PNWCG Steering Committee Meeting DRAFT MEETING NOTES 7 January 1999 Heathman Lodge, Vancouver, WA.. Leo Sidebotham - BLM Blanche France - NWC Earl Cordes - Oregon Fire Chiefs Phil Hufstader - ODF Barbara Kennedy - Facilitator Dennis Macomber - USFWS Cory Winnie - BIA Mike Spenser - USFS Mike Edrington - USFS Bob Anderson - Washington Fire Chiefs Jim Payne - USFS Christina Starcher - USFS, Winema NF 1. Notes of December 16 meeting approved as read. The names of individuals who will participate in the implementation task force (Item #6) need to be forwarded to Jim Furnish as soon as possible. If there are questions about this task force, its objectives and staffing, please contact Mike Edrington. 2. Redmond Air Center Program of Work - Dan Torrence. Dan Torrence, Air Center manager, distributed the 1999 work plan and briefed the committee on his priorities for the year. These included completion of the transition to the FS IBM system, personnel changes, and the continued fostering of interagency cooperation at RAC. 3_ . Training Working Team Program of Work - Mike Spenser. Mike Spenser distributed the TWT 1999 program of work (Enclosure #l) and briefed the committee. The steering committee has thus far received programs of work from the Training Working Team, Operations Working Team, and Engine/ Tender and Crew Agreement Working Teams. The Chairs of all working teams are requested to submit their programs as soon as possible to Mike Fitzpatrick at NWCC. Requests for funding projects cannot be reviewed until programs have been received. Considerations of requests will be an agenda item at the February 17 meeting. 4. Aviation Safety Issues - Phil Hufstader ODF, Jim Payne USFS A document was distributed which described two aviation safety issues (Enclosure #2). A proposal was made to adopt the recommendations made by Earl Palmer. This item will be discussed, and a decision will be made, at the February 17 meeting. -5 . Tactical Aerial Resource Management Study (TARMS) - Jim Payne. A final draft report was issued in October 1998 which included 20 recommendations concerning the future of aerial supervision on an interagency basis. A new national task group will be empaneled to identify options that can be implemented, given political and budgetary realities. May 1, 1999, is the final report date. A proposal was made to review the final report after its May release with the objective of meeting local (NW Area) needs that may not be satisfied by the final report. 6. The next meeting of PNWCG Steering Committee is scheduled for 17 February at Ft Vancouver NHS. Pacific Northwest Coordinating Group Summary of Action Items Action Items YYMM-Item# Description Assigned to: Requested Date status October 1996 The Operations Working Team will draft a document that includes the following proposals and present it to the steering committee at the January 9 meeting: 1 .Establish the criteria for OH team positions, availability and dispatching. Establish guidelines for local management oversight. 2.Establish guidelines for for mgt. oversight of area teams similar to those under which type 1 teams operate. 3.Establish guidelines for a recruitment process would allow area-wide recruiting as is done with type 1 teams. 4.DraA a proposal for encouraging the recruitment of personnel from Type 2 to type 1 teams. Boyes l/9/97 Recommendations submitted 1 l/96. July 1997 The Operations Working Team is directed to study the number, location, size and efficiency of 3 agency and 2 state fire caches in the NW Area. Edrington Winter 97. 9712-1 Formal request to technology working team, to develop a web page for PNWCG. Boyes 9712-2 A directive to the Training Working Team that addresses the problem of a lack of candidates for some training courses. A proposal to the Rx Fire Working Team to either use the current agreement covering the use of contracted resources, or explore the possibility of writing a new contract to cover their use. Operations Working Team will coordinate with area Incident Commanders on setting an agenda for the ammal IC meeting. Decision to hold team meetings during this week will be left to ICs. Explore creation of an executive secretary position within PNWCG. Collect lists of duties of executive secretaries of similar wildfire steering committees and fire boards in other areas. Hueth Recommendation to contract this survey to individual or group outside of the agencies. Item to be finalized at Jan 99 meeting. Letter sent to Tech Group.(Sinnett) Ginny Vincent is webmaster. Completed Edrington On-going. On-going. Day FY99 Job description is under construction. Conference call 1 l/24. 9712-3 9712-4 9802-5 Macomber Pacific Northwest Coordinating Group Summary of Action Items 9803 -6 9809-7 98 10-8 981 l-9 9912-10 Training Working Team directed to develop the process for implementation of newly formatted task books in the NW Area. Operations Working Team directed to review the experience requirements for a type I incident commander (ICTl ) on a national team. Alternatives to review include: 1) Accept q PNWCG requirements;2)Use only 3 lo- 1 requirements;3)Use 3 lo- 1, except require satisfactory performance as a type II operations chief. Recommend a system for the identification and development of future ICS. The Contracting Working Team is directed to develop and recommend standards for type 2 crews provided under contract. The Training Working team is directed to study the feasibility of implementing the NPS Fire Management Intern Program by the year 2000. The Technical Communications Working Team is directed to prepare for approval the guidance, procedures and responsibilities necessary for the establishment and maintenance of a dedicated PNWCG web site. Hueth Williams October 1998 Boro/Seely March 1999 Till February 1999 Sinnett February 1999 Completed.