PNWCG STEERING COMMITTEE Meeting Notes December 19, 2000 In Attendance: Terry Hueth, SORO Pam Ensley, NFWS Bob Anderson, Spokane Fire District Mike Dykzeul, OFIC Bob Garrison, OR State Fire Marshal Mike Ziolko, ODF Bob Bannon, DNR Earl Cordes, Jefferson Co. Ken Till, NPS Mike Spenser, BLM/USFS Era Horton, OR Dept. of Public Safety Standards and Training Lanny Quackenbush, ODF Mike Edrington, BLM/USFS John Viada, DNR Mark Forbes, NPS Jim Payne, USFS Introduction Lanny Quackenbush convened the meeting and asked Joe Stoetler to facilitate the meeting since Barbara Kennedy would be arriving later. Joe reviewed the day's agenda. Presenters from the working teams were asked to present their team's program of work for 2000 and the program planned for 2001. Prevention Working Team - Bob Bannon Bob Bannon, outgoing chair, presented the Prevention Working Team’s 2000 Accomplishment Report. Bob reported that a key item for 2000 was the activation of a Prevention Education Team. The team created and hosted an information website where users could find out what restrictions were applicable to any location in Oregon and Washington. In 2001, the team hopes to refine this site. The team has also been involved in the Firewise Workshops. Bob noted that an outstanding task order is the Prescribed Fire Awareness campaign. They are due to present a formal proposal with budget to the steering committee in February or March and are prepared to do so. Bob responded to questions from the committee about risk assessments. He reported that a key recommendation of both the Prevention and Fuels Working Teams was that there needed to be a standard risk assessment methodology for all lands in both states. It was suggested that representatives of all the agencies meet and review areas which had been assessed for risk to make sure that no area was left uncovered. The committee discussed considering this at the strategic plan review at the meeting on December 20. Aviation Working Team - Jim Payne Jim Payne, the team's outgoing chair, distributed an Aviation 2000 Frequency Guide, a roster for the working team, and an accomplishment report/program of work handout for the Aviation Working Team. Jim reported that the team's accomplishments included the Frequency Guide, the establishment of an Aviation Team website linked to the PNWCG website, revision of the Aviation Standards Matrix, and providing a working team representative at most if not all aviation training sessions in the Northwest. Jim reviewed the program of work for 2001, including the review, update and publishing of the Matrix and the Frequency Guide, and the development of a Power Point presentation on aviation policies on interagency incidents. A task group is working on single engine air tanker opportunities and alternatives throughout the Northwest; the intent is to PNWCG Steering Committee December 19, 2000 Page 2 come back to the PNWCG with a recommendation in late spring. Jim responded to questions from the committee. Weather Working Team - Mike Ziolko Mike Ziolko distributed copies of the working team’s report. Mike reported there are just a few remaining issues the National Weather Service (NWS). The team did some statistical work on the weather network and reviewed Paul Wirth's Red Flag Warning and Fire Weather Watch Verification Study for accuracy of information from the NWS during the 2000 fire season. The team started looking at GIS layers developed by the Weather Service for existing and proposed fire weather zones. Mike reported that activities planned for 2001 included work on the weather network project, implementation of the agreement with the weather service, developing the annual operating plan, looking at the Red Flag criteria, the fire weather zones, and GIS overlays, and continuing work on coordination with the California Wildfire Coordinating Group. Mike responded to questions from the steering committee. Mike will send Barbara Kennedy a copy of Paul Wirth's report and she will distribute it to the steering committee. The steering committee discussed wording changes in the agreement with the NWS. Several members agreed to review the language during lunch. Training Working Team - Mike Spencer Mike Spencer, outgoing chair, presented the report of the Training Working Team's 2000 accomplishments, which include the addition of two new voting members; a study verifying the value of the S290 CD-Rom course; and creation of a standardized national website to get information out about available training. For 2001, the team is asking for three decisions from the steering committee: a three-year work plan; the establishment of an Oregon/Washington Fire Services training specialist/liaison position, and the reestablishment of a PNW Wildfire Conference in 2002. Mike discussed the increasing demand for courses and said the goal is to strengthen the integration of the training resources and staff of fire services with PNWCG resources. The team feels strongly they need to undertake a strategic business effort and produce a business plan. Mike responded to questions from the committee. Barbara noted that the decision items contained in the working team’s report will be part of a future committee agenda. The committee discussed the demand for training, possible alternatives for providing training, and the need to provide a budget if the team's revised charter was approved. Prescribed Fire and Fuels Treatment Working Team - Gene Lonning Chair Gene Lonning distributed copies of “Increasing Fuels Treatment on Federal & Non-Federal Lands in the Pacific Northwest: A Collaborative Strategy,” noting that it was the same basic document as was presented in June, with minor revisions. The team feels it is time to present it to the steering committee with the understanding that it is a dynamic, two-year plan to begin in spring if the committee approves. Gene discussed the team’s six key action items for 2001 (pages 19-21 of “A Collaborative Strategy,” Items 11-13, 18, 19 and 20). Barbara recommended that the PNWCG Steering Committee December 19, 2000 Page 3 committee take time to review the document and not make a decision until possibly the January meeting. Gene said the team felt it needed to work on the six objectives whether the document is approved or changed during the next couple of months. He asked if a task order was needed; Pam said it was in draft and she would write it up. Gene responded to questions from the committee. He offered to e-mail the committee the Fuel Treatment Collaboration Strategy and asked the committee to send their comments back to him. Finance Working Team - Paul Rose Paul Rose discussed the team's work for 2000, including the establishment of the proposed AD5 rates. The team has a proposal for the 2001 AD5 rates and would like to present them at the January meeting if committee wishes to review them. Paul proposed publishing the rates in January since the old rates would expire. Barbara asked Paul to get the information to the committee ahead of time. In 2000, the working team test taught the courses developed at Boise for Finance Section Chief and Unit leader. The team worked on an agreement to reimburse the rural fire districts for their personnel on INTs. The team has also worked on a website. Paul reported that members have been chosen for 2001 to establish the equipment rates, and they have been asked to have the rates ready by March. For 2001, the team will work on planning a geographic meeting and a task order to work with the state of Oregon on an agreement for paying rural resources. Operations Working Team - Joe Stoetler Joe Stoetler, outgoing chair, discussed the team's program of work for 2000 and provided a handout to the committee. Highlights included sponsoring a national INT meeting in Portland and a PNW ICs meeting in the Dalles, completion of the PNW Cache Study, and formation of an implementation task group for 2001. The team expects to report to the committee on the Cache study in May. The team completed a reimbursement process with a formal agreement for local government agencies and personnel for the Pacific Northwest. The team developed a mentoring process for candidates attending the 2001 520 course, an INT evaluation process for when national teams are activated, and a new recruitment and selection process for the national teams in the Pacific Northwest. The team worked with the state of Washington on their team integration efforts. They proposed an INT integration process for all agencies in the Pacific Northwest, which was a specific task item delivered to and approved by the committee in March 1999. Joe mentioned that the letter from PNWCG proposing that agencies move forward with team integration has not yet been finaled and signed. Joe also reported that the team had not had time to bring Item 13 to the committee but chose to respond to NWCG. The team disagreed with the NWCG proposal for Type 3 areas; NWCG has accepted the team's position and the Type 3 crew proposal will not go forward. Joe discussed the bottleneck with the 420 course and the team's proposal to NWCG to have training occur at an actual fire rather than in the classroom. Item 10 PNWCG Steering Committee December 19, 2000 Page 4 was planned under a task order for 2000 but was not accomplished; the team will attempt to complete it in 2001. Joe matched the program of work for 2001 with the strategic plan and the National Fire Plan and provided information about where the items tied together. Joe then responded to questions from the committee. Contracts - Ken Till Ken Till gave a presentation on contracts and agreements related to the National Fire Plan. He is the team leader for the contracts and agreements team for the NPS. Ken handed out an contract agreement implementation action plan finalized December 16. Ken reported on a recent meeting in Boise of contracting officers from throughout the U.S. to discuss implementing contracts and developing an easy-to-use action plan. Key dates are March 1, to issue and award contracts, and January 15, to have the process in place, and GACCs and the local agency coordination identified. Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contracts have been set up through an e-commerce or electronic acquisition procurement process which allows task orders to be issued against the master contract. Ken reviewed the action plan and said in view of Title IV, it will not be business as usual, it is about getting the money down to the lowest common denominator. A key component for success is having all use the process. There will be a joint DOI/USDA FS memo issued on procurement and assistance agreement policies and strategies. The committee discussed concerns about using model agreements and having a district contract with more than one agency. Ken thought a pending memo would clarify the situation, and Mike suggested getting the word out on how things would be handled in the NW. Other Items Mike Edrington reported that the five federal agencies have all been contacted about having job fairs for the temporary, permanent and seasonal positions that will be advertised for the National Fire Plan. The idea is to increase diversity in the work force and get a lot of applicants. Joe Stoetler reviewed the plan for the meeting on December 20. First the committee will look at what it wanted to accomplish since the last review of the strategic plan. The committee will then look at the planning items to consider if there are any that no longer apply. Next, based on the National Fire Plan and any other factors, it will identify the top three goals or planning items, and then perhaps a strategy and tactics. He asked if the committee agreed to his proposal on how to approach the strategic plan. The committee agreed with this proposal. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.