PNWCG STEERING COMMITTEE Meeting Notes December 15, 1999 In Attendance: Andy Anderson, FWS Bob Anderson, Spokane City Fire Dist. #9 John Boro, ODF Earl Cordes, OR Fire Service Gerry Day, BLM Mike Dimmick, SORO Mike Dykzuel, OFIC (Guest) Mike Edrington, SORO Mark Forbes, National Park Service Fred Gonzales, WA District Ranger Terry Hueth, USFS Barbara Kennedy, SORO Jim Payne, FS Lanny Quackenbush, ODF Tim Rich, SORO Paul Rose, FS Dewey Tate, BLM FS Jerry Williams, BLM Cory Winnie, BIA Mike Ziolko John Viada, WDNR Amanda Kaplan, NPS Introduction – Barbara Kennedy The meeting began at 9:35 a.m. After explaining the agenda, Barbara Kennedy passed around items to be signed by the committee members, including the charter and a Memorandum of Understanding to allow a forecaster to use space at the NWC. Working Team Reports The committee heard reports presented by the chairs of the working teams outlining their group’s accomplishments, issues, and program of work for 2000. The working teams, presenters, and highlights or decisions from the group discussion are summarized below. For more details, refer to the complete reports posted on the PNWCG website. Interagency Contract - Michelle Remmy The following decisions were made by the steering committee: 1) the steering committee will review the draft letter to the contractors and the final letter will be signed by the chair of the working committee; 2) the steering committee would correspond with neighboring geographic areas; 3) the steering committee would work with the NWCG to establish futuring strategy. Operations - John Boro John Boro stated that the task order to develop a process for total integration of all wildland fire fighting agencies in the Pacific Northwest into interagency teams is the Operation team’s number one priority. John also reported on the situation with Alaska regarding Pacific Northwest National Incident Management Teams. Terry Hueth recommended that everyone be represented in any discussions so that any decisions will be supported, and John indicated this is how he is proceeding. John strongly recommended having the Training and Operations Working Groups working together. Joe Stoetler from Forest Service is the new Operations chairperson; the vice chair will by Larry Nicky from the National Park Service. PNWCG Steering Committee December 15, 1999 Page 2 Fire Business Management - Paul Rose Paul Rose reviewed changes to the Fire Business Management Team’s mission and objectives document. A representative from Fish and Wildlife has joined the team, and they now have a representative from every agency. The chair position has been left with the Forest Service until the Committee decides they want to make a change. Barbara Kennedy suggested that if there are any concerns about AD-5 rates, individuals need to discuss them with Paul or Barbara. Aviation – Mike Dimmick (for Chair Phil Hufstader) The Aviation Working Team will be adjusting their charter to allow them to handle the chairmanship differently and will bring it to the steering committee for signature. Next year the team would like to focus on non-fire issues, such as managing resources. The Aviation Team will come to the steering committee with a recommendation of about qualifications for aviation personnel being assigned to incidents regardless of which agency they are from, so that there is a standard that will be recognized by the dispatch community when they have issues which come back through the ranks. They will looking at places where airplanes can be shared. Bob Anderson proposed supporting the recommendation of the Aviation Working Team to close the Medford Air Tanker Base. Cory Winnie seconded the proposal. Lanny stated he could not support the recommendation. Jim Payne suggested and the steering committee agreed that a cover letter signed by Terry Heuth would be written to the Regional Forester supporting the Aviation Working Team’s recommendations. Training Working Team – Mike Spenser (for Chair Dave Luse) Two issues of concern discussed were the changing and decreasing federal student population. The importance of finding state and federal people to teach the 290 class was also discussed; it is an impediment to getting enough people to work on wildland fires. The working team staff will present to PNWCG Steering Committee their work and recommendation on a training mobilization policy and delivery of training in the Pacific Northwest to today’s customer base at a future meeting. Fire Use and Fuels Management - Tim Rich The federal wildland fire policy is the anchor point of the team’s draft strategy for increasing hazardous fuels on federal lands in the Pacific Northwest. The goals are similar but not the same as BLM’s. The team’s top priority will be to finish its strategies by May and then present the final strategies to the Steering Committee. Prevention - Dewey Tate Dewey Tate expressed support for having the Information Working Team become active again. The Prevention Working Team has a need to work with them. The Arson Task Force is now working with the State Police and the Fire Marshals from both states and with federal agencies to improve interagency cooperative efforts. Fire Marshals from both states were invited to become involved with the Prevention Working Team. Oregon has accepted; there has not yet been a response from Washington. PNWCG Steering Committee December 15, 1999 Page 3 Fire Weather - Gerry Day (for Chair Mike Ziolko) Gerry Day reported that the national coordinators who met in St. Louis in December primarily discussed the implementation of the Resource Ordering Status System. Gerry felt the system would be successfully implemented by January 2001, and that it was the single most important issue in front of the dispatch and coordination community nationally in the next few years. Gerry summed up the meeting and agreement reached with the Weather Service to continue forecasting and issuing products from their office on 122nd Avenue and to provide a 40-hour position (from March 1 until the end of October or the fire season) to be located at the Coordination Center. The Coordination Center will determine what that person works on and the work schedule. The details are to be worked out. Cory Winnie reported that the MTC had agreed to certify the closure contingent upon approved agreement between the PNWCG and the Weather Service. Gerry distributed a copy of a draft proposal from the Fire Weather Working Team to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group on weather station standards; comments need to be submitted by January 15, 2000. Final Discussion - All Mike Edrington reported that Roy Montgomery has volunteered to assist with wildland fire projects. He may be utilized on the next Operations Working Team task or on interagency/working team issues. Mike also reported that the Forest Service’s workforce diversity council has asked if the PNWCG would be interested in looking at workforce diversity and human resource issues. The group decided that if the Forest Service and other groups were interested in these issues, than the PNWCG needed to be involved. Mark Forbes requested that Mike have a short proposal presented at the next meeting for the group to consider. Agenda Items for Future Meetings The January 19 meeting will be at the Coordination Center. Joel Green, DNR, will be a guest at this meeting. Bob Paduccio, Oregon Fire Marshal’s Office, will also attend and present his agency’s strategy for Life Safety 2000. Dan Torrence will present the program of work for the Training Center. The establishment of two new working teams, GIS and Dispatch Working Teams, will be discussed. A proposal on workforce diversity will be presented by Mike Edrington. Agenda items suggested for future meetings include: February: Review of strategic plan. Clarification of new R & R policy for the Northwest. Group needs to discuss/clarify how the 14day rule will be implemented (proposed by Terry Hueth). Discussion item: Organization of working teams and task groups and span of control. March: Presentation to PNWCG Steering Committee on work order related to fire. A managers’ meeting in April or May. Meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.