Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group Operations Committee

Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group
Operations Committee
October 16, 2014
Operations Committee: Joe Krish (BLM), Karen Swearingen (ODF), Steve Rawlings (USFS), Liz Smith (WADNR),
Bobbie Scopa (SORO)
Via conference call: Larry Nickey (NPS), Brian Gales (USFWS), John Szulc (BIA), Robert Madden (OR Fire Service),
Absent: John Ketchum (OR Fire Marshall’s), Ted Pierce, (NWCC Coordination Center), Randy Johnson (WA Fire
Guests: None
Summary of PNWCG Meeting on 10/15/14 was given by Brian.
PWNCG governance topics differed chair until November meeting. 30 or so topics identified at August meeting to
sustain, improve upon or address in future by PNWCG. (highlights were: How to set priorities between incidents, surge
task forces, Steering will send committees during action review bullets and committees to take these and work on a 1-5
year strategic plan for future work plans, 2015 IMT meetings April 6, IMT 2014 performance evals to be collected and
reviewed prior to IMT selection meeting).
PNWCG Liaisons for committees:
GEO Board – David Summers and Albert Kassle
Safety – Mark Havener
Operations – Bobbie Scopa and Brian Gales
Integrated Resources – Brian Tanaka
Incident Business – vacant
Aviation – Jeff Fedrizzi
Discussed change of various working teams being converted to committees and the reduction of number of committees.
Action Item: Review of Operations Committee charter at future meeting
Discussed the 2014 Hot Topics identified at September Operations Committee meeting and actions needed to be
taken to proceed.
End of Season AAR planned with IC’s and IHC’s – This will be handled by PNWCG at IC and IHC meetings.
Operations Committee did not meet planned deployment with Type 1 teams as the GEO board, although team
members were deployed with them in positions on every assignment and identified no issues that needed follow
up from OWT standpoint. – This will fall to new GEO board.
Incident within an Incident for out of region teams deployed in the PNW, where they did not follow process
(Need to discuss solution and process to inform incoming teams from out of region).
Action Item: Does this need to be pushed up to NWCG to insure that there is a national standard as the
minimum. Create a better incoming team package as far as expectations and what is needed from each
team (i.e. Incident within an Incident, IC morning call, IPW, IRPG, possibly use PACE model with
transitions, etc. along with other expectations when out of GAC teams come in). Rawlings to work with Dan
O’Brien to see what needs to be done.
Using PACE model (primary, alternate, contingency and emergency Plan) when transitioning between teams.
Develop an expectation. –
Action Item: Rawlings and Szulc will work on for Ops breakout during team meeting
Utilizing SOPL’s with teams –
Action Item: Have a short presentation by a SOPL at the IC break-out during Team meeting to get the word
out. Need to assign someone to follow up and get information and names to team coordinating team meeting
sooner than later so schedule can be worked out.
Contractors appear to be having more accidents and illness. Opinion is that we may be seeing more contractor
injuries. Is this a factor of using more contractors or is there a different correlation.
How we report contractor injuries? They are not classified as reportable accidents on the 209 in this region.
Action Item: Need to look at data and may not have data because the way it is reported and addressed at this
time. Review how we track and account for reportable injuries. Why are contractors reported differently
needs to be tracked down. If there is an increase in injuries, does training or does this need to be assigned to
Safety Committee to address collection of data to look at from a number of hours worked and/or work on it
IRWIN and data reporting. Creates so many accounting codes that need to be tracked in complexes.
Action Item: Should look at getting Incident Business Committee tasked. Joe to check with Carla to discuss
issues that may be there.
Complex –Demob resources from State incident to reassign to a Fed. Fire within complex (Mills Canyon to
Chiwaukum) – this is a process issue in using ROSS
Action Item: Joe to follow up with Randy to see if any other issues or concerned, otherwise tabled.
Terminology on the 209 - Full Suppression, Full Perimeter, Other Objectives trying to be described – This is a
topic at Fall FALT meeting.
Action Item: Tabled until after FALT meeting. Rawlings and Scopa will follow up.
Unified Command with ODF – ordering chain, when do we enter unified, what are the rules of engagement –
Topic is being discussed between BLM, USFS and ODF. 2014 season had incidents that wanted to order a
team but shortage of teams were present so ordered an ODF team or a fire that was going to burn onto state
lands and ODF team ordered, so had a fed fire using a state ordering process. Needs clear direction and
understanding of the processes.
Action Item: BLM, USFS and ODF will get together and complete AAR and recommendations. No
Operations Committee direct involvement at this time.
Mobile Technology – phones and pads – get them in people’s hands. Buying verses renting. Cache check out
to teams. Fire Service and State have moved to providing for their employees. – Part of the issue is that we are
renting them and the cost of rental would cover the cost of buying them. Repeaters and other electronics
(portable wifi spots) are an issue.
Action Item: Bobbie and Brian to discuss at next PNWCG. Need to come up with a recommendation on
how to address and possible increase team funding allowance to purchase needed.
Team extensions vs new team – if a team has a short amount of time, then it can stay. Need to have a better
communication link between GEO board and MAC group, with Team and local agency. MAC support needs to
keep a better communication line open.
