior Design, Furniture &
Equipment Manager, Lead Technical Specialist, Assistant Registrar (Space Management
& Timetabling), Space Management Assistant and the Project Coordinator to agree a
priority list of Centrally Timetabled Teaching Rooms (CTTRs) to be refurbished this
academic year.
(b) That the group had agreed that the overall quality of CTTRs across the University should
be improved in order to enhance the student experience, however only a few CTTRs
would be refurbished in the current academic year, given the time constraints involved.
(c) That it was resolved that the most appropriate CTTRs for initial refurbishment would be
the ones based on the ground floor of the Social Sciences building.
(d) That the Chair would schedule a meeting with the Director of Business Development,
Commercial Directorate and the Director of Strategic Planning & Analytics to discuss the
Social Sciences refurbishment work.
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(e) That any works to the CTTRs in the Social Sciences Building scheduled for the summer
vacation would have an impact on Conferences bookings.
S0.03, Social Studies Building
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That S0.03 in the Social Sciences building had been allocated to Law as part of the Law
extension, and that it would no longer be used as a CTTR from the end of the summer
(b) That S0.50 and S0.51 in the Social Sciences building would be merged to create a new
2013-14 Refurb Group Budget (minute 21/13-14 refers)
A summary of the current budget position for the present academic year (CTTR.2/1314(revised2).
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That the Mathematics and Statistics departments had been consulted regarding the
installation of blackboards in appropriate teaching rooms across campus in order to
enable teaching by these departments outside of the Zeeman Building.
(b) That the Mathematics department had identified H0.52, S0.13 and S0.18 as suitable
teaching rooms, providing that blackboards were installed in those rooms.
(c) That the Mathematics department had commented that some of the blackboards already
fitted around the University were not of a suitable standard, and that this posed a
challenge to lecturers when scheduling teaching outside of the Zeeman building.
That the Furniture & Equipment Manager investigate the costs of installing a high quality
blackboard and/or a black whiteboard as an alternative, in H0.52, S0.13 and S0.18.
Date of the Future Meetings
The dates for future meetings of the Group.
That the Group would meet from 10:00-12:00 on the following dates;
Monday 10th March 2014
Monday 12th May 2014
Monday 14th July 2014
Monday 15th September 2014