Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group Operations Working Team (OWT)

Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group
Operations Working Team (OWT)
May 15, 2014
Operations Working Team: Meeting held as conference call
Via conference call: Joe Krish (BLM), John Szulc (BIA), Brian Gales (USFWS), Ted Pierce, (NWCC Coordination
Center), Larry Nickey (NPS), Bobbie Scopa SORO, Steve Rawlings (USFS), Robert Madden (OR Fire Service)
Absent: John Ketchum (OR Fire Marshall’s), Karen Swearingen (ODF), Randy Johnson (WA Fire Service), Liz Smith
(WADNR), Carla Schamber (USFS, Facilitator)
Guests: None
Draft Charter of PNWCG
Preparedness Reviews
Mob Guide Update
Northwest Geographic Area Board By-Laws
NW Interagency Incident Management Team Operations Guide
Round Robin
Draft Charter of PNWCG– Reviewed PNWCG Committee Authorization and Charter document. There are concerns
if we can meet the timing for implementation of the document for the board, committees should not be an issue. Further
discussion will be held at PNWCG meeting.
Preparedness Reviews – Joe extended an invitation to the other agencies to participate in the BLM preparedness
reviews. If anyone wishes to be out for a day or two, give him a call. WSFW will do review on June 9-11 in tri-cities
area and will work with CWCC. Good opportunities to participate and show interagency approach.
EIM - What is the next step in the EIM document that OWT drafted and forwarded to PNWCG. PNWCG has not
forwarded yet to NWCG, as there is currently a pause on EIM. With the pause that is in place, OWT/PNWCG may need
to relook at the memo to see if any additional information needs to be brought forward.
Action Item: Bobbie will put on agenda for PNWCG next week.
Mob Guide Update – Bobbie shared electronically the PNW mob guide updates and the Northwest Geographic Area
Board By-Laws and Interagency Incident Management Team Operations Guide.
NWCC Priority Training List and Daily Upates– Ted/NWCC working on priority training list and will publish so
teams are able to utilize. NWCC will also post daily updates on resources and assignments.
Action Item: OWT review both documents
Southwest and California fire update – Ted mentioned that very few orders are coming in for support of Southwest
and California. No orders for IHC’s.
Agency updates – due to trying to keep call to an hour did not do round robin
WA Fire Service –
OR Fire Service –
OWT 2014 program of work – status
Incident within Incident follow up – continue to monitor
Type 1 Team IC – Recommendations forwarded to steering for 2014.
Alaska Share Task Order 1009-04 – monitor use for 2014 season. Adjust process as needed.
Re-advertise for the national teams – in the fall – coordinate with OR and WA GEO boards- Work with single GEO
board to get set up.
OWT member to mobilize with Type 1 team
Review Best Value Determination for Crew Contract 2015
Joe Krish to send Jim Edmonds notes from PNWCG OWT for 2014 to be posted on PNWCG website – delete out
team members PII below in contact list
Agenda items for next meeting:
Upcoming meetings of interest:
OWT Liaisons to other PNWCG working teams
Training WT – John Szulc
Contract WT – Albert Kassel/Liz Smith
Aviation WT – Larry Nickey
Health and Safety WT – Brian Gales
OWT Schedule for 2014 (0900-1530 approximate times) at Gifford Pinchot NF Supervisors Office unless
otherwise noted:
PNWCG OWT 2014 meeting schedule
January 16 – complete program of work
February 18 February 19-20 PNWCG Steering Lloyd Center (Bob and Joe only)
March 20-21 (21st only if needed)
April 16 – Yakima afternoon after Team meeting
May 15
June 19
September 18
October 16
November 20 tentative with IC fall council meeting
2014 Operations Working Team (OWT) member contact numbers and email addresses (Names listed in
order of which agency is next chairperson).
Joe Krish– BLM representative (Chairperson)
Liz Smith – DNR representative (Vice Chairperson)
Brian Gales – USFWS representative
Karen Swearingen – ODF representative
Steve Rawlings – USFS representative
Randy Johnson – WA Fire Service representative
Larry Nickey – NPS representative
John Szulc – BIA representative
Robert Madden - OR Fire Service representative
John Ketchum – Ad Hoc member Oregon State Fire Marshall’s Office
Bobbie Scopa – PNWCG Steering Liaison
Carla Schamber – facilitator
Ted Pierce – Dispatch Rep.