Action Item: Brian and Bobbie will work on process to insure good communications are obtained
Safety Records 13-14,000 personnel out at one time and with few major injuries – PWNCG and States working
on recognition letters and awards. No further OWT follow up needed.
Extraction Capable Aircraft, increased needs – Decision still pending on Rappel ships will become short haul
capable, but no time table set for certification. Two ships in PNW identified for next season, but may be type 3
ships and not rappel ships. Need to continue to raise awareness of extrication capable aircraft.
Dutch Creek Protocol – Guideline or Policy? There is not a requirement but it is to establish a plan on how you
take care of injured.
Action Item: Krish will gather information on what is guideline and policy and then Operations Committee
needs to insure that it is shared at captains meetings, hotshot meetings, team meetings, employee mailings.
Prepositioning of resources, including IMT’s (RAC Mob, other) – Discussion on this summer’s actions were
reviewed. If you bring in a team to stage are they the next team out vs a local team that is on standby? Don’t
want individual units prepositioning teams. PNWCG looking at using Alaska teams to be incorporated into the
mix of teams for the PNW, since they aligned with the PNW regional office. Mainly an awareness issue for
OWT, no further follow up by Operations Committee.
Inequity of number of assignments and number of days for teams – This was brought up by some teams.
Operations Committee feels this is luck of the draw and that overall it probably is a wash. No further action.
Quicker decisional process from jurisdictional agency to manage or suppress a fire – fire in question is under
agency review and further guidelines will be coming down most likely. Continue to work with agency
administrators on the education process at FALT meetings and have regional offices engage more if the issue
appears again.
Business Rules around prepositioned resources cost – Need to discuss further with NWCC?
Action Item: Liz Smith will follow up. Rawlings may try to go to Center Managers meeting to discuss.
Business Rules around bringing in resources from outside region and having honest discussions with team from
where they are coming from (i.e. East Coast) and the mobilization costs – Need to have discussion with NWCC.
Action Item: Liz Smith will follow up. Rawlings may try to go to Center Managers meeting to discuss.
Replacing Larry and Carla – Larry retires in January. Still TBA from NPS on who will replace him on Operations
Committee. Carla’s change of position will not allow here to continue to facilitate, Liz has offered up to provide a
facilitator. Vice-chair will take over as note taker and facilitator should a DNR facilitator not be available. Randy will
take over as corporate knowledge, as the longest standing Operations Committee member.
520 Nominations – Nominations are in. Bobbie will work with NIMO team to help coach nominees.
Agency updates – No round robin
WA Fire Service –
OR Fire Service –
OWT 2014 program of work – status
Incident within Incident follow up – continue to monitor
Type 1 Team IC – Completed.
Alaska Share Task Order 1009-04 – monitor use for 2015 season. Adjust process as needed.
Re-advertise for the national teams – in the fall – coordinate with OR and WA GEO boards- Work with single GEO
board to get set up prior to the single GEO board taking over in late Fall.
OWT member to mobilize with Type 1 team
Review Best Value Determination for Crew Contract 2015
SAIT team use in the PNW
Operations Committee 2015 program of work – status
Incident within Incident follow up – continue to monitor – out of region use and process when in PNW
Alaska Share Task Order 1009-04 – monitor use for 2015 season. Adjust process as needed.
OWT member to mobilize with Type 1 team – May be handled by new GEO board
Review Best Value Determination for Crew Contract 2015
SAIT team use in the PNW
Review typing of crews and returning back to standards that Type 2IA are self sufficient
Review/Rewrite Operations Committee Charter as needed
Update OWT web page
Joe Krish to send Jim Edmonds notes from PNWCG OWT for 2014 to be posted on PNWCG website – delete out
team members PII below in contact list
Agenda items for next meeting:
Ops Committee Webpage – Carry over from June notes: Information is dated. With change from OWT to a
committee, items will need to be updated. Intent is to have basic information on what the committee does, task orders,
charter, meeting notes and other reasons for the purpose in life for the future of the operations meeting.
Upcoming meetings of interest:
Operations Committee Liaisons to other PNWCG working teams
Training WT – John Szulc
Contract WT – Albert Kassel/Liz Smith
Aviation WT – Larry Nickey
Health and Safety WT – Brian Gales
Operations Committee Schedule for 2014 (0900-1530 approximate times) at Gifford Pinchot NF Supervisors
Office unless otherwise noted:
PNWCG OWT 2014 meeting schedule
January 16 – complete program of work
February 18 February 19-20 PNWCG Steering Lloyd Center (Bob and Joe only)
March 20-21 (21st only if needed)
April 16 – Yakima afternoon after Team meeting
May 15
June 19
September 18
October 16
November 12
December TBA if needed – may do conference call
2014 Operations Committee members
Joe Krish– BLM representative (Chairperson)
Liz Smith – DNR representative (Vice Chairperson)
Brian Gales – USFWS representative
Karen Swearingen – ODF representative
Steve Rawlings – USFS representative
Randy Johnson – WA Fire Service representative
Larry Nickey – NPS representative
John Szulc – BIA representative
Robert Madden - OR Fire Service representative
John Ketchum – Ad Hoc member
Bobbie Scopa – PNWCG Steering Liaison
Ted Pierce – Dispatch Rep.
Facilitator TBA