PNWCG Steering Committee 12 May 1999 Attending: Laurie Perrett - SORO Joe Stutler - SORO Terry Brown - FS Terry Hueth - BLM - Chair Barbara Kennedy - FS Cory Winnie - BIA Mike Edrington - FS John Viada - WADNR Dennis Macomber - FWS Mark Forbes - NPS Bob Young - ODF Bob Anderson - Wa. State Fire Chiefs 1. April Notes were approved as read. 2. Engine Staffing - Terry Brown National standards, as recommended by NWCG, for staffing of type 3, 4, and 5 engines (2 personnel/engine) were accepted. A letter from the Steering Committee to this effect will also state that PNWCG endorses the concept of staffing these types of engines with three people for purposes of safety and effeciency. 3. NWCG Meeting Attendance - Hueth Mike Edrington will attend the meeting of NWCG, to be held in Seattle on 6/10 at 0800. 4. Master Agreement Signatures - Kennedy Operation plans for the Northwest were signed by the Fire Directors. 5. Strategic Planning - Hueth Committee members and issues were reaffirmed. Each group will report on their progress towards goal implementation at the June 16 steering committee meeting. 6. IMT Update - Hueth Integration of Alaska and Pacific Northwest type I teams is taking place in order to help mitigate the scarcity of qualified team personnel in both areas. 7. Agency Fire Weather Meteorologists Update Position descriptions have been written and will be sent to Personnel specialists at BIA and FWS for classification. 8. SAFENET - Stutler SAFENET is a ground version of the SAFECOM process for documenting and correcting unsafe situations in fire operations. Federal agencies in the NW Area will participate in a pilot program in 1999 to evaluate its effectiveness. Oregon and Washington state committee members will determine if the state are interested in participating in this program. 9. National Weather Service Update - Ziolko The Committee approved a letter drafted by the Weather Working Team recommending that the closure of 3 NW Area fire weather offices (Portland/Salem, Wenatchee, Olympia) not be certified at this time. 10. Resource Allocation in the NW Area - Perrett Laurie Perrett presented the draft of a process paper concerning the implementation of the Federal Wild Land Fire Policy in the NW Area. The draft was accepted without modification by the Steering Committee. 10. Non-standard aircraft call signs - Group Terry Hueth will draft a letter to area units reaffirming the use of standard aircraft call sign procedures. 11. June 16 Agenda Items: • PNWCG Strategic Planning- Each Steering committee task group to develop strategy and tactics for one of their goals and discuss them June 16. • DNR and ODF report on strategies to move from 2 to 3 person engines/