PNWCG June 21, 2006 Notes

June 21, 2006
Earl Cordes, OR Fire Chiefs, Chair
Karyn Wood, USFS
Randy Simpson, OSFM
Mike Matlick, WSFM
Pam Ensley, FWS
Cory Winnie, BIA
Carl Gossard, BLM
Bill Lafferty, ODF
Bob Anderson, WA Fire Chiefs
Mark Kahley, WADNR
Carla Schamber, Facilitator
Bonnie Wood, Ex. Director
Gordon Foster, Blue Ribbon Committee, Dispatch Task Group
Roy Montgomery, Blue Ribbon Committee
Andy Belcourt, BIA, NMAC Representative
John Saltenberger, NWCC
Safety Stand Down-Today is International Association of Fire
Chiefs Stand Down for Safety.
Earl Cordes opened with a discussion on Safety Practices of the
Structural Fire Service. Randy Simpson, Bob Anderson and Mike
Matlick all contributed Safety Practices of their stations and agencies.
Randy shared a new program one of the local Fire Chief’s has started
about fire fighter fitness, and the life saving benefit of being and
getting fit. Call Randy for more information.
Earl asked everyone to keep the Tucker family of Madras in their
thoughts and all families with family members in the military. The
Tucker family was recently notified of their son’s death in Iraq.
Contract Dispatch Procedures-Gordon Foster
Decision to be made-Do we use Best Value Ranking on a Geographic Area?
Do we use Best Value Ranking on a Local/Sub-Geographic Area?
(This would be the closest neighbor or a neighbor).
Desired delivery-is the over riding criteria in selecting which resource
to order for the incident.
Best Value-If all resources can meet the desired delivery, the best
value is the selecting criteria for selecting which resource to order.
Question falls back to, what is the scale of the area considered to
determine the best value resources.
Gerry encouraged the Steering Committee to consider “what is
Straw poll and discussion, Q/A to address expressed concerns.
Look at desired delivery time as a surrogate for type of fire; it’s
an improvement to type of fire for selection criteria.
Common goals are:
1. Desired delivery time of resource to incident is more
important than Fire Type in selecting resource to order.
2. Desired delivery time is the first criteria, above best
value contract.
3. Have a single best value ranking over the geographic
area. All contracts for same kind of contract resources
in the NW will be ranked by best value.
4. Agencies will have different timelines for
implementation. ODF will implement the process in
2006. PNWCG will review how the process works for
ODF, modify and/or adopt for 2007. The federal
agencies will have to identify an implementation timeline
that is the same for all federal agencies; and may be a
different timeline than the states choose or are capable
of doing.
This decision includes reducing the number of dispatch host
units to 10.
TASK for the Dispatch Working Group-Blue Ribbon Committee:
Goal: Develop a single dispatch process for the Pacific NW Crew,
Engine and Tender Contract Suppression Resources on the
geographic area ranking.
Objectives: Develop a single proposal for dispatching best value
resources that includes a single set of procedures for all agencies.
Specific task to include:
Develop a single proposal for PNWCG Steering Committee approval,
starting with Alternate F modified by the following:
 Include the concept of “desired delivery time” and “best value”
ranking as the primary considerations in delivering resources to
an incident,
 The “best value” ranking will be the determining factor when
two or more resources can meet the “desired delivery time”.
 The proposal will be used on incidents of all types.
 Develop the procedures to include “out of region” dispatches
that will include the use of the geographic area best value
 Develop an implementation timeline that will include a phase-in
process for agencies.
 Concept will include the reduction of host units to ten (10).
 Develop a marketing/information strategy and action plan to
inform the Dispatch Offices, Agency Administrators,
Congressional and legislative members, firefighter and fire
suppression association, and others to be identified by Working
Group and PNWCG Information Working Team.
 Validate the concept of host units and the role they play
administratively and operationally in the dispatching process.
 Identify a process for determining ‘desired delivery time’.
 Ensure the option is compatible with the contracting process
through coordination with the Contract Working Team.
Validate the boundaries for the 10 Sub-Geographic Zones, i.e.
SWICC boundary now splits the OKA from the WEN when
there is already one dispatch organization.
Due Date: December 31, 2006
Future Goal that PNWCG has agreed to target. Work toward a
single best value ranking for Oregon and Washington; rather
than local area best ranking or a combination of the two.
MAC-Dry Run-Gerry Day and Company
NMAC Update---Andy Belcourt-BIA, Acting National MAC
 SW heating up and already have fires going
 Nationally at PL 3, med->high 3 so may be moving to a PL 4 soon.
 Considering MAFFS a ATs are getting stretched thin.
 NMAC is monitoring Fire Use Teams; no consistency in Fire Use
Team configuration.
 SW Teams have had multiple assignments. NMAC looking at
wear down on teams. Bringing in Type II teams to stage to back
up SW Type II teams and be readily available for new starts.
 NIMO updates-NIMO meeting with NMAC, Rex Mann and Jack
1. No rush to deploy the teams in FY 96
2. Priority is to maintain the Type I Teams in 06
3. Use NIMO Teams to explore non-traditional roles, such as
building additional Type I capacity.
4. NIMO Teams will not be in National Rotation, but will be
available and used for special assignments like hurricanes.
 All hazard response, difference between DOI and Ag. Ag is
moving forward with All Hazard Response, DOI position is to
respond to National Response Plan. Differences will be worked
out by “higher ups.”
Gerry passed around a personnel list for updating by the
PNWCG/MAC members.
A second personnel list was shared and updated listing the primary
and back up MAC representatives by Agency.
Philosophical discussion regarding MAC Incident Prioritization
Process and how All-Risk Incidents would weigh in if there were AllRisk Incidents occurring simultaneously with wildfire/fire use
ACTION: Carl Gossard will send copies of the BLM/FS National
Response Plan Implementation Guide to all Steering Committee
WHO: Carl Gossard
WHEN: June 30, 2006
Approved NW MAC Operations Handbook with edits Gerry
ACTION: Make edits to NW MAC Operations Handbook and
send copies to PNWCG/NWMAC members.
WHO: Gerry Day
WHEN: June 30, 2006
DECISION: Gerry accepted edits to personnel and staffing
directories and will send to PNWCG Steering Committee
members when edits are completed.
ACTION: Send revised MAC personnel directory to all PNWCG
WHO: Gerry Day
WHEN: June 30, 2006
PROPOSAL-Create a Fire Environment Working Team-Gerry Day
Fire Weather WT under PNWCG and Predictive Services Advisory
Group to NWCC Group have overlapping interests, Gerry proposed
the two be combined into one Working Team under PNWCG and
titled Fire Environment Working Team.
ACTION: Notify Predictive Service Advisory Group of changes
in group configuration and responsibilities.
WHO: Gerry Day will write a letter to the members.
WHEN: June 30, 2006
ACTION: Re-Charter Fire Weather Working Team incorporating
new responsibilities and identify members for the new Working
WHO: Cory Winnie, PNWCG Liaison and John Saltenberger, Fire
Weather WT Chair.
WHEN: Nov. 1, 2006 for presentation at the November PNWCG
Fire Weather Working Team-John Saltenberger, Chair
Annual Report and Update on MOU w/US Weather Service.
MOU Update:
 Have reduced some of the little details and specifics in the
previous MOU. Many were not enforceable due to lack of ability to
gather data or track.
 Gerry and John are developing procedures to collect information
from the field regarding services provided, timeliness etc., to
provide feedback to the Weather Service.
 Concern for the Weather Service being sole provider of
meteorologists to incidents. (NWS has high level of concern for
PNWCG being concerned about this.)
 Next year NWS will re-negotiate the National MOU and the nonNWS meteorologist issue.
 The Regional MOU is also being developed to not reiterate items
in the National MOU.
 Approximately 70 trained meteorologists nationwide.
ACTION: Write a letter to National Weather Service informing them
the issue of NWS Incident Meteorologists only coming from NWS is
no longer an issue for PNWCG; we believe it is an issue nationally
and should be negotiated when the National MOU is renewed.
WHO: Gerry Day will write the letter and send it through the PNWCG
Chair signature process.
Unfinished NWS Business-National Weather Service billing
procedures for Incident Meteorologist. There continues to be an
issue regarding the billing procedures and inconsistency between
ACTION: Narrow the issue so it is clearly stated. What is the billing
procedure or payment procedure?
WHO: Gerry will do the background staff work to clarify the issue for
presentation at the July PNWCG Meeting.
July Agenda Topics
Current Situation Report & Weather Outlook-20 Minutes
Investigation Working Team Annual Report-30 Minutes
Fire Use and Fuels Working Team Annual Report-30 Minutes
Contract Resources Dispatch Procedures-60 Minutes
Future Agenda Topics
Fire Environment Working Team Charter-November 2